wind knower
03-04-2012, 04:17 AM
In 1996, Atari was developing Primal Rage 2. A prototype was completed, but the game was ultimately cancelled. A partially functioning rom exists though. It crashes shortly after reaching the versus screen. A friend of mine on Youtube, Gruntzilla94, managed to extract and assemble the music files from the rom. To determine exactly how to assemble the songs and which songs play at different parts of the game, my brother and I visited Galloping Ghost Arcade and recorded all the music for him. We had a lot of fun playing the game for about five hours.

Scan down for character suicides, images and endings from the game.

Complete soundtrack (160 bit rate)
Complete Primal Rage 2 Soundtrack (

01 Abandon All Hope Conquered/Time Over
02 Abandon All Hope Round 1
03 Abandon All Hope Round 2
04 Abandon All Hope Round 3
05 Arik's Seawall Conquered
06 Arik's Seawall Round 1
07 Arik's Seawall Round 2
08 Arik's Seawall Round 3
09 Blizzard's Haven Conquered
10 Blizzard's Haven Round 1
11 Blizzard's Haven Round 2
12 Blizzard's Haven Round 3
13 Character Bio (Attract Mode)
14 Character Ending
15 Character Select (Short) (Unused)
16 Character Select
17 Conquered Lands
18 Continue (Short) (Maybe Unused)
19 Continue
20 Do It (Fatality Timer)
21 Extinction (Fatality/Suicide)
22 Intro FMV
23 Keena's Cove Conquered
24 Keena's Cove Round 1
25 Keena's Cove Round 2
26 Keena's Cove Round 3
27 Malyssa's Altar Conquered
28 Malyssa's Altar Round 1
29 Malyssa's Altar Round 2
30 Malyssa's Altar Round 3
31 Necrosan's Soul/Vertigo's Altar Conquered
32 Necrosan's Soul/Vertigo's Altar Round 1
33 Necrosan's Soul/Vertigo's Altar Round 2
34 Necrosan's Soul/Vertigo's Altar Round 3
35 Shank's Maze/Sauron's Seawall Conquered
36 Shank's Maze/Sauron's Seawall Round 1
37 Shank's Maze/Sauron's Seawall Round 2
38 Shank's Maze/Sauron's Seawall Round 3
39 Tor's Crystal Place Conquered
40 Tor's Crystal Place Round 1
41 Tor's Crystal Place Round 2
42 Tor's Crystal Place Round 3
43 Unknown Music 1 (Unused)
44 Unknown Music 2 Part 1 (Round 1) (Unused)
45 Unknown Music 2 Part 2 (Round 2) (Unused)
46 Unknown Music 2 Part 3 (Round 3) (Unused)
47 Unknown Music 2 Part 4 (Conquered) (Unused)
48 Unknown Music 2 Part 5 (Conquered) (Unused)
49 World Domination
50 Xiao Ming's Pad Conquered
51 Xiao Ming's Pad Round 1
52 Xiao Ming's Pad Round 2
53 Xiao Ming's Pad Round 3

Suicides (GreenGeode was unable to locate the suicides for Blizzard and Chaos in the rom. Arik is also missing)

Arik, avatar of Sauron

Kaze, avatar of Blizzard

Keena, avatar of Talon

Malyssa, avatar of Vertigo

Shank, avatar of Chaos

Sinjin, avatar of Diablo

Tor, avatar of Armadon

Xiao Ming, avatar of Slashfang





Necrosan is the final boss





Bio screens courtesy of Gruntzilla94's leet hacking skills.

Sinjin doesn't have a bio screen in the game. The text is in the rom, however. This one is fan made from the text in the rom.


Abandon All Hope (Diablo's Stage)

Arik's Seawall

Blizzard's Haven

Keena's Cove

Malyssa's Altar

Necrosan's Soul

Sauron's Seawall

Shank's Maze

Tor's Crystal Place

Xiao Ming's Pad

Unused Stage 1 (discovered by GreenGeode on YouTube)

Unused Stage 2 (also discovered by GreenGeode)

Not pictured:
Vertigo's Altar

Avatars defeated

Dino gods defeated

Necrosan defeated

Sometimes a message appears on the screen. Different characters have different messages.

This appears for Kaze sometimes

This for Blizzard

And this for Sauron

Miscellaneous images

Unused high score display/entry

No cheese guy

From a comic. Sirius Entertainment made four Primal Rage comics.

Early names for characters, courtesy of Gruntzilla94.

