11-29-2003, 03:14 AM
All right. Somebody had already posted one of these for the original Final Fantasy X at GameFAQs, but so far I don't see one for Final Fantasy X-2. Anyway, I was thinking, since there are so many different dresspheres and abilities and stuff in FFX-2, putting together a list like that would be a big project, so why not make it a team effort? Then perhaps once it's done, we could send it to GameFAQs, or maybe just have it posted up at the shrine.

Anyway, there are only two rules:

1. If you post a quote, make sure it's exactly, word-for-word, what was said. If you're not sure, then let somebody else get it. And if you're posting multiple quotes, leaving a blank line will indicate the start of a new quote.

2. You must post the condition that's required for it to be said. Note that just because a condition is met doesn't mean that the character will say it, only that there's a possiblity that they might.

With that said, I'll post what I have:

Said at the Start of a Battle:

Rikku: Let's finish this lickety-split!
Yuna: Think we can break our record?
Paine: Let's just win.

Yuna: Hi there.

Paine: Bring it, punk.

Yuna: No problem.

Rikku: I'm gonna whack you good.

Paine: Come get some.
Yuna: Paine gets all the good lines.

Yuna: Gullwings, at your service.

Rikku: I've got a good feeling about this one.
Yuna: Me too.

Paine: I got this!
Yuna: Hey! I wanna fight too!

Rikku: Leave it to me.

Paine: All yours, Yuna.
Yuna: Where are you going?

Rikku: Piece of cake!

Rikku: I'm on a roll.

Paine: Well, well, well.

Yuna: This shouldn't take more than.... two rounds.
Rikku: Gimme one. - Submitted by CloudOwnage, corrected by <B>AdemA

Yuna: Gimme a Y!
Rikku: Gimme an R!
Paine: Gimme a break... - Submitted by CloudOwnage, corrected via e-mail by montrey

Rikku: Doctor P. is in the house.
Paine: Stop that. - Submitted by Millenia

Yuna: Piece of cake?
Paine: Where's the fun in that?

Yuna: You're going down!
Paine: That's the spirit.

Yuna: Let's do it!

Paine: Here comes the hurt.

Rikku: I could do this blindfolded.
Paine: Go ahead.
Rikku: (giggles nervously) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Paine: Guess I'll take a break.
Rikku: What?!
Yuna: Hey, we need you. - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Rikku: I'm gonna kick you in the spleen!
Paine: Spleen?

Yuna: Don't get careless.
Paine: Who? Me?

Rikku: Think this will be hard?
Paine: Only one way to find out.
Yuna: Well, what are we waiting for?

Rikku: You're not getting away!
Paine: Confident, huh?

Paine: An easy match.
Rikku: Ah, great!

Rikku: Time to clean up.
Yuna: Right behind ya'.

Yuna: Let's go, Gullwings!
Rikku: Yeah, let's do it!

Paine: Easy.
Yuna: You really think so?
Rikku: Less talk, more fight! - Submitted by Sanity

Yuna: Bring it!
Rikku: She's sure getting into this.
Paine: She's trying.

Rikku: This is kiddy stuff.
Paine: Is it? - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: This is your lucky day. - Submitted by Sanity

Rikku: What time?
Yuna: Show time.

Paine: Move! (<I>random battle with Leblanc's goons</I>)

Rikku: Outta the way. (<I>random battle with Leblanc's goons</I>)

Rikku: You, step aside. (<I>random battle with Leblanc's goons</I>)

Yuna: Where's the impostor? (first Ormi, Logos battle</I>)

Rikku : Snake... snake... snake! (First battle with one of LeBlanc's Recoil enemies</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by Gan-Chan

Paine: Them again? (first battle with Ormi, Logos and LeBlanc</I>)

Yuna: A trial. (Flame Dragon battle)

Yuna: This is getting old. (Guardian Beast battle)

Rikku: Let's take this one apart! (YSLS-Zero battle)

Paine: You guys deserve a medal. (Ormi, Logos, Femgoon battle, Djose Highroad)

Yuna: Time to clobber the robber. (Chateau Leblanc battle with all three)

Yuna: What are you doing?! (Bevelle battle against Baralai.)

Paine: Fight! You have to! (Bevelle battle against Bahamut.)

Yuna: It's been a while. (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth battle against Yojimbo)

Yuna: I'm sorry. (Besaid Temple battle against Valefor)

Rikku: Why? (<I>Kilika Temple battle against Ifrit.</I>)

Rikku: This can't be happening. (Djose Temple battle against Ixion)

Paine: Isn't this cute? (Zalamander battle) - Corrected via e-mail by tedcloud_seph13

Yuna: Not you too. (<I>Magus Sisters battle</I>)

Yuna: Forgive me. (<I>Anima battle

Yuna: Ready?
Rikku: Let's kick some tail!
Paine: You're on. (Vegnagun's Tail battle)
Braska: Don't be afraid, Yuna. Your friends are your strength.

Paine: LeBlanc never stood a chance against this thing.
Rikku: Well, we've got a "leg" up on her.
Yuna: Save the jokes for later. (Vegnagun's torso battle</I>)
Jecht: This time the legs are just a distraction. You know where to strike.

Shuyin: Come, Vegnagun. Let us purge this repulsive world. (said when initiating fight with Vegnagun's Head) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Yuna: It's so big.
Rikku: Whoo hoo, no more climbing!
Paine: Could you please focus? (<I>Second-to-last Vegnagun battle

Yuna: Shuyin!
Paine: It can't end like this.
Rikku: I'm getting ticked off.
Jecht: Yuna, Rikku, Paine. This is your time. You must defeat it. (final Vegnagun battle</I>)

Rikku: You don't get it, do you?
Paine: It's no good, he's not listening.
Yuna: Shuyin, please stop this!
Jecht: Put that crybaby to sleep. (Shuyin battle)

Yuna: Don't worry, we can win this. (with Yuna in critical status at the start of the battle)

Yuna: Ugh.
Rikku: Mommy.
Paine: You're bringing it down. (with Yuna in critical status at the start of the battle)

Yuna: (<I>in a very weak voice
) Er... no sweat. (with Yuna in critical status at the start of the battle)

Yuna: What's the password?
Rikku: How about "don't screw up?" (with Yuna in critical status at the start of the battle)

Yuna: We can do this, right?
Rikku: If you say so. (with Yuna in critical status at the start of the battle)

Yuna: Everyone, stay close. (with Yuna in critical status at the start of the battle)

Yuna: We can do it. (with Yuna in critical status at the start of the battle)

Yuna: I don't get paid enough for this. (<I>with Yuna in critical status at the start of the battle
) - Submitted via e-mail by mandrews48

Rikku: This doesn't looks so good. (with Rikku in critical status at the start of the battle)

Rikku: Maybe we should call it a day?
Yuna: Run away?
Paine: It's your call. (with Rikku in critical status at the start of the battle)

Rikku: Hey, I think it's break time now!
Yuna: My thoughts exactly. (with Rikku in critical status at the start of the battle)

Rikku: I don't think I'm up for this. (with Rikku in critical status at the start of the battle)

Rikku: Did I sign up for this? (with Rikku in critical status at the start of the battle)

Rikku: We are deep pickles. (with Rikku in critical status at the start of the battle)

Rikku: Oh, I need a nap.
Paine: Maybe later. (with Rikku in critical status at the start of the battle)

Paine: Where to begin? (with Paine in critical status at the start of the battle)

Paine: (<I>scoffs
) They don't stand a chance.
Yuna: Now I'm worried. (with Paine in critical status at the start of the battle)

Paine: Stay calm.
Rikku: That's not helping! (with Paine in critical status at the start of the battle)

Paine: This won't be easy. (with Paine in critical status at the start of the battle)

Paine: Let's make it happen. (with Paine in critical status at the start of the battle)

Paine: Maybe we'll be lucky. (with Paine in critical status at the start of the battle)

Said After Winning a Battle:

Paine: Did that hurt?

Paine: We've got bigger fish to fry.

Yuna: We won!
Paine: An empty win.

Yuna: Duck soup!
Paine: Duck what?

Yuna and Paine: All right!

Paine: Nice knowing you.

Rikku: How's that?!

Rikku: Oh yeah!

Yuna: That's it?!

Rikku: We're on a roll!

Paine: Thank you.
Rikku: Come again.

Yuna: Too easy.

Yuna: So what's next?

Paine: Too easy. - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Y.R.P.: Gullwings take the gold! - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Yuna: I could get used to this.

Yuna: Signed and sealed. - Corrected via e-mail by dbcooper1

Rikku: It's a wrap.

Rikku: (or Yuna and Rikku</I>) Nice work.

Rikku: Easy as pie.

Paine: Effortless.

Paine: That wasn't much fun.

Yuna: Take that!

Rikku: Okay, next please.

Paine: Turned on?

Rikku: Case closed.

Paine: Sorry we had to win.
Rikku: I'm not.

Paine: Another flawless victory.

Rikku: All according to plan! - Corrected by Sanity

Paine: Over already? - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: Child's play. - Submitted by Sanity

Yuna & Rikku: Hee-ya! (Win) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: Works for me.

Rikku: This is *easy*! - Submitted via e-mail by torawashi

Yuna: I'm ready for more. (<I>Guardian Beast battle</I>)

Yuna: Stronger than you thought, huh? (Machina Panzer battle)

Lucil: Splendid.

Rikku: Take that!
Paine: We're not done yet. (Vegnagun's Tail)

Rikku: So did we get it?
Paine: Sure looks that way.
Yuna: Shake a leg. (Vegnagun's torso)

Rikku: Is this thing finally over with?
Paine: Maybe he'll listen.
Yuna: Yeah, let's talk to Shuyin. (final Vegnagun battle</I>)

Paine: Hmm.
Rikku: Yunie?
Yuna: Shuyin. (Shuyin battle</I>)

Yuna: Thanks for playing. (using Lady Luck dressphere</I>)

Yuna: I guess it was the luck of the draw. (using Lady Luck dressphere</I>)

Yuna: Game over man... game over. (Using Lady Luck dressphere) - Submitted by CloudOwnage

Yuna: Never underestimate Yuna. (using Dark Knight dressphere</I>)

Yuna: Have a biscuit, boy! (using Trainer dressphere</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by Eric R.

Paine: The early bird catches the worm. (using Trainer dressphere</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by reptishon

Paine: Good girl. (using Trainer dressphere)

Paine: Satisfied? (using Trainer dressphere</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: That's how it's done, spunky monkey. (using Trainer dressphere)

Rikku: That's my monkey! (<I>using Trainer dressphere
) - Submitted via e-mail by elin_721

Rikku: A hundred monkey points! (using Trainer dressphere) - Submitted via e-mail by qactuar

Rikku: It's all in the wrist! (<I>using Thief dressphere</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by XvElvenLightvX

Yuna: That was a close call. (with Yuna in critical status at the end of the battle</I>)

Yuna: Phew. (<I>with Yuna in critical status at the end of the battle

Yuna: Whew.
Paine: Don't let your guard down. (<I>with Yuna in critical status at the end of the battle

Yuna: I thought we were goners. (<I>with Yuna in critical status at the end of the battle

Paine: Ready for more?
Yuna: Any time. (<I>with Yuna in critical status at the end of the battle

Rikku: You okay over there, Yunie?
Yuna: I think so.
Paine: You two need practice. (with Yuna [and possibly also Rikku] in critical status at the end of the battle) - Submitted via e-mail by tom32889

Rikku: Hey, a little healing over here?
Paine: Heal yourself. (with Rikku in critical status at end of battle)

Rikku: Can we not almost die next time? (with Rikku in critical status at the end of the battle) - Submitted via e-mail by mic53086

Rikku: Is it just me, or are we almost dead? (with Rikku in critical status at the end of the battle) From guide by The Archimage

Rikku: Ugh. I'm bushed. (with Rikku in critical status at the end of the battle) - From guide by The Archimage

Rikku: Can we rest yet? Can we rest yet? Can we rest yet?
Paine: Shut up! (with Rikku in critical status at the end of the battle) - Submitted via e-mail by shadowofeden, corrected via e-mail by Dreamer26

Rikku: I bet you Paine's not tired.
Paine: What's it to you? (<I>with Rikku in critical status at the end of the battle
) - Corrected via e-mail by yamato magna

Yuna: Rikku, you don't look so good.
Rikku: I've reached my limit. (<I>with Rikku in critical status at the end of the battle

Rikku: Oh, I thought we were done for. (<I>with Rikku in critical status at the end of the battle

Rikku: Ouch.
Yuna: That was bad. (<I>with Rikku in critical status at the end of the battle

Rikku: I've reached my limit. Break time! (<I>with Rikku in critical status at the end of the battle

Paine: Well... that certainly wasn't dull. (with Paine in critical status at the end of the battle) - Correction via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Well, that wasn't easy...
Yuna: So, you liked it. (with Paine in critical status at the end of the battle) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: That was a workout. (<I>with Paine in critical status at the end of the battle)

Paine: Guess I'm getting sloppy. (<I>with Paine in critical status at the end of the battle)

Paine: Let's put that behind us. (<I>with Paine in critical status at the end of the battle)

Paine: Sloppy victory.
Rikku: Better than a sloppy defeat. (<I>with Paine in critical status at the end of the battle)

Said When a Character Delivers a Killing Blow in Battle:

Rikku: So long!

Rikku: Down you go! - corrected via e-mail by montrey

Rikku: All right!

Rikku: Got ya'! - Submitted via e-mail by camus_120

Yuna: Good boy! (using Trainer dressphere) - Submitted via e-mail by elin_721

Yuna: Good doggy. (<I>using Trainer dressphere</I>)

Yuna: See ya'.

Yuna: Don't miss. (Attack using any gun</I>) - Corrected via e-mail by Eric R.

Paine: Bye.

Paine: Bang. (Using any gun) - Submitted via e-mail by torawashi

Sperechange Quotes:

Rikku: Now this is my kind of weapon! Who wants some? (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Gunner dressphere.</I>) - Submitted by The Archimage, courtesy StarNeptune.

Rikku: I'm gonna pump you so full of lead. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Gunner dressphere.</I>)

Rikku: Don't worry! I've brought enough bullets for everyone! (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Gunner dressphere.
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: No one's faster with a gun than an Al Bhed. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Gunner dressphere.)

Rikku: Use one of your abilities, I dare you. 'Cause I'll use it right back. (Rikku spherechanges to Gun Mage dressphere.)

Rikku: I got a bullet for every fiend. (Rikku spherechanges to Gun Mage dressphere.)

Rikku: I'll be taking your abilities now. Thank you. (Rikku spherechanges to Gun Mage dressphere.) - Submitted by Sanity

Rikku: These aren't everyday, bang-bang kind of bullets. (Rikku spherechanges to Gun Mage dressphere.) - Corrected via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: All items carry the Al Bhed Seal of Approval. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Alchemist dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: I hate to waste items, but here they come! (Rikku spherechanges to Alchemist dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Is it me, or does this outfit have an Al Bhed thing goin' on? (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Alchemist dressphere.</I>)

Rikku: Need some items? I'm your gal. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Alchemist dressphere.)

Rikku: Slice and dice is very nice. (Rikku spherechanges to Warrior dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by repetishon

Rikku: So let me get this straight? I chop things up and we win? I think I can handle that.(<I>Rikku spherechanges to Warrior dressphere.</I>) - corrected via e-mail by mizuno_maku

Rikku: Oh, you want a piece of me? (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Warrior dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Oh yeah, I'm gettin' hot! (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Warrior dressphere.</I>)

Rikku: Crouching tiger, hidden Rikku. (Rikku spherechanges to Samurai dressphere.)

Rikku: Rikku, master of the blade, walks with the shadows, cutting down all who stand in her way. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Samurai dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Azure_Dreamin, corrected via e-mail by yamato magna

Rikku: No more Mr. Nice Guy. (Rikku spherechanges to Samurai dressphere.)

Rikku: I'm playing for keeps. (Rikku spherechanges to Samurai dressphere.)

Rikku: I kinda feel like I'm the bad guy. (Rikku spherchanges to Dark Knight dressphere.</I>)

Rikku: This armor isn't just for show y'know. (Rikku spherechanges to Dark Knight dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by torawashi

Rikku: Shouldn't you be running scared? (Rikku spherechanges to Dark Knight dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Nice knowing you. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Dark Knight dressphere.

Rikku: Bite me, or better yet, let me bite you! (Rikku spherechanges to Berserker dressphere.) - Submitted by Millenia

Rikku: Why do I have this strange urge to Howl? (Rikku spherechanges to Berserker dressphere.) - Submitted by Millenia

Rikku: You don't mind if I go a little WILD, DO YA?! (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Berserker dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Get in my way, and you're asking for it! (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Berserker dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: I've got the strangest urge to ROAR! (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Berserker dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Welcome to your doom, starring *me.* (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Songstress dressphere.) - Submitted by NGEVA

Rikku: Lucky you. You get front row seats. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Songstress dressphere.)

Rikku: Like it or not, you're listening. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Songstress dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Once I get a mic in my hands, it's all over. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Songstress dressphere.)

Rikku: Should I burn you or freeze you, decisions decisions. (Rikku spherechanges to Black Mage dressphere.</I>) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Rikku: I'm gonna put you in a cast. And I don't mean the broken bone kind, *get it*? (Rikku spherechanges to Black Mage dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by torawashi

Rikku: Fire burn and cauldron bubble! (Rikku spherechanges to Black Mage dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: It's payback time! (Rikku spherechanges to Black Mage dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: And now for some Rikku-brand white magic goodness. (Rikku spherechanges to White Mage dressphere.</I>)

Rikku: Guess I'm in charge of healing, huh? (Rikku spherechanges to White Mage dressphere.</I>)

Rikku: You got it, I'll heal it! (<I>Rikku spherechanges to White Mage dressphere.</I>) - From guide by The Archimage

Rikku: Don't worry, I'll take care a' ya'. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to White Mage dressphere.

Rikku: All right, hand it over. (Rikku spherechanges to Thief dressphere.)

Rikku: Mind if I take that? (Rikku spherechanges to Thief dressphere.)

Rikku: Watch the master. (Rikku spherechanges to Thief dressphere.)

Rikku: You got it, I'll steal it. (Rikku spherechanges to Thief dressphere.</I>) - Corrected via e-mail by isramadon

Rikku: He may look cute, but you really don't wanna get on his bad side. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Trainer dressphere.

Rikku: Time to go crazy and break things! (Rikku spherechanges to Trainer dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Watch out. He's a little troublemaker. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Trainer dressphere.

Rikku: Monnnn...keeeeey (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Trainer dressphere.

Rikku: Live or die by the roll of the dice. Exciting, no? (Rikku spherechanges to Lady Luck dressphere.)

Rikku: The fun starts now! (Rikku spherechanges to Lady Luck dressphere.) - Submitted by Sanity

Rikku: I'm ready to play! (Rikku spherechanges to Lady Luck dressphere.) - Submitted by Sanity

Rikku: Prepare to be shaken *and* stirred. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Lady Luck dressphere.)

Rikku: Ahh, I wanted to be a cactuar. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Mascot dressphere.)

Rikku: Oh, no! I think my head's on backwards! (Rikku spherechanges to Mascot dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Yeah, yeah. Laugh while you can. (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Mascot dressphere.)

Rikku: Now why don't I feel tough in this? (<I>Rikku spherechanges to Mascot dressphere.)

Rikku: Time for some serious machina mashing power! (Rikku spherechanges to Machina Maw special dressphere.)

Rikku: You're gonna rue the day! (Rikku spherechanges to Machina Maw special dressphere.)

Rikku: Stand back! I've got it under control! (Rikku spherechanges to Machina Maw special dressphere.)

Rikku: Activate mega-ultra, super-duper assault mode. (Rikku spherechanges to special Machina Maw dressphere.)

Yuna: Resistance is futile! (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Gunner dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: I've got you in my sights! (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Gunner dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: You can't run *or* hide, so why bother? (Yuna spherechanges to Gunner dressphere.</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by torawashi

Yuna: My gun cries out for you! (Yuna spherechanges to Gun Mage dressphere.</I>)

Yuna: Prepare for a phantasmagoric panoply of magical power! Your abilities will be mine! (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Gun Mage dressphere.
) - Submitted by Sanity, Corrected via e-mail by Banana

Yuna: Time to let the magic fly. (Yuna spherechanges to Gun Mage dressphere.</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Yuna: One enchanted bullet, just for you. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Gun Mage dressphere.

Yuna: Need some items tossed around? I'm your girl. (Yuna spherechanges to Alchemist dressphere.)

Yuna: Time to raid the secret stash. (Yuna spherechanges to Alchemist dressphere.)

Yuna: I've been saving these just for you. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Alchemist dressphere.

Yuna: Better make this count. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Alchemist dressphere.)

Yuna: Stand in my way and I'll cut you down. (<I>Yuna spherchanges to Warrior dressphere.</I>)

Yuna: Believe in the sword. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Warrior dressphere.</I>) - From guide by The Archimage

Yuna: I will clear a path. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Warrior dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: Strength isn't my only weapon! (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Warrior dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: My enemies fall to the stroke of a blade. (Yuna spherechanges to Samurai dressphere.)

Yuna: Nothing a little hack and slash wouldn't fix. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Samurai dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: Now your life is in my hands. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Samurai dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: One sword in my hands, or a thousand men in battle. Go on, take your pick. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Samurai dressphere.) - corrected via e-mail by master_gamer

Yuna: As I bear this darkness into battle, my suffering becomes my strength. (Yuna spherechanges to Dark Knight dressphere.) - corrected via e-mail by montrey

Yuna: May the darkness be my strength. (Yuna spherechanges to Dark Knight dressphere.)

Yuna: Darkness is not my enemy. (Yuna spherechanges to Dark Knight dressphere.)

Yuna: Darkness is a double-edged sword... but what can you do? (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Dark Knight dressphere.)

Yuna: You'll never know what hit you. (Yuna spherechanges to Berserker dressphere.)

Yuna: Sometimes you just have to hack your way through. (Yuna spherechanges to Berserker dressphere.)

Yuna: I'm not afraid to be rough. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Berserker dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: Time to let off some steam! (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Berserker dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna : Mind if I go a little nuts? (Yuna spherechanges to Berserker dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by chocobomog

Yuna: Well, this is no time for stage fright. (Yuna spherechanges to Songstress dressphere.)

Yuna: Let's start the show! (Yuna spherechanges to Songstress dressphere.)

Yuna: Might as well have some fun. (Yuna spherechanges to Songstress dressphere.)

Yuna: I'm still not used to this. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Songstress dressphere.)

Yuna: Hmm, where to begin? (Yuna spherechanges to Black Mage dressphere.)

Yuna: The four great elements heed my call! (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Black Mage dressphere.</I>) - From guide by The Archimage

Yuna: A storm of magic rages within me. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Black Mage dressphere.)

Yuna: Double, double, toil and trouble. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Black Mage dressphere.)

Yuna: I won't let you fall. (Yuna spherechanges to White Mage dressphere.)

Yuna: I'll help with all my might. (Yuna spherechanges to White Mage dressphere.)

Yuna: I will be our shield. (Yuna spherechanges to White Mage dressphere.)

Yuna: Believe in the light. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to White Mage dressphere.)

Yuna: All in the wrist, huh? (Yuna spherechanges to Thief dressphere.)

Yuna: I don't play fair. (Yuna spherechanges to Thief dressphere.)

Yuna: You won't be needing that, will you? (Yuna spherechanges to Thief dressphere.)

Yuna: Let me take that off your hands. (Yuna spherechanges to Thief dressphere.)

Yuna: Cut 'em to bits, and bits, and bits. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Trainer dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: Be a good boy. (Yuna spherechanges to Trainer dressphere.) - Submitted by Sanity

Yuna: A girl's best friend... (Yuna spherechanges to Trainer dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by pessimisticoptimist

Yuna: What's the matter? Hungry? (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Trainer dressphere.)

Yuna: I don't even need to load the dice. (Yuna spherechanges to Lady Luck dressphere.)

Yuna: Win or lose, it's all a matter of luck. (Yuna spherechanges to Lady Luck dressphere.)

Yuna: Everybody, stand back. I'll show you</I> how it's done. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Lady Luck dressphere.</I>)

Yuna: A little luck never hurt! (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Lady Luck dressphere.</I>) - From guide by Archimage

Yuna: I'm supposed to fight in this? Well, okay. (Yuna spherechanges to Mascot dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by alaron37

Yuna: As deadly as I am cute... (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Mascot dressphere.
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: I'm getting the hang of this. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Mascot dressphere.)

Yuna: It's hot in here. (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Mascot dressphere.)

Yuna: I've got this one covered. (Yuna spherechanges to Floral Fallal special dressphere.)

Yuna: I'll fight you to my last breath. (Yuna spherechanges to Floral Fallal special dressphere.)

Yuna: A power too great to be denied can only be set free! (<I>Yuna spherechanges to Floral Fallal special dressphere.)

Paine: You're no challenge. Just target practice. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Gunner dressphere.</I>)

Paine: So, who wants to be my first target? (Paine spherechanges to Gunner dressphere.)

Paine: Wherever you go, my bullets will find you. (Paine spherechanges to Gunner dressphere.)

Paine: You need some speed bullets. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Gunner dressphere.)

Paine: This gun hungers for magic. Let's see what you've got. (Paine spherechanges to Gun Mage dressphere.)

Paine: Everyone has a weakness and I'll find yours. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Gun Mage dressphere.</I>)

Paine: The magical mayhem begins. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Gun Mage dressphere.</I>)

Paine: Time for a fiend hunt! (Paine spherechanges to Gun Mage dressphere.) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: I'm in a generous mood. Get ready for lots of presents with your name on them. (Paine spherchanges to Alchemist dressphere.</I>)

Paine: I feel like splurging. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Alchemist dressphere.
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: What shall we mix up today? (Paine spherechanges to Alchemist dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: What I use, I intend to get back. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Alchemist dressphere.)

Paine: Don't bother blocking. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Warrior dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: I'm gonna carve you up. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Warrior dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: All I need is my sword. (Paine spherechanges to Warrior dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by sayojia

Paine: Hmm, I think this blade could use a new sheath. Any volunteers? (Paine spherechanges to Samurai dressphere.)

Paine: Don't get too close. (Paine spherechanges to Samurai dressphere.)

Paine: I'm not picky about who I cut to pieces. (Paine spherechanges to Samurai dressphere.)

Paine: Time for you to split. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Samurai dressphere.)

Paine: Darkness is my ally. Those who cross me shall know its wrath. (Paine spherechanges to Dark Knight dressphere.)

Paine: Sleep in the darkness. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Dark Knight dressphere.</I>)

Paine: The night beckons. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Dark Knight dressphere.)

Paine: The shadows will swiftly devour you. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Dark Knight dressphere.)

Paine: No holding back now. It's all or nothing. (Paine spherechanges to Berserker dressphere.)

Paine: Whatever it takes. (Paine spherechanges to Berserker dressphere.)

Paine: Once the fire starts, there's no putting it out! (<I>Paine spherechanges to Berserker dressphere.)

