11-19-2003, 06:57 PM
1. Without the Underwater Materia?
2. Without Knights of the Round?
3. Without a Final Attack + Pheonix or + Revive combo?
4. In under 9:00 minutes?

I have!

11-19-2003, 07:30 PM
You have no idea how proud we are of your minor video game acheivements.

No I have not beat the emerald weapon under any of those cicumstances, nor have I ever tried.

Vivi FF
11-19-2003, 07:31 PM
I beat him w/3 and 4, and I won't go in a battle w/him w/o KotR and Underwater materias. I tried All Lucky 7's once but that tactic alone is not the way to go.

11-20-2003, 11:43 AM
I've beaten him with Cait Sith's slots (or dices I don't rememeber, I remember I killed him with the 'All death' thing though)

and that was w/o underwater mataria, kotr (cause I didn't have it back then, w/o the phoenix combo =D =D

I also beat him with the underwater mataria, kotr materia and combo... o_O but that's besides the point.

Pure rotten damn luck :) once ;_;

11-20-2003, 11:45 AM

lvl. 99 with a like at least 20+ of each kind of stats source on Cloud, Barret, and Yuffie, with their final weapons, and all luck maxed out (since Luck Sources are the easiest to get)... Then you jut go into battle with your Limit Breaks and Final Weapons, and have ABSOLUTELY no materia except for Enemy Skill (with Big Gaurd and White Wind), All, and Life O_o... It's actually not that hard... And yes, I have O_o

only having 3 materia on each character will cause that Air Storm (I forgot what freaky name it was actually called) will only do 3,333 damage, Big Guard will cut all damage in half (except for Air Storm), White Wind can heal even through the MBarrier, which makes it very usefull... And Cloud Omnislash, Barret's UngarMax, and Yuffie's Doom of the Living, when all at lvl. 99 with abut 30 luck sources and final weapons (barret will need a different weapon, as his Final Weapon depends on materia [which you have little of] to deal damage)... Anyway, he should be dead as soon as you chracters get their Limit Breaks a second time (if not sooner)

11-21-2003, 01:23 AM
LOL, no. I beat it sure, but I never tried any of that.

11-21-2003, 09:43 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I'm sure I've done it in under 20 minutes before, so I wouldn't have needed the Underwater materia in that time; it was just nice to have it on anyway. :p

I know how I could easily beat him without KOtR too. I always start the battle with someone with All Lucky 7's anyway which does a considerable amount of damage, and I know if you equip 2 materias on a character with 9999HP and let them get hit with Aire Tam Storm that their HP will drop straight to 7777... I've just never been bothered to try it. :p

The Joker
11-24-2003, 03:09 PM
Yes, he is relatively easy to beat.

Get high levels and good equipment, he is as easy as pie.

11-24-2003, 06:12 PM
I took him out with underwater materia and with good timing. I used KOTR tho.

He's is pretty easy if you come up with a good strategy. I beat him at a pretty low lvl using Vince, Cloud, Cait sith.

12-07-2003, 08:27 PM
sigh.. yes, and ive morph killed him too. The best tactic if u wanna kill him fast (approx 6 mins, maybe even 5) is to use demi as ur main attack weapon. This is how -

Hp materias so each player has 9999 health. U need a few demis, preferably mastered, one linked to hp absorb, one linked to quadra magic. Only one character needs this equipt. You should have Counter command linked with mime (so u respond with ur last move) Then finally you need a mastered mime on each character, if u only have 1 it will do but dont expect perfect results.

Now, in the battle (with ur speed boots of course) cast 4xdemi twice with the character equipt with it. He will be healed 999 from each demi that hits emerald, and each demi deals 9999 damage. Total of 8 hits, and its a LOT quicker than KOTR. Then simply mime for a while with each character. When emerald attacks you, you will also mime the 8x demi. This means sometimes u cant even catch up with how many times ur casting this spell!!! cuz u can mime with all 3, then if emerald hits all 3 players then ur casting it another 3 times on top of that! When it begins dealing less than 9999, then u know he is nearly dead. Stick with it for a while, when u think he is nearly over (time getting to about 5 or 6 minutes) then use all 3 of ur limit breaks on him (which should have filled from his attacks). I morped him the same way (using combos of 4x cut and demi to get him real low on health without killing him)

Another fun way of killing him one of my faves, (you still need command counter linked to mime on each character) is to use W-Item, throwing a megalixer and whatever else u want (maybe an attack thing) let emerald attack til ur limits are all up then use them all.. finishing with the most powerful one (usually clouds omnislash) then you can mime omnislash with cloud a few times (be careful tho u can easilly die if u get carried away) then throw another megalixer.. repeat til he is dead by limit breaks. U dont really need W-Item, but there is a method of killing emerald without even being at the screen, which is to throw a megalixer and then an attack item and just leave the game running, (obviously u need command counter linked to mime) then he will die eventually (it may take ages tho).

p.s. morph doesnt give u anything from emerald, and emerald is more fun to fight because his armor isnt so powerful like rubies, so u can *freestyle* him with limits etc. (providing u have the equipment, mainly command counter linked to mime, which is in my opinion one of the strongest combinations in the game)

12-07-2003, 08:31 PM
i forgot to mention that in order to cast demi 8 times, you need w magic. Also, sometimes emerald wont die after the 3 limit breaks, u may want to risk miming omnislash (make sure u use omnislash last to mime it) or if u wanna play safe throw a megalixer and let ur characters mime it from counter until limits up again, then kill him) or you can do the demi thing again to get him weaker.