Arik was named Sarek
Kaze was named Ronin
Keena was named Tania
Malyssa was named Veronica
Shank was named Chuck
Xiao Ming was named Seth

Endings artwork, courtesy of GreenGeode (he was unable to find art for Armadon, Blizzard, Diablo, Sauron, Talon or Vertigo)

Primal Rage 2 endings, courtesy of Gruntzilla94.

Ah! Finally with Necrosan defeated Armadon can get some well-needed rest. He retires to the crystal caverns to sleep and revitalize himself. He dreams of a distant time long past. It was a time before the arrival of the other Dinosaur Gods, when Armadon alone ruled the Urth.

With Necrosan destroyed, Blizzard can finally complete his task of freeing the old yeti ancients from their frozen imprisonment. He travels to the north pole and the south pole to speed the expansion of the polar caps. Icy glaciers advance down the continents, covering New Chicago and London under miles of ice. The weight of the polar caps causes the Urth to wobble off its axis. The Urth tilts until the polar caps come to rest at the equator. In time, the polar caps melt. Beneath Antarctica, is the lost continent of Atlantis. The great Ancient Yetis are thawed from their frozen prisons and rule Neo Urth with the ancient technologies of Atlantis.

Chaos has finally gained dominance over Neo Urth. The tribes of Neo Urth break into anarchy and return to their animalistic roots. However, Chaos still struggles with his human origins. His immortality is threatened each time he morphs into his mortal human shape. When he is human, Chaos cannot help but spend his time worrying about the future of humanity. He hates when that happens! Chaos just wants to go out and have some crazy fun! So whenever Chaos accidentally morphs into human shape, he just sniffs his underarms. The smell is so bad that his human form will fall unconscious. When he wakes up Chaos will already be morphed back into his good old happy monkey self!

No ending.

Once again the triumphant Lizard King reasserts himself as the most powerful force on the planet! All of humanity cowers and fears the might and hunger of Sauron. His warrior followers raid and capture their enemies for sacrifice to their ravenous god. Fearful of being eaten by Sauron, his followers work hard to grow livestock and to conquer neighboring tribes. Their numbers grow rapidly with the weekly fertility rituals. In time the rapid economic expansion sates even Sauron's hunger. Even so, the tribes continue the practice of producing abundant food and replenishing its population with its wild and extravagant weekly orgies.

Having defeated Necrosan, Slashfang returns to the jungles and savannahs where his presence is needed by a hungry hunting tribe. The people of Neo Urth return to a simpler tribal hunting style of life. Each person works hard for the hunting community, and returns to the Urth what they take. The skills of each hunter are keen and deadly. But even so, there is peace as the nomadic tribes band together to discuss issues of conserving the environment they live in. Without greed or hunger, tribal conflicts are rare, and war is unheard of. The tale of the Great Cataclysm is told as a cautionary fable of greed and excess to the children of the tribes of Neo Urth.

No ending.

At long last, Vertigo remains as the sole power to rule over Neo Urth. She had long dreamed of this day in her old prison on the moon. She never could have imagined how the ancient ancestors of the furry little humans could have created such incredible cities and monuments. Oh the power of the spells they must have cast! She enslaved the population of Neo Urth and forced them to cast the mighty spells from ancient tomes of knowledge. Those who failed to deliver were eaten by Vertigo herself! In time, the spells became too powerful for even Vertigo to control! The furry men were flying through the skies like gnats, and even to the moon! Vertigo eventually fled with the help of their spells to a small moon near Jupiter.

After exacting his revenge on Necrosan, Arik orders a day of mourning for his friends and foes. People travel from afar to Arik's kingdom to honor the slain warriors of this Great War. Impressed with Arik's compassion as well as his fierce determination, the people of other shattered kingdoms elect to have Arik heal and rebuild their homes and lives. In his lifetime, Arik oversees the growth of Rosaunia to the largest, most prosperous, and most peaceful kingdom of Neo Urth. His kingdom began an unprecedented 1,000 years of peace and prosperity throughout Neo Urth. Arik was remembered as a wise and compassionate leader who began this new age. Centuries later, his battle with Necrosan became just a tiny footnote in this great man's history.

Having defeated Necrosan, Kaze returns to his peaceful meditation. His followers are in awe of this living testament to the power and strength of the human will. Pestered by his worldly fame, Kaze disappears from his home one day, leaving his most prized possession: his mystical ice blade. Each year, the winter's wind whispers the rough Blizzard Canyon of his disappearance sounding like a thousand followers chanting his mantra: Kaze, Kaze, Kaze. And each year on that day, his mystical sword disappears from its final resting place beneath a clear crystalline ice monument in Kaze's honor, and reappears just as mysteriously, the very next day.

