Nostalgia gamer
03-20-2012, 10:14 AM
So far what i think is good:
1:The idea of becoming a necromancer and raising the dead,flying in the air,summoning unholy demons to wreak havoc is a cool idea.
2:There are big dungeons as well to explore,and the game actually makes you use those spells to get ahead,instead of getting spells and never using them again.Such examples are:Summon golem is a must,along with rock flesh and grant peace are some of the most useful spells you will be using.There is also a spell you may or may not use ever again,called resist death.
3:There are also fewer weapons,and with specific power.
4:I also like the fact that you use reagents to create magics,because it feels like i really am practicing the dark arts.This game truly has the potential to be something special.
5:I think that having one character benefits this game.Can't imagine how annoying it would be if the platform controls were bad for 4 characters,or god help us:8 characters.I also think that it is much easier to cast spells this way,but then again:I am a huge fan of ultima underworld,so for me a 1 character game is not a big deal.I also really liked kings field 1 and 2.
6:Some of the music seems pretty good as well.I recognized the song for tenebrae,because i heard it somewhere,and forgot it was the main theme for ultima 8.I was playing a byond roleplay game,and the song from tenebrae plays.The cemetary music also fits the place perfectly,being this dark spooky place full of undeads and ghosts.
7:The ending is freaking awesome idea.I have yet to see an ending like that.I don't want to spoil it,so go play it yourselves.

The bad:The bad so far is a lot of things i can think of.

1:The whole game is unfinished,and many quests are dead ends.You will also find keys that go nowhere.
2:There are far too many glitches,and some of them are absolutely horrid.The glitches are also worse than in games like oblivion,making it even more so unfinished.There are walls that break down,and when you go through them,the game glitches out as you run under the world infinitely.There are also pits where you get stuck for falling down if you didn't die.
3:There is a lot of unused space that contributes to nothing.A lot of the space in lithos underground dungeon is totally useless.
4:The information is very much too vague,and if you don't use a walkthrough,yo will walk in circles a lot of times till you get bored and quit.There isn't even a book talking about the wind god,when there clearly should be.I looked up in a walkthrough,and it said that you had to download a patch to get it.My computer is too new,so it rejects this game completely and utterly.
5:Weapons seem mostly useless most of the time when you can just run away.Even magic is pointless a lot of times,because it just wastes time killing things.
6:No maps:Getting lost in this game sucks.There are no maps and no sextants,except for maybe the sextant foci you get for air magic.I sure hope you look up maps for the catacombs and lithos hall,because you are going to be chasing your tail for a very long time.
7:The spells clutter your inventory.Spells for necromancy,spells for theurgy,spells for sorcery& spells for thurmateurgy.Thurmateurgy and theurgy aren't the same.One involves using a bit of magic from all the others,and the other is wind magic.You also then have to carry around a bunch of reagents and also staves wands keys,and also the items used to finish the game that are plot related.
8:Jumping mechanics:The mechanics are so horribad in this game,that people actually download a patch to make it a point and click to jump.The platforms move,and often even sink.You also sometimes encounter situations where you either over jump,or you bump against something causing it to under jump.Even something like climbing walls is a pain.
9:Sorcery is probably the most needlessly tedious thing i have ever seen.Move candles,add reagens,move reagents around again 10 times to line it up perfectly or spell won't work.Look up all the items that can carry that spell and then put it in the circle.I think it is actually faster to just use a guide with pentragrams,because it is more easily explained where each item goes.Still,i wrote down a lot of the stuff already,and how it goes.The second most annoying part is how many stuff you have to carry around to cast spells.1 wand with extinguish flame,with x amount of charges.1 extra just in case.1 summon daemon head,and 1 banish daemon head.1 flash spell and 1 flame armor.Some of these spells will probably become obsolete later on,and the shield i just got that is magical eliminates the need for flame armor.Another problem with the spells,is that for the damage it does,its a lot of lugging around a bunch of trash,and i hate having to carry trash.
I respect the review from spoony,but i don't think its that bad of a game.I think it has a lot of potential to be a very fun game.Heck,who doesn't want to wreak havoc on the world and watch it burn?

I just beat the game,and i must say:Its a decent game,but i don't know if i will replay it again.