11-25-2003, 11:01 AM
Now don't get me wrong, I don't want this series to ever end. I just am wondering, will there be an end to the final fantasy series and if so, what number will it be?

11-25-2003, 11:18 AM
They BETTER never take away my Final Fantasy!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :notgood: :notgood: :notgood:

I would lead a revolt and DESTROY all who stood in my way!!!! Mwahhahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :D

Anyways, I don't think they're gonna stop making them any time soon, so no worries here. :)

11-25-2003, 11:28 AM
I just am wondering about the future though.

Think about it. When we are still playing FF(If we are lol) I wonder how freaking awesome the last one would be.

11-25-2003, 11:32 AM
The Final Fantasy games will never stop being made because they sell too damn well. If they stop making them as well though, eventually people will notice and stop buying them. So I guess the series ends when Final Fantasy's suck... and thats like saying when pigs fly or when hell freezes over.

11-25-2003, 11:43 AM
I hope they'll stop making them before they start to suck.

Better to go out on a high than to be remembered for a few shabby games as Square faded into obscurity.

It's not limitless, there's already similarities. I don't think FF can go on indefinitely, that being said, for now, it's still got more to offer.

Tactical Error #5
11-25-2003, 11:53 AM
Never, I hope. Though it may become unrecognizeable in whatever form it takes some 40-50 years from now when we are all retired living in "facilities."

Bahamut ZERO
11-25-2003, 02:15 PM
With advances in technology, who knows how far Final Fantasy could go? I mean, XI could be just the first step in the online genre. Could you imagine stepping into a virtual world yourself in the guise of a hero warrior-mage, meeting people who are from different countries? Can you imagine meeting people in a virtual world from the Shrine itself?

Fantasy, yes. Possible, maybe. The realm of online gaming is still relatively unexplored, and as technology gets faster and faster, who knows how stable the gaming will eventually be?

As for the one player normal Final Fantasy games: If they do end, they should end with one uber Fantasy adventure involving all characters from all games, teaming to fight the ultimate evil. (I'd put my socks in as the ultimate evil, but I'm not sure if it'd sell that well...)

11-25-2003, 03:49 PM
I'd give it until Tuesday.

11-25-2003, 03:54 PM
I severely doubt it will all end tuesday lol.

I agree with you Bahamut. With the effort they put into final fantasy and squaresoft, no doubt something great will happen if they are making a final version of final fantasy. But if they continue imagine how grand their enterprise could be. They could possibly have a FF game in the future so advanced that you actually played in the FF world kinda like .hack sign

Alice Wonderbra
11-25-2003, 04:21 PM
toiled all, spoiled all. i was about to make this thread!

they will eventually end, but i dont want to think about that right now. i dunno how soon. it seems that as long as there is a gaming system though, some1 will want to release a game under that title for obvious reasons. $$$$$$$$$

11-26-2003, 05:31 AM
The short answer: never

As long as they keep selling (and believe me, if the first 10 or so years are any indication... they will), they'll keep making them.

Plus... it seems as the series goes on more and more people start to play them... its actually a *dramatic gasp* growing audience!

Lacuna End
12-01-2003, 08:20 PM
I agree with the guy a few spaces up - when it does end, It should be in a giant 300hour long game encompasing all of the ff worlds. :D

Ark Mune
12-01-2003, 10:23 PM
When we get to the point where FF's are nearly repeats, the next generation of children will love them as if they r originals, so it would prolly be some huge loop hole from generation to generation.

12-03-2003, 12:47 PM
Personally... I think they need to lose the numbers and make sequels and/or prequels to their games... such as FFX-2 and FFVII: Advent Children (althrough FFVIIAC is a movie ^_^)... And from the looks of it, FFXII is gonna probably be a sequel/prequel to FFTAdvance...

Why do I think that? The numbers lose appeal when you reach, oh... say 37...

But what we're not looking at is that just because they have the words Final Fantasy in them, does not make them all related... I mean, if they changed the name of FFVII to anything else, it would still be a great game! So it's not the future of FF that I'm looking at, but basically the future of Square Enix, as they will continue to pump out great games even without Final Fantasy...