All were surprised when Keena defeated the mighty Necrosan so easily, most of all Keena herself! At only 15 years of age, what will the young girl be capable of when she grows up? After vanquishing Necrosan, Keena considered her training complete, and her elders agreed. They gave her a new mission... To grow up happily and peacefully free of tyrranny- a right guaranteed to all young girls by Keena herself! At age 18, Keena took her seat as the head of the elders, becoming the youngest as well as the first woman elected as an elder. Her natural beauty and sense of humor made her one of the most popular elders ever to preside.

With Necrosan and the Avatars defeated, there is no opposition to World Domination. Using her terrible mind control powers, Vertigo forces Malyssa to break the Great Spell of Binding, thus freeing the dinosaur goddess at long last. The Urth rumbles as Vertigo imbues Malyssa with the awesome magical energy to cast her spell. As Malyssa completes the spell, Vertigo realizes too late that the Bond of Imprisonment was not what was broken. But rather it was the Bond of Servitude between Vertigo and Malyssa! Long ago, while Vertigo was still weak, Malyssa had rewritten the ending of the spell to her own wicked design. Now strong as Vertigo was, she had used all of her power to free her most favorite slave! Free at last, Malyssa casts her spell to break Vertigo's bond of slavery on her people. She rules her magically talented people kindly, allowing each individual to pursue freedom and happiness on her own terms.

After extracting Necrosan's precious alien seed, Shank can finally complete his 900 year quest to purify his DNA. However, Shank discovers that the evil Necrosan has already impregnated much of Neo Urth with the alien seed. Necrosan's victims mutate into maggot-like larvae before hatching into small wingless versions of Necrosan. Being the only genetic engineer to survive the Great Cataclysm, Shank uses the last of Necrosan's alien seed to produce a cure for Necrosan's Last Curse. Eventually, the madness of Chaos overcomes Shank. But his followers forever remember him as the brilliant geneticist who sacrificed his 900 year search for immortality to save the future of all mankind.

After defeating Necrosan, Sinjin wails in anguish. Great and mighty as he was, Necrosan was a mere mortal, and finally no match for Sinjin. Sinjin recalls the times when he was buried under the Egyptian pyramids for 2000 years, the many times he was dismembered and burned by witch hunters, and the centuries he blindly wandered the dark bottomless caverns of the seas- always alive. And now with Necrosan gone, Sinjin will search for eons for another foe who may end his accursed immortality. As each day passes, his body's strength and vigor grow, but his face continues to rot. But one day, his followers found a large cache of frozen heads from a mysterious cult from before the Great Cataclysm. Each century, he would renew his face with a head transplanted from this wonderful cult and lived youthfully and happily ever after.

After defeating Necrosan, Tor uses his powers in combination with Armadon to bury Necrosan's alien radioactive meteor-egg under a massive mountain of rock. It wasn't until much later that Tor learned of Necrosan's plan to terraform Neo Urth into a bleak alien landscape suitable for unknown inhabitants. Each day, Tor searches the skies for the invading armies of alien colonists. As the days grow warmer, and the polar caps melt, Tor worries that Necrosan's plan is still in effect. He and Armadon dig up Necrosan's old meteor and encase it in Tor's Elemental Armor, and fire it up into the sun. One night, the skies became bright with the streaking tails of falling meteors. Terrified, Tor was faced with the possibility of fighting a hundred Necrosans without the help of his Elemental Armor. But when he cracked open the alien eggs, the slimy worm like creatures inside screeched horribly and choked to death in the cool Neo Urth air.

Xiao Ming
Still burning with the scars of his defeat to Slashfang, Xiao Ming's mind is finally at peace after vanquishing a foe even Slashfang could not conquer. Embittered by his disfigurement, he demands a rematch with Slashfang. This time, Xiao Ming knows that if he loses, he will not be spared any mercy from the God of the Hunt. Instead of direct battle, Slashfang challenges Xiao Ming to a hunt. If Xiao Ming can track down the God of the Hunt, they will fight to resolve their differences. After wandering several years in search of Slashfang, Xiao Ming's anger finally subsides. The years spent were not fruitless, however in that time, Xiao Ming finally learned the value of humility, the last lesson taught by his wise master, Slashfang.

