Tactical Error #5
12-05-2003, 03:08 AM
In the picture of Ashe where her finger is on her nose she is wearing a ring. Its an ornate band on the ring finger of her left hand. I don't know if it has any meaning in the game but it leads me to speculate that she is either married or more likely engaged. It could however just be a sign of Royalty. What do you think?

12-05-2003, 03:39 AM
what leads me to beleive she is engaged is the scene in the trailer when she's wearing a wedding veil....


Lacuna End
12-05-2003, 04:27 AM
speaking of the trailer, is there an official one online somewhere? (IE, that isnt a video tape of a screen?)

12-05-2003, 05:44 AM
My theory... speculation is that she's indeed in love with, married/engaged to the young man with the short white hair. My further speculation is that he'll either die or, better, be captured by the Evil Empire, so she also wants to find him. Isn't that sword that he wields in the trailer the same that Ashe has on other pictures? And I'd find it best and most classic if she'd eventually discover that he'd switched sides and become EVIL! =D

It'd be so much emotion, drama. I'd like that. :D

12-05-2003, 02:20 PM
And then, the white haired guy dies, cause me likes him.
That�s the way it�s gonna be... like everytime. *hrmp*
Cause they have to make me see again how my favourate chara is killed the most awful way. -_-
YAY! Isn�t life just great?! *I�m a bit pessimistic since... a certain Final Fantasy-part*:(

Ne? well... whatever they will do, they should take care of him.

"Lady Auron" :cool:

And EVIL is goooooood!!! XD

12-24-2003, 12:42 AM
its seems to me that ashe is married most likey(as she is the princess) to the man we see holding up the sword. so wheres the romance between the main charcters?

12-27-2003, 09:41 AM
Well, I've recently seen a picture from those wedding scene or whatever it is, and she's indeed walking with him, it seems.

So brs620 has a point there: Where's the romance between the main characters?
I wouldn't mind if it was not there at all. There's certainly a girl to fall in love with for Vaan. I would volunteer, he's cute enough.
And if he does fall in love with her, and we get a love triangle, why not, why not, we haven't really had one in ages. ^^

And those that complain that it's always the same love story in revent FF games could well be shut up by this. :) Yay.

12-27-2003, 12:49 PM
i seem to see misao everytime i make replies, and she makes some pretty damn good points herself. a love triangle would be quite new, at least i dont really remember one, unless u think of seifer in 8 and seymour in 10. this would change a lot in the game. one thing, if it is a love triangle we see, we KNOW the story will be quite heart breaking at some point and will definelty be pretty good. if not great. lets see though, we mite be missing one big clue that changes everything. by the way, i created a yahoo group call video game haven, and its primarily ff stuff, if you wanna stop by i would really aprriciate it, i only have like 2 members at the time.

12-29-2003, 11:29 AM
Hmmm i think the only thing that has ever been close to a love triangle was the Seymour - Yuna - Tidus in X but it still werent a proper LOVE triangle as Yuna had no feelings for Seymour and was being forced. But i Agree would be nice a new idea for an FF Really. At least Square is still trying to inject a bit more life.

12-29-2003, 12:00 PM
Love triangle... umm lets see... Aeris-Tifa-Cloud is the only real one i can think of.

12-29-2003, 12:03 PM
O yea completely overlooked that one. Hmmm *Scrathes Head* Im sure there arent anymore.

12-31-2003, 11:08 PM
:whatever: If you ask me i thing FFXII main characters LOOK LIKE GIRLS JUST look at them its so retarded:mad:

01-01-2004, 11:12 AM
Yeah, that sucks. Especially Ashe looks like a girl. Retarded. :P

And Balflear really doesn't.


darkness of eternity
01-07-2004, 09:24 AM
in fact out of the four characters that have been finalized only three of them look like girls:

Vaan, Ashe and that veiran woman(i can never remember her name)

anyway there is a love triangle in final fantasy eight Rinoa-Squall-Quistis, and there is one tin ff9 as well, so you might think that square kinda like their love triangles...maybe, but then again it does add a little more depth into the story, and in some ways makes the games that little bit more realistic.

and about the ring thing who knows? alot of people wear ring it doesn't neccesarily mean that they are engaged ar married, does it? maybe she is, maybe she isn't, it might just be a ring that she likes to wear, i wonder if anyone noticed that squall wears a ring, but he's not married or engaged to be, like he said "that's my favourite ring" see my point?

01-07-2004, 11:53 AM
I wouldn't call FF8's and FF9's constellations 'love triangles'. In these games you'd never had any doubts about who will getthe boy. Quistis wasn't a proper rival for Rinoa, and I am sure I don't have to explain about Eiko.... right?

Our friend, the darkness of eternity does have a point. The ring does not have to mean she's married/engaged. However, Squall's ring did have a certain relevance for the story, and it might well be...

Oh, but did anyone notice those rings Balflear wears? What colours! How weird!

Bahamut ZERO
01-07-2004, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Masamune020
O yea completely overlooked that one. Hmmm *Scrathes Head* Im sure there arent anymore.


Squall-Rinoa-Seifer? (Okay, so Rinoa was interested in Seifer slightly in the past, that's about it...)

I bet I'm missing one other somewhere as well...

darkness of eternity
01-09-2004, 12:59 PM
that's true i completely overlooked rinoa's past relationship with seifer, but i think that rinoa's feelings are much stronger for Squall in teh end

02-07-2004, 09:49 PM
just thought i would mention that square has officially stated that there is no romantic relationship between Vahn and Ashe....so that should clear things up a bit.

(i think it was during the IGN interview in december or late november)

Bahamut ZERO
02-07-2004, 09:57 PM
I still reckon love interest between two people on opposing sides would make the storyline REALLY interesting. But that's just me.

03-31-2004, 09:21 PM
just like mr.loki, i also saw a trailer of ff12 when ashe is wearing a wedding veil and the background is the dalmasca empire(it looks like bevelle?).i saw it in another forum just like this. so i think ashe is already engaged... :laugh: :erm: