03-13-2012, 01:28 AM
Well, i've had slightly more interest in this after mentioning it in The Lossless Video Game Music Thread, so thought i'd share my idea with more people.

The basic idea is to create a private group of members here on the forum that like to buy or have interest in buying Video Game, Film/TV and Anime music. The hopes for this group is to help each other save money while buying music, and possibly get those that have been interested but thought it too expensive to maybe start buying music too.

I'll give an example of how things would work.

Someone creates a thread for a soundtrack they want to buy, let's use Clock Tower 3 Original Soundtrack as an example. They link to the CD they want to buy Clock Tower 3 Original Soundtrack Game Music [CD] ( so others can see the cost. The person that creates the thread has to pay half the price as well as shipping costs, because the people helping out aren't gonna be paying for how fast the person wants their music. Other people in the group say how much they are willing to donate to help the person buy the music. $5 is the max amount people can donate, so it doesn't break donator's wallets. The thread stays open till the person has enough people saying they're willing to commit to donate, then it gets closed by one of the few mods i'll be adding to the section, and those that committed to saying they'll donate, send the other person the money. This will require everyone to use paypal and create a donate button, of course. The person that buys the soundtrack must show proof of purchase, date and the item purchased would be enough, and share it when it arrives in either Flac or mp3, whatever is requested by those that helped them purchase it. This way, the people that helped get something in return and we know the person wasn't just trying to get donations for nothing. People suspected of trying to con others will be removed from the group and banned.

The max amount for an item allowed starting off will be set at �50 ($65) (5,430 Yen). This figure is chosen so we can test this idea.

Those that create a thread and actually bought something must donate at least $5 before they can create a new thread. There will also be a $1 donation that needs to be made in order to join the group, this is just to show that people are serious about joining. The $1 donations will be funded back into the group anyway, so this isn't a money making scheme for me.

We'd need a name for the group too, so any suggestions for that would be cool. I'd like to do a kind of gamemp3s style release for the group too, they've been helping lots of people with music for years, so to actually start a similar thing would be great.

If there isn't enough interested shown in the group, then it won't happen. This is a very size dependent group. The more members, the easier it makes things on everyone.

I've probably left out a few things, but the basics for my idea are here. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to give them. And also say if you think it's a good or bad idea.

Thanks for reading.

03-13-2012, 03:09 AM
Jess, the idea is very good.
I have to ask about digital releases (like 2012 MAGFest Sampler | Bad Dudes ( The idea will be the same? The person that creates the thread may (if want) pay all? (i know, just a little stupid question, but....)

03-13-2012, 03:11 AM
There wouldn't need to be a thread created if you intend on paying all yourself. But yeah, digital releases would be the same.

03-13-2012, 03:56 AM
I'm in, buy me some shit, guys. :D

I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favourite post on the Citadel.

03-13-2012, 07:41 AM
This is very helpful for some OSTs with DVD (this is a pain in the ass, because very people forget the dvd).
I'm in, but i can't enter immediately (without job is very hard) =/

03-13-2012, 09:00 AM
Great idea, thank you based Jessie. Consider me in.

03-13-2012, 11:37 AM
Hmm... I'm willing to try, this seems like a good idea :p

03-13-2012, 03:06 PM
Maybe I join in the future, but for now I'm staying out and see how things work.
but the overall Idea sounds great.

03-13-2012, 03:44 PM
While I certainly believe that this is a noble-minded project by Jessie, I also wanted to point out some danger: Because this is basically paying people for copyright infringement. And once things have a "commercial" aspect, they get dangerous. Making the group private may make things more secure, but still...

At least I would do such transfers only with people I know. And by "know" I mean personally.

03-13-2012, 07:08 PM
this is certainly an intriguing idea. i would be interesting in seeing how this turns out. as liquidacid mentioned, it would be something to be very careful with. keeping it small and hidden should minimize risks.

another thing that would help would be to make sure people make new links (and/or re-tag downloaded files) before sharing further, to kinda segragate it from the rest of the forum/internet

03-14-2012, 12:28 AM
While I certainly believe that this is a noble-minded project by Jessie, I also wanted to point out some danger: Because this is basically paying people for copyright infringement. And once things have a "commercial" aspect, they get dangerous. Making the group private may make things more secure, but still...

At least I would do such transfers only with people I know. And by "know" I mean personally.

I'm with Liquid on this one. it could potentially be dangerous. but I think the risk is minimized by the fact that no real profit is made. It's not that different when someone buys something and uploads it the same day. I have nothing against it, but I will probably observe how it works (and if it works) for a little time before becoming a part of it. It could have potential for acquisition on CDjapan or for limited editions from Intrada or La la land.