Having defeated the last of the opposition, Necrosan continues to prepare Urth for the arrival of his alien masters. All across Neo Urth, men and women alike are impregnated with his alien parasites. His victims live out their final days in agony before maggot-like spawn burst from their guts. The swelling armies of Necroids grow large as they feed upon the human populace. Strange alien cities are built over the human ones. Humans are but tiny slaves and tasty morsels. One day, a shadow falls over the alien cities, and the Necroids are all swept away, leaving none behind. The Necroids were grunts in a great galactic war, one which they were losing. The tribal masters fear the return of the Necroids- but not as much as they fear an invasion of the Necroids' powerful enemies!

03-04-2012, 03:21 PM
Sweet,I'm always up for some Primal Rage.

wind knower
09-28-2012, 09:36 PM

wind knower
11-18-2012, 10:18 PM
Bumped with some images.

11-18-2012, 10:38 PM
Holy crap, they were trying to make a Primal Rage 2? I remembered loving the first one, but never knew about this. Insane...

11-19-2012, 12:53 PM
Didnt know the Arcade Cabinet existed, but is that the full game?

01-01-2013, 01:19 AM
00477 - YouTube (

Finally found some footage of this hidden gem!

wind knower
01-01-2013, 03:22 AM
Amazing. Thanks for posting that.

wind knower
10-02-2013, 10:58 PM
Necrosan animation

Character select
Primal Rage 2 Full Character Select (Shows off Dino-Gods!!!!!) - YouTube (

Dino god vs renders
Primal Rage 2 Dino-God (Dinosaur) VS Renders - YouTube (

Avatar vs renders
Primal Rage 2 Avatar (Human) VS Renders - YouTube (

Primal Rage 2 Stages - YouTube (

Abandon All Hope (Diablo/Sinjin Stage)
Arik's Seawall
Sauron's Seawall
Blizzard's Haven
Keena's Cove
Malyssa's Altar
Vertigo's Altar
Necrosan's Soul
Shank's Maze
Tor's Crystal Place
Xiao Ming's Pad

wind knower
11-23-2013, 05:01 PM
You can hear the announcer clearly in this video.

Primal Rage 2 All Character Names (Announcer) - YouTube (

wind knower
06-06-2014, 12:12 AM

wind knower
06-20-2014, 09:36 PM
Updated with new character biography images

wind knower
06-22-2014, 10:55 PM
The Galloping Ghost arcade recently purchased one of the two known copies of Primal Rage 2.

Watch footage here

wind knower
06-24-2014, 02:56 AM

wind knower
09-05-2014, 11:37 AM
Updated with complete soundtrack and more images.

09-05-2014, 05:01 PM
Thanks! Downloading this right now.
Do you have the soundtrack from the first Primal Rage game? The Arcade versi�n if posible.
Many thanks in advance.

09-05-2014, 05:08 PM
This is so awesome. So how many of these are out there?

wind knower
09-06-2014, 10:21 PM
Thanks! Downloading this right now.
Do you have the soundtrack from the first Primal Rage game? The Arcade versi�n if posible.
Many thanks in advance.No problem. :) The music from the original game can be found here:

Thread 110229
This is so awesome. So how many of these are out there?Only two are known to exist for certain. Galloping Ghost Arcade purchased one of them a few months ago. The other is owned by an unknown individual. He posted some footage from the game on YouTube about a year ago.

09-08-2014, 04:35 PM
No problem. :) The music from the original game can be found here: two are known to exist for certain. Galloping Ghost Arcade purchased one of them a few months ago. The other is owned by an unknown individual. He posted some footage from the game on YouTube about a year ago.

Thanks! Downloading right now.

wind knower
09-09-2014, 12:10 AM
Link updated with better quality mp3s.

09-09-2014, 02:02 AM
Wow - I never expected to see someone get the MP3s from this obscure and lost gem that never got to 1.0 - Nicely done!!! Very appreciated. :-)

09-09-2014, 09:39 AM

09-16-2014, 09:21 PM
some needs to do a complete rom of it so all of the world can enjoy

wind knower
10-01-2014, 09:25 PM
Bumped with video depicting suicide moves

01-29-2015, 12:18 AM
Bumping an old thread to see if there is any interest in seeing what I have learned so far about the game. I've put a bunch of time into Primal Rage 2:I work at Galloping Ghost Arcade and I loved the first PR since my youth. I've put together a basic command list of what I have verified myself:

Any questions, let me know! Hopefully I'll be able to do some streams sometime soon with direct capture video!


wind knower
01-30-2015, 04:30 PM
Hey Pete. My brother and I met you at the arcade. Thanks a lot for posting that info. :)

wind knower
08-10-2015, 06:16 AM
A friend of mine recently hacked into the Primal Rage 2 rom. He managed to locate all the character win quotes and some weird text that may be combo names.

