11-19-2003, 03:37 AM
Alright, so it's a CN (Cartoon Network) cartoon with anime elements as well as the classic West-American cartoonish look..

A lot of people seem to dislike this show for that reason. They put it as "Wanna-be anime" or "Fake anime". I don't think people realize that the show intentionally is trying to blend two cultural styles together.

So for anyone who likes (or has seen) the show, what do you think of this? I personally think the anime effects/scenes are done very well (they're also easy to point out, you couldn't miss 'em). Just like in a regular anime, the awkward faces, chibi-forms, little red +'s all over the faces, etc. It's all there and I believe it's done great, just as if it were an anime.

(By the way, I think there's another CN cartoon that tries to use anime styles as well..I believe it's called "Totally Spies", but I think they're done tamely and not that great at all...not to mention the show is too sickingly "popular-ish" for me to watch [The whole 'Highschool drama queen' deal, popular issues, "Nail-Breaking-Female-Heroes", that type of thing..)

11-19-2003, 11:21 AM
I really detest this show, I think everything is drawn very crappy. I really don't like japanese animation very much though, and blending the two types of animation in my opinion is stupid. Japanese people don't want American animation in their anime, and American's don't want anime in their regular cartoons. At least I don't, and I consider myself a majority of people.

Tactical Error #5
11-19-2003, 03:04 PM
I've watched it and liked what I've seen. It's definately not for everybody. I don't see it lasting more than a couple of seasons.On a side not, I prefer Samurai Jack for its simple yet beuatiful art style/direction especially in the episode of Jack vs shinobe. Teen Titans may not last but it has at least opened a door for others to try a more blended approach. Anime and Western animation might make a good pairing for some, but like Loke said, there will allways be purists.

11-29-2003, 09:39 PM
yeah i also gotta say I prefer Samurai Jack

12-04-2003, 10:05 AM
Hey yo!!
I gotta tell ya I wasn't keen on Teen Titans but when I saw it I thought it wasn't that bad.
It's a cool show and i think its quite cool to have teenage superheroes etc.

12-08-2003, 04:04 PM
i actually wanted to give it a chance, and i saw a few episodes, and i can't say i like it very much. the anime parts they try to make don't fit in. they seem out of place and it sometimes hurts to watch.

just yesterday i saw that one episode with water kid..er aquaman or whatever. (aquaboy...bleh) anyway. them two girls were like really into him and they did that thing that i would normally see in sailor moon episodes or whatever where they slide into a scene in the background and they got lots of hearts coming out of em with googly eyes and what i noticed it was lacking for that effect was some sound effects. they just appeard and i didnt hear anything. i expect some sound effect for them "sliding" into the scene. and maybe the sound of the hearts popping which is a lot more common and even expected imo. so i thought it kind of odd.

also, i noticed something around the lines of character development and self identity or whatever being used in the show way too early. its like the 3rd episode or whatever (or even the first) and robins like "we like you for who you are" and all that shit when he's talking to starfire when she thought they liked her sister better or whatever. imo, a plot like that shouldn't have come out till they had like 30 episodes already. they're trying to ad depth to the characters and like "hidden secrets of the past" withouth us even getting to know them yet. so it seemed like a lame failed ploy to me. i dont know. that's just me. if you can understand the jist of waht i'm trying to say, maybe you can explain it better.

but personally, i'm not into the show at all. even though i go nuts for the ctoons and gtoons at cartoon orbit. lol

anyone have an original starfire ctoon? i'll trade you martian manhunter for it. :D

12-13-2003, 08:54 PM
I've never seen the show. But the theme tune is by Puffy AmiYumi, who are quite cool. :D

Lightning Mage
02-02-2004, 10:42 PM
I prefer to think of it as a "Tribute" ,if you will, to anime. I like it enough to watch it when i'm bored.

They could leave the anime references out but...


02-13-2004, 02:26 AM
I love Teen Titans!!

HATE Totally Spies!

02-13-2004, 03:49 PM
the blending two cultures idea deserves some respect as well as the purist idea..but that's just something the world will have to deal with cause there's just no world peace coming soon...
as for the show i think it's great and enjoy watching it (even though i haven't seen it in over a month..last episode seen was when robin posed as..forget the name..but he had the black costume and red X theme going..to decieve the Cyborg look-alike guy..)anyway..some of the anime tools are too simple which i really hate like when they go black and white style when someone gets angry like the vampire girl..(you can hate me for not remembering these names...)it just sucks..
but the show rocks as far as general public tv is concerned!:D

02-13-2004, 10:43 PM
I like it, It's like american Anime! Which I don't mind a whole lot.........but I would have to agree with Draven. Samurai Jack is the best show out of the American Anime.....