02-01-2012, 07:57 PM
Hey Guys!

After watching the prologue, i thought how cool it would be if someone made a re-orchestration of the cue. So I decided to take the matter into my own hands, and well this was no quick achievement (not as I initially thought!).
I basically had to use different sources from CAM versions found on the web to make it as identical rythmically & of course musically as I possibly could.
Anyway, I genuinely hope you'll like it, 'cause this is the version i would have liked to hear on the internet!
Time to get your ears RAPED!!! :)

https://rapidshare.com/files/1088461028/Hans_Zimmer_-_The_Fire_Rises___Prologue___The_Dark_Knight_Rises _.mp3

Thanks for listening!

02-01-2012, 08:16 PM
Thanks! I'll have a listen.

Everan Shepard
02-01-2012, 08:29 PM
Some parts don't sound like somethin Zimmer would do. But I'm amazed of the quality and rythm. You're brilliant!!
Wonder how it actually sounds in cinemas :D

02-01-2012, 08:31 PM
Just listened...what a fantastic job. Great stuff.

Everan Shepard
02-01-2012, 08:37 PM
Gave it a better listen now and I think the only "weak" thing about it is the chorus, since it isn't that loud or something.
Still, superb work!!

02-01-2012, 08:46 PM
Just listened... thanks :)))

02-01-2012, 09:01 PM

Much better than I expected (no offense)

Very Well done!

02-01-2012, 09:02 PM
Hi Clovie, Thanks for what you said, it means a lot! I agree about that chorus. It was a pain in the ass getting it to flow with the overall arc. In the video, you can first hear the Chant subtly lowered when Bane is revealed on the plane, then it quite louder when they start ambushing the plane (agreed, i could have made it a bit louder here ), but the loudest is right before Bane tells Dr. Pavel "Calm Down, My Friend", then it lowers again...


Thanks to all of the others, that made my day!!

Everan Shepard
02-01-2012, 09:39 PM
I think that in the TDKR Facebook page, they posted the file of the chorus so you could sing it and send it to Zimmer for the actual score. Not only that's friggin' awesome, but you can get the chorus there :D

02-01-2012, 10:09 PM
Thanks for this ;)

02-01-2012, 10:28 PM
great track, thx... this score is one of my most wanted of 2012

02-01-2012, 10:52 PM

02-01-2012, 10:53 PM
This is freaking outstanding indeed! Great work mate!

02-01-2012, 11:01 PM
My God!!!! well done indeed :):) It's seems really like in the Prologue :) Thanks a lot!!!

02-01-2012, 11:04 PM
Well done indeed! I presume this sounds more like a real orchestra than the "real" thing will.

02-02-2012, 12:20 AM
Thank you very much! Much appreciated!..
This track for me really is about filling the gap between the "prologue release" and the actual "summer release" in july, so I wanted to make it more than a so-called "FAN-MADE" version, to give more of a definitive feel to it... :)

The Dimensioner
02-02-2012, 12:53 AM
What does it take to do this sort of work?...Like would you be able to reproduce music from other movies? I would think you'd need the sheet music to make it at least a bit simpler.

02-02-2012, 01:32 AM
Hi "Dimensioner"! Good question! Well I'll tell you the thing! Frankly I'm not the biggest Hans Zimmer fan, but i'm probably one of his biggest admirers. He knows how to be effective without just being the loudest out there. I wish certain people wouldn't consider him as just being the "epic sound" guy. He's just someone who is very passionate about film music, knows he's good at what he does, is very intuitive about things and knows when something REALLY fits, and + all the more important, he has a very good ear... & that I can relate to.

My n.1 is & always will be John Williams & to tell you the truth I started listening to him ever since I was 7 years old. 14 years later I feel just as passionate as EVER!

Now, how does this relate to your question? Well I think John Williams represent "emotion & intelligence" at its fullest. So this combination has allowed me to always stay connected to him while more & more developing a sense of how his music functioned, which instrument plays which rythm or melody at a given time (Hook, for example was a great unorthodox teacher for that, as I recall), the "counterpoint" aspect & all that (not academically of course, but in a purely intuitive way, I still plan on learning a lot about that though)...

