Nostalgia gamer
04-03-2012, 01:19 AM
So far,it has a lot of really enjoyable moments.
I am now at the part where i am supposed to enter the final dungeon.

Here goes my review:The world seems somehow smaller than wind waker world,and also:The whole cloud thing seems like it is used as an annoyance rather than an interesting idea to explore the whole world.There is a lot of empty spaces in the clouds,with a few islands in between.

The dungeons are bigger,and some of the dungeons are really time consuming.It took me a few hours to get through the 6th dungeon,because it was huge.

There seems to be a lot of dificulty spikes in this game,and at times,this can hinder the game a bit,because some of the times it is difficulty has to do with the enemies with stupidly op.An example:

The quest you need to retrieve the hero song first,involves a specific test.I will not spoil it.The test can be a bit hard,because it involves using the flight on the bird,and you fly like a leaf,making it hard to actually be spot on.To me,the flight controls feel a bit stiff and unresponsive at moments.

The plant monsters,are generally one of the first ones you will be really annoyed with.Their exterior part is invulnerable to all attacks,while their inner mouth is the only place that will kill them.Early on,this means several hits to kill 1,and because of how often your sword will bounce off,it will take forever at times.There are several varieties of these plants:The cross ones which open their mouthes sideways,or from top to bottom.The yellow ones dodge your attacks,so it adds an extra annoyance.Easiest way to kill plants,is to throw bombs into their mouthes.

Beamos:I hate these guys so much.Not many enemies frustrate me more than these bastards.I actually use invincibility potions to reduce the damage for 3 minutes while encountering these guys,because they are just that annoying.Part of the problem,is that you have a short time to poke this robot in the eye,and it is the only way to kill it.There is no mirror shield in this game,and if these guys hit you,they electrocute you,and electrocution stuns you.You have to time it perfectly,or you end up electrocuted till you die,and don't you dare try to fight one of those goblins with a stun rod that electrocutes you,or you will be stun raped by the beamos and the other guy.I think that for this reason,the fights are sometimes a bit unbalanced,and very biased towards getting you killed a million billion times,but it does require skill.

The rest of the enemies are pretty standard.Use your skyward slash from a distance on the stun rod goblins.Use common sense when you see one of those electro monsters.There are a lot of these minor annoyance enemies.

Potions:I think that a lot of times,i could have used the potions.A new feature that is interesting in skyward sword,is the adding of stamina bar.What this means,is that when you Run for a certain time,you get tired.What affects this,are certain types of actions.This goes for swimming too:Running,using the spin slash and probably rolling,use stamina.When swimming,if you use your special ability underwater,you tire more easily and drown faster.It makes perfect sense though.
I heard some complaints that the stamina bar is an added hinderance.Personally:It doesn't effect me that much.Sure,it slows you down a little,but its not enough to worry about.
Back to the potion bit:Potions are very usefull in this game,and if you want to survive,you better start using them.I advise you have a potion of health and invincibility just in case,because you never know when you might encounter a tough boss.I sort of like this,because it actually puts more use for potions,but on the same note:It also adds a little busywork of collecting ingredients.Some people might find it annoying.

Cool added stuff:I liked the mine cart thing.To me,that whole thing of speeding through on a mine cart was kinda fun.
I liked the idea of flying around,too bad there isn't much to fly around on the overhead map.

Tools for getting past dungeons:You have the standardized tools,with exception of a few new ones:

The mitts:You can't upgrade these,instead,you get new ones later on.
Wood/Iron/sacred Shield:At some point,you can buy these shields.Only shield you can't get from purchase,is the hylian shield.To get the hylian shield,you need to do a certain mini game.
Sword:Unlike the other games,there is just the 4 upgrades for 1 sword,and 1 wood sword actually.Wood sword.
Bombs:Like all the other zelda games
Bow:like all other zelda games
Hookshot:Like the other games,cept its called something else.

New items:

Beetle:Its a remote controlled flying robot bug.This thing allows you to pick up objects,and it uses the same flight as the bird you use to fly in the clouds.
Mitts:The first one allows you to just dig up rupies,but the second one allows you to literally dive into the ground and dig a tunnel underground.
Bellows:This one i didn't like at all.I wasn't excited about getting it all.This one allows you to magically blow wind at dusty objects,and destroys the dust magically in the air.
Whip:This is yet another object you get.Its actually kinda cool,and the wiimote format thing makes it kinda fun to use.I liked using it to pull enemies on the floor and beat them.I wish there was a boss like that,because that would actually be kinda fun.

Extra content:So far,i have over 90 hours of gameplay.There seems to be several ways to make money,but none of them are really that good.Most of them are Extremely tedious.

