11-13-2003, 07:34 AM
Well, here I am playing FF7 for the very first time . . . I just finished disk 1. And all I can say is man, I can't wait to kill the Black Cloaked Bastard!!! Yup, Sephiroth must die. Ummm, that's about it. Thank you all for letting me have my short vent. Oh, and if you do post please don't post any spoilers beyond disk 1 because, like I said - I just finished disk 1. Well, with that said - please feel free to share your hatred for Sephiroth.

11-13-2003, 07:41 AM
You're probably the first person on this board. Congratulations.

At first, I felt like that (after disk 1)....but I eventually grew to like him and eventually considered him one of the most badass video game characters of all time.

That's just me may never like him. o.O;

Again, congratz on being the first anti-Seph here. XD

The Joker
11-13-2003, 03:13 PM
I despise him for his actions, however...I feel for him.

A lot of the game shows reasons that he basically had a mental breakdown and evidence that he is nothing more than Jenova's puppet.

His actions are repulsive, his characterization is twisted and complex, he makes a great villian and you can perhaps even have empathy for him.

Vivi FF
11-13-2003, 03:14 PM
I'm not a big fan of Seph either, especially in that one incident. But he's a pretty cool bad guy, although I still despise him for that once incident.

11-13-2003, 08:36 PM
According to this thread ( , not the first one, but still a minority.

It's cool to see you experience emotions during that game. :) Good for you that you got to see this scene as it was meant to be. As a shock.

11-13-2003, 08:39 PM
Ah but remember, Sephiroth didn't kill Aeris. It was Jenova. Sephiroth only first shows himself in the Whirlwind Maze in the cutscene where Cloud puts the black materia in the blue thing with the real Sephiroth in. Jenova was just using Sephiroth's cells to look like Sephiroth. So really all Sephiroth did was use Meteor and he never left the Northern Crater.

The Joker
11-14-2003, 01:27 AM
I thought those were his clones?

11-14-2003, 05:13 AM
Wait untill you've completed the story :E You'll hate him even more or "admire" him o_O just the most people do in this odd little way :E

Can't say I had the same feeling after disk 1 o_o; I was jumping around 'cause of what happened xD and cussing Cloud into hell for handing over the black mataria o_O; and then along came my friends the weapons.

Simply Bam
11-14-2003, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Koenma
You're probably the first person on this board. Congratulations.

At first, I felt like that (after disk 1)....but I eventually grew to like him and eventually considered him one of the most badass video game characters of all time.

That's just me may never like him. o.O;

Again, congratz on being the first anti-Seph here. XD

hear hear

Bahamut ZERO
11-16-2003, 01:54 PM
It's incredible that someone got to this point in the game, after it's been out for so long, without you actually hearing about that particular little spoiler.

Just goes to show that the shock impact of such an event is better without hearing about it first.

Ark Mune
11-16-2003, 06:00 PM
Man, sephiroth is awsome, he is the coolest villian ever. One badass mutha f-er. Need i say more?

11-17-2003, 02:14 PM
Actually, Cloud is not a clone of Sephiroth at all and if you paid attention to when Tifa is working through his memories with him you come to learn he is the Real Cloud and not a Sephy-clone.

He was just found after the Nibelheim incident in the reactor with his friend Zack and the two were subjected to experimentation in which Cloud's head was completely ratttled up and his body reacted to Jenova cells. Eewy. Anyway.

Sephiroth is Hott^^

The Joker
11-19-2003, 09:10 PM
I meant I thought...SPOILER!

I thought the Sephiroth that killed Aeris was actually just a clone of Sephiroth. I know that Cloud is not a clone, he had some false memories with Zack.

11-28-2003, 11:01 AM

I hate him now because...because...cuz...'s a little personal.

Once upon a time I had a major crush on him...for 5 or was it 6 years? I can't count. :/

Yeah, I didn't mind the slaying Aeris thing. I didn't expect it but heck she wasn't a major loss.
He's still good-looking in my books.

11-29-2003, 12:41 AM
5 or 6 years huh? must have been the sword, lol. I must admit that I hated sephiroth very much during the course of the game, but as a villain I think he is one of the absolute best, the only ff villain on par with sephiroth is kefka. The only other ff bad guy I wanted to kill more than seph was seymour, but not because he was particularly good character like sephy was, but simply because I hated his voice.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
12-02-2003, 08:09 AM
I think Sephiroth is the best character in the game, 1. He killed Aeris...well Jenova did, but looked like Sephy 2. He had some awesome lines 3. He just looked so cool, he looked like true proper villian, cool hair, cool clothes, and his sword thats the coolest weapon ever.

Sephiroth is the greatest

12-02-2003, 12:36 PM
A Sephiroth Clone killed Aeris'... Jenova did not take the form of Sephiroth or anything like that...
Actually... if you wanna get technical...


Jenova did kill her, but not in the way you thinking...

Sephiroth is buried up until the end of the game... So the 'Sephiroth' you are chasing around until Disc 3 is nothing more then a clone made by Hojo...

Anyway, all these clones and experiments made by Hojo are controlled by Jenova, in fact, everyone injected with Jenova cell's can be manipulated by Jenova... That is why Cloud does some stupid stuff throughout the game... And Jenova is controlling everything that is going on... So if you look at it like that, Sephiroth is not trying to free Jenova or anything like that.. But rather Jenova is trying to free and save the REAL Sephiroth...

