11-14-2003, 08:04 PM
I don't know if this is a spoiler or not but it has been argued and conformed that ffX-2 is connected to FFVII.
(This is my first post in probably 5+ months; forgive me)

I could go into a really long explanation about this, but I think it will be easier just to post a link to the place where I first heard this.

It's been a while so if off site linking isn't allowed or if linking to other forum isn't allowed please just don't click the link (

There's about 21 pages of people discussing if this is real or not and I read all 21 of them.

The real question is if this really is a good thing in players minds or not.

11-15-2003, 12:22 PM
Uhmm o_O too be the ignorant type of FF player o_o; FFX and FFVII connected? o_O How? Two different games, two different numbers

They always refer to their own work in games, it's a square-enix thing :D I think it's just over analyzation; just like the whole ultimecia = rinoa business and cheese weapon.

11-15-2003, 03:10 PM
What are you talking about??? Their discussing Xenogears the whole time...

Anyway, I agree with the whole over-analyzation...

Personally, I find it more more reasonable to consider that FFVII is directly linked to FFTactics (read my thread, lol)

Anyway, FF7 and FFX connected??? I see absolutely no connection whatsoever =/

11-15-2003, 04:45 PM
The easiest way for me to explain is to copy and paste various lines so here's a few:

By the way this contains spoilers for FFX-2 so you've been warned

They are different planets. The connection is about 1000 years.

The connections is Shinra, the Al Bhed sphere analyst. After FFX-2, he starts to extract Mako energy from the Farplane with financial backing from Rin.

The stories behind Materia in FFVII and Dresspheres in FFX-2 also seem kind of similar (Materia being knowledge from the dead, and Dresspheres being memories/feelings of people) - from page 3

From "Final Fantasy X-2 Ultimania"

-- Is there a connection between Shinra and FFVII?

Nojima: Yes, actually. After Shinra quit the Gullwings he got enormous financial backing from Rin and went to the Farplane to start extracting the Mako energy used by the Vegnagun. But the system for utilizing this energy could not be completed in his generation, so far in the future when space travel was possible, the Shinra Company was founded on another planet... or something like that. That would be a thousand years or so from this game's story.

-- And VII's story takes place after that?

Nojima: Well, you could say that's how I personally feel about it. -from page 4

This is how they are connected. The rest is people saying that is not true and arguements over it, but it was proven true on page 21; just read the first post on that page and square-enix is basically stating yes they are related with some of the ffx-2 merchandise.

other interesting things:
why was Cid all excited about being the first man in space in VII?
Because nobody remembers.

-ffvii's story line happens a 1000 years after ffx-2 and in the ffvii story jenova doesn't even happen until 2000 or so years after they settle the planet so I easily believe that you can forget in 3000 years.

11-15-2003, 09:38 PM
^_^ i cannot see a link between ff7 and
10 myself they are completely two different games
different storylines etc

lone wolf
11-17-2003, 02:26 AM

they are not arguing the story line connection,they are arguing that it is the same world, spira and earth are the same place, just thousands of years appar,t but then again, if you beat ff 7and watch the very end, it says something like a thousand years later, and everything looks roughly the same, except midgar has alot more plant life now, cause it was destroyed. i personlly can't beleive it, but i guess to those with alot of time and effoert on their hands, oyu could draw some connectings, but then again, you could make the connection that every game ever is connected....thay all usually involve....people :D

lone wolf

11-17-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by lone wolf

they are not arguing the story line connection,they are arguing that it is the same world, spira and earth are the same place,

Actually this is one of the counter-points that was offer in defense that they were not the same game.

However no one said they were the same planet, in fact it seems that every who was using that as a counter point never seem to read the part about:

Nojima: Yes, actually. After Shinra quit the Gullwings he got enormous financial backing from Rin and went to the Farplane to start extracting the Mako energy used by the Vegnagun. But the system for utilizing this energy could not be completed in his generation, so far in the future when space travel was possible, the Shinra Company was founded on another planet... or something like that.

I mean the words "the Shinra Company was founded on another planet" are right there and they still thought the arguement was that it was the same planet.

Now a few people have stated that what they read came across as opinion, and you are right a lot of it is opinion in fact until page 21 it's mostly opinion then comes this:

From an early given link I browsed to another, it's not in English, but thinks to a rough translation I will post a few sentences (in english) as well as the url from which I got the original text.

Note: 99% of fans know Square Enix makes collectors items for the various games and below is part of a description of one of the items made for Fantasy Fantasy x-2.

The description:
At the sides are the raising colors of Final Fantasy X-2, one discovers another model Final Fantasy VII, but with the logo Square Enix this time. Another characteristic, it takes again the slogan of the original countryside of Final Fantasy VII, with the inscription Shid� (Beginning) in kanjis and the silhouettes of the members of Shinra

I thought I posted this earlier, but FFVII is 1000 years after FFX and this is meant 'storyline wise' as in what I said earlier 1000 years after ffx-2 and in the ffvii story jenova doesn't even happen until 2000 or so years after they settle the planet so I easily believe that you can forget in 3000 years.

The connection was made by Kazushige Nojima(scenario writer of FFVII,FFVIII,FFX and FFX-2). Kazushige Nojima works for Square.

Not to be smug, but I thought after I read those 21 pages that there was a connection. Please correct me if I'm wrong, and don't just say there isn't a correction I read that so many times I'm about to scream.

11-17-2003, 09:45 PM
I've read it a few times and i kinda agree about the link between ff7 ffx anf ffx-2. But how could u explain the aeons or summons in ff7, aren't they gone from ffx?

11-17-2003, 11:20 PM
Ok, let me put a rest to this... or try to

The MOST reasonable connection I've ever heard of is FFVII and FFVIII.

Why? A) The Centra Ruins (note: the ancients are called centra), B) The Geographical map (look at it carefully) C) The devestation around the Centra Ruins (remember what the area around Midgar looked like?) and D) The Esthar Themselves (survivors of midgar perhaps? Their strange technology/power system=mako hence the desert around their city)

02-16-2004, 09:47 AM
Well I do not think that there is a relation between the two games that is of any importance...

02-16-2004, 01:04 PM
I'll believe this when I see an official statement from square enix. Although with FFXII being set in the world of Ivalice it is possible that they're trying to connect all their FF games in some way, if this is a good or bad thing we'll just have to see.

The main problem I have with the FFX FFVII connection is that shinra company was set up on another planet when in FFVII I was under the impression that shinra was just an upstart company until their war with wutai. Also that somehow the technology needed to transport people and equipment and then settle another planet light years away is completely lost but somehow the technology for extracting mako is kept intact.

This connection is just too far of a stretch for me, and if square enix is really trying to connect these games they're grasping for straws that they don't need.

02-16-2004, 10:11 PM
Honestly, I saw a connection to a lot of other FFs in X-2.

Just as an example of the top of my head, the accesories work exactly like the relics do in FFVI. Some of them even have the same names or make references to FFVI.

02-17-2004, 12:29 AM
Sorry, but it's generally considered a bad idea to revive three month old topics. If you're browsing through the archives or whatever and you see something this old and you have a new thought about it, feel free to start up a new thread about it.

With that said, I'm going to close this thread.

P.S.: We actually have another, more recent thread that is talking about this. Feel free to continue the discussion there.