Paine: If you're gonna bring it, bring it! (Paine spherechanges to Berserker dressphere.)

Paine: No holding back. If you can't keep up, stay off my dance floor. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Songstress dressphere.)

Paine: I'll take you places you've never been. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Songstress dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: So, all I have to do is sing and dance? (<I>Paine spherechanges to Songstress dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Embarrassing. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Songstress dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by sayojia

Paine: Time to teach you a thing or two about black magic. (Paine spherechanges to Black Mage dressphere.) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: The endless power of the world in *my* hands! (Paine spherechanges to Black Mage dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Can't you just feel the magic? (Paine spherechanges to Black Mage dressphere.)

Paine: Fried or boiled? What will it be? (<I>Paine spherechanges to Black Mage dressphere.)

Paine: I'll heal you if I have to, but don't get careless. (<I>Paine spherechagnes to White Mage dressphere.) - From guide by The Archimage

Paine: You have no offense. (<I>Paine spherechanges to White Mage dressphere.)

Paine: I've got you covered. (Paine spherechanges to White Mage dressphere.)

Paine: I'll heal. You do the rest. (<I>Paine spherechanges to White Mage dressphere.)

Paine: Watch out. Items aren't the only thing I can steal. (Paine spherechanges to Thief dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by toka_kat, corrected by Sanity

Paine: So much to steal, so little time... (<I>Paine spherechanges to Thief dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Your purse is looking a little heavy. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Thief dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Allow me to lighten your load. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Thief dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: That look in your eyes. You'll serve me well. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Trainer dressphere.</I>)

Paine: And now, the hunt begins. (Paine spherechanges to Trainer dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Have you sighted your prey? (<I>Paine spherechanges to Trainer dressphere.)

Paine: I'm counting on you. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Trainer dressphere.)

Paine: Don't think it's just a game. Your life is on the line. (Paine spherechanges to Lady Luck dressphere.)

Paine: Care to try your luck? (<I>Paine spherechanges to Lady Luck dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: So, what's your wager? (<I>Paine spherechanges to Lady Luck dressphere.)

Paine: Would you like to play a game? (Paine spherechanges to Lady Luck dressphere.)

Paine: Don't... say... a word. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Mascot dressphere.</I>)

Paine: We're getting desperate. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Mascot dressphere.)

Paine: Don't judge a book by its cover. (<I>Paine spherechanges to Mascot dressphere.)

Paine: Laugh and I'll hurt you. (Paine spherechanges to Mascot dressphere.)

Paine: You have picked your last fight. (Paine spherechanges to special Full Throttle dressphere.)

Paine: What's that you say? You wanna get hurt? (Paine spherechanges to special Full Throttle dressphere.)

Paine: *Beg,* vermin. (Paine spherechanges to special Full Throttle dressphere.) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: A nicer person might let you go. (Paine spherechanges to special Full Throttle dressphere.)

Said When a Character Casts Magic:

Yuna: Dance flames! (casting fire-type spell</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by Wirikidor

Yuna: The flame consumes all! (casting fire-type spell</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by Wirikidor

Yuna: Never turn your back on the sea! (casting a water-type spell)

Yuna: Get wet. (casting a water-type spell)

Yuna: Cool off! (casting an ice-type spell) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: You okay? (casting cure/life-type spell)

Yuna: This'll help. (casting cure-type spell)

Yuna: Everyone, stay strong. (casting cure/life-type spell)

Yuna: I've got you. (casting cure/life-type spell</I>)

Yuna: Be strong. (<I>casting cure/life-type spell

Yuna: You're mine! (casting Demi</I>)

Yuna: Come on. (casting Protect, Regen)

Yuna: Let's play it safe. (casting Protect, Regen</I>)

Yuna: Any better? (<I>casting Regen

Yuna: Do I hear thunder? One-one thousand! (casting thunder-type spell) - Submitted via e-mail by Wirikidor

Yuna: Light our way! (<I>casting Holy
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: My prayers are my strength. (casting Holy) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: Vanquish the darkness. (<I>casting Holy

Yuna: Can't be too careful. (casting Auto-Life)

Yuna: Better safe than sorry. (casting Auto-Life)

Yuna: Enough! (casting Ultima)

Yuna: Storm of darkness, vanquish all. (casting Ultima)

Yuna: Do you know why they call it Ultima? (casting Ultima)

Yuna: Magical meltdown. (casting Flare)

Yuna: Hope you're ready for a heatwave. (casting Flare)

Yuna: There's no escape. (casting Flare)

Yuna: It is not over. (casting Full-Cure)

Rikku: Well done please. (casting a fire-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Rikku: Ooh, I love a good roast. (casting a fire-type spell</I>)

Rikku: I like mine toasted! (casting a fire-type spell</I>) - From guide by The Archimage

Rikku: You're fired! (casting a fire-type spell</I>)

Rikku: Forecast cold! (casting an ice-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Rikku: I like mine on the rocks. (casting an ice-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Rikku: Astraphobic, not me. (casting a lightning-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Mystery_Man, corrected via e-mail by LightningRT

Rikku: ZAP! (casting a lightning-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Rikku: Hit the showers! (casting a water-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Rikku: Catch the wave. (casting a water-type spell)

Rikku: Drink up. (casting a water-type spell)

Rikku: What's wrong, cold feet? (casting an ice-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Rikku: Time to turn up the heat. (casting Hastega</I>)

Rikku: Cheer up. (casting Hastega</I>)

Rikku: Any better? (casting Hastega</I>)

Rikku: Booboos be gone! (<I>casting a cure/life-type spell

Rikku: Gullwing repair service! (<I>casting a cure/life-type spell

Rikku: Recharge! (casting a cure/life-type spell) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: No more moping. (<I>casting a cure/life-type spell

Rikku: How you like *these* apples? (casting Drain) - Submitted via e-mail by torawashi

Rikku: Not so tough now, are ya? (casting Drain) - Submitted via e-mail by torawashi

Rikku: It's...Smiting Time! (casting Holy) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Sacred light, aid our fight! (<I>casting Holy
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Might not be necessary, but just in case. (casting Auto-Life)

Rikku: Here's a quicker picker-upper. (casting Auto-Life)

Rikku: Some insurance. (casting Auto-Life)

Rikku: Ul-ti-maaa! (casting Ultima)

Rikku: Ba-bye. (casting Ultima)

Rikku: Okay, that's it. (casting Ultima)

Rikku: Something's cooking! (casting Flare)

Rikku: I'm gonna flare you good. (casting Flare)

Rikku: Damage? What damage? (casting Full-Cure)

Rikku: Up and at 'em. (casting Full-Cure) - Corrected via e-mail by Cidolfas

Rikku: Why heal a little when you can heal it all? (casting Full-Cure)

Paine: Allow me to burst your bubble. (casting Confuse, MP Drain) - Addition via e-mail by torawashi

Paine: Burn! (casting fire-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: Smoking's bad for you. (casting fire-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: Ashes to ashes. (casting fire-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: Light my fire. (<I>casting a fire-type spell</I>) - Submitted by The Archimage, courtesy raptor13

Paine: Ice, ice, baby. (casting ice-type spell) - Submitted via e-mail by Gan-Chan

Paine: Am I cold? (casting ice-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: Searing light! (casting thunder-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: Hmph! Shocking! (casting thunder-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine : Lightning flash, thunder crash! (casting lightning-type spell) - Submitted via e-mail by chocobomog

Paine: Hold your breath. (casting water-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: Wake up. (casting water-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: You could use a bath. (casting water-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: It's not over yet. (<I>casting cure/life-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: You can do better than this. (<I>casting cure/life-type spell</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: That's just a scratch. (<I>casting a cure/life-type spell
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Don't worry, I've got your back. (<I>casting a cure/life-type spell
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine : Do I have to hold your hand? (<I>casting a cure/life-type spell
) - Submitted via e-mail by ninjadude3355

Paine: Don't get carried away. (casting Dispel) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: Perk up now. (casting Haste or using Felicity ability) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: This is practically overkill. (casting Holy)

Paine: Go into the light. (casting Holy)

Paine: Consider this my parting gift. (<I>casting Holy

Paine: No more excuses. (casting Auto-Life)

Paine: Ultima. There is nothing greater. (casting Ultima)

Paine: Too late. You had your chance. (casting Ultima)

Paine: (<I>sounding amused
) What the hell?! (casting Flare)

Paine: You! It's what's for dinner! (casting Flare) - Submitted via e-mail by Shmooth Shailing

Paine: Hurt! Lots of hurt! (casting Flare) - Submitted via e-mail by Shmooth Shailing

Paine: Don't throw in the towel yet. (casting Full-Cure)

Paine: Be healed. (casting Full-Cure)

Paine: Losing is not my style. (casting Full-Cure)

Leblanc: This is goodbye, love. (casting a lightning-type spell)

Trema: Know your place! (casting Flare, Demi</I>)

Trema: Hasatekanae Kutamae. (casting Meteor) - He's chanting from FFX's "Hymn of the Fayth." Special thanks to XKyrieEleisonX for the correction

Trema: Release your past and tower above all. (casting Meteor)

Trema: Be done. Come to the Farplane. (casting Ultima</I>)

