Darth Revan
11-28-2003, 01:57 PM

Well, this is a story I've been working on a lot lately. My late girlfriend, Tina, gave me the idea for this one, after she saw Pirates of the Carribean and I hope some people here like it.

It's a Love Hina fic, with some out of characterness to some of the characters, and there are some original characters in this as well.

I was considering stopping this fic, and not continuing it, but I decided against it. Please, let me know what you think of it.

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Pirates of the Hinata : The Legend of the Hina Blade


Aberdeen sighed to himself, as the wind blew his hair into his face. Where had he gone wrong? He and his crew had found the treasure they were after, and then Admiral �Stiff Joints� Sakata and his warship, the Daedalus, had opened fire on the Arcadia. He had issued the order to ready for battle, when he fell to the deck. Finally, he had awoke and found himself, tied by his ankles, hanging upside down off of an old tree, stretched over a gaping chasm.

�I really have to plan my holidays better.� He muttered as the rope is tugged and he spins around to face�

�Ahh, Harold. Let me guess, this little �game� is your idea, right?�

Harold MacArthur smiled as he looked at his former Captain and best friend.

�Don�t take this too personally Aberdeen, I�m not doing this because I want to.�

Aberdeen raised an eyebrow.

�Really? Phew, that�s a relief off of my mind. See, things like this, when they�re taken too far, can really hurt a friendship.�

Harold smirked, as did the rest of the crew behind him.

�You to give him credit boys, he can have a joke at anyone�s expense,� Harold drew his sword and sliced the rope gently, causing it to fray �Even his own.�

Aberdeen sighed again as he hung there.

�So, let me guess Harold. You and the boys are hijacking MY ship, and going to sail off into the sunset with OUR treasure, go and find a nice little port somewhere, where the whole lot of you, can breed together and create more nastiness and foul things to stuff up my life even more eh?�

Harold cut the rope again, causing more to fray up.

�You know Aberdeen, that mouth of yours, is going to get you into trouble one day, UNLESS��

�Unless what?�

Harold smiled.

�Are you sure you really want me to tell you?�

The rope started to fray more, and slipped a few centimeters, jolting Aberdeen.

�Uhh, on second thought, perhaps not.�

Harold was about to respond, when Dennis Brightblate, an aideof Harold's, spoke to him. Harold faced Aberdeen.

�I�m afraid we must be off now old friend. Stiff Joints and his accursed laundry tub are fast approaching, from the other side of this beautiful island. I�d stay and enjoy the rather big splash you�re going to cause, but I really must dash. Toodles.�

Harold cut the rope again, leaving only a couple of frayed cords intact, as he turned and head off, the crew with him. Aberdeen sighed.

�This has really not been my day. I must�ve really annoyed someone upstairs to get this treatment.� He frowned �Then again, it could be what I ate for dinner last night.�

The rope jerked again, as one of the final two cords snapped. Aberdeen glared at the rope.

�And YOU are not HELPING!!�

He leaned back and then started to swing. The first attempt earned nothing but some strands of rope fraying from both the cords. He kept swinging, and on the sixth attempt, had gained some momentum. However, the swinging was straining the rope, so that when he swung back away from the cliff it broke.

�Oh crap.�

Aberdeen fell down the cliff, and managed to grab the rope around his ankles and free himself. As he continued towards the sharp rocks below, he saw a branch sticking out of the cliff�s side.

�I hope this works!�

Aberdeen looped the rope and as he fell past, it caught onto the branch. At first the branch bent down with Aberdeen�s weight, then swung back upwards, throwing him back into the air. He was also quite close to the cliff face, and when he started to lose the upward momentum, he latched himself onto the cliff side, fingers dug deep onto the outcropping rocks.

�This could�ve been better.�

Aberdeen started to climb up the side of the cliff only to reach a smooth surface on the cliff. He frowned.