Grimmand Honninscave
12-09-2003, 04:34 PM
Yip, done all those. Key is to have one character with only a few purple materia so they can survive the Aire Tam Beam and heal the others with items. Knights of the Round isnt really that good in this battle and the underwater materia isnt needed at all; I can usually duff him in about 6-7 minutes.

Safer Sephiroth
12-09-2003, 07:13 PM
Lets see here

I've beaten him without Under Water Materia (when he died there was less than 1 minute left lol)

I've beaten him without the Revive, Final attack combo.

And without Knights of the Round (I didn't even have the Summon then lol)

12-10-2003, 10:09 AM
I think I've done them all except for inside 6/7 minutes. I never managed to even get KOTR cus I couldn't be arsed with chocobo training (though i decided i wanted to get through the story as fast as possible and used a save game editor to start with everything which is cheating if it's you first play through but i'd already completed it 3 times prior to that) I didn't have pheonix or final attack materia either, I beat him in time without underwater materia cus i forgot to equip it, so yeah it's just the 6/7 minutes i haven't done.

I just got all three of them into lucky 7's so i hit him 192 times in a row for 7777, i can't remember how much hp he has but i think that would've been enough on it's own but i had hit him with a fair few 9999 attacks before getting into lucky 7's.

12-10-2003, 11:21 AM
Emeralds storm type attack deals 1111 with 1 materia equipt, 2222 if you have 2 materia equipt, 3333,4444 etc etc.

And i rememebred another sweet tactic, have one of your characters only with 3 materias equipt.. that way the storm attack will deal 3333 to the character with 3 materia which gives them 7777 when originally they have 9999. Lucky sevens can help in the battle.. problem is, what i found was id already thrown a megalixer or used whitewind the round befoer and i was using my *command counter mime" techniquie to get limit breaks up.. so of course i got lucky 7777 and then instantly counter with whitewind/megalixer healing him back up.. =/

it does work tho, if just to see all lucky sevens.

In my opinion the optimum time of killing emerald is 5 minutes.. i doubt that 4 could be achieved but with practice maybe its possible. Might depend on luck (like how often emerald attacks and how long emeralds attacks take (choise of her attack)) also, use speed boots to get there faster and have settings in the menu to max speed.

Bahamut ZERO
12-10-2003, 12:36 PM
I've beaten Emerald, but mostly by luck and having all of the materia equipped to get the levels up on it (let's face it, the amount of AP you get after the battle, it's worth equipping tonnes of materia to level it up and make things easier.)

I always used the Underwater Materia too.

I guess I'm just not really that hard.

I have beaten him twice though with two different games, so... *Shrugs.*

12-17-2003, 02:59 PM
i beat him with the underwater materia, with out kotr. the only thing i worried about was his big stompy attack and the lasers that wouldnt stop.

12-21-2003, 07:56 PM
I dont recall how i beat Emerald, just that I did. He was much harder than Ruby though. Ruby was a pushover. I never got hit ONCE.

Lunch box
01-05-2004, 07:16 AM
Ok, I have beaten Emerald...but i did it in an almost evil way.
First i had this wierd glitch in my game where all of Cloud's slots in the Ultima weapon were linked..very wierd shit.
I had everyone with mime...and just had Cloud do everything...soo many summons in a row...i'm talking at least 12 Buhamut Zeros a round! But no kotr..and yes Underwater Materia.

01-05-2004, 10:51 AM
Ouch! Twelve Bahamut Zeroes in a row! that has got to hurt!

Nope, didn't get a chance to fight Emerald. The game crashed on me before I could progress that far. Anybody here knows how much life emerald weapon has? Last I heard, he had about 500000 HP

01-05-2004, 06:18 PM
Ok, I have beaten Emerald...but i did it in an almost evil way.
First i had this wierd glitch in my game where all of Cloud's slots in the Ultima weapon were linked..very wierd shit
Whoa, that is weird. That isn't by any chance on the PC version, is it? I'd love to have a savefile of that.

Lunch box
01-11-2004, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by Agent0042

Whoa, that is weird. That isn't by any chance on the PC version, is it? I'd love to have a savefile of that.

Sorry...Was on my orginial oldskool playstation...before those gods-forsaken ps-ones!!!
and after i lost my playstation...i tried it on another and the file was corrupted...so no more...it sux much ass!