You got:Bug farming:This one involves going to the specific spot,and entering a door getting the bug and leaving.
Digging game:Its like that mining game for windows.You know,the one where if you dig up a mine,you lose? Most of the cash is small potato
Fun Fun island game:This one involves shooting you through a cannon,and then having you sky dive through 5 rings while avoiding some bouncy balls that will lower your Bonus multiplier,while also avoiding getting any bad ones.This game,is a pain in the ass.
Mine cart game:I haven't tried this one yet,but it seems to involve doing the whole mine cart for a heart.
Boss Rush mode:You can make big bucks if you can survive more than 10 boss fights in a row.
Hero mode:This one is supposedly Ocarina of time,but harder.You get no hearts from killing enemies,and enemies do a lot more damage.
Bamboo cutting game.This one involves slicing Bamboo for prizes with your sword.
Bug collecting time mode:This one Involves picking a select amount of bugs.Harder difficulty=better prize.
Gratitude crystals quest:Much like the skullatula quest in Ocarina of time.
Goddess Cubes:These things add new pieces of islands to explore with treasure.

04-03-2012, 03:27 AM
The game had some boring bits and way too much hand holding. Having Fi tell you the same shit every time you load up a save was really annoying. Revisiting zones you'd been to before was sometimes pretty boring, unless they mixed it up a lot.

Despite all that though, I did end up enjoying the game a lot. It looks very pretty, has great music and plays really well. And, weirdly, after finishing the game I looked back on the whole experience and thought it was a great adventure. Even the bits I found boring at the time I think of fondly because in the end it all amounted to an engaging adventure, somehow.

Nostalgia gamer
04-03-2012, 10:40 AM
I was a little annoyed that the same 4 places were used over and over:

Forest area revisit for the forestal dragon
Lava dragon
Thunder dragon.

The world felt smaller,and there were some boring bits,but some of them were enjoyable as well.That lanaryu desert earth temple was way more fun than the lava temple,and harder too.It felt like ocarina of time temple all over again,except a little longer,and a few really fun bits.I am also annoyed that they repeat the silent realm 3 times.Wasn't 1 or two enough? Also:Can we add something different to each one? They are all exactly the same,except that the last one is a little harder than the others,because you have more dangerous moments,but its not that much harder.

Heck:The reason i found lanaryu more interesting,was because of the crystal ideas,and the advanced technology in that temple.I am actually fascinated,because:You got conveyer belts and electronic doors and all sorts of weird gadgets.Who created those sentient robots? Why? Was this creature an alien race?

This camera view is pissing me off.I am trying to get the hylian shield,and my camera moves in front of me,impeding me from seeing my enemy,thus disallowing me to attack.Also:The target thing is also problematic,because i can't choose what i want to target if they are next to each other,and i might be trying to target something else.

04-03-2012, 04:40 PM
The game had some boring bits and way too much hand holding. Having Fi tell you the same shit every time you load up a save was really annoying. Revisiting zones you'd been to before was sometimes pretty boring, unless they mixed it up a lot.

Despite all that though, I did end up enjoying the game a lot. It looks very pretty, has great music and plays really well. And, weirdly, after finishing the game I looked back on the whole experience and thought it was a great adventure. Even the bits I found boring at the time I think of fondly because in the end it all amounted to an engaging adventure, somehow.

I wholeheartedly agree regarding Fi. I thought her character was interesting in the timeline of the game, but as far as info goes, she was absolutely useless compared to assistants in past Zelda games.

The last 25% of the game seemed kind of dragging, but overall, the game was pretty good.

Nostalgia gamer
04-03-2012, 10:15 PM
The last 25% of the game seemed kind of dragging, but overall, the game was pretty good.[/QUOTE]

Try getting gold in this game.Fuck is it tedious as hell to get gold.Did someone complan about gold being too common in previous zelda games?

04-04-2012, 01:07 AM
Getting gold? Are you talking about Rupees?

If so, I usually just played the Boss Challenges over and over again until I topped out at 9999.

Nostalgia gamer
04-07-2012, 06:35 PM
Aww for crying out loud,i'm sick of this final boss.

The controls are so stiff,that its hard to get the lightning in time.I keep getting blocked and hurt.

I just beat the game.

I liked the ending and the explanation,plus:Hearing the original zelda theme FTFW!! That means:FOR THE FUCKING WIN!!

Demise is actually a cool boss.I was hyped when i finally saw his true form.After killing him 3 times in some alien form,we see him talk and tell us why he did the things he did.

I'd give it a 9.0 overall.Good game,but fucking hard.Good god is getting those lightning bolts annoying.I kept getting struck down before even getting a chance to do anything.

Also:I raise my sword but it takes the game a while to register,and it causes me to get struck down.

Next game i'l maybe try to beat:Oblivion.

I've put it off long enough,time to finish what i started.

04-08-2012, 12:33 AM
I found the last boss to be really easy, actually.

Nostalgia gamer
04-09-2012, 09:53 AM
The controls weren't responding like i wanted it to fight.

Every time i tried to raise my sword,i had to slash first right after using my shield,and then raise my sword.
I don't really understand how that is possible since the shield was in his hand.

Also:There is a very small delay in raising the shield.Sometimes,i will double block the two sword attacks,other times link will stand there like an idiot and get hit.