03-12-2012, 05:28 AM
I hope someone can help me out here. I've been looking for the Soundtracks released at rareware.com that were available before the infamous Kinect sports remodeling, I've found a lot of them at archive.org but I'm still unable to find the following:

VIVA PI�ATA Final Release
Name File File Size
Day 1 VP_Day1.mp3 2.7MB
Day 2 VP_Day2.mp3 2.3MB
Day 3 VP_Day3.mp3 2.1MB
Day 4 VP_Day4.mp3 2.1MB
Night 1 VP_Night1.mp3 2.4MB
Night 2 VP_Night2.mp3 2MB
Night 3 VP_Night3.mp3 2.4MB
Opening Cutscene JFG_OpeningCutscene.mp3 2.4MB

I know a lot of people are gonna suggest the many game rips available, but I want these specific files to preserve what was on the site.

09-23-2012, 02:09 PM
Here's an archive of the whole section:
Welcome to Rare (http://web.archive.org/web/20100128070807/http://www.rareware.com/extras/mp3s.html)