Maybe after they wear out FF, they can start calling them something like Final this or Fantasy that just so the FF fans can continue to follow it. And the new name could spark up more of an audience...

Darth Revan
12-06-2003, 01:08 PM

I remember a similar thread like this, earlier this year. Heh, I think this is the link :

Anywayz, this is what I wrote there :

Well, personally, I think if Square continues to make FF games after what they have already announced, they're just proving one thing. They are there just to pawn off games. I mean, how many FF's do we really need? I'm not saying I hate the Final Fantasy franchise, far from it, but one day the curtain will fall. I think Q said it best in the final episode of Star trek : The Next Generation "All good things, must come to an end., and the FINAL Final Fantasy is probably just over the horizon.

Now, after having said that, I've probably made a lot of you angry, and for that I apologise. Squaresoft, in the beginning was a pretty darn good company, and when they released the first FF, they were in deep trouble. If the game didn't succeed, then that was going to be Square's Final Fantasy. Hence forth, that's where they got the name for the series from. Take a look at a lot of the other games Square has released, and you have to admit, some of them are pretty weak.

In regards to FF X-2, FF XI and FF XII. Well, from some sources (namely square's european website, as well as GameFAQS and the GIA.) FF X-2 apparently is only going to be released in Japan and Japan only. Myself, I don't really think they should've made a sequel to FF X. None of the other FF's had a sequel, so what made FF X so special? FF XI, well it's online, and I'm having nightmares of Phantasy Star Online again here. I mean, do we really NEED an online FF game? There'd be no story, no plot, no real character development nothing to seperate it from other online games, just the name of Final Fantasy. FF XII, well, I'll wait for more info, but from what I have seen and read, it looks impressive, going back to the more traditional gameplay. Here's hoping the job system will return.

And finally, the biggest gripe I have with Square..... Final Fantasy VII-2. The rumours about FF VII-2 have been going around for ages, ever since FF VII came out. FF VII was released early, to compete with the newest instalment (at the time) of the Dragonquest series. Now, FF VII was a milestone, it brought RPG's out from the niche, into the mainstream market, so I give Square credit for that. Looking back on the other games they released, they did have some good ones. However, they also had some which weren't quite as successful, but that's beside the point. In regards to FF VII-2, all I can say is this If it aint broken, why fix it? FF VII is complete the way it is. Why go back and alter it? If they do, Square will be under a tremendous amount of pressure, to add the news parts to it, whilst still maintaining the integrity of the game, something which, I'm afraid to say, will not work (as far as I'm concerned that is.).

Square should focus on the future and concentrate on making new games with fresh ideas, not going back into the past and altering it. If they do, who knows what legacy they'll leave behind them.

Rather long winded I know. Considering the thread was last active on 04-03-2003. Thing is, I still find myself agreeing with most of what I wrote here. Now, this is probably gonna get me flamed from here to Hell's Prison, Stygia, and back, but when you think about it, as good as the Final Fantasy series, when will enough be enough? Having played and finished all but FFIII, I thoroughly enjoy the series, but there are other titles out there. Square/Enix is not the only company making RPG's, but they did set the standard which a lot of other games are judged by, which, personally, I think is wrong. When FFX came out, every magazine raved about it, except one. Edge magazine. I think they gave it a score of 6 or 7, not too sure. They were the only magazine which wasn't 'kissing up to Square'.

Still, in conclusion, the Final Fantasy series set a benchmark in the RPG genre, and brought RPG's out from the niche market, into mainstream audience. For that I'm grateful, but the FF series won't be around forever. To use the quote I used in the above section, All good things, must come to an end., and one day, the FINAL Final Fantasy will be made. Not a question of 'IF', but a question of 'WHEN'.

Nuff said.