Trema: The unenlightened shall fall. (casting Demi)

Trema: Now, prostrate before me. (<I>casting Flare</I>)

Said When a Character Uses an Ability:

Yuna: I'll take that. (using Steal ability)

Yuna: No junk, please. (<I>using Steal ability

Yuna: Whatcha hiding? (using Steal ability)

Yuna: Got anything I need? (<I>using Sticky Fingers, Master Thief ability</I>)

Yuna: Hope you don't mind. (using Master Thief ability)

Yuna: You're an easy target. (using Master Thief ability)

Yuna: Whatever works, I guess. (<I>using Spare Change, Bribe abilities
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: Spending Spree! (<I>using Spare Change, Bribe abilities
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: Guess we can earn it back later... (<I>using Spare Change, Bribe abilities
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: Good thing I saved this. (using Stash ability) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Yuna: Now's as good a time as any. (using Stash ability) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Yuna: I knew this would come in handy. (using Stash ability) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: Hmm... If this goes here, then... (<I>using Mix ability
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: This'll do it. (<I>using Bushido abilities, Moogle Beam ability

Yuna: I've got it. (using Sparkler ability, casting Death magic, Power Break</I>) - Power Break addition submitted via e-mail by chocobomog

Yuna: My turn. (using Zantetsu ability)

Yuna: One cut, one kill. (using Zantetsu ability)

Yuna: Zantetsuken! (using Zantetsu ability) - Submitted via e-mail by Guitalex2002

Yuna: You're mine! (using Bushido abilities, Moogle Beam ability</I>)

Yuna: No holding back. (using Berserk ability</I>)

Yuna: Yuna gone wild! (<I>using Berserk ability
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: Flower power! (using Floral Fallal's Great Whirl ability</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by chocobomog

Yuna: My pistils are loaded! (using Floral Fallal's Great Whirl ability</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by Rys

Yuna: Hey, eyes on me. (using Dance abilities</I>)

Yuna: This is a little embarrassing. (using Dance abilities</I>)

Yuna: Let's get moving! (using Dance abilities</I>)

Yuna: (to the tune of her theme song) Na na na, na na na na, na na na na na. (using Sing abilities</I>) - Corrected via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: Wanna sing along? (<I>using Sing abilities
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Yuna: I'm afraid to look. (using Gamble ability</I>) - From guide by The Archimage

Yuna: Take a chance. (<I>using Two or Fouir Dice ability

Yuna: Sic 'em. (Attack using Trainer dressphere</I>)

Yuna: It's a dog-eat-you world. (using Kogoro abilities</I>)

Yuna: Time for something meaner. (using Kogoro abilities</I>)

Yuna: Wanna bite? (using Kogoro abilities)

Yuna: Fetch. (using Kogoro abilities)

Yuna: Release the hounds. (<I>using Kogoro's Pound! ability</I>)

Yuna: Pound away. (using Kogoro's Pound! ability)

Yuna: Just how tough are you? (using Scan/Libra abiliities) - Submitted by NGEVA

Yuna: Let's take a look. (using Scan/Libra abiliities) - Submitted by Sanity

Yuna: So what's your weakness? (using Scan/Libra abiliities) - Submitted by Sanity

Yuna: This should do the trick. (using Fiend Hunter abilities) - Submitted by Sanity

Yuna: Here's your silver bullet. (using Fiend Hunter abilities) - Submitted by Sanity

Yuna: This one's just for you. (using Fiend Hunter abilities) - Submitted by Sanity

Yuna: This is goodbye. (using Eject ability)

Yuna: Hope you like to travel. (using Eject ability)

Yuna: Anything goes for Gun Mage Yuna! (using Blue Bullet abilities</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by torawashi

Yuna: Feel the power of fiends unleashed. (using Blue Bullet abilities) - Submitted via e-mail by torawashi

Yuna: This is no ordinary bullet! (using Blue Bullet abilities) - Submitted via e-mail by ToNbErRi6452

Yuna: Time to act! (using Black Sky ability, Moogle Beam ability</I>)

Yuna: That's enough from you! (using Black Sky ability, Moogle Beam ability</I>)

Yuna: Here goes! (using Moogle Beam ability)

Yuna: Fall under my spell. (using Tantalize ability)

Yuna: Hope this works. (using Tantalize ability)

Yuna: My pain mirrors yours. (using Dark Knight Darkness ability) - Submitted via e-mail by TakeruMouko

Rikku: Booya. (using Attack with any gun, or Lady Luck dressphere) - Addition by Ngeva

Rikku: Oh, I can't watch. (using Two or Four Dice ability) - Addition by Sanity

Rikku: Gettin' nervous? (using Two or Four Dice ability)

Rikku: Big money, big money. (<I>using Two or Fouir Dice ability

Rikku: 3, 2, 1, 0! (<I>using Vajra, Machina Maw ability

Rikku: There ain't nothin' I can't steal. (<I>using steal-type abilities
) - Addition by Sanity

Rikku: Takers keepers. (using Steal ability</I>)

Rikku: Don't hold out on me. (using Steal ability</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Rikku: What do you think I'm after? (using Steal, Master Thief abilities</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Rikku: I know all about you! (using Scan ability)

Rikku: Can't hide from me! (using Scan ability)

Rikku: What makes you tick? (using Scan ability</I>)

Rikku: My pain is your pain. (using Dark Knight Darkness ability) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Rikku: This hurts me almost as much as it hurts you. (using Dark Knight Darkness ability) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Rikku: Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! (using Dark Knight Darkness ability) - Submitted via e-mail by torawashi

Rikku: Pow, right in the kisser. (using Bushido abilities, Warrior Break abilities) - Corrected via e-mail by Gamescook, addition via e-mail by A FAQ Skimmer

Rikku: Get out of here kid, you bother me. (using Bushido abilities, casting Death magic, Warrior Break abilities) - Addition via e-mail by A FAQ Skimmer

Rikku: Take... this! (using Bushido abilities, Warrior Break abilities) - Addition by Sanity

Rikku: Ready or not, here I come. (using Bushido abilities, Warrior Break abilities, PuPu Platter ability) - Addition by Sanity

Rikku: No holds barred. (using Bushido abilities, Warrior Break abilities) - Addition by Sanity

Rikku: Booyaka. (using Bushido abilities, Warrior Break abilities, Berserker abilities) - Addition by Sanity, via e-mail by akabryan12205

Rikku: Stay... back! (using Bushido abilities, Warrior Break abilities) - Submitted by Sanity

Rikku: Hakaba settai! (<I>using Zantestu ability
) - corrected via e-mail by Guitalex2002

Rikku: Banzai! (using Zantetsu ability)

Rikku: Look sharp. (using Zantetsu ability)

Rikku: Here you go. Cash on delivery. (using Spare Change, Bribe abilities)

Rikku: Guess this is my rainy day. (using Spare Change, Bribe abilities)

Rikku: I give and I give and I give. (using Spare Change, Bribe abilities)

Rikku: Not knowing is the fun part. (<I>using Mix ability</I>)

Rikku: A little of this, a little of that. (using Mix ability</I>)

Rikku: Here comes my trump card. (using Stash ability</I>)

Rikku: I wanted to save this for something special. (<I>using Stash ability</I>)

Rikku: Oops. Forgot to mention I had *this.* (using Stash ability</I>)

Rikku: What is it? Wanna show Mommy something? (using Ghiki abilities)

Rikku: Think 'Banana'. (using Ghiki abilities) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Go, kleptomonkey, go! (<I>using Ghiki Mugger, Sneaky Ghiki abilities
) - Submitted via e-mail by carnichef

Rikku: Time to bust a move. (<I>using Dance abilities</I>) - Submitted by NGEVA

Rikku: Who's your Rikku? (using Dance abilities)

Rikku: It only takes *me* to tango. (using Dance abilities) - Submitted by NGEVA

Rikku: Ready to fire, sir! (using Machina Maw Missile abilities</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Rikku: Verifying target. (using Machina Maw's Missile abilities</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by torawashi

Rikku: Ahem... la la la! (using Sing abilities</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Hey! I'm singin' here! (using Sing abilities</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Go to it. (Attack using Trainer dressphere</I>)

Rikku: Monkey do! Monkey do! (using Ghiki abilities) - Submitted via e-mail by qactuar

Rikku: Time to monkey around! (using Swarm, Swarm! ability)

Rikku: One barrel full of fun, coming up! (using Swarm, Swarm! ability) - Submitted via e-mail by qactuar

Rikku: Swarm, swarm! (using Swarm, Swarm! ability) - Submitted via e-mail by qactuar

Rikku: Swipe me something good. (<I>using Ghiki steal abilities</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by Star Raven

Rikku: Okay, just like I showed you. (<I>using Ghiki steal abilities</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by Star Raven

Rikku: (in a hypnotic voice) Look into my eyes... (using Tantalize ability) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: (in a sultry, seductive voice) Well, hello there... (using Tantalize ability</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: If I rip you apart, *don't blame me!* (<I>using Berserk ability</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Time to bust out. (using Berserk ability)

Rikku: I'm getting in the zone. (<I>using Berserk ability

Rikku: Kickin' butt, and taking names! (using Eject ability) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: And you are outta here! (<I>using Eject ability