In the end I can say that it helped me for everything I listened to with other Hollywood film composers, like I was also listening abusively to T.Newman, J.Newton Howard, Elfman, etc... I've trained my ear without noticing, this is what i have now & I'm very grateful for it...

It definitely helps when you have to recreate by ear this kind of score with an average quality clip, it's a combination of focus & feel.
I liked the feel of it so I decided to focus on it (yeah, that was cheesy, i know) :)
I was already reproducing some of John Williams's works (whether in my head a lot or on a computer more recently) so maybe that helped too...

02-02-2012, 03:37 AM
This is great! did you know that if you look up the Dark Knight Rises on google news, your work shows up in the YouTube video on the first page?

Google (http://www.google.com/#hl=en&rlz=1W1ADRA_enUS453&tbm=nws&sclient=psy-ab&q=the+dark+knight+rises&psj=1&oq=the+dark&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=27711l29845l0l30769l6l6l0l2l2l0l897l1253l0. 3.6-1l4l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=867a696a863d958b&biw=1680&bih=860)

The Dimensioner
02-02-2012, 03:59 AM
I don't really know if all of that exactly answered my question. Let me ask it differently. If I were to give you some bit of DVD audio with music (that hasn't been released anywhere), do you have the ability to regenerate the music in that clip of audio?

02-02-2012, 04:17 AM
This is great! did you know that if you look up the Dark Knight Rises on google news, your work shows up in the YouTube video on the first page?

Google (http://www.google.com/#hl=en&rlz=1W1ADRA_enUS453&tbm=nws&sclient=psy-ab&q=the+dark+knight+rises&psj=1&oq=the+dark&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=27711l29845l0l30769l6l6l0l2l2l0l897l1253l0. 3.6-1l4l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=867a696a863d958b&biw=1680&bih=860)

That's cool, but i couldn't really find it, maybe you're talking about this recent Teddy Blass version?!

---------- Post added at 09:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 PM ----------

I don't really know if all of that exactly answered my question. Let me ask it differently. If I were to give you some bit of DVD audio with music (that hasn't been released anywhere), do you have the ability to regenerate the music in that clip of audio?

Oh OK! Well as I read your new question now, that can mean two things! 1) Every music from a DVD can be extracted from the rest of the sound effects because of its 6-channel audio, which is how you get a lot of those "unreleased before" complete film scores albums, but you probably already know that...
2) Or maybe by "regenerate", you would mean "recreate/recompose (by ear)"?! Because this is exactly what i did with the track...

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
02-02-2012, 04:37 AM
2) Or maybe by "regenerate", you would mean "recreate/recompose (by ear)"?! Because this is exactly what i did with the track...

I believe this one. Can you recreate by ear? This was quite an enjoyable listen btw. Good work!
Hope to see more recreations :awsm:
*coughs*The Last Samurai: Ninjas VS Samurai*coughs*

The Dimensioner
02-02-2012, 04:49 AM
Yeah, Sparktank is right. I understand that you recreated this music by ear. What I'm curious to know is that if given a sample of DVD audio that is of decent quality, could you recreate the music contained in that clip of DVD audio using the skills that you used to create the file you've posted here? Or would you have to get down on a personal level to really be able to do that? I know I have to when working on DVD rips; I don't take requests from people because I have to be motivated on a personal level to work on a score.

02-02-2012, 05:17 AM
Is this the one that's on Facebook? I'm friends with a member here and I saw it posted on their wall and gave it a listen, and liked what I heard. I like Bane's theme

on an unrelated note, this is my 1,000th post! That's a big number to me

02-02-2012, 05:34 AM
could you recreate the music contained in that clip of DVD audio using the skills that you used to create the file you've posted here? Or would you have to get down on a personal level to really be able to do that?

