02-22-2012, 08:18 AM
For any fans of the series I'm sure the rumors of the Persona 5 music channel on Youtube has hit your ears. Whether this is official music or fan made we don't know yet. However it's very well done and is nice to listen to.

And besides that I thought I'd post an artist that has created his own Persona fan music for all Persona fans that are interested. This are not shotty remixes of Shoji Meguro's music, this are original compositions by Sleeping Awake. Looks like he made this music in his own style with Persona in mind and made it for fans. And it's free! I've already downloaded his first two albums of this and loving it. I'm looking forward to Volume 3 which should be coming out soon it seems. Not as fast paced as the Persona OSTs, but it still holds a dark ambience and slight jazz fusion feel that I can definitely tell his main inspiration sounds like P3. But anyways I'll let you all be the judge of that. Check it out and download them! Let me know what you think. Could just be me but I'm digging this.

In The Shadows Volume 1 | Sleeping Awake (
In The Shadows Volume 2 | Sleeping Awake (

02-26-2012, 08:46 PM
Bumping because i missed approving the post.