Weird text:
The Mustard is off the hot dog
no harm no ambulance
no blood no foul
the butter is getting hard
The eggs are coolin'
The lights are out
the game is in the refrigerator

Character win quotes:
Arik, avatar of Sauron
My blood burns for revenge!
I will end this war myself!
I will be king again.
Out of my way! Destiny awaits me!
You challenged me? Big mistake.
I shall triumph over all evil.

Kaze, avatar of Blizzard
You nearly broke my concentration.
You're more of a 'frozen one' than a chosen one.
Go meditate on your failure.
You must make your attacks flow.
Ice, ice, baby!
Walk the eightfold path, my friend.
See reality as it is.
Transient are conditioned things.
Observe the interdependence of all phenomena.
When this is, that is. This ceasing, that ceases.
What is the sound of a 20 hit combo?
Mere suffering exists, but no sufferer is found.

Keena, avatar of Talon
Ugh! There's blood on my claws---Your blood!
Youth and beauty wins every time.
I'm still training you know.
See? You can be pretty and still win ugly.
I can barely stay sharp with such dull competition.
Hey look! My claws are still clean!

Malyssa, avatar of Vertigo
Feel the wrath of my magic snake.
Bow down before your goddess.
My magic is all powerful!
Another day, another loser.
You're crazier than I am if you thought you'd win.
A mind is a wonderful thing to waste.

Shank, avatar of Chaos
Tsk tsk! Beaten by a great-great-great grandfather!
Excuse me, has anyone told you how much you suck?
Luke, I am your father!
Luke, I am your great-great-great grandfather!
I'm insane and mutated. What's your excuse?
Sit and spin, sit and spin, sit and spin... Woooohaha!

Sinjin, avatar of Diablo
I am not afraid of death. I yearn for it!
Defeat is good for the soul--If you have one.
Don't die! You have yet to suffer!
Now I can teach you about pain, my friend hahaha!
Ask not for mercy, for you shall not find it here.
Another one bites the dust.
Don't Worry. I'll be back.

Tor, avatar of Armadon
Condolences. May a better world await you.
Peace... What the Urth giveth, it taketh away.
The violence of the virtuous always prevails.
Unburden your sins avatar!
If you cannot have peace in life, find it in death.
Call me Alphonso Lodestone!
You can't control nature... It will control you.

Xiao Ming, avatar of Slashfang
Ewww... You don't look so good...
Don't mess with the master.
...And don't mess with the master's hair!
Fight hard and leave a beautiful corpse.
Too bad. You must be swift - of both body and mind. Ha!
So tell me-- What does it feel like to be a loser?
I'm not arrogant. I'm simply the best.

You must learn to face spinning death.
Attack me if you dare.
I will crush you!
You are no match for my iron maiden!
Smash, smash, smash! Feels good!
Don't call me Spike.

Yatha bhutham.
Sabbe samkhara dukkha.
Sabbe dhamma anatta.
Anicca, dukkha, anatta.

The one with the furrier curves wins!
I'm a giant ape. What are you? Dead.
I'll eat you for dinner!
What's that smell? It's not me.
Flatulence is funny.

Smoking is bad for your health.
I'm just too hot. And it's just too bad you're not.
Burn, baby, burn!
Hey look! You're a flaming idiot! Get it? Hehehe!
C'mon baby, light my fire!
I've got this burning desire...
98.6 212 451

You have no hope in succeeding.
After I take your life, Urth is mine!
Why fight? Death is inevitable.
Puny mortal! You've lost your life!
Pathetic. You came all this way only to fail!
Your weapon is useless against the grim reaper!
Evil will triumph over good because good is dumb.

I'm smarter, I'm for you faster, A shame.
I'll rule the world yet!
I like it fast and furious!
Nice to meet you. I'll call you dinner.
I like the way flesh sticks to my claws.
Bite me? No, I bite you instead.

Know the name of your tyrant king-Sauron!
I'm still the largest, still the best!
I hunger for fresh meat---Yours!
I am the lizard king. I can do anything!
Even vultures wouldn't eat you.
Watch as I swallow your followers one by one!

I'll sharpen my claws on your bones.
You must defeat Fang Long to stand a chance.
The hunter stalks the prey.
Return to a simpler existence worm!

You've fallen under my voodoo spell.
I am Vertigo, the mesmerizing sorceress!
The moon is a cold place and bitter place.
I'll banish you to the moon!
Life is good--But for you, death is better.

Butt Boy
02-15-2017, 01:40 AM
Primal Rage 2 is finally playable.

This video shows you how to emulate it.