Well to put it simply, yes I can! That statement refers to orchestral music in general! Whatever time i take or effort I decide to put into things, whether composing for me or in this unique case to share it with others, it has to be either way as great i can possibly make it. Yes, even if i'd hate the piece itself! The thing is I never have to struggle into hearing what's in the mix, whether i like the music or not, whether i'm motivated or not. I'm just focusing. But you know, the basic thing is that my decision to do something and my commitment to do it right is only influenced by the positive response I have to a given material...
I hope that answers your question.... ;)

---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 PM ----------

Is this the one that's on Facebook? I'm friends with a member here and I saw it posted on their wall and gave it a listen, and liked what I heard. I like Bane's theme

on an unrelated note, this is my 1,000th post! That's a big number to me

First of all congrats on your 1000th! :P
Second, no i think it's probably too soon, unless you can confirm it otherwise yourself...

02-02-2012, 10:46 AM
Thanks, if someone needs a cover for this track:


02-02-2012, 02:02 PM
Thanks, if someone needs a cover for this track:


Sweet! :)

The Dimensioner
02-02-2012, 03:49 PM
Well to put it simply, yes I can! That statement refers to orchestral music in general! Whatever time i take or effort I decide to put into things, whether composing for me or in this unique case to share it with others, it has to be either way as great i can possibly make it. Yes, even if i'd hate the piece itself! The thing is I never have to struggle into hearing what's in the mix, whether i like the music or not, whether i'm motivated or not. I'm just focusing. But you know, the basic thing is that my decision to do something and my commitment to do it right is only influenced by the positive response I have to a given material...
I hope that answers your question.... ;)

So, does that mean you could possibly do requests? I imagine it's a process that is time-consuming and therefore would be pretty slow considering how many people would be enjoying your talent.

02-02-2012, 04:07 PM
there are 2 versions going around right now on the internet... this one & a 3:39 long one on youtube (The Masked Man - THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Prologue Score Recreation - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX2jqQbwHyQ))

02-02-2012, 04:16 PM
thanks a lot, very good effort!!!

02-02-2012, 04:32 PM
So, does that mean you could possibly do requests? I imagine it's a process that is time-consuming and therefore would be pretty slow considering how many people would be enjoying your talent.

Hi again :) Well I knew, you or someone would probably eventually ask that. Here is my honest answer: as you said, it is time-consuming. I'm not an absolutist saying i will NOT, NEVER, etc... but you know saying "yes" to this would probably lead to an overload of "specific" requests (as i understood, you're the right person to understand that because you have faced this situation yourself), and i don't want to be that guy who has to refuse someone's demand... But it could already be easier to know if the piece i start making/reproducing will be listened by a majority because of its already well-established popularity in the business of film and film music...

The Dimensioner
02-02-2012, 04:57 PM
Well, reproducing a lot of stuff put out by RCP would make sense: a lot of their scores are well-established. It's too bad we can't find more people like you; I think your talent would help to lessen the gap between the elitist score collectors who have everything and us commoners. We all would be able to listen to the music we want so much without hating the elitists or waiting decades for that music to come out. But with just one of you and possibly hundreds of us, it is likely that these fantasies could not become realities.

How long did it take you to put together this Dark Knight Rises piece, exactly?

02-02-2012, 06:36 PM
Well, reproducing a lot of stuff put out by RCP would make sense: a lot of their scores are well-established. It's too bad we can't find more people like you; I think your talent would help to lessen the gap between the elitist score collectors who have everything and us commoners.
How long did it take you to put together this Dark Knight Rises piece, exactly?

Oh well! Thank you for what you said about me, it's always nice to read...
It's funny 'cause when i talked about "well established popularity" of a film or film music i was actually hoping this wouldn't lead to RCP, but i guess it had to, because as you significantly pointed out, this is where the majority of people's ears is at
But you know, and this is strictly my opinion, precisely regarding RCP because you mention it.
i wouldn't be willing too much to go into that territory because i think whatever comes out of RCP should only belong to RCP. By that i mean they have this sound which i consider to be... well, not bad of course but a little "too-established" in Hollywood and too abundant for my own taste. And this as you know would sums up to me just doing more & more of "romantically lyrical-heroic-epic/ostinato-electronic-orchestral/percussion-driven" music such as Transformers or Jablonsky's work or other music like Djawadi, Streitenfeld, Jackman are producing on the market...
I mean look at how many people are trying to have that same sound for better or for worse (also on Youtube for example)...
Now let me specify that in the end after everything Hans Zimmer did, i personally consider him being a very different monster than Remote Control Productions.
I think RCP is keeping that sound in their pocket which made the audience so receptive to Hans Zimmer during his more early days. And with that, it happened that people may have a little forgotten the "other" big popular Hollywood sound for 30 years which was the organic sound of the orchestra of Williams on Star Wars(& the rest) - Goldsmith on Star Trek - Horner on Aliens, Titanic - Zimmer on Lion King (Da Vinci, Prince of Egypt or Thin Red Line)... The true music generation when the craft of music in film was still one of the ear, heart and mind.