Rikku: See ya' 'round. (using Eject ability)

Rikku: Ever seen this before? (<I>using Blue Bullet abilities
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: Prepare to eat... not-lead! (using Blue Bullet abilities) - Submitted by ChibiTell, corrected via e-mail by yamato magna

Paine: What a nuisance. (<I>using Armor Break ability</I>)

Paine: There's enough Paine to go around. (using Dark Knight Darkness ability) - Submitted by Mystery_Man, Corrected via e-mail by xxhyperricexx

Paine: I guess there's no choice. (using Dark Knight Darkness ability) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: No pain, no gain! (using Dark Knight Darkness ability) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: Keep your eye on the blade. (using Zantetsu ability)

Paine: This may sting a little. (using Zantetsu ability)

Paine: Alms for the poor. (using using Spare Change, Bribe abilities)

Paine: Don't spend it all in one place. (using using Spare Change, Bribe abilities)

Paine: Thrift is for losers. (using using Spare Change, Bribe abilities)

Paine: Don't write off the power of luck. (using Two or Four Dice ability</I>)

Paine: Cross your fingers. (using Two or Four Dice ability</I>)

Paine: The luck of the wicked. (using Two or Four Dice ability)

Paine: Kiss me. (using Black Sky, , Bushido, Cactling Gun abilities)

Paine: This is the part whre you get hurt. (<I>using Excalibur ability</I>) - Submitted via e-mail by Grym

Paine: You had your chance to run. (using Warrior Break abilities, Sparkler ability)

Paine: Guess what's coming next. (using a Blue Bullet ability</I>)

Paine: I use what I have. (<I>using Blue Bullet abilities

Paine: Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet! (using Fiend Hunter abilities</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: This one's got your name on it. (using Fiend Hunter abilities</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: Fly. (<I>Attack using Trainer dressphere

Paine: Make your master proud. (using Flurry abilities)

Paine: Finish this. (using Carrier Flurry ability</I>)

Paine: That's our enemy. Remove enemy! (using Carrier Flurry ability) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Hurt! (<I>using Poison Flurry ability
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Do your worst! (<I>using Poison Flurry ability
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: You have your pecking orders! (using Maulwings ability) - Submitted via e-mail by qactuar

Paine: Leave some for your friends! (using Maulwings ability) - Submitted via e-mail by qactuar

Paine: No turning back now! (using Berserk ability</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: Show me your goods. (using Steal ability</I>) - Submitted by NGEVA

Paine: Step to this. (using Dance abilities</I>) - Submitted by NGEVA

Paine: Try and keep up. (using Dance abilities</I>) - Submitted by NGEVA

Paine: Don't make me dance alone. (using Dance abilities)

Paine: I hate this Dressphere. (using Dance or Sing abilities) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: What goes around comes around. (using MP Absorb ability</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Paine: I take what I want. (<I>using Flimflam or Steal abilities
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Items aren't all that can be stolen. (<I>using Flimflam abilities

Paine: Hand it over. (using Steal or Flimflam abilities) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: I hate to do this to you! (<I>using Berserk ability
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Hurt time! (<I>using Berserk ability
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Here goes. (<I>using Tantalize ability
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: I'm figuring this out as I go (<I>using Mix ability
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: I'm full of surprises. (<I>using Mix ability
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Sorry if I screw this up. (using Mix ability) - Submitted via e-mail by torawashi

Paine: Is there a trick to this? (<I>using Mix ability
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Always have a 'Plan B'. (<I>using Stash ability
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Hey, look what I found. (using Stash ability</I>)

Paine: Worm. (<I>using Intimidate ability, Warrior Break abilities
) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: Spill it. (using Scan ability</I>)

Paine: Knowing is half the battle. (using Scan ability)

Paine: I'm gonna miss you. (<I>using Warrior Break, Bushido, Cactling Gun abilities

Paine: Charmed, I'm sure. (using Tantalize ability) - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Paine: How far can you fly? (<I>using Eject ability
) - Submitted via e-mail by Banana

Paine: Come again. (using Eject ability)

Paine: Meet Paine at a whole new level. (<I>using Full Throttle's Sword Dance ability

Paine: Now you've made me angry. (<I>using Full Throttle's Sword Dance ability

Ormi: Wa Ha Ha! Here! Catch! (using Piroutte Pitch / Supercollider abilities</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Ormi: Feel like taking a spin? (using Pirouette Pitch ability)

Ormi: Wa ha ha! I choose you! (using Huggles ability</I>)

Ormi: Wa ha ha ha ha. How about a big hug? (<I>using Huggles ability

Ormi: Wa ha ha ha. Brace yourself. (using Huggles ability)

Ormi: Get a load of this. (using Pirouette Pitch / Supercollider abilities) - Addition by Sanity

Ormi: Cannonball! (Ormi lands on one of the girls during "No Love Lost."</I>)

Logos: Goodbye, little girl. (using Hall of Bullets ability</I>)

Logos: Parting is such sweet sorrow. (<I>using Hall of Bullets ability

Logos: Don't you just love surprises? (using Russian Roulette ability</I>)

Logos: Feeling lucky, punk? (using Russian Roulette ability</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Leblanc: It was nice knowing you. (using Flash Bomb or Fira)

Leblanc: Let me blow you a kiss! (using Sonic Fan, Mach Fan abilities</I>) - Submitted by Sanity

Leblanc: Stop your slacking this instant! (using Love Tap ability on Ormi or Logos)

Leblanc: Get your act together! (using Love Tap ability on Ormi or Logos)

Leblanc: Enjoy your flight. (<I>using Mach Fan ability

Leblanc: Let's get 'em, boys.
Ormi: Our practice is finally going to pay off.
Logos: Practice? What practice? (Leblanc uses No Love Lost ability..)

Leblanc: Ready, boys?
Ormi: Of course we's ready!
Logos: After you, boss. (Leblanc uses No Love Lost ability..) - Submitted by Sanity

Baralai: Suffer! (using Looming Glacier ability</I>)

Baralai: It's not over! (using Drill Shot ability)

Gippal: Dodge this! (using Bullseye ability</I>)

Nooj: No time for farewells. (using a critical attack, Greedy Aura ability</I>)

Nooj: See you on the Farplane. (using a critical attack, Greedy Aura ability</I>)

Nooj: Death is happiness. (using Lightfall ability</I>)

Nooj: This puppet show's over! (<I>using Lightfall ability
) - Submitted via e-mail by Shmooth Sailing

Nooj: Let me end your pain. (<I>using Greedy Aura ability</I>)

Shuyin: The end now begins. (<I>initiates Vegnagun's Lacromose ability</I>)

Shuyin: Share my dispair! (using Force Rain, Spin Cut, Hit and Run abilities) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Shuyin: Vanish with the rest of Spira! (using Terror of Zanarkand ability</I>) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Shuyin: One thousand years of agony! (<I>using Terror of Zanarkand ability
) - Submitted via e-mail by akabryan12205

Shuyin: All this ugliness must end. (<I>using Terror of Zanarkand ability

Shuyin: Be gone! (using Force Rain, Hit and Run abilities) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Shuyin: Don't interfere. (<I>using Spin Cut ability

Said When You Get a Game Over:

Yuna: Somebody? Anybody?

Yuna: This is all wrong.

Yuna: No.

Rikku: Owie. - Submitted via e-mail by Gamescook

Rikku: No way... - Submitted via e-mail by FeedBak67

Rikku: Huh?

Rikku: Oh, rats.

Paine: So this is it?

Paine: You're... no pushover. - Submitted via e-mail by akabryan12205

Paine: How embarrassing.

Paine: I failed. - Submitted via e-mail by thedelf2002

Leblanc: (<I>lose first battle against her, Ormi and Logos
) Ha! Amateurs. - Submitted via e-mail by aje_182

Ormi: Wa ha ha! Over already? (lose any battle with only him standing, or random Ormi / Logos)

Logos: How disappointing. (lose any battle with only him standing, or random Ormi / Logos)

Baralai: (lose Bevelle battle against him) I'm sorry.

