11-26-2003, 04:14 PM
Okay, has anyone else tried the new blitzball yet? Personally, I can't stand it! They totally messed it up and everything's too fast now and it's really hard to follow. There's a lot of things I like about this game, but it seems to me like they ruined a winning formula with this. Anyone disagree? Is there something I'm missing?

Vivi FF
11-27-2003, 12:50 AM
I've heard that BB has been messed up in FFX-2. I haven't gotten the chance to obtain FFX-2 yet so I can't say where I stand on it. I've heard that most of the returning BB players from FFX have been toned down. :(

Alice Wonderbra
12-15-2003, 05:18 PM
i tried playing it, but i couldnt change the setting from computer-controlled. maybe im just stupid, but i didnt like watching the computer lose the game for me. i know that there has to be a way to control it, right? well, how do you?! :p

12-15-2003, 05:20 PM
I'm with you! Anybody know because I can't figure it out either and the whole thing is really weird and annoying.

Alice Wonderbra
12-15-2003, 05:36 PM
LMAO!!!!! so you cant change it either????!!!! i hope that its possible! i thought i was just stupid and couldnt find it! i know that in x you can watch it or you can control it manually, so i thought it would b the same for this game, but crap if i cant figure it out.:lol

Vivi FF
12-22-2003, 09:11 PM
Although still having no FFX-2 as of right now, I do know quite alot of FFX-2 BB (thanks to some FAQ's and help at GameFAQ's). Anyways, you can't control anyone during BlitzBall (which I have to say might suck alot). You can only tell them like how hard to play. It sucks that you can't really strategize during the game and pull off risky moves that can make you win the game.

From what I've learned, you can actually double all of a person's stats from Intensive Training. This is pretty cool, except winning those ITs are pretty rare, I think.

Another thing is that it is possible to max your stats, or well most of them, quite easily. You'll just have train each stat in a certain order. In the end, non-goalies will have max stats except for 0 CAT and a not maxed out REC or SHT (but hopefully high enough), and goalies can have max stats except for ATK and REC/SHT.

I'm actually eager to start playing FFX-2 BB, but I don't have the game yet, AND even when I do get the game, you can't play BB until Chapter 5.

12-22-2003, 11:37 PM
I like the sound of it even less now that I've heard that. I think I'll just skip it and just do some of the other things that I still haven't done.

12-30-2003, 03:10 AM
Blitzball now is supposed to be more of a coaching simulation and you don't get to play it at all. :( However...if the game is too fast you can select a different camera view and you can watch it at a normal speed...but then its just more boring cause you still cant play :(

12-30-2003, 03:40 AM
I can't stand it! Well actually I've played like 80 games already and I have a pretty strong team. HOWEVER, the FFX Blitzball was awesome. For only one reason... YOU COULD CONTROL YOUR PLAYERS. BB was fun as hell in FFX. In X-2 the AI does the dumbest things. Swimming around in circles? WTF ARE YOU DOING! Oh yeah, my Paine has like 94 SHT, yet the Psyche's goalie cataches it with 32 CAT? Yes, my adrenaline is up too.. I have to because the Psyche's are so freakin ridiculous. Only reason to play Blitz now is for items. Not for fun anymore.

12-30-2003, 03:44 AM
Yeah, I've been reading about it and the more I read, the less I want to play it. I could care less about items.

Vivi FF
12-30-2003, 02:11 PM
I've heard that some of the rarer items like Megaelixers, Mega Phenoixes, etc. can only be won in BB after you found/stole from everywhere else. Plus I've also heard you can win AP Eggs from BB. I still haven't gotten the chance to play BB yet.

12-30-2003, 06:00 PM
Yeah, but you can also grab an AP Egg from the chocobo dungeon, so that's not really that thrilling.

Vivi FF
01-02-2004, 07:21 PM
Still, I'm able to play BB now and of course it's not as fun as FFX BB. But I did obtain some items and accesories that really help out (although I didn't win an AP Egg yet, nor did I find it).

But one thing that's pretty interesting about BB is that I can do other stufflike homework while the game is going on! I'm still going to go for the ultimate BB team. It's kinda hard to achieve.

Alice Wonderbra
01-07-2004, 12:42 PM
i will never play that fucking shit.

eww...gross. its revolting. and it smells like rotten cheese.

01-22-2004, 11:31 AM
well, not having had a chance to play this yet, as its not out in sunny England, I can only say that any change to the origional is good. It was slow, boring and 5 minute halves were way too much. After a few matches you start to deminate all teams.With the right players you can literally run circles around the enemy. The Ronsos were useless. Limited animations( goals all look the same, all tackles look the same). Im glad the changed it.

01-22-2004, 11:47 AM
I have not played it for too long. My gripes about it is that you only play manager. You train the players decide which players are on the team, but you don't get full control of the team like you did in FFX. My other gripe with it is that you could not recruit the all mighty TIDUS. If he was on my team, I'd murder Spira!!!

Vivi FF
01-22-2004, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by Dragon_Lee
My other gripe with it is that you could not recruit the all mighty TIDUS. If he was on my team, I'd murder Spira!!!

I'm not completely sure, but in a New Game +, you'll be able to win a tournament to play exhibiton games with the Zanarkand Abes. After beating them, you can win Trade Privelges to trade with them. Tidus (or "Star Player" ) will be on that team so you can get him! I'm not 100% sure as I'm not in a NG+, yet.

01-22-2004, 11:03 PM
Yes, I did see something in my guide about "Star Player" being available.