12-05-2003, 11:51 AM
What did everyone think of the last chapter? Personally, I thought it was fantastic... Even though you never really find "him" he does make an appearance voice-wise... As well as Auron ^_^

Anyway, Vegnagun was far to easy, as I beat the game in under 19 hours (I rented the game, so I had to rush before I returned it ^_^), with only 50% completion, using ONLY Yuna as a white mage and rikku and paine as warriors =/ (they were at lvl. 48)...

But none-the-less I found the game to be very interesting. The story was at time's corny, and all the "Missions" never really seemed to reflect the story all to greatly, so it does have some more open-exploration involved in the game then previous FF's.

All and all however the game was fun! And I'm starting New Game Plus right now...

I hear there are different endings, so the one I saw was Gippal, Baralai, and Nooj all giving a speech and YRP on the deck of the Celsius...

So, what did everyone else think of the game?

EDIT: Fixed a typo... Put 10 instead of 19 ^_^

12-07-2003, 04:40 PM
All endings center around that one. Press X while you're on the farplane glen to get a different ending, depending on what you did in the game it will be sad or happy and if you have 100% you'll see yet another seen (its not FMV though sadly)in Zanarkand.

12-17-2003, 12:41 AM
yay~~ my sister and i just beat it tonight!

we got good ending with the help of our friend the 'x' button. 94% completion. next time perfect ending!!

my characters were all around level 70-80. so vegnagun took less than five minutes for each part. heh heh.

the ending was so cute!! i was so happy i was dancing around my house singing 1000 words... much nicer than me crying every time i beat ffx. :o

p.s. i kinda hated lenne's voice. they should have just had jade do the voice for her.

12-19-2003, 01:47 AM
I have now seen the Perfect Ending. I guess it was worth it. There's not that much more, but it does sort of wrap things up. And you also get a cute little message once "The End" finally appears. So yeah, I'm satisfied.

Wakka: "Get a room, you two!" I love Wakka.

12-21-2003, 12:11 AM
ok i beat ffx-2 at like 60%, and to me as a huge ff fan, i expected to at least see some scene with tidus. i got nothing! the only resemblance x-2 had to 10 was that there were rikku and yuna, and the final bosses are really easy. i mean, yu yevon took me one hit, and each god damn piece of vegnangun took me too. although i had to buy this game( hu is a fan and doesnt own every ff game?) i kinda regreted it. and then one more thing i heard and key werd heard, that if you beat the games twice and at 100%, you du see tidus. is this tru? if it is.... and you have seen this ending...can ya tell me all about it?

12-21-2003, 12:23 AM
60% completion? Yeah, the ending must have been a real disappointment. Although, the truth is that triggering the Good Ending has nothing to do with completion. There are a few things you must do in order to get a Good Ending:

- Talk with Maechen in Leblanc's mansion on Chapter 3

- Hit "X" to trigger a whistling event when Yuna is all alone ont he Farplane at the end of Chapter 3

- Complete the find the moogle event in Luca in Chapter 5 and also finish things up in Besaid. I think you might need an Episode Complete in Besaid, but I'm not sure.

- Use "X" to call the fayth on the farplane at the end of the game

That gets the good ending. 100% completion is required for the perfect ending.

Tell you about the better endings? Okay, but you asked for it, so don't blame if you see something here you wanted to see for yourself.



Good Ending: Following the closing credits sequence, you see the pyreflies gathering and Tidus reappears in the Besaid beach. As he swims for the shore, the Celsius arrives and out comes Yuna and they embrace. Yuna asks "Are you real?" and Tidus says "I think so." He says "I'm home" and Yuna says "Welcome home!" From the beach, Wakka yells "Hey! Get a room, you two!" A huge crowd has gathered to cheer everyone on and Lulu's there with her baby. Rikku and Paine also watch on happily. Yuna drags Tidus and they head for the beach. Tidus says, "You know, you've changed." Yuna says that a lot has happened and Tidus says that he wants to hear all about it. Yuna: "Well, it all began when I saw this sphere of you..." The camera pans to the Celsisus as triumphant music plays.

Perfect Ending: After the above scene, you get an additional scene with Tidus and Yuna in Zanarkand. Tidus says that he has a theory. He thinks that the Fayth brought him back from his memories. Yuna wonders if this means that he's still a dream and maybe he'll disappear again. Tidus says that they have to cherish each other and Yuna asks if this is what the Fayth told him. He says that it isn't, but he likes it. She pushes him into the water and he gripes "Hey, that's not cherishing!" Yuna says that he didn't disappear. They embrace or something and "The End" appears. When you confirm it with "X," you get a message "Thank You For Playing."

12-26-2003, 03:11 PM
Does that mean I don't get my Tidus because I didn't even see a Maechen in that game...?

I'm really sad now. :confused:
I guess I must play through that game again.............. *sighs*

12-26-2003, 05:14 PM
From what I've read, I think you can still sort of get Tidus. Press X when Yuna is on the Farplane after beating Vegnagun and you still get some sort of thing. I think you might also still be able to access the moogle mission in Luca in Chapter 5, which triggers flashbacks of Tidus.

12-26-2003, 05:19 PM
I did get the moogle flashback stuff in Luca.

And I did press X and something did happen.
Well, Tidus appeared, but it was the not-solid Tidus and all he did was hug Yuna from behind, just like in the ending of FFX, and she spoke to him, said that he'd always kind of been with her, and similar... and then poof! he was gone again.

I was close to tears again. I'm too emotional for that game... :sad:

12-26-2003, 08:55 PM
Yep, that's what supposed to happen if you press X on the Farplane, but you don't qualify for the good / perfect ending. I haven't seen that one myself, but I have read the script for it. Maybe I'll try it sometime.

BTW, you mentioned in the other thread that you joined New Yevon the first time around. I just wanted to say that besides the completion stuff, it's definitely worth it to check out the Youth League stuff. Not only do you get to do the battle tournament in Chapter 5, but you also get to hear a great speech, among other things.

12-26-2003, 09:56 PM
in the endings, is tidus's voice the yay happy happy or the serious voice?

12-26-2003, 09:58 PM
It depends on what he's saying, naturally.

12-27-2003, 08:17 AM
My Tidus said nothing. :(

Yup, Agent, I do intend to be a bit pro-Youth League next time. Battle tournament, yup, when they told me I must not participate I was kind of sad. :(