01-12-2004, 09:31 AM
wtf u talking about? clouds ultimaweapon has 8 slots, all linked in pairs.. unless u mean all 8 were all linked together? but that makes no sense and wouldnt work anyway. Casting 12 BZ in a row... how? u never told us. Most in a single go is 8 when you use W-summon with quadra magic, and also, even if your game was bugged so all slots all linked up, linking 3 materia or more together wouldnt work cuz its not coded into the game.


01-12-2004, 06:59 PM
More like "who could be bothered to beat Emerald Weapon"?
The b*****d had too much health and it wasn't all that satisfactory at the end anyway.
I mean, who wants 2 sets of Master Materia? What's left to do with it after you'd beat him?

01-13-2004, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Tayste
even if your game was bugged so all slots all linked up, linking 3 materia or more together wouldnt work cuz its not coded into the game.


Actually, it depends on how the program was written...
It most likely calls the materia slots up into an 'array' (used much like a table with individual cells of data)... That is how it uses materia like Mega-All, which effects EVERY materia equipped, now if it glitched and linked all 8 materia slots together, the array that called the materia slots might not have known the difference and that function could have had a single materia affect every materia slot linked together, simply because the game will call for connected materia slots, and it would tell it that they all had a 'linked' attribute to them, which would then allow them to be affected by other materia...

Anyway, sorry, that was confusing... But what I'm trying to say is that it is actually a very likely possibility...

If you want me to discuss it futher, I can always use some source-code examples that are probably similar to those used in the actual game...

And now that we're on the track of programming in FF7, I'm so tempted to explain how W-Item materia's duing trick is a glitch, the programmer just put a line of code in the wrong place...

01-13-2004, 12:32 PM
hey, yeah i understand what you were saying and yes i agree now it could work if thats how the programming works.. like say - if "all materia" was in one of the slots, all the other slots linked somewhere to that "all materia" would be all affected by the "all materia". But i dont understand how he could have got a unique glitch like that happen in his game. How would u summon 12 BZ tho? have 3 quadra magics linked to a bahamut zero? i dont think it would simply multiply the bahamut zero 12 times.. altho i dont know to be honest!

Id be interested to know how the W-Item trick might have been a bit of command line put in the wrong place.. i forgot how it works now.. didnt you use one item, then when it gave option for a second item, you select the item to be duplicated, then cancel, then select and cancel, select and so forth, to duplicate the item..? i think thats what it is. DO u know anything about this glitch adema?

Bahamut ZERO
01-13-2004, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by Tayste
How would u summon 12 BZ tho?

One character equipped with Quadra Magic paired with Bahamut ZERO materia, the other two equipped with mime. One turn in battle, 12 shots of everyone's favourite dragon summon.

Well, my favourite dragon summon.

Haven't really had the stamina to sit through it 12 times though. =/

01-13-2004, 03:23 PM
I mean, who wants 2 sets of Master Materia?
Me! Me! Enough for all of my characters!

01-14-2004, 11:41 AM
Bahamut ZERO - i meant in 1 go.. like summon 12 all in ONE turn.. thats what that dude was talking about.. the link glitch is what we were talking about, where he had ALL 8 slots linked completely together.

"One turn in battle, 12 shots of everyone's favourite dragon summon." no.. that would count as 3 turns, first of all cloud casting BZ with quadra magic, then second turn one character mimes it, then 3rd turn another character mimes it. Thats 3 turns to cast it 12 times.. and anyway you can cast it more than that in less turns normally - W-Magic bahamut zero linked to quadra magic = 8 times.. so in 3 turns you could cast it 24 times.

01-14-2004, 11:54 AM
12 with the same character that is...

Anyway, as for the W-Item glitch...

the line of code that subtracts 1 from the amount of the item you are using was placed AFTER the line of code that gives you +1 of an item if you cancle...

for instance...

itemSelected--; *subtracts 1 from the item you are going to use*
if(select == true)
if(cancle == true)
itemSelected++; *adds 1 to the item you WERE going to use IF you cancel*

Now that code isn't what it really would be in the game, it is just an example of how it would work (the actual source code has ALOT more code, but those few lines are the only ones we care about right now)

now here is what it looks like when you are going to choose your SECOND item...

if(select == true)
if(cancle == true)

Okay, now as you can see, the itemSelect variable is only taken away from the second time around AFTER you choose a target, SO, if you cancle, it naturally adds one when it never took away in the first place, giving you extra items...

I also have another exmaple of what MIGHT have went wrong, but I'm in too much of a rush to post it right now, I probably will later (like tomorrow) when I'm not as busy ^_^

EDIT: Sorry the code isn't in proper syntax, the stupid thing won't show all the spaces I put in front of them, lol

01-15-2004, 09:12 AM
heh thats ok, wicked. I dont want to begin to imagine the source code for big games it must make your head hurt! the most complex ive made is java based text adventure games!

01-17-2004, 02:03 PM
rais our lvl to 99 and then try its pretty simple if u rais it to lvl 99 o ya and get all ur last limits and summons

01-17-2004, 02:05 PM
Nah, it's totally beatable at way lower levels.