Interesting idea.

03-15-2012, 04:26 AM
Hmm, I guess there are still some rare soundtracks I am still looking for... I'm sorta in and out of the forums though I would like to see where this goes

03-15-2012, 04:29 AM
There doesn't really seem like enough people interested though, so looks like this idea has died.

03-16-2012, 08:37 AM
There doesn't really seem like enough people interested though, so looks like this idea has died.
How many fellows was your goal? The poll shows 15 are interested in it, not too bad for a private group, I think.

03-16-2012, 09:08 AM
15 people might think it's a good idea, but 15 people haven't actually said they'd be interested. The majority of replies are saying it's interesting, but want to see how it goes before joining.

I had hoped for a lot more people, but at the same time, i was really sure how it would be received. It was an idea i had been thinking about for a while and wanted to get feedback on it, and i guess i have.

03-16-2012, 12:43 PM
15 people might think it's a good idea, but 15 people haven't actually said they'd be interested. The majority of replies are saying it's interesting, but want to see how it goes before joining.
O.k., hear you. I'm one of the 15 peoples and I said nothing about the project so far but if I had the choice I would participate instantly. I have some anticipations in this and no fear to throw in some money to get it started.

Question to the others: what are you waiting for, even if the worst case happen and it doesn't work out as you like your financial desaster won't be that much.

I had hoped for a lot more people, but at the same time, i was really sure how it would be received. It was an idea i had been thinking about for a while and wanted to get feedback on it, and i guess i have.
Well, I'm not sure how many people you/we need to get that started but I won't believe this is just the end. Please consider that anyone who might have an interest in the project have to read this thread, vote and respond, and it might happened that some (read: a bunch) people don't.

At this point it's probably to soon to discuss a little further but is this project to be an open part of the board or should it happen behind a "private group curtain"?

03-21-2012, 12:25 PM
It sounds good.
Liquid Acid has good points too, it can be dangerous.

I would be in if this gets serious.

04-05-2012, 12:39 PM
I don't know why people think it's so risky. There are groups that buy and rip music. They're a little more informal about it and nothing bad happens to them. Not that we know about. As long as it's kept quiet, and you don't post any incriminating evidence anywhere, I don't see what the trouble can be. Nobody's gonna raise their eyebrow and be like, "WTF! THIS DUDES GOT MONEY IN HIS PAYPAL ACCOUNT FROM 10 DIFFERENT PEOPLE, TIME TO CALL THE FEDS ON HIS ASS!".

It's only going to get that way if you're dumb and sell the music you get for a price. Which I'm sure nobody around here is THAT stupid... right?

04-05-2012, 01:32 PM
If you transfer money via PayPal, you're disclosing your identity to the other user. I'm aware that in the age of Facebook and social networks most people don't care about this stuff, but at least I cherish my anonymity and don't want it to be compromised.

04-05-2012, 02:55 PM
You make it sound like people are going to hack you, or do something with your name. Pretty sure the goal is to help spread the wealth by buying more music, not by trying to scam people. I can understand if you don't have the money to help out. Some people need to buy food and live rather than buy music... but not wanting to because you can't trust someone that you are already getting free music from seems a bit weird to me.

Kind of like you're slapping him in the face for already providing you with good music.

04-05-2012, 03:28 PM
You make it sound like people are going to hack you, or do something with your name.
Precisely. I don't trust people I don't know personally. Also social engineering (and everything related to it) is so easy these days, so it's best to disclosure as few information as possible.

Pretty sure the goal is to help spread the wealth by buying more music, not by trying to scam people.
"pretty sure" doesn't do it for me. The american government was also "pretty sure" that there were WMD in Iraq...

I can understand if you don't have the money to help out. Some people need to buy food and live rather than buy music...
This never was my argument and it's totally unrelated to the "trust" issue.

but not wanting to because you can't trust someone that you are already getting free music from seems a bit weird to me.
Care to elaborate? First of all I never mentioned to have any interest in this project at all. I only pointed out some dangers.
Then I don't see the relation between trust and "free music". Just because user A rips/uploads something and user B downloads it, doesn't increase user B's trust in A.

Kind of like you're slapping him in the face for already providing you with good music.
What makes you think that anything that happens here on a random internet board has some effect on my trust in someone? You make it sound that people are entitled to something once they do something (upload, rip, whatever) here. It's your right to have this attitude, but I don't have to agree with you. And I don't.