11-12-2003, 04:06 PM
Alright, this thread is kind of questionable, but I was wondering if a sequel is really the way Square Enix should go (FF7: Advent Children). Personally, I think that a Prequel would make a much better/funner game...


1. Playing as the characters in the past, such as Vincent as a Turk, Zack, Sephiroth *SPOILER*(Before he goes crazy)*END OF SPOILER*, Seto, Godo, and Barret w/ Dyne, just seems like a cool idea.

2. The past of FF7 is rich... Shin-Ra pretty much waged war against the world (the battle of Shin-Ra and Wutai would be interesting...). As well as the studying of the Ancients, Ifalna's past, and the love story of Vincent Lucrecia, and Hojo...

3. A sequel's plot could ruin the original, but with a prequel, evrything has to tie in with what the original tells about the past...

EDIT: Crap, menat to post a poll... Anyway, would you like a sequel or prequel better? Or neither?

The Joker
11-12-2003, 06:41 PM
I'd also think a prequel would be better, but my idea was a bit farther back in time.

A meteor once hit the earth before...I would like to see what led up to first meteor crashing as FF7's explicity states that it happened before.

11-12-2003, 11:37 PM
You wouldn't be able to play the prequel, because it would be a movie remember, like the sequel will be. You'd find out aboutthe history of shinra, and maybe take control of a different main character because Cloud doesn't do much and Zack sure as hell ain't powerful or else he'd have beaten Sephiroth, not a Level 3 Cloud or whatever. So that wouldn't make sense. Maybe you could play as Tseng or the other Turks and do missions *shrugs*

The Joker
11-13-2003, 05:31 AM
"You wouldn't be able to play the prequel, because it would be a movie remember,"

Not neccessarily true. The fact that that the aftermath is a movie, does not prove a prequel would have to be a movie as well.

11-14-2003, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by Kie
You wouldn't be able to play the prequel, because it would be a movie remember, like the sequel will be. You'd find out aboutthe history of shinra, and maybe take control of a different main character because Cloud doesn't do much and Zack sure as hell ain't powerful or else he'd have beaten Sephiroth, not a Level 3 Cloud or whatever. So that wouldn't make sense. Maybe you could play as Tseng or the other Turks and do missions *shrugs*

Actually, if you follow the FF7 story fairly well, you would find what you said to be untrue, I'm in a rush, so I'm not going to explain it now, but if you want, PM me and I'll give you my interpretation of fit ^_~ (or I'll djust edit this and add it here, with spoiler tags of course...))

Anyway, I like Gandalf's ideas about the past, even the idea's I suggested were spread apart by at least 20 years, so time-jumps here and there would be needed, unless you go about it SaGa Frontier style, when you have to pick between 7 main characters, and play their story, then go play as another main character, then eventually all of them (each having different scenarios) to understand the whole story, as they all tie in together (Pulp Fiction Style!)...

Anyway, I heard rumors that they might turn FF:AC into a game if it does well. I repeat, IT WAS A RUMOR, so I'm not claiming/promising anything...

Ark Mune
12-08-2003, 04:46 PM
If u want to see a Advent Children trailer, scroll down to the bottom of FF& discussions page, there r three threads with movie links by me. HAHAHAHAHA, I think a prequal and sequal would be best, then everyone would be happy.

12-10-2003, 02:59 AM
Here's the newest rumor, this is directly from the newest version of GamePRO magazine which I am looking at right now:

"Also, there is much talk over in Japan over whether there will also be a sequel or prequel to Final Fantasy VII. One rumor has it that a prequel will be released, either as a side story in Final Fantasy X-2 (international version) or as a standalone game focusing on Vincent when he was a part of the Turks in the Shinra corporation. Square Enix may give out more details at the Tokyo Game Show, so stay tuned to learn if any of these rumors actually become fact."

12-12-2003, 12:04 PM
Rumor in GamePRO???

Gamepro has been wrong before.. and they are only claiming it was a rumor... Either way, I can't wait to hear more about it, I've been wanting that exact thing to happen for years