03-21-2012, 10:54 AM
Are there any people here into the kind of music that apperaed on the very first CD games back in the early-mid 90s? Ambient Techno usually with Zool I & II, or Killer Instinct Rare Killer Cuts CD, or even Sega's funky tunes that came with SonicCD and FinalFight on the MegaCD/SegaCD

I'm into just about all styles and adore this kink of ambient, tehcno mash up more than any other music, even more than any commercial radio music cd!

Command & Conquer is my all time fav but heard it to death to be honest.

Maybe I'm just plain weird, but would love to talk about this era of music and compare sounds!

03-21-2012, 11:10 AM
Welcome to the Shrine! :D

I loved the Japanese OST for Sonic CD - it still is one of my favourite game soundtracks of all time (funnily enough, the US missed out on it - the US NTSC version of Sonic CD was given a replacement lackluster OST instead, because marketing 'gurus' in Sega America at the time thought 'no one would like a game with techno/house music in it'. Luckily PAL territories escaped this nonsense and were given the original Japanese OST with the PAL version of the game). Final Fight CD's OST was quirky as well. :)

Although it wasn't on CD, Yozo Koshiro's OST for Streets of Rage on the Mega Drive/Genesis is another excellent example of early 90s techno/house beats well worth looking into tracking down if you haven't already.

Anyway, don't worry, you're not weird. I think you have a great taste in music! :D

03-21-2012, 11:18 AM
lol thanks!

I forgot to say the (J) version of SonicCD. I love the minor medleys of each theme!

My problem is that I don't really have any set genre. I mostly can't stand normal life music (rap has to be pre 90s, hip hop the same, 80s pop is ok I guess, and grew up with classic but much prefer film score classical). I've heard most video game music from C64's amazing Last Ninja to Unreal Tournament (original one years ago) and love just about every style. Yoko Kanno & the seatbelts and other amazing musicians are my idols, whereas bands fall by the wayside.

I'm just so so glad that we can 'youtube it' for just about anything, and 'forum ask' for anything else missed!

I've heard the SoR music and it's great.

Oh and got to say, I suck at playing games. The only one I'm good at is PS2 Test Drive Unlimited which I can play well, but everything else I'm so bad at. And for anyone following this into real early 90s style retro music, Test Drive Umlimited 1 on the PS2 has amazing music that's not on the XBox360 version, you can youtube it anyway.