02-12-2012, 01:00 AM
I recently found that a mono soundtrack exists for RHPS, which features all songs from the movie before they were remixed into stereo for the official soundtrack release and vhs/dvd releases. I remember hearing the original mono soundtrack on a version played on TV years ago, and remember thinking the soundtrack sounds much better/original.

I found it on some soundtrack blog, but the links have died :-(

Would anyone happen to have this?

Many thanks!

09-28-2013, 08:08 AM
I would love this too, please, if anyone happens to have it!

01-12-2015, 03:09 AM
i have a copy of this. it was ripped by a fan from the 2000 original DVD release. that was the first time TRHPS was released on dvd, and it featured the "original" mono audio track, along with a new THX audio track. the reason for the quotes around original, is because it's not 100% the original mono audio. however, it's the closest there is (as of current), but if you're familiar with the Audience Participation album ("Say It!"), you'll notice the difference. also, i've only ever found this copy in 192 kbps, and theres not alot in the way of lead-in/lead-out dialogue, etc. also, theres barely any pause between tracks. i've been wanting to make my own improved copy, but dont have the software to rip the mono audio from the dvd.

anyhow, enuff of my ROCKY HORROR freak-fan babbling. heres the album! Ill make a proper cover for it soon!

I'm a wild and untamed thing! (!8gU0QZqC!7eT4FArrAhKbZ2R6BI3WkhmaRwuQx1Sop3kDp0k 98yE)

01-12-2015, 08:44 AM
Thanks so much, timeslip! Nice to "meet" another Rocky Horror fan. :)

That link is asking for a decryption key though. :( Do you think it could be possible to link to the file with the decryption key included in the url? There should be an option like that somewhere. Thanks for your help.

01-12-2015, 04:10 PM
oops - my bad! forgot for a sec that i was supposed to include that! all fixed, now!

01-13-2015, 02:31 PM

11-03-2017, 07:11 AM
Does anyone have the much better mono soundtrack and could upload it? Thanks ��