Garik Ronso: Farewell, High Summoner Yuna. (lose Mt. Gagazet battle against him.) - Submitted via e-mail by aje_182

Miscellaneous Quotes:

Logos: This cannot be. (falls during the first battle)

Ormi: Boss. (falls during the first battle)

Auron: Yuna, Rikku, Paine, this is your time you must defend it. (said during fight with Vegnagun's head) - Submitted by Mystery_Man

Jecht: You can't reach those nodes with a sword. (<I>if you attack the nodes during the battle with Vegnagun's Legs</I>)

Jecht: Keep your eyes on those colors. (<I>if you attack the nodes during the battle with Vegnagun's Legs</I>)

Jecht: You can read its moods. Watch the colors. (<I>if you attack the nodes during the battle with Vegnagun's Legs</I>)

Jecht: Red uses physical attacks, yellow casts offensive magic, green handles recovery. (<I>if you attack the nodes during the battle with Vegnagun's Legs</I>)

Jecht: Figure it out yet? Keep hitting a node and it changes color. (<I>if you attack the nodes during the battle with Vegnagun's Legs</I>)

Braska: Use your opponent's logic against it and the battle is yours. (<I>if you attack the nodes during the battle with Vegnagun's Legs</I>)

Jecht: Fight as long as you can and then fight more. Don't let it get back at you. (<I>if you attack the nodes during the battle with Vegnagun's Legs</I>)

Jecht: Don't forget the leg, that's your main target. (<I>if you attack the nodes during the battle with Vegnagun's Legs</I>)

Jecht: Yuna, stay calm. What color are the nodes? (<I>if you attack the nodes during the battle with Vegnagun's Legs</I>)

Jecht: Forget the small fries, go for the core. The core's your target. (<I>during second-to-last Vegnagun battle

Jecht: If Vegnagun fires, it's all over. You have to stop it now, there is no overtime. (<I>during final Vegnagun battle</I>) - Corrected via e-mail by XvKarBear

Jecht: That a girl! The tides are turning. (reduce Vegnagun's HP to critical during final Vegnagun battle) - Submitted via e-mail by XvKarBear

Shuyin: All shall find rest. (prepping Vegnagun to fire</I>)

Auron: Stay calm. Keep attacking, no matter what. (<I>during final Vegnagun battle</I>)

Shuyin: There's no place to run. (prepping Vegnagun to fire</I>)

Auron: Vegnagun's halfway to firing power. You still have time. Believe, Yuna. (<I>during final Vegnagun battle</I>)

Shuyin: Mine is the power to crush Spira's despair. (prepping Vegnagun to fire</I>)

Jecht: Give it an extra pounding for me! (<I>during final Vegnagun battle</I>)

Shuyin: At last, Spira will be cleansed. (prepping Vegnagun to fire</I>)

Shuyin: Now Vegnagun, fire! (<I>Shuyin fires Vegnagun, bad ending commences

Braska: You're the only ones who can stop him. (during Shuyin battle)

Auron: It's almost over, Yuna. (<I>during Shuyin battle</I>)

Jecht: Stay focused. (<I>during Shuyin battle

12-01-2003, 12:28 AM
Yuna: This shouldn't take more than.... two turns
Rikku: Gimme one

Yuna: Gimme a Y
Rikku: Y
Yuna: Gimme a R
Rikku: R
Yuna: Gimme a P
Rikku: P
Paine: Gimme a break...

End Battle:

Yuna (Lady Luck): Game over man... game over

Rikku (Trainer): Alright you spunky monkey!

12-01-2003, 02:04 AM
Thanks for the submissions! I'll go ahead and edit all submissions into my first post so that we can keep track of them on one list. And of course, all submissions will be credited.

12-01-2003, 04:23 AM
Start Battle:

Rikku: I could do this blindfolded.
Paine: Go ahead.
Rikku: That's ok!

Paine: I'm gonna take a break.
Yuna: We need you.

End Battle:

Y.R.P.- Gullwings take the gold!

Paine: Too easy!

Killing Blow:

Rikku: Down ya go!

Dressphere Changes:

Rikku: This has sort of an Al Bhed thing going on. (changing to alchemist)

Rikku: Should I burn you or freeze you, decision decisions. (changing to black mage)

Said When casting Magic:

Rikku: Well done please. (fire)

Rikku: Forecast cold! (ice)

Rikku: Agraphobic, not me. (bolt)

Rikku: ZAP! (bolt)

Rikku: I like mine on the rocks. (ice)

Rikku: Hit the showers! (water)

Rikku: What's wrong cold feet? (ice)

12-01-2003, 11:32 AM
Rikku: Doctor P. is in the house.
Paine: Stop that.

Rikku: Rikku: Bite me, or better yet, let me bite you! (Changing to Berserker)
Rikku: Why do I have this strange urge to Howl! (Changing to Berserker)

12-06-2003, 01:47 AM
I have submitted what I have so far to GameFAQS.

12-07-2003, 04:51 PM
Yuna: Good thing I saved this. (using Alchemist stash ability)

Yuna: Now's as good a time as any. (using Alchemist stash ability)

Rikku: My pain is your pain. (Using Dark Knight Darkness ability)

Rikku: This hurts me almost as much as it hurts you. (Using Dark Knight Darkness)

Paine: There's enough pain to go around. (using dark knight darkness)

Shuyin: Come, Vegnagun. (said when initiating fight with Vegnagun's Head)

Shuyin: Share my dispair! (said when using Energy Rain).

Shuyin: Vanish with the rest of Spira! {said when using Terror of Zanarkand (or blitz ace if you'd rather =D)}.

Shuyin: Be gone! (said when using Hit and Run).

Auron: This relic's getting rusty! (said when preparing to fight Vegnagun's Tail).

Auron: Yuna, Rikku, Paine, this is your time you must defend it. (said during fight with Vegnagun's head)

Jecht: You must defeat him now, there is no overtime! (said during fight with Vegnagun's head)

12-09-2003, 03:45 AM
When casting flare, paine says "You, its what's for dinner."

12-10-2003, 05:32 AM
Start Battle

Paine: Easy
Yuna: You really think so?
Rikku: Less talk, more fight!

Win Battle

Rikku: I thought I'm done for (low HP)

Yuna: That's it?

Finishing Blow

Rikku: Gotta go!

Paine: Bye

Yuna: See ya!


Paine: There's no turning back now (Berserk)

Rikku: Taker's keepers (Steal)

Rikku: Don't hold out on me (Steal)

Rikku: What do you think I'm after? (Steal)


Paine: Burn! (Fire)

Paine: Smoking's bad for you (Fire)

Paine: Ashes to ashes (Fire)

Paine: Ice, ice, baby (Blizzard)

Paine: Am I cold? (Blizzard)

<font color=red>there is one more for ice-based spells, but I could not hear it properly. Maybe someone can take note of it?</font color>

Paine: Searing light! (Thunder)

Paine: Hmph! Shocking! (Thunder)

Paine: Lightning flash, thunder crash! (Thunder)

Paine: Hold your breath (Water)

Paine: Wake up (Water)

Paine: You could use a bath (Water)


Paine: Time to teach you a thing or two about black magic (-->Black Mage)

12-10-2003, 05:16 PM
Hi, Sanity. I'm guessing you're probably from GameFAQs. Just to let you know, you can edit your post, rather than posting twice to add something.

Oh, and check quotes before submitting. Yuna's "Is that it?" I think is actually "That's it?!" which I already have on the list. Also, Rikku's "I thought I'm done for," doesn't sound quite right. Are you sure it wasn't "I thought I was done for?"

I will update the GameFAQs version of the guide tonight.

12-10-2003, 11:37 PM
hi agent0042...sorry 4 the mistakes...cos I wrote them out based on my memory. I'll note down the quotes b4 I send in next time, kk?

12-11-2003, 04:20 AM
*You got it, I steal it* [rikku using steal]

*I'm still not used to this* {i think yuna says this either winning a battle in songstress or just finished changing into a songstress (i'll edit this one when i find it again)} i believe this is in chapter 1 only..

*Who's your Rikku?* [rikku using dance]

12-11-2003, 01:18 PM
The second one I already have, for Master Thief. I'll add it for general thievery, but it's actually "There ain't nothin' I can't steal." Please check quotes before submitting them, write them down if needed.

I'll add the first quote, but "think" isn't good enough on the second quote. Get back to me once you know for sure which condition it is that triggers that one.

Edit: To Sanity - okay, thanks. I'll watch for those then.

12-12-2003, 03:31 PM
Thanks Sanity for your newest additions. Unfortunately, some of what you submitted is stuff I already have. Please check to make sure I don't have it before submitting. I will add what I don't already have to the guide.

BTW, as long as you're not double-posting, please feel free to post a new message to add additions. That lets me know that something new has been posted.

12-12-2003, 08:53 PM
Dance Abil
*Time to bust a move* [Rikku]
*It only takes ME to tango* [Rikku]
*Step to this* [Paine]
*Try and keep up* [Paine]

Yuna: (to the tune of real Emotion) Na na na, na na na na, na na na na na. (using Sing abilities) actually goes for rikku (rikku's theme song) as well and i think paine also has this. (im going to check on yuna, i think she would go in the tune of her own theme song instead of real emotion.. .. and im also going to check on paine. or.. if someone else finds these two things out b4 me.)

*Just how tough are you?* [yuna using Libra (probably using scan in general.. ..)]

*Activate super duper ultra assault mode!* [Rikku changed into Machina Maw]

{i also added something to my previous post.}

12-12-2003, 11:42 PM
Yuna: Let's take a look (Scan/Libra)

Yuna: So what's your weakness? (Scan/Libra)
Note: It was written in your FAQ that the quote is 'What's your weakness?'

Yuna: This should do the trick. (Fiend Hunter abilities)

Yuna: Here's your silver bullet. (Fiend Hunter abilities)

Yuna: This one's just for you. (Fiend Hunter abilities)

Yuna: Time to let the magic fly. (spherechange to Gun Mage)

Yuna: Prepare for a fantastic shot of magical powers! Your abilities will be mine! (spherechange to Gun Mage)

Rikku: So I chop things up and we win. I think I can handle that. (spherechange to Warrior)

Rikku: I'll be taking your abilities now. Thank you. (spherechange to Gun Mage)

Rikku: Ready to fire, sir! (all Machina Maw's Missile abilities)

Rikku: All according to plan (Win)
Note: I think this quote does not only refers to the Machina Maw Dress-sphere cos I heard this quote when Rikku's in Warrior Dress-sphere. And it is not said for a killing blow, but instead for the end of a battle.