"Because you are a puppet..." ~Jenova
Yes, Jenova has a line in the game... But how can Jenova's arm talk to you??? your right, it can't... It's the Jenova cells inside Cloud that are talking to him... Showing that Jenova is in charge and has control over him...

Jenova did not take the form of Sephiroth. Jenova was imprisoned at the Shinra building, so a Sephiroth clone HAD to of freed her...

Anyway, at the boss battle when aeris dies, you'll notice that Sephiroth drops something (Jenova's arm), that is what you fight, you don't fight the Sephiroth clone (which is what made you think that Jenova shape-shifted into a Sephiroth look-alike)...

12-08-2003, 08:46 AM
After reading all this I sort of feel bad for the real sephiroth now. Seph was just eternally sleeping in the northern crater and Jenova possessed Cloud into awakening him, you don't even get to talk to the real sephiroth.

Like in FF9 you talk with Necron before you fight him and learn and few extra things, but Seph has no time to explain his actions, he just levitates you and bounces you around thin air for a bit.

And also, Cloud sort of seems like a bit of a bastard for omnislashing Seph at the end, if they'd have just talked for a bit they could've come to thew conclusion that jenova is dead and Seph won't be controlled by jenova anymore and no one else will so they could've just gone on their ways.

So Sephiroth didn't actually do anything in the game. Cloud killed the real sephiroth in Nibelheim 5 years ago and that resulted in Seph being taken through the lifestream and ending up in the northern crater where Jenova controlls Cloud and gets him to give seph the black materia to awaken him.

The black materia begin reacting as soon as Cloud gave it to him, Sephiroth didn't summon meteor, it summoned itself. Seph's only voluntary actions were the fight at the end of the game, Jenova is the real villain, Sephiroth didn't kill President Shinra, Sephiroth didn't stab reeve in Temple of the Ancients, Sephiroth wasn't on the ship from Junon to Costa Del Sol the first time you ride the ship, it was all Jenova.

In reality Sephiroth is weak, that's why Cloud disposes of him at the end of the game in the final battle with ease, he was only ever powerful because he had Jenova's cells in his body, Hojo and Jenova are the real villain's, Sephiroth just carried out his actions before Cloud killed him the first time and Jenova did everything after that.

12-26-2003, 09:05 PM
Hmmmmm, nice to see there are some people out there who will defend pooor Sephiroth *end sarcasm*. I'd just like to announce that Sephiroth IS DEAD! I finished the game - ta da.
Also, along the issues of whether or not Jenova or Sephiroth was the ultimate villain, I'd have to say it was Sephiroth. I remember something I think Vincent said during the scene where Cloud hands over the black materia that talked about strength of will. Through Sephiroth's strength of will he manipulated Jenova to manipulate everyone else. In the final two battles the first destroys Sephiroth's body. Then we see a spirit cloud plunge further down into the crater and we have the fight with Sephiroth where Cloud uses Omnislash. I saw this as a battle between wills, not necessarily a physical battle. Finally Cloud's will was stronger than Sephiroth's. Eh, who knows. It's just my theory on how things played out.

Ultima Fire
12-26-2003, 10:53 PM
Ha the Good git's Back.
He's in the new film he didn't die. He's too cool. and another thing saying you hate sephs like saying that predator is a "bit MEan", its the character. he's the perfect character the bad dude you love to hate but reckon he rocks anyway.

sephs a real person he wasn't created he was born, his mother was lucreita father Hojo but juring brith lucreitia was injected with Jenovas cells by hojo( the Fecker :( ). sure think if he wasn't seph might have turned out as normal as say the guy in Kalm that keeps gettin in your way as your walkin up the stairs to get to the materia shop. he coulda been the guy on the news that gets killed when sector seven collaspes. hes just a misunderstood person, being controlled by a monster

Katayoku no Tenshi
12-27-2003, 10:04 AM
Mhh... I think everyone is allowed his position on this topic.

I personally think Sephiroth is pretty cool and misunderstood, but that is only my opinion.

But we are not sure if he will be in the new movie or if we'll see him only in flashbacks. Although there is a guy with silver hair, I'm not convinced that it is Sephiroth.


To the issue of Sephiroth being the real villain: I don't think so. In my eyes Jenova is the real villain. And if not... I wasn't a big Aeris fan so the death scene wasn't that bad for me. I was actually happy when she died >_<

But I don't think I can't say anymore that hasn't been mentioned before so I leave it with that.....

12-27-2003, 12:45 PM
I'm just gunna be simple and disagree. If you look deep deep down inside of Sephiroth you will see that the way he is isn't his fault. I don't think he chose to turn out that way. It's Jenova's fault! :mad:

01-21-2004, 06:49 PM
I myself felt the same hate towards him after he did that, but after a while, I developed an uncanny admiration for him, and it wasn't his fault, the fault should actually go towards ShinRa for sending him to that thing in Nibelhiem where he had to fix the reactor, because if he didn't explain Hojos experients to Cloud, he would have stayed at least a bit sane, right? So all the blame should go to ShinRa.

01-24-2004, 08:59 AM
To be honest i dont care how many innocent people he killed or how many sick things hes done the fact stil remains....
HE HAS A HUGE SWORD in my opinion if he sword is big hes fine by me.

01-30-2004, 01:05 AM
You�re kidding right?? :lol He�s definitely the best character in the game BY FAR! The game overall is amazing, but Sephiroth made the game!

02-04-2004, 01:56 PM
I agree with Vash and Shadow lurker...but the blame should still go to ShinRa.(and especially Shadow lurker.....big arse sword is all I need for proof of superiority.....)