11-24-2003, 12:57 PM
I recently heard a rumor, that Xenogears would be remade on the PS2, has anyone else heard anything of this? I missed Xenogears, I played the demo, and regret not buying the actual game until it was so hard to find (like now, I've searched everywhere except e-bay, which I don't have any means of using, since my arents won't use their credit/debit/paypal to get me a game even though I have the money to pay them for it [plus a little extra] right this second O_o)...

Anyway, I would really like to see this game remade (so I can actually play it, I hear the storyline is very deep)... And if it is, is it gonna be like the original? or is it gonna have heavy changes (like RE on PS to RE on GC, or FFT on PS to the entirely seperate FFT advance...)

11-24-2003, 01:09 PM
God I would love to see that happen. I played the original Xenogears, but i wasn't able to buy it. What I played of it was very fun, a great story, and the anime cutscenes were great. Unfortanetly I don't see that happening any time soon. Ever since PS2 came out there have been rumors of classic RPG's being remade onto it, but nothing has happened yet. Since the PS2 only has a year or so left before being replaced by the next big console, I doubt we will see this happen.

The Joker
11-24-2003, 03:10 PM
That would easily be one of the best games to date like Xenosaga if its made.

For those who haven't played Xenosaga, PLAY IT NOW!

In some ways it exceeds the original, others ways, it comes pretty close.

11-24-2003, 03:16 PM
IMO Xenosaga in no way whatsoever exceeded Xenogears. But then again, I like to play my games, not watch them.

Evad D'Aragon
11-24-2003, 11:41 PM
And just WHY would Square Enix do that since the PS2 has retro-compatibility with PSOne games ? Besides, haven't they juste re-released it as a Greatest Hits ?

Don't get me wrong, both Xenogears and Xenosaga are great. But I highly doubt that there is a remake for Xenogears in the works.

11-24-2003, 11:47 PM
I didn't think Xenogears was released as greatest hits... *goes to check. *

11-25-2003, 05:42 AM
Xenogears was a pretty low balled game in 1998. In didn't sell great either thanks to FFVIII.

It was re released in 2001 and I thankfully picked up a copy. It's such a good game. You are seriously missing out on a deep story and amazing gameplay.

I never heard of them releasing a new revamped game...Who knows? With the success of Xenosaga, I think they will go ahead with it.

Ahh damn I pity you AdemA...Xenogears is one of the greatest rpgs for PSX. Expect to play this for 60 hours easily.

11-25-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Kenji
Expect to play this for 60 hours easily.
60 hours??? *dies* OMG, even all FF's when I max out lvl's and do all sorts of side-quests only take like 40-50 hours if you don't just run around B.S.-ing...

Anyway, yeah, it was just a rumor I heard... and I never heard of it being a Greatest Hits, if it was, it would sure as hell be easier to find, since you can still buy shitloads of GH games on PSX brand new O_o... In fact, I just saw FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX and FFT brand new at Game Stop the other day O_o

EDIT: I better come up with $50 fast, I can "buy it now" off ebay for $50.99 O_O (good luck with me having $50 falling into my lap ^_^)

11-25-2003, 12:46 PM
*just happens to have 50 dollars in his lap right now (don't ask how ig got there :erm: )*

*runs to e-bay*

11-25-2003, 03:55 PM
I'd get Xenosaga in stores because it's re-released as a greatest hits now. :P

And if you think 50 hours is impressive.... >:D

Memento Mori
11-25-2003, 07:08 PM
Xenogears and Xenosaga are incomparable. Meaning, Xenogears is 40x better, at least in terms of storyline and edge-of-seat shit. Xenosaga obviously has the better gfx. I already have 74 hours on Xenogears right now, leveling up, side quests, and whatever (working on 12th time beating it). You learn something new almost every time you go to play it.

As for re-releasing it, I would hope it would be similar to the episode 5 they are planning for the Xenosaga series.

11-25-2003, 07:21 PM
I hate people who speed through their games and people who say things like "omfg u took 99+ hourz?!!11 lolz ur fukicn lame man, i beet it in lyk 5 hours"

"...Did you get the *insert all the cool things that require side quests*?"