Rikku: This is kiddy stuff (Start)
Paine: Is it?

Paine: This is your lucky day. (Start)

Paine: Over already? (Win)

Paine: Child's play. (Win)

Paine: What goes around comes around. (MP Absorb)

Paine: It's not over yet. (cure)

Paine: You can do better than this. (cure)

Paine: Watch out! Items aren't the only thing I can steal. (spherechange to Thief)

Paine: Everyone has a weakness. I'll find yours. (spherechange to Gun Mage)

Yuna & Rikku: Hee-ya! (Win)

Ormi: Wa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! (Piroutte Pitch/Supercollider/Concussive Blast)

Ormi: Wa Ha Ha! Here! Catch! (Piroutte Pitch/Supercollider)

Ormi: Get a load of this! (Piroutte Pitch/Supercollider)
Note: It was stated in your FAQ that this quote is only for Supercollider but it came out for Piroutte Pitch as well. One more thing...your FAQ wrote Piroutte <font color=blue>Pinch</font color>. It should be <font color=blue>Pitch</font color>

Logos: Feeling lucky, huh? (Russian Roulette)

Leblanc: Let me blow you a kiss! (Mach Fan)

Leblanc: It was nice knowing you. (Black Magic/Hush Grenade/Flash Grenade)

Leblanc: This is goodbye now. (Black Magic/Hush Grenade/Flash Grenade)

Leblanc: Ready, boys?
Ormi: Of course we's are ready!
Logos: After you, boss. (No Love Lost)

Below are quotes for all Swordsplay abilities. It seems that Rikku uses the same quotes for all these abilities, other than Sparkler

Rikku: Booyaka!

Rikku: Take... this!

Rikku: Ready or not? Here I come!

Rikku: No holds barred!

Rikku: Stay... back!

Below are quotes for Pilfer Gil, Pilfer HP, Pilfer MP as well...other than Steal

Rikku: There ain't nothing I can't steal.

Rikku: You got it, I'll steal it.

12-13-2003, 07:48 PM
*Welcome to your doom, starring [I]ME * [Rikku changed into songstress]

*Show me your goods* [Paine using steal]

12-13-2003, 07:55 PM
It doesn't count as a double post, no. Not unless you post a message and nobody else has responded since then.

Next version going up sometime tomorrow.

Sanity - Thanks for some of your corrections and additions, although some of them are still ones that I already have and there are a couple that aren't quite right. For example, Leblanc's "This is goodbye now," is actually, "This is goodbye, love." Again, please check the guide first to make sure you're not posting something I already have.

12-14-2003, 11:02 PM
Paine: This is the part whre you get hurt. (<I>using Excalibur ability</I>) is actually for all of the same type (i think its called swordplay.. .. but i forget) cuz i have heard this for liquid steel (i think thats the name of the attack.. ..)

*Your purse is too heavy* [Paine using steal type abil]

12-16-2003, 09:14 AM
Yuna: What's the matter? Hungry? (spherechange to Trainer)

Yuna: Phew! (win with low HP)

the two quotes below are actually said for a battle win, not for killing blows as stated in your quote compilation.

Yuna: Good boy! (win using Trainer dress sphere)

Yuna: Good doggy. (win using Trainer dress sphere)

12-16-2003, 12:54 PM
I put those under Killing Blow? Well, I meant to put them under Win. Thanks for the correction.

I'll get all of these added later this evening. Next GameFAQs version goes up sometime tomorrow.

NGEVA, thanks. Your quotes have been posted and are already in the newest GameFAQs version of the guide.

12-19-2003, 12:51 AM
the quote below is for 4 dice ability as well as 2 dice ability, but your compilation wrote only for 4 dice

Rikku: Ooh, I can't watch!


Rikku: The fun starts now! (spherechange to Lady Luck)

Rikku: I'm ready to play! (spherechange to Lady Luck)

Paine: I guess there's no choice. (Darkness ability)

Paine: No pain, no gain! (Darkness ability)

12-19-2003, 10:48 AM
Yuna: Be a good boy. (spherechange to Trainer)

Paine: Time for a fiend hunt! (spherechange to Gun Mage)

Paine: Don't get carried away. (Dispel)

Lucil: Splendid... (Lucil defeated in battle)

Addition for your compilation. Paine says the bottom quote for Sparkler too.

Paine: Kiss me! (Sparkler)

12-19-2003, 07:00 PM
I already have the Lucil quote, but I'll add everything else.

12-22-2003, 04:16 PM
i know this post is not much help, but i'm trying to figure out what they say when they send their 'pet' to attack. being in trainer dsp, when you choose to attack instead of using a trainer abil, they sometimes say something. each girl says something different because they have a different 'pet' but one i have difficulty with figuring out is what rikku calls or tells ghiki when she chooses to attack.

12-22-2003, 04:43 PM
It's already on the list in the Abilities section.

BTW, newest additions to the list go up tomorrow.

12-23-2003, 11:23 PM
Sorry, but I would like to point out that there's a mistake in one of my submitted quotes for Paine when using Berserk. The quote should be as follows:

Paine: No turning back now! (Berserk ability)


The following quote applies for Sparkler as well.

Paine: I'm gonna miss you. (Sparkler)

12-23-2003, 11:50 PM
I'll fix the first one. As for the second one, if it applies for Sparkler, then it applies for all Bushido abilities most likely and I'm guessing Warrior Break abilities too. I'll add it.

01-07-2004, 09:03 PM
i see you have 2 out of the 3 "piece of cake" quotes.

YRP: Piece of cake! [said at the end of battle]

*Correction* i saw rikku say "Booya" when she used attack/mug with Lady Luck .. they're cards.. not a gun.. strange..

also looks like you didn't add in for Rikku's sing abils, she too also sings "nanana.. ..." and so on.. .. to HER own theme song. similar to Yuna except the tune.. actually.. i think i pointed this out earlier.. i have yet to get Paine some sing abils. but i think she would also have this "nanana" thing to her own theme song similar to both Rikku and Yuna.

and regarding this:

Originally posted by brs620 in the "Pop-culture references" topic
this probobly haas nothing and i mean nothing to do with this topic, but i hear rikku, every time i fight omega weapons and about 1 out of ten other battles saying "bleh" possibly refrence? but then again a lot of movies say bleh dont they...
there are specific times when she says this.. i believe i heard yuna say something similar.. and/or might have been paine. but i think one time is when they miss, another is when they recieve damage from poison during battle. i will try and locate more info on this. i think there's one dsp where she says this alot.. might have been my game tho.. with the stuff and stats i had..

01-08-2004, 11:24 PM
i see you have 2 out of the 3 "piece of cake" quotes.

YRP: Piece of cake! [said at the end of battle]
So all three of them can say it? All right, I'll add it.

*Correction* i saw rikku say "Booya" when she used attack/mug with Lady Luck .. they're cards.. not a gun.. strange..
Okay, I'll add it for all the girls that have a quote like that.

Regarding the whole "bleh" thing, I'm not adding it. I consider it more of a noise than something they're actually saying.

01-09-2004, 01:48 AM
maybe i should have put gullwings instead of yrp.. i'm not sure if there was a diff..
but they say that together. the end-quote that is.

also. about Booya. i think its only rikku. i don't remember ever hearing paine nor yuna say anything gun-related especially in the lady luck dsp.. though i've only heard rikku ever say anything while holding the gun as well as the cards special case...

01-09-2004, 11:05 AM
Rikku: Gotcha! (killing blow with ranged attack)

Paine: Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet! (Fiend Hunter)

Paine: This one's got your name on it. (Fiend Hunter)

I found a typo error in your compilation. It is the word in bold below
Paine: Whereever you go, my bullets will find you. (Paine spherechanges to Gunner dressphere.)

I believe that the quotes are the same for all the following abilities, for eg. a quote which is said for Black Sky is also said for the rest of the listed abilities:
- Swordsplay
- Bushido
- Instinct
- Black Sky Arcana
- Mascot Ability (Moogle Beam for Yuna, PuPu Platter for Rikku, Cactling Gun for Paine)

01-09-2004, 05:29 PM
Rikku: Eat... not-lead!(using Blue Bullet ability)

01-17-2004, 01:17 AM
Paine: This is the part where you get hurt. (elemental melee ability)

also note that you have a typo in the faq as well.. you have whre instead of where

*interesting note: regarding her and the "auron's relative" rumor that is so old it may have been forgotten, she has an auron reference here. auron also says the same line in FFX i believe its when he uses breaks.

Fisherman Greg
05-07-2004, 07:42 AM
Rikku: 100 monkey points (attacking with the trainer dress sphere)

05-07-2004, 07:17 PM
It's already on the list. Maybe not the one here, but definitely the one at GameFAQs / Neoseeker. In fact, I'm going to close this thread, since I really just find it easier these days to update at GameFAQs and Neoseeker, rather than here.