12-05-2003, 05:09 PM
Okay, you probably got that one Bangle that cancels out all Random Battles... and NOW you're paying for it because you're fighting a boss you can't even touch.

While the EXP gaining will have to be done by you, the AP gaining isn't so hard as it should be. In fact, if you understand how to gain AP in battle, you'll see ways to get AP without doing too much work.

This is the AP Gaining Guide and each class has a way to gain AP quickly.

First, we must understand what gives us AP and what doesn't.

A successful hit with an Ability gains 1 AP
Killing an enemy gives you whatever AP they have
Attacking (with the Attack Command) an enemy DOES NOT gain you AP
Using an item and sucessfully hit with it gives you 1 AP
Healing a character (Item or White Mage Spell) that has max HP DOES NOT gain you AP
NEW: You can ONLY get 99 AP per character per battle.

Thats basically the gist of how you gain AP. What we must understand is what abilities can we use to make the battle last longer but at the same time keep YRP alive throughout the whole time. Because of this, some class mastering require you to sit there and heal them one by one while some just require you to hold X the whole time.

To make life easier, we will need to set some options in the config menu. Set Battle Cursor for Memory so you won't need to hit the Control Pad when you want to do the same ability again. Some AP building tricks will probably take longer with the ATB Gauge going slow, set it to fast if you want.

Basically, the gist is to quickly master a Class's AP. These should probably be done in an area where monsters are weak. Some may require special monsters. Read the description in full before attempting these.

Gunner Class: The real only ability that she has to easily level up and not do major damage to the enemy is Trigger Happy. Basically in each of the Gunner's turn, do Trigger Happy then tap R1 ONCE. Keep repeating.

Warrior Class: First learn Sentinel, that should be easy to do. Keep using Sentinel in every turn, you'll always take 1 HP damage and it will always connect. If you have a White Mage on you, have one constantly use Pray and she'll gain AP well.

White Mage Class: Read Warrior Class to understand how White Mage works.

Songstress Class: This is pretty easy to master. All you really need to do is constantly cast songs like Battle Cry or Darkness Dance. Have a White Mage with Pray handy however.

Black Mage Class: The trick with the Black Mage is to hurt your own party but at the same time you're trying not to kill them. You'll need a White Mage for this... use her and hit yourself and heal away.

12-06-2003, 01:15 AM
Okay, you probably got that one Bangle that cancels out all Random Battles... and NOW you're paying for it because you're fighting a boss you can't even touch.
LOL, I hope someone doesn't do that. The proper way to use that Bangle is if you're trying to figure something out and are tired of all the battles, or if you're already leveled and just want to look for treasure.

<B>Gun Mage Class: Take advantage of this dressphere's special abilites. Use Fiend Hunter to target the type of fiend you're facing and watch the damage rack up, plus gain AP.

12-25-2003, 10:01 AM
Black Mage Class: The trick with the Black Mage is to hurt your own party but at the same time you're trying not to kill them. You'll need a White Mage for this... use her and hit yourself and heal away.

12-25-2003, 10:02 AM
LOL, I hope someone doesn't do that. The proper way to use that Bangle is if you're trying to figure something out and are tired of all the battles, or if you're already leveled and just want to look for treasure.
It doesn't really matter why you use that Bangle... using it does keep you weak, but I like risking it. :)

I'll now test the mog's method. See you later.

12-26-2003, 09:05 PM
Since we're talking about gaining lots of AP, I thought I'd mention a couple of accessories that can help out:

Key to Success - You can get this in Tobli's office in Guadosalam in Chapter 5 if you completed the Hypello mission perfectly in Chapter 1 and you did not complete the mission to stop the Ronsos' departure in Chapter 3.

AP Egg - You can get this in a treasure chest in the chocobo dungeon in Chapter 5. This triples AP earned for a single character.

Combine both of the accessories for ultra-fast AP gain.

Vivi FF
12-27-2003, 02:47 PM
Thanks for the advice MK! That really helped my obtain more AP for some of my dress spheres.

BTW, I'm like in the middle of Chapter 1 (with 21%!). I've done so much, yet the story has barely progressed.

Vivi FF
12-29-2003, 02:09 PM
Sorry for the double post, but isn't it a tad bit acceptable if no one posted in a topic for awhile and you have something to say?

OK, here's the ways to get AP on the dress spheres I have. (I'm currently starting Chapter 3!)

Trigger Happy- 1 Shot

??? Steal and/or Pilfur stuff? Do you get AP for stealing/pilfuring stuff you've already stolen/pilfured (like items and gil?)

Sentinal (although it takes forever to get your next turn afterwards)

Sing like crazy! (doesn't matter which song)

Black Mage:
Doesn't Focus work for getting AP?

White Mage:

Gun Mage:
Repeatedly cast Scan? Either that or use some fiend hunter moves, even if it's not for the correct fiend type.

??? Use items from your stash?

I have no idea (just got it). I guess use ablities like Cripple.

Oh, and I have no idea how to obtain large amounts of AP for the special dress spheres.

*gasp* I missed the Dark Knight dress sphere!!! I'm going to go back for it ASAP.

12-29-2003, 06:07 PM
Using Alchemist Stash ability is a good idea. So is using Mix every once in a while. Alchemist has a Stash ability Elixir that's hell to learn if you don't have an AP Egg and/or a Key To Success. It gets a lot easier once you have that.

For the special dresspheres, I think it helps out some if you use some of the special abilities that each of the support units as and as for the main unit, Yuna's Floral Fallal, for example, using some of the "Whirl" abilities would help. Those, you basically just have to work with individually for a while.

Thief - there are abilities that you steal HP and I think MP as well. Some of those might be good choices.

12-29-2003, 10:12 PM
Here's a good one if you want to level up quickly and gain AP faster.

You'll need a garment grid called Treasure Hunt. When it's equipped, you learn Mug. In battle, have 2 of of your girls with Mug and one with Pray (or Cure-All Party if you're next to a save point) and go all out with Mug-Mug-Cure again and again and again. This will help you with some of the harder jobs to level up.

12-30-2003, 03:10 AM
If you get the Treasure Hunt GG, Mug works great. Especically if you get an AP Egg with or without the Key to Success.

01-08-2004, 12:51 AM
i'm going to say this one combo here. i hope it gets accepted, unlike someone whom i shall not name.

[Songstress] immobilizes the enemy (if they're helms, use Darkness Dance or Breakdance, if they're magic only enemies like elementals or pairikas then use Silence Samba)
add [Thief] or some low damage character.
add [anyone that can heal. either with an item, stash, pray, or is equipped with curative magic via GG or acc]
[Low dmg] and [healer] chooses one target among allies. and they pull out their assignment. [low damage attacks or uses a low damage skill], [healer heals the person back to full after the damage is dealt]

to help with using the songstress dsp, equip Shmooth Shailing and either Highroad Winds GG, Mounted Assault GG, or Sprint Shoes. with these two equipped, your songstress will get first action and take a long long time to end her dance. just make sure you know how to use her to aid battles.

another combo is to have alchemists use the best HP healing stash they have on themselves. if they have megapotion, use hipotion instead. in that case, in your party of 3 alchemists, Yuna heals herself. Rikku heals herself, Paine heals herself. and don't do anything else.

in terms of ap items, don't forget the Covenant of Growth GG

two good places i remember for this are, Besaid ch2, and kilikka temple ch3.

one AP/EXP trick that people might know is the one where you get a white mage as well as two attackers or muggers. then stick something to keep Yuna running into a left wall/corner and get something to hold down the [x] button. Memory Battle Cursor helps alot.