View Full Version : Thread 111308">Track identification - Silver Lining (from Pok�mon?)

Tag of Fire
03-18-2012, 11:31 PM
I acquired this track several years ago and cannot seem to remember where from.
What I know:
- The track title is Silver Lining
- The track is probably a remix from a Pok�mon Game Boy theme (I remember having both this track and Steven Stone from the GBA R/S album (

URL to the track (

I can't seem to find anything searching for the track title, some identification help would be neat. =)

03-20-2012, 06:38 PM
it's a remix of the song that plays in Dark Cave in Gold/Silver, I believe. The one that you can find Dunsparce in. (Not sure if it plays anywhere else)

Tag of Fire
03-20-2012, 07:01 PM
Ah yes that is it!
Good to know that it is from Pok�mon at least, now to see where and how it was released (and if it's an official release or fan-made).

Thanks for the input. =)