�Now this, on the other hand, is completely unacceptable. How am I supposed to make my way off of this cliff, when I can�t even find something to climb with?�

He leaned into the cliff and turned himself around. Sitting on a small ledge, he watched as his ship, his pride and joy, the Arcadia making distance between himself and her. Admiral Stiff Joints and his tub were racing after her, but with the lead Harold had, Aberdeen knew that Sakata had no chance in the seven Hells of catching the Arcadia.

�Well if this just don�t beat it all.� He stared death towards his pride, specifically the crew and their mutinous leader, Harold MacArthur.

�You better run and hide Harold. Hide deep. I swear I shall find you, and when I do� �

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This prologue introduces one of the main, original characters I created. Depending on how well it's received here, I may continue posting it here.

Also, Riana, Drea and everyone else who read my Final Fantasy VIII story, Lionwing, should be happy to know I will be updating that pretty soon. At the moment I'm busy with other projects at the moment, but I will update ASAP.

Until then, please let me know what you think of this prologue, and if I should continue to post it here.


01-19-2004, 01:49 AM
That was a kicking story and you also deserve a reply.
Right on!!!:D

Darth Revan
02-28-2004, 08:08 AM
Hey all. Sorry about the late update in regards to this story. Been very busy as of late, what with other stories I�m writing and such. Anywayz, this chapter introduces another OC (original character) as well as some of the Love Hina Characters, in some roles I thought seemed appropriate for them. Anywayz, on with the story, yes?

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Chapter One :

Keitaro Urashima sighed as he gazed at the new maps on display in the window of Williams map supplies. As a Cartographer, maps were his life, and whenever new maps were found, he�d take great joy in even getting a small glimpse of them. It was that attribute which annoyed his long-suffering friend to no end.

Markus Casewell, a scholar by trade, again tried to pull Keitaro away from the window, this time succeeding.

�Come on Keitaro, you know you�ll never be able to afford it. As it is, we can barely afford to pay the rent to Mrs. Kensington. And if we can�t pay the rent� �

Keitaro finished.

�We need to look elsewhere to lodge. I know Markus, I know. Still, one can dream right?�

Markus looked at his friend and nodded.

�True, but dreams can�t keep a roof over one�s head, or food in one�s stomach. Or even pay your assistant. How long must she wait for her pay Keitaro?�

Keitaro looked at his feet.

�I don�t know. No one needs a cartographer anymore.�

Markus sighed and put his hand on his forehead.

�We�ll find work somehow Keitaro, but for now we need to figure out what to do with ourselves and for Shinobu as well.�

Keitaro looked up at Markus.

�Well, what would you suggest Markus? I don�t know, get aboard a ship and become pirates?�

Before Markus could respond, Keitaro�s assistant, Shinobu Maehara, came running up to them, panting.

�Keitaro! Markus! You have to head back to the Inn now!�

Markus and Keitaro looked at each other.

�Oh great.�

Markus nodded.


As the three headed back towards the Inn, a figure stepped out of an alcove and watched them.

�Interesting. So they�re the ones Captain Fyre wants watched eh? Well she pays me well so, I guess I�d better keep my end of the bargain.�

The figure pulled it�s cloak tighter around itself, and followed the cartographer, scholar and the young woman.

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Inside the Red Dragon Inn :

Markus, Keitaro and Shinobu entered the Inn, and looked over at the Innkeeper, Mrs. Kensington. She motioned over at a table near the fireplace, where a man was sitting. Keitaro and Markus looked at each other, instantly suspicious of the man. He smiled disarmingly at them, and bade them, and Shinobu, to join him.

No sooner had they sat down, the man cleared his throat.

�Ahem, allow me to introduce myself. I am Seta Noriyasa, noted adventurer and fun seeker.�

Markus, Keitaro and Shinobu paled at the mention of his name. Seta Noriyasa was indeed an adventurer, and misfortune rained down on those who happened to be traveling with him.

Seta, however, continued to talk.

�Now, I�ve happen to come across a little map, which I�m certain leads to a hidden empire. An empire of what, I�m not certain. But one thing I am certain of, is that where there�s an empire, there�s also treasure to be found and fame.�

Markus raised a hand to stop him.

