02-10-2012, 03:04 AM
Which one is The Best, More Superior, and Worth to watch? Give me your opinion users!

02-10-2012, 05:51 PM
i heard the twilight novels are good but the movie couldn't say as I wasn't a fan of any of the Twilight Stars...on the contrary I love vampires and wolves specially if it has Kate Beckinsale in the lead so I'd pick Underworld, i'm not saying it's Superior but just more appealing to me.

02-10-2012, 06:17 PM
i'm agree! But i think that the twilight saga has a lot of Fans more than underworld (most of them are teenager, i believe) thus making it more popular than underworld. Just like in my country, if you're asking them anything about twilight, specially 'Robert Pattinson' They will answer you correctly. But if you're talking about underworld, then the answer is, ''Never saw it before, what's that?, blah, blah,blah...'' LOL
But if you're asking me about which one i have choose to watch it, it's underworld, obviously!
I've to admit that i'm really a big fan of that series.

---------- Post added at 12:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 AM ----------

oh yeah, and underworld has a darker and solid gothic atmosphere that makes it perfect for a vampire's movie instead of the twilight saga.

02-10-2012, 06:33 PM
But i think that the twilight saga has a lot of Fans more than underworld (most of them are teenager, i believe) thus making it more popular than underworld.
lol, you nailed it. Though i heard from a friend of mine who actually read the Twilight novels that it is good...i managed to see the first film and it's ok i guess but it's just something that is not my cup of tea.

02-10-2012, 06:44 PM
haha, also i think that the twilight saga is not intended for a men consumer(viewer) the majority of people who's willing to follow and watch the whole series are a girl mostly. Well, that's what i'm thinking. Lol

02-10-2012, 06:52 PM
that's probably their main target market. though i also watched dramas, documentaries, independent films every now and then and surprisingly that's where you'll find some of the best films presented in a limited production budget but rich in substance and stories you don't usually get in the main stream movies.

02-10-2012, 07:13 PM
for an example, Paranormal activity? I thought the production's budget(of the first film) are so limited. Also the blair witch project (which makes a very significant hits in an independent film industry)

---------- Post added at 01:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 AM ----------

though they've ruined the original with a poor quality sequels. (the blair witch project) which become a big budget production's movie.
But it still become profitable with it's income.

02-12-2012, 10:08 PM
Definitely Underworld. ...But to be frank, I'm not a big fan of either. Mostly because I'm not into Vampires VS Werewolf movies. (Unless werewolves are the good-guys. Werewolves rule!)

02-13-2012, 12:07 AM
Definately Underworld, twilight is a boring drama-ized version of Vampires and werewolves!!!!!

07-17-2012, 04:54 PM

07-17-2012, 06:26 PM
The late film critic Joel Segal said some movies are trash whilst others are garbage. The difference, trash is entertaining, garbage is not.

'Underworld' is trash and 'Twilight' is garbage.

'Underworld, generally and at its best, never pretends to be more than it is: a good looking heroine shoots and kills her enemies in as entertaining fashions as possible. This isn't a knock on the films, some actors have tried to do the action hero role and failed. Kate Beckinsdale (Selene) makes you (at least she does for me) believe she can kill ass and not bother with names. She takes matters into her own bloody hands and never waits around for someone to save her. The movies are light entertainment but fun.

Twilight' likes to pretend there's more going on then there really is, but its core its two guys fighting over Bella to see who can get her pregnant. That's it, the rest is all pseudo romantic padding to fill out four books. Bella is waiting for her prince to come and take her away from everything. Really, this is the 21st century, not the 13th. And there's a subtext to these films I find disturbing: Bella is choosing between necrophilia (Ed is dead, he's a vampire, a walking corpse) or bestiality (Jacob is a werewolf, the guy has fur and walks on all fours.)

The strange duality is exemplified by a friend who dragged me to see the first film. Afterwards I asked her if she didn't find it weird that Edward, who is a 100 years old, hangs around teenage girls. In human terms that's pedophilia (to be accurate its actually ephebophilia: an interest in children between the ages of 15 and 19.) but Twilight fans find the pairing of Edward and Bella romantic. Her response, she didn't care because Edward, and these are her words "is so hot."

Moral of this story: it doesn't matter if you are dead, as long as you're good looking you'll get the girl.

08-18-2012, 10:28 AM
so underworld wins for having actual vampires.

twilight had... sparkling faggots

Darth Revan
08-18-2012, 12:10 PM
so underworld wins for having actual vampires.

twilight had... sparkling faggots

QFT. Can't agree enough.

08-18-2012, 12:21 PM
so underworld wins for having actual vampires.

twilight had... sparkling faggots

This. Underworld hands down is better in every way. There is no comparison between the 2.

10-28-2012, 10:06 AM
underworld got a bit too stupid at times with the vampires and the werewolves using guns way too much instead of their enhanced physical traits to fight, and the blood-mixing cross-pollinating genetics whatever bollocks got a bit messy too - i could follow it but i think the films confused themselves at times with it - but it was essentially an atmospheric and entertaining flick, as was its sequel evolution - i haven't seen the next couple of films, the prequel and the one where humans get wise to their evolved brethren, but i am very keen to see them since the first couple of films were fun.

i've also seen twilight and it's first sequel, where they end up in italy meeting michael sheen who's now a vampire rather then a lycan in the underworld films, and these films were no fun at all. the first one was intriguing for a while, and i do like the rogue vampires who killed for fun, the rasta and the chick and the bloke who kidnaps bella's mum and bites her before getting iced by edward's human-abstinent family who come to the rescue; i liked that bit when the wolves chase the red haired chick through the forest after she causes bella's dad's mate to have a heart attack in the first sequel, to that thom yorke/radiohead song. but overall these films seem to be self-important, self-indulgent, pretentious and self-obsessive, with unlikeable characters acted in an annoying, wooden fashion, reminiscent of hayden christiansen's laughable anakin skywalker performances. you see very little that's actually worth seeing.

also, this ->
so underworld wins for having actual vampires.

twilight had... sparkling faggots

at first i actually liked the fact that they didn't burn up in the sunlight; that's always bothered me, because if vampires are so fucking weak under the sun, why doesn't the CMB, or the light from all the stars in our galaxy and beyond etc. harm them? or is it simply because it's our star, it's just a magical or supernatural weakness to our particular sun? i'm pretty sure dracula isn't bothered, or at least not hurt, by the sun in the original novel, correct me if i'm wrong? ... but then again, twilight's vampires are indeed basically sparkling faggots. so yeah, fuck all that waffle, twilight's take on it just fails spectacularly. there's no explanation or reason for the sparkling, it's just shit. and it makes less sense that such gifted and powerful beings would stay underground and out of the public consciousness if all the sun made them do was sparkle rather then burn them to a crisp.

i can't comment on the twilight novels but that in itself also counts in underworld's favour in my opinion, since it's actually an original screenplay, as far as i'm aware, rather then yet another fucking adaptation/remake/reboot/sequel etc. sooooo, in conclusion, the underworld films, while being no masterpieces, are nevertheless vastly superior to the twilight films, to my mind.

08-23-2018, 12:38 PM
Underworld for sure

09-07-2018, 01:23 PM
Both are pretty silly, but Underworld is a guilty pleasure. I was never able to get past the first Twilight movie. The cringe was just too much for me.