Lacuna End
12-06-2003, 11:11 PM
Aside from the fact that (obviously) FF X-2 was released here, and "FFVII-2" is going to be an hour long movie...(advent children)

Ive read an interview with someone or other from the sqaure camp that said they wouldnt remake FFVII as long as it was still playable on a current system... so even if they did do a game sequal, it wouldnt be altering anything... If I can acurately recall a quote from an author (whom I no longer recall the name of) - when asked how he fealt about hollywood making movies out of his books, and people saying they "ruined" the books, the author stated "My books havnt been ruined, they are right on the shelf over there"...

anyway....for one, Ive heard people say that FFVII brought RPG's to the mainstream...thing is, and I can only speak for myself here, I rarely play RPG's that arnt square RPG's... I personally dont think FFVII brought RPG's to mainstream, I think FFVII brought squaresoft to the mainstream.

as far as too many Final fantasy's - to me..."Final fantasy" is more than anything, a brand name. Its a way to let me - the consumer - know that its made by the same people that made the previous 12 games... same way Ill buy a new record, based on the band that wrote it...

Star-trek? Star-trek did (is doing?) another series, and is still making movies... >.<

and media publications? FFX was pretty, it had a story good enouph to keep me interested till the end, and the game play was enouph fun so that I didnt break my PS2 in a blind rage.
I liked it. is that becouse OPM "kisses squares ass"? the bouncer: 3stars, driving emotion type s: 2.5stars, unlimited saga: 2stars, chocobo racing: 3stars, chocobo's dungeon, 2.5stars... no, I think OPM just liked it too.

erm...I guess what Im saying in responce to your post is...


12-08-2003, 11:33 AM
They'll stop selling when it becomes unprofitable. It could be days, it could be decades. Eventually some other RPG series will just outclass it, with new innovative new features, etc. And FF will look sucky. And we will all lose interest in it. And then the new series will end up left behind by some other series... And that's life.

And the beat goes on.... I'm a tumbler!

01-17-2004, 02:25 PM
just a rumor but ive heard in other forums that ff 12 will be the last but i never want ff to ever end they are the best games ever ive played ff7 to ff10 and i want it to go to ff 100 when im a grandpa i still wanna play ff

Tha Punisher
01-20-2004, 03:28 PM
You aught to be asmed of yourself to ask such an evil , Wicked, Wrong qustion like that:notgood: :notgood: :notgood: :notgood:

01-21-2004, 07:37 PM
Simply put, the Final Fantasy franchise is a cash cow. For Final Fantasy to end, they'd have to release at least two bombs in a row. And frankly, with the sort of fan base Square has, I don't see that happening. Final Fantasy X-2 has already sold over a million copies. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles broke records when it was released in Japan. And what with the excitement that XII has already generated, I can say with certanity that it's going to be a pretty big hit. I'm sure Final Fantasy will have to end someday, but ending it in the near future would just be bad buisness.

01-22-2004, 10:35 AM
Japanese people love sequels so I dont see an end to the franchise unless something drastic happens. They are indeed cash cows and money talks. The only problem with ff is that it shadows all other rpgs and some gems get lost, like Shining Force.

01-25-2004, 04:24 AM
Am I the only one to realize how far away from the final fantasy concept Square has strayed recently? I mean look at 8 the characters werent super deformed. 9 they went back to super deformed but the game was way too easy. 10 just made the main character a complete femme. 10-2 was just a way to get horny players to whack off while playing(tsk tsk). 11 sucked. SW had a horrible storyline. 12 is worse than 10 the main character is just as cute as his girlfriend. Gosh, the only thing I've been happy about for a long time is Advent Children. I sense that the crowd will change for final fantasy. The purists are leaving. The end will come.

End of sermon.

But it wont come for a while. Yorrah!

01-25-2004, 09:10 AM
Hey, stoney, maybe you at least wait for the game's release before complaining about FFXII being bad!
That's just ridiculous!

By the way, like my signature says, if you cannot find more than a reason to whack off in FFX-2, it's because you do not want to find more in it. I had a lot of fun with this game (and I am a girl, you know) and found a lot of thought-provoking details in it. Your fault, not the game's, that you couldn't find them. But the fact that you already condemn FFXII shows a possible explanation: You judge a book by its cover, are a pessimist, stick to your first impression, don't give anything new a chance. So there.

But you're right, Square Enix moved a loooooooong way from the original concept of Final Fantasy.
Final Fantasy I. The game characters have personalities now, and the plot is more than "You are the heroes, don't ask why, you simply are, now go save the world from... uhm... evil!!"