�You sound like a pirate.� He muttered before continuing �Excuse me, but why would you have need of us? I�m just a simple scholar and Keitaro here is just a cartographer, with an assistant. You say you have a map, so I can hazard a guess as to why Keitaro and Shinobu MAY be of use to you, but why me?�

Seta paused and shifted in his seat.

�Well, think of it this way. As a scholar, you�re in search of knowledge. Therefore, if you come along, who knows of what you could find which could be of great importance to your peers?�

Markus frowned. He didn�t like the way this Seta was thinking. Keitaro on the other hand, had almost fallen off of his seat at the mention of the word �map�, He had a glazed look in his eyes, and Shinobu herself looked a little flustered as well. Markus decided to ask another question.

�Alright then, why us?�

Seta smiled.

�Because, from what I understand from the delightful Mrs. Kensington, the three of you no longer have a place to stay. I�m offering the three of you work, and the chance of a lifetime. What do you have to say?�

Keitaro jumped to his feet, excitement in his eyes.


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Second chapter up and awaiting your review of it. Please, no destructive comments or flaming remarks. The next chapter should be up in a fortnight or so, yes?

02-28-2004, 07:48 PM
.........man:confused: Yo can get rich off this stuff!!!! That was great. Keep it up dude:D

03-08-2004, 09:02 PM
again, great job!
keep it up!:D

Darth Revan
08-22-2004, 03:20 PM
Haven�t updated this one in ages� my bad. Here�s the next chapter update. Enjoy.

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On the deserted island :

Aberdeen grabbed a hold of a rock and pulled himself against the cliff side, as the ledge crumbled away. He watched the outcropping fall down and smash to pieces against the rocks below.

�Well, if this isn�t just dandy!�

No sooner had he said that, a female voice spoke to him.

�I don�t know whether to pull you up, or leave you there to dry.�

Aberdeen looked up the cliff face, and locked his gaze on the raven haired beauty.

�Well now, is Heaven short of an Angel, or are you just happy to see me?�

The raven haired woman frowned and threw a rope to him.

�Climb up here, before I decide to take the rope back.�

Aberdeen grasped the rope and pulled himself up the cliff side. As he climbed to the top, the raven haired woman placed her sword at his throat. Aberdeen looked along the blade.

�My, my, is this the way you normally greet people, or are you just normally mean spirited?�

The woman motioned to the two other women with her, who pulled Aberdeen to his feet and placed manacles around his wrists.

�Prisoner secured.�

The raven haired woman placed her sword at Aberdeen�s throat again.

�I should just cut your throat and leave your corpse here to feed the birds.�

Aberdeen smiled slyly.

�I invoke� Parlay.�

The two women holding him stiffened and their leader frowned.

�What did you say?�

�I said, I invoke parlay. It means I want to discuss some urgent matters with your Captain. Now, under the terms of parlay��

The raven hair sheathed her sword and punched Aberdeen in the face, smiling as he staggered backwards from the blow.

�Keep quiet.�

Aberdeen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

�My, I do so love the feisty ones.� He faced the woman to his right, a sly smile on his face �They�re so more delectable and tasty. Tell me, are you a feisty one?�

Both women pushed him forward, and towards the beach. Aberdeen frowned as he was herded onto the lifeboat, and watched as the other three women in the boat, rowed it back towards their ship, leaving him facing the raven hair.

�So tell me, my delectable poppet, what is the name of your most esteemed Captain?�

Raven hair glared at him, and then pointed at the ship they were heading to.

�Recognize the ship?�

Aberdeen turned his gaze on the ship, a small curse escaping his lips. The ship had mounted on it�s forward section two big cannons, which were obviously not designed to fire cannonballs. Along both its sides, were six hatches, which covered six cannons. The three masts each bore a red sail, a flaming sword etched upon them. It�s maidenhead was that of a mermaid grasping a rose, hinting at the ships name. The flag it bore was a custom pirate flag, no doubt designed by the captain of the ship. A skull with what appeared to be two strands of hair coming down over it�s visage, and behind it was a sword and a rose. Aberdeen rolled his eyes.

