11-25-2003, 09:12 PM
I havent posted much lately, so I'd like to let people know I'm still alive...but I have no idea what to post so I'll post my newest pic. Its Yuki from gravitation. Sorry its on Deviant art so it may load kinda slow...(damn DA...) Anyways please tell me what you think.


Ark Mune
11-25-2003, 11:17 PM
That is really well done. Excellent shading, everything is porportionate. 10/10

11-26-2003, 01:08 AM
ehh... i don't like it too much... didn't think the shading was that great either... maybe cuz i've never seen Gravitation though.

11-26-2003, 08:48 AM
Remember people that you don't have to like the subject to appreciate good artwork. I don't like anim� at all yet it is completely possible to look beyond that and to appreciate technically good artwork.


Anyways, like I said, not my cup-of-tea subject wise but I do like it.

I like the kind of shading you've used on the torso, chunky areas of colour can look just as good as blending, especially to look a little more stylised.

The hair's nice, good shading. The texture on his shirt is really helped by the shading and it's a good contrast to his skin.

A few little crits. The shirt, background and text look a little dark to me and hard to distinguish. His hand's upside down, the thumb would be nearest his head but it appears to be the opposite way around. Also, I think he could use some nipples, it looks a little odd without to be honest.

11-26-2003, 10:14 AM
I agree, Its not amazing, it was really just a test on doing cell shading (I havent done many) and I felt like doing a gravititaion thing because the colors in that series are fairly bright. I cant stand using dull ones; it bores me easily.

-Loki, not all my art work is anime, what do you think of encorporating some more realistic features so things wont look so cartoony, I think thats the main thing that people dont like anime. I dont really like the perky anime chliche much either, so thats why I'd like to modify the idea by mixing different styles with it.

Maybe you should check these three out their kinda they're not up to snuff then I understand your reasoning...

Some not so anime-ish stuff (

Really old watercolor...oh god. (

Pencil drawing (

These arent so anime...well the top one is a bit but I tried to mimic (sp?) Yoshitaka Amano's artwork and I think he has his own completely unique style of art that cant be described as simply "anime".

Its not about genre its about style and creativity.

Vyvyn- Holy crap...his hand IS backwards...damn it! thats the second time I've done that and not noticed.

Anyway thanks guys for being harsh crtics, I need that, its like a refreshing punch in the face lol. :lol

11-26-2003, 11:02 AM
The top one is pretty nice... I looked at it before I read that it was based off Amano's work and I said to myself "That looks like the concept art for the final fantasy games." The shading is also very well done on this. The second picture is very interesting and I like it. The third is okay... the demons chest looks kinda strange... the wings are very nice though.

It's not that I don't appreciate anime or anything, because I do like good anime art... but maybe that style just isn't for you. I just don't think the first picture is very good anime, but maybe it is just that picture.

11-26-2003, 11:51 AM
Your probobly right, I normaly do original work like the amono style peice, I've recently been fiddling with fan art because I realise that fan art gets more notice than original works. However, I just cant seem to draw off of other peoples' creations both in anime and in real life pictures, I agree that I'm not to good at it right now, but trying is a vital stepping stone to success, am I right?

11-26-2003, 12:06 PM
very true Cygnus. Your original stuff looks great though, keep em comin, i wanna see more.

12-04-2003, 02:53 AM
Wow, sexy and a great artist? Who wouldda thunk it?
Anyway, you're freakin' good. I like them all, and I don't see very many problems with any of them that haven't been pointed out already.