11-12-2003, 07:29 AM
As some of you know, im in the SCA(Society for Creative Anachronism). This is medieval re-enactment/living history. In the SCA, there are many official groups, or households. Some are mercenary companies, like the one I am associated with, House Wolfstar. I wrote this song, basing it off of another song by the name of Ramblin Rover.

Wolfstar Rover(variation on Ramblin Rover)

Oh, there're single men and plenty
And drunkards just past twenty,
There are ladies of over thirty
That can drink you to the ground
But i am a wolfstar rover
You'll never see me sober
God damn that old hangover
Give me another round.

My ship just started sinking
And now that i started drinking
I think id make the best king
This country has ever seen
Id legalize the drinking
For everyone i be thinking
The ladies would be winking
They would want to be my queen.


And if you need some beer
Then youve nothing to fear
And dont you shed a tear
when we switch it with wolfsfire.
And if that aint enough
thers no reason to get rough
Weve got a lot more stuff
As much as you ever require.


House wolfstar is the best
We really are quite blessed
And we'll all be depressed
if ever decide to roam.
But when your on the prowl
And you end up somewhere foul
Just give a little howl
And we'll always lead you home.

And just for comparison sake, heres the original

Ramblin' Rover

Oh, there're sober men and plenty,
And drunkards barely twenty,
There are men of over ninety
That have never yet kissed a girl.
But give me a ramblin' rover,
Frae Orkney down to Dover.
We will roam the country over
And together we'll face the world.

There's many that feign enjoyment
From merciless employment,
Their ambition was this deployment
From the minute they left the school.
And they save and scrape and ponder
While the rest go out and squander,
See the world and rove and wander
And are happier as a rule.


I've roamed through all the nations
In delight of all creations,
And enjoyed a wee sensation
Where the company, it was kind.
And when barkin' was no pleasure,
I've drunk another measure
To the good friends that were treasure
For they always around were mine.


If you're bent wi' arthiritis,
Your bowels have got Colitis,
You're gallopin' with balacitis
And you're thinkin' it's time you died,
If you been a man o' action,
Though you're lying there in traction,
You will get some satisfaction
Thinkin', "Jesus, at least I tried."

01-19-2004, 01:52 AM
That was neat and i also think you deserve a reply and man you got talent.:D