�Damn. Of all the ships, in all the oceans, it had to HER ship which came this way!� he looked up at the sky �What did I ever do to deserve this? What?!?�

Raven hair smiled.

�I think the Captain is going to enjoy talking with you, Captain Edwardes.�

At the mention of his name, the rest of the women in the lifeboat faced him, looks of awe on their faces. Aberdeen smiles slyly as he stroked his chin.

�So, your delightful and beautiful captain, she still remembers me, eh?�

The lifeboat pulled up against the bigger ship, and raven hair climbed up the rope ladder to the deck, Aberdeen following her. As soon as he got on deck, a red haired, pig tailed girl glared at him.

�THIS is the one my sister was fawning over? HIM?�

Before Aberdeen could say anything, another voice spoke, one Aberdeen recognized and both hoped he�d hear again, and yet not. It belonged to the Captain of this vessel, the Red Rose, Captain Fyre. Wearing similar pirate clothes like Aberdeen, except colored red, she strode onto the deck and stopped in front of Aberdeen.

�That was a long time ago, with I was in leave of my senses. Now tell me why I shouldn�t throw your worthless carcass of seamoss overboard and be done with you Aberdeen?�

Aberdeen smiled to himself, as he looked up her figure and smiled as he saw three familiar weapons adorning her waist. A rapier, with the hilt crafted as a rose. A flintlock pistol, he himself had crafted for her. Her final weapon, a whip, which he knew was her most dangerous weapon.

�Now my dear Captain. When have I ever caused you trouble?�

She smiled at him, then slapped him across the face.


�There�s plenty more for you.� She looked at his manacles �And you look so good with your jewelery on.�

Aberdeen faced her, smiling as he let the manacles fall to the deck, the lock open.

�Firstly, it wasn�t my fault you got captured. As it was, I was going to come back and free my dear lady from her prison. Secondly, you of all people should know that I can�t be manacled for long, unless it�s in your bedchamber with you, of course� �

Another slap.

�Don�t tell me your still sore over that little �incident� Fyre?�

Another slap.

�Keep slapping and I swear I�ll bend you over my knee and spank you, just like I used to do Naru!� he smiled �And we both know how much you enjoyed it, don�t we?�

Captain Naru Narusegawa, also known as Captain Fyre, cursed at him.

�Damn you Aberdeen Edwardes, damn you to the blackest pit of eternal damnation!�

Aberdeen grasped her hand, before she could slap him, and kissed the back of it.

�I�ll make sure to have a reservation for us, in the deluxe room.�

Naru kicked him in the leg, and as he fell to the deck, she drew her pistol and pointed it at him.

�Give me one good reason I shouldn�t kill you.�

Aberdeen paused and thought it over.

�Because you are totally and utterly infatuated with me, as well as adoring me. Not to mention how much you love me so.� He paused again, looking at the musket �Okay then. Come with me.�

He got to his feet and placed his hat on his head. He walked, with a swagger, over to the railing. He leaned over until he could see behind the ship. He chuckled softly as he faced Naru, a cocky smile on his face.

�My one good reason, as you so delicately put it, is right behind us.�

Naru scowled and leaned over the railing, the scowl being replaced with wide eyes.

�Oh that�s just wonderful!� she leaned back and faced Aberdeen, hands on her hips. She fixed Aberdeen with a steely gaze �You know, whenever you�re around��

Aberdeen smiled, as he walked up to her and put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close.

�Things always seem to work to �push� us together.�

Raven hair looked at her captain.


Naru pushed Aberdeen away and faced her first mate.

�Motoko, all hands battle stations. It�s the Daedalus!!�

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Been busy concentrating on other stories and such. Just glad I worked a lot on this one, as most of it is already written. Well� at least 1/5 of the story at least. Let me know what you think, yes?

08-22-2004, 06:05 PM
I love Naru. She is so cute! Good job greg...good job.