Solidus Snake
10-25-2003, 06:30 PM
The standard procedure with flower and other things on CD1
20 revive on master
100 tissue + 35 masamune blade
And then just go to the church where you will see some kids playing around.They will ask you where is the flower girl and then???
Then Zack came out of nowhere and told you to step on the flowers.Kid will give you holy materia and Zack will learn you how to use it.Then the animation comes!!!!!!!

You can only do this on CD2 and I done it for 5 times ...

If you got quastions mail me on *snip* :mew: :nono:

(please don't spread "resurrection" rumors.. they are all false)

Neo Xzhan
10-25-2003, 06:48 PM
I have a few words for you:

There is no way to ressurect Aeris.


10-25-2003, 06:53 PM
Pure bullshit dude!!!

10-25-2003, 06:58 PM
Like the others said, This is nonsense and just another Aeris resurrection rumor. (One which has been done too many times, at least the cheese weapon one offers for some discussion) but ofcourse you are welcome to give some authentike screenshots of this aeris revival happening.

And it's a known fact that CD 2 and CD 3 have only 8 character slots and the first CD has 9, guess who is missing.

and since every reply comming will have something of the following; You, can't, revive, aeris, It's pointless to leave it open.