"duurr wut? therez nuttin lyk that in the gamelolz itz so easy"

You paid for the game, people, the least you can do is play it..>=\ (Not directing this to anyone here, I'm just saying).

Anyway, I never played Xenogears but my friend told me to get Xenosaga. I asked him if that would ruin Xenogears, and he said Xenosaga was a prequel type a' yeah.

I've heard lots of good things about Xenogears though, so hopefully I can get my hands on a Greatest Hits copy....but how much is it? 50 bucks did you say? Pft, I'll wait for it to go down (hopefully) :whatever:

11-26-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Koenma
but how much is it? 50 bucks did you say? Pft, I'll wait for it to go down (hopefully) :whatever:

lol, that was on ebay, and the auction for that particular one is over, the rest are at like $70... and going up!!!

Anyway... I'll check the local GameStop to see if they ever get a used one (or new one O_o) in... I would really like to play this game XD

The Joker
11-27-2003, 04:47 AM
Yeah, I will say Xenogears was more puzzling and had much more happening, but I think Xenosaga is just supposed to serve as the introduction, the pace will likely get a bit quicker. Xenogears was a far larger, and more groundbreaking game for the time and accomplishments. (I will say for some reason Xenogears took a LOT longer to beat than did Xenosaga.)


I actually think the gameplay in Xenosaga is better. I like the fact that you can use explosives around to give you edge in battle, along with trying to avoid enemies along with the revamped battle system.

The story makes a BIT more sense in Xenosaga and has some very powerful moments.

11-27-2003, 07:05 AM
Concerning remakes in general... I read that some Squenix-person had said that remakes of PSX games were unlikely. Or not necessary, not as necessary as, say, remakes of NES games. PSX games can be played on the PS2, so the game is still available, you can still play it even on modern consoles. This sounds sensible.
And I do believe they are busy making the rest of the Xenosagas, right? Maybe when they're finished with those (whenever that may be...) they'll have a look at old Xenogears again?

Evad D'Aragon
11-27-2003, 12:40 PM
Well, Misao, the "they are busy with the other Xenosagas" makes no sense in whether or not they'd remake Xenogears because that one's rights belongs to Square Enix and the Xenosagas are published by Namco. I doubt each company will care about the other's intentions. But the PSX that can be played on PS2 makes sense, however.

EDIT : *remembers that the actual developer on both games is Monolith Software*

Ah, yes, I guess that then what you said does make sense. lol

11-27-2003, 01:03 PM
Thank goodness. :cool:

Maybe in seven or so years... on the Playstation 3, when the last Xenosaga has been released and technology is so advanced that Xenogears looks like Tetris... maybe then they'll think: And NOW we shall simply... remake this game with up-tp-date graphics and ... maybe then... one day... I'll play it, too...

Evad D'Aragon
11-27-2003, 03:23 PM
Huh ? Xenogears wasn't released in Germany ? Woah, why am I not surprised...?

But, hey, you could always :

1- Mod you PS2 to play NTSC PSX games and import it.

2- If you have a good PC, find the iso and play it on a emulator.

At least I can propose some ideas. Sorry I can't help better.

Ark Mune
01-23-2004, 11:49 PM
hahahaha. I own xenogears. hahahaha. got really far in it and lost my memory card. Now it sucks doing everything over again. :(

01-29-2004, 11:19 PM
Top 5 Reasons why Square-Enix Europe deserves a kick in the pants:

1) We always get games months behind everyone else - Final Fantasy X-2 isn't coming out here for another 2 weeks.

2) The released SaGa Frontier 2 and Unlimited SaGa here.

3) They DIDN'T release Final Fantasy Tactics.

4) They DIDN'T release Legend of Mana.

and, most heinously...

5) They DIDN'T release Xenogears.

Why, oh why, did they release niche Square games like SaGa and Front Mission, when they don't release the big ones? About the only thing they did right was releasing Vagrant Story over here... but why no FFT? Especially since it's a Greatist Hit in America!