02-11-2012, 12:26 PM
Hello guys, "IndyJones" here. Somehow I lost my password and my old email account, so I can�t log in anymore. I even can�t contact an admin to help me because of my low post count...

Maybe someone can help me. I�m looking for the Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition Soundtracks (3x 2CD). I only found Megaupload links on the web, but, of course, they don�t work anymore.

02-11-2012, 02:27 PM
I have the discs. Right now ripped at 320. Can get them up by Sunday night...

02-11-2012, 03:55 PM
You could also find them cheap on eBay or amazon. Support the artist :)

The Dimensioner
02-11-2012, 05:33 PM
But if you buy them off of eBay, are you really supporting the artist?

02-11-2012, 05:47 PM
Should have said not ebay, sorry. Amazon! :) Sorry lol.

02-11-2012, 10:47 PM
@babydoll: That would be great! :)

@jedisaurus: Trust me, I am one of the biggest SW fans on this planet (well, at least I was until Lucas began to f**k up all the canon), and I have bought all the official soundtrack releases. They are kept in my collection and won�t be used. But I need the soundtrack for some video editing on my computer in mp3 ;)

02-12-2012, 12:26 AM
@babydoll: That would be great! :)
You know that Lucas IS canon, right? Yes sw is the best. Love the music, movies, books. all good!

@jedisaurus: Trust me, I am one of the biggest SW fans on this planet (well, at least I was until Lucas began to f**k up all the canon), and I have bought all the official soundtrack releases. They are kept in my collection and won�t be used. But I need the soundtrack for some video editing on my computer in mp3 ;)

02-12-2012, 02:20 PM
There can�t be a canon when there are continuity errors in the story itself.

02-12-2012, 04:10 PM
Ha. I use the scores for video editing as well! Its so fun isn't it? I hope your project goes well. Music is what breathes life and feeling into a film. I think canon began with religious texts, which have the largest of plot holes and continuity errors of any creative work, so SW continuity errors are nothing. :D Yes, I prefer the special editions but not sure about the Han Shoots First and Hayden as Anakin in A New Hope and Return of the Jedi respectively. Oh well. Doesn't ruin the movies for me. Would have been awesome if the Blu-Rays had a music or sfx only audio track...that would have been freaking AWESOME!

There can�t be a canon when there are continuity errors in the story itself.

Boris The Spider
02-13-2012, 12:12 AM
Would have been awesome if the Blu-Rays had a music or sfx only audio track...that would have been freaking AWESOME!

Seek out the Adywan Fanedit DVD version - that has an isolated music track.

The Dimensioner
02-13-2012, 01:52 PM
Sounds like it is something you have...Why don't you just share it here?

02-13-2012, 04:13 PM
Seek out the Adywan Fanedit DVD version - that has an isolated music track.

He made an OST....

03-19-2012, 05:44 PM
Star Wars (http://fanedit.info/index.php/star-wars)

--> STAR WARS: EP IV 2004 Special Edition REVISITED by Adywan

I also downloaded his 2 CD score a while ago, but I can't seem to find it anymore.

12-01-2012, 10:06 PM
I have the discs. Right now ripped at 320. Can get them up by Sunday night...

Amanda, I don't see that you uploaded your discs here. Amber12 posted a fantastic thread entitled "The Complete Star Wars Soundtrack Collection" on July 2010 here: Thread 77829 However, all Amber12's links are now dead. So far, I haven't found any new re-uploads of the Ep. IV, V, and VI special editions on the forums. Thanks for any help in advance!