Thank goodness Square Enix are trying to add something new and fresh to the series all the time. Of course by doing this they risk that some details and games do not appeal to all players, but would you rather have them recreating the same game with the same plot and the same characters, the same atmosphere over and over again? Accept it that Final Fabtasy is a series consisting of fundamentally different games that may share some similarities and details, but are independent stand-alones, telling their own stories and presenting their own universes. If you cannot accept this, I think that you'll have a hard time with Final Fantasy.

Ark Mune
01-26-2004, 06:05 PM
*clapps * well put Misao. Judging a game before it comes out based on a few characters is pretty sad. MAybe their is goung to be some really cool characters, they could just be building up the suspense.

01-27-2004, 08:10 AM
Straying from concept is what makes square a great innovator. Without change things grow stagnant and people grow bored. Most companies evolve their games, EA, Namco etc, which is all well and good but square innovate to make each game a unique. As for slagging off ff12, I agree with Misao. Do you not play older games because the graphics dont appeal?

Bahamut ZERO
01-27-2004, 09:20 AM
God forbid that games never advance beyond the standards that Pong sent. Hail the mighty Pong! No game will ever be that great! Who needs fancy 3-D graphics, innovative CD-quality sound, or thought provoking puzzle solving, and a gripping storyline?

(That was meant to be me being sarcastic.)

I really think FFXII has potential. From the video scenes, we can see that Square are trying their hardest to do stuff that hasn't been done before (with a mixture of different races, and a use of the chocobo as cavalry which I am sincerely hoping will be part of the game.)

There's nothing I'd like to see more than mounted battles. Grrrr!!! CHARGE!!! WARK!!!

Ahem. I'm calm now.

01-27-2004, 09:06 PM
Well I personally don't wish FF series to be end, but as I said in other thread, it might be

Originally posted by kawiridle
By the way if they are really going to make FF7-2 then I think it will be the end of FF series... Square is going backwards because they know that there's nothing new to keep FF games going on, that will be so sad:(
I want FF games....

So yeah, I really want to keep play FF games!

01-27-2004, 09:31 PM
I'd love it to go to FF 100.

FFC it would be interesting to see how that would turn out. Of course i've never beaten an FF game all the way through other then FFX so i'd better work on those before i start thinking ahead.

01-28-2004, 09:01 PM
u mite not want to double post, or even triple post. thats the kinda thing that gets u kicked off.

some1 sed b4 about how fans think every upcoming game sux. seems like some fan has fallen not only into that but also I LOVE FF7 ISM

if people like ff7, dont bother enterring other threads. just stay in your lil cave of ffvii and dont bother other final fantasies unless u are trying to learn more. no one wants to hear how bad u think a game is, becasue u are never going to change their mind.

01-28-2004, 09:35 PM
Ya, srry for the double post, i accidently clicked on "post reply" two times and the window froze. When i opened a new one to try to enter the site again i couldn't. Then i forgot to delete one when i could access the site again. Anyways ill delete one.

Edit: looks like i don't have access to delete my posts, so ill have to let it sit.

01-29-2004, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by brs620
u mite not want to double post, or even triple post. thats the kinda thing that gets u kicked off.

some1 sed b4 about how fans think every upcoming game sux. seems like some fan has fallen not only into that but also I LOVE FF7 ISM

if people like ff7, dont bother enterring other threads. just stay in your lil cave of ffvii and dont bother other final fantasies unless u are trying to learn more. no one wants to hear how bad u think a game is, becasue u are never going to change their mind.

You stated the point!! YaY!

Yup play the game first then make comments, otherwise leave it alone. There is no point to talk about something which you don't even know.

I'm looking forward FF12 and I like most of the other FFs so yeah, I wanna more FF!!!

