02-13-2012, 06:00 PM
Hey guys, did u have any idea who will scoring for The upcoming Resident Evil: Retribution?

We already have Marilyn Manson & Marco Beltrami for Resident Evil, Jeff Danna & Elia Cmiral for Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Charlie Clouser for Resident Evil: Extinction, and Tomandandy for the latest Resident Evil: Afterlife.

So, who will be the next composer the new instalment?
Any idea...?

02-13-2012, 11:47 PM
i heard rumors about tomandandy will score the new film again?

02-14-2012, 12:48 AM
okay, but how about daft punk?
Since they've used their music on the trailer. (^^)

02-14-2012, 06:29 AM
i made a google search recently and found no solid infos yet as to who will provide the music for fifth installment of the Resident Evil film franchise...

it would be great if indeed Daft Punk will provide the score considering how good they are with in the sci-fi hit Tron Legacy...

i heard rumors about tomandandy will score the new film again?

gosh i hope this is just rumor, as i would prefer a Marco Beltrami, Charlie Clouser, Jeff Danna and Manson music over their music in the RE Afterlife which in my opinion is less exciting, forgettable and more like a special fx masquerading as score..

among the 4 scores mentioned i really could care less about theirs with regards to the last RE films. okay that's just my opinion.

03-12-2012, 11:38 AM
it's tomandandy again

03-12-2012, 05:54 PM
too bad, i just hope they'll do better this time around. but i'm still looking forward to see the film but could care less with the score now that i know who's gonna be making a comeback.