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
01-29-2004, 09:06 AM
I'm guessing here, but I think they will stop making Final Fantasy's at about 15. It's quite a hefty number, and well I think if they stopped there, then they would easily immortalise the whole of the series, plus it's going to start getting boring after a while. If they went upto say Final Fantasy 30, everybody will be like "Oh fuck not another one, they've been going on far too long, they should have stopped at Final Fantasy 15, that would have been a good time to stop"

Ark Mune
01-29-2004, 03:40 PM
not neccessarly. by the time they reach ff30, their would be a whole new generation of gamers who would play them, because they wouldn't know much about the previous games unless they felt deep into square-enix arhives and got them. They could also start a new ff series such as FF+ plus a subtitle instead of a number, kind of like crystal chronicals.

01-29-2004, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Vanga
Edit: looks like i don't have access to delete my posts, so ill have to let it sit.

That's okay, I took care of it for you. ;)

Tha Punisher
01-30-2004, 04:02 PM
If the Final Fantasy Series ends it would be a deadly blow to the RPG nation :notgood:

01-31-2004, 08:03 AM
What?! NOOOO!

Please don't let it end! I love Final Fantasy sooooo much!
Don't let it end...tell me FF12 isn't the last one...please!

Tha Punisher
01-31-2004, 06:48 PM
Calm down its only a "what if"

Darth Revan
02-01-2004, 05:52 AM
The FF series is a great series for the RPG genre, but one day the curtain will fall and there will be no more Final Fantasy games. Not a question of 'IF', but a question of 'WHEN'. As I've said before in this thread, Square/Enix will eventually come to the point where they'll say ok, we've done enough, let's move onto something else. Besides, Final Fantasy used to be Hironobu Sakaguchi (SP?) own project, but I've heard he's been taken off the FF series altogether. So how good, will more FF's be, if their father and creator, Sakaguchi, is no longer heading the helm?

02-01-2004, 07:39 AM
OR the world will end tomorrow. In which case there won't be any more Final Fantasy games. :(

Bahamut ZERO
02-01-2004, 08:22 AM
Money makes the world go round, and Square rake in a LOAD of cash from the Final Fantasy Franchise. They'll keep on churning 'em out, and making spin offs, and T-shirts, and mugs, and hub caps for the series.

Now I've said that, they'll announce 13 is the last in the series because it's an unlucky number...

Ark Mune
02-01-2004, 06:39 PM
13 could also be their demise. Which would suck ass.

02-03-2004, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Tha Punisher
Calm down its only a "what if"


Tha Punisher
02-03-2004, 05:02 PM
It'll probly end with FF20

Lightning Mage
02-03-2004, 07:28 PM
they'll stop after the creators pass away
they'll stop after 12.

They should release remakes of 1-9.
They could release the original 2D and 3D 1-12 in a giant collectors box case pack thingie.

02-04-2004, 02:26 AM
Sure thing...just make sure they didn't past away...:D

Ark Mune
02-04-2004, 02:21 PM
*runs into his secret lab and starts to work on a infinite life potion that also prevents u from getting older in looks. Muwahahahahahahahaaha. Final Fantasy will never end*

Realisticly, just because the people working on them now pass away sooner or later, doesn't mean it will just end.

They could release the original 2D and 3D 1-12 in a giant collectors box case pack thingie.

Yea and if u have $1000+ at hand to spend u can buy it.

Bahamut ZERO
02-04-2004, 05:03 PM
If by original, you're referring to mint condition cartridges for each console, plus the console to play 'em on, then $1000 sounds like a reasonable price. If you're referring to CD copies of each game for the PSX and PS2, expect the price to be about half that, I guess... I mean, you can pick 'em up individually for �20 each nowadays anyways.

Ark Mune
02-04-2004, 05:46 PM
i guess so. if it was originals, u would need to buy the systems. good luck.

i never thought about that.

02-07-2004, 05:57 AM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
If by original, you're referring to mint condition cartridges for each console, plus the console to play 'em on, then $1000 sounds like a reasonable price. If you're referring to CD copies of each game for the PSX and PS2, expect the price to be about half that, I guess... I mean, you can pick 'em up individually for �20 each nowadays anyways.

That would be fucking awesom, the Ultimate Final Fantasy Battle Chest...

Now here's what would end Final Fantasy... Japan getting nuked. Aliens invading and killing us all, A great volcanic eruption splitting the Earth in half and killing us all, The heirs to Square-Enix infighting and squandering all the money until the company falls apart, them failing to find good writers to replace the old ones when they start getting to old for it, Armageddon pwning us all and God saying "All thy base art belongeth to us."

On a side not, if we were invaded by aliens they might spare the artisans and send them back to the home world. In that case, Final Fantasy would find itself an intergalactic franchise... But Armageddon would still pwn Square-Enix's ass...

God:"Thou hast no chance to surviveth maketh thy time."

[/religious jokes]

With lotsa love,


P.S. Jello!

Lightning Mage
02-07-2004, 06:52 PM
I guess the creators kids could work on more FFs after they die, but it just wouldn't be the same.

02-08-2004, 09:00 PM
if my FF ever gets taken away from me i'll go on a Kuja style rampage (dunno if anyone has used this analogy so far, too lazy to read all the damn posts)

02-11-2004, 10:21 AM
If it had to end, i'd say it would end a 12-15, then all the remakes will come out, you know ff9-2, ff8-2, ff1-2 0_o
but on the way they are going they should of stopped at x-2 was the worst of all the ff's,
if only squar-enix could hold on to their former glory then FF will never end, but that will never be:notgood:

02-18-2004, 12:51 PM
i've heard that they have already booked 13 14 15 and 16 but that is probably just a rumour anyway does anyone know how many they will make past 12?

02-23-2004, 01:13 AM
prolly will be around for a long time i suppose... its been around forever anyways :)


02-24-2004, 04:39 AM
Originally posted by Sethros
just a rumor but ive heard in other forums that ff 12 will be the last but i never want ff to ever end they are the best games ever ive played ff7 to ff10 and i want it to go to ff 100 when im a grandpa i still wanna play ff

On they sed th@ they they hve annouced FFXIII. bt thn i herd on of the worst rumoors in the world... the final fantasy series will end at Fnal Fantasy
.................................................. .................................................. ...........XV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyway my m8 sed that n he dont tlk 2 me no more. hes always not liked FF any... (hes an idiot nt noing a gud game wen he sees 1.... he likes pokemon over FF!!!!

Information Taken frm

Square Hints at the Destiny of Final Fantasy

Yoichi Wada, president of Square, has recently affirmed the Japanese release of Final Fantasy XII. However, the anticipated date is vaguely set for sometime in 2003. The North American release was not discussed, but Square's track record suggests that the arrival of Final Fantasy XII on our soil is inevitable.

Wada also added that the entire future of the series is being carefully assessed. It is unknown whether this will leave the destiny of Final Fantasy XIII, which is in the early stages of development, hanging in the balance.

In addition to this precarious and vague news, it has been revealed that a new MMORPG is being developed at Square. Unfortunately, Wada was quite close-lipped about this as well. Whether this mysterious new game will join the ranks of another Square franchise or fly solo remains to be seen.

so there we hve it. FF series is still staying around... 4 nw neway

02-24-2004, 10:31 AM
1_W1nged_Angel : Please don't double post.

Surprentis : Please don't triple post. (It's okay, I know it was an accident ;))

02-24-2004, 09:48 PM
final final fantasy who says such horrible things.
no more ff just the sound of it makes me dizzy.
I think Im going to be sick

02-25-2004, 01:16 PM
i wouldn't mind if it ended with FF15 or somthing because then they would either bring out loads of sequals or remakes and if they just didnt make any more after 15 then i could just replay all the older ones and try to get all the secrets and level everyone to max on them

03-29-2004, 09:04 PM
I don't know if this is the Final Final fantasy but for me i don't think this will be the last one.:D

hb smokey
03-30-2004, 05:44 AM
I do not know when the Final Fantasy series will end. I think that after FFXII comes out, Square-Enix should start making a sequel for every previous installment. Everything in the sequels would be incredibly updated, such as graphics, voiceovers, cinematics, etc. They should start with FFIV-2, and then just keep making their way up until they finish FFIX-2.

Lt. Whiplasher
04-29-2004, 01:08 PM
There will never b an end to the "fantasy"... as long as there r ppl out there willing to play them.....I believe this "fantasy" is eternal.......

05-02-2004, 08:35 PM
They can't go on forever...OR can then? I say the twenties or something :-/