I couldn't agree more with you on that "elitist thing", quite frankly it sucks, and it can get quite political here & there, but in the end, personally i simply hope that people don't only wish for RCP music, and maybe you can probably agree with that... :)

For the piece, i think a good 4 days is correct, there was lot of tweaking to make it a fuller sound. Also I wasn't doing it every single day intensively, so i think that's what it amounts to...
Thanks for asking!

02-02-2012, 06:36 PM
Great stuff! Thank you!

02-02-2012, 07:01 PM
Oh well! Thank you for what you said about me, it's always nice to read...
It's funny 'cause when i talked about "well established popularity" of a film or film music i was actually hoping this wouldn't lead to RCP, but i guess it had to, i wouldn't be willing too much to go into that territory because i think whatever comes out of RCP should only belong to RCP. By that i mean they have this sound which i consider to be... well, not bad of course but a little "too-established" in Hollywood and too abundant for my own taste.
Thanks for asking!

What about this "territory" here at 1:10?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07wBJBKMOCU

02-02-2012, 07:16 PM
what program was used to make this?

02-03-2012, 12:02 AM
This is fantastic, thank you for this amazing piece of work my friend! Great job.

02-03-2012, 01:52 AM
HOLY MUDAFUCKY! I JUST WATCHED THE LEAK PROLOGUE! Great job mate! What program as MZPrime said?

02-03-2012, 05:30 AM
Bravo, well done. I tip my hat to you sir

02-03-2012, 05:34 AM
wow, sound like official release! thanks! :)

02-03-2012, 04:07 PM
Thanks for this, great job.

02-04-2012, 01:49 AM
Fantastic work, really great stuff! I'm interested in creating pieces like this, but have no idea. Any points on software, etc?


02-04-2012, 08:18 AM
Awesome job!

02-05-2012, 05:36 AM
Thanks! Why I can't make it ? Fail downloading every time....

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
02-05-2012, 09:16 AM
Is there a lossless version of this, btw? Forgot to ask first time around.

02-06-2012, 04:53 PM

The Dimensioner
02-07-2012, 03:47 PM
Is there a lossless version of this, btw? Forgot to ask first time around.

It would seem if FFDream10 created this himself, that this should be available in any form anyone desires. I'd really like to know what kind of program or programs he uses to do his work in the case that I might be able to try it out myself. I wonder if he has a sample library...It looks like we won't ever find out though, as he has ignored several inquiries above as to how he does it all, as well as the past three PMs I've sent him concerning the whole matter.

02-07-2012, 04:33 PM
It would seem if FFDream10 created this himself, that this should be available in any form anyone desires. I'd really like to know what kind of program or programs he uses to do his work in the case that I might be able to try it out myself. I wonder if he has a sample library...It looks like we won't ever find out though, as he has ignored several inquiries above as to how he does it all, as well as the past three PMs I've sent him concerning the whole matter.

I highly doubt that THIS is how he did it, BUT....i've been getting into making my own original music, and as a soundtrack collecter im interested in purely orchestral stuff. So, i've been using a program called FL Studio, now if you simply buy it thinking you're gonna get an awesome orchestra then you're kidding yourself, but if you have the program you get soundfonts and soundfont libraries FOR orchestra, i myself have a nice healthy orchestra sitting here on my computer, but FL Studio also allows you to add effects (Distortion, Equalizers, Reverb, etc.) to your music is individual channels, etc. I do NOT condone pirating this, as it is COMPLETELY worth purchasing yourself, so I will not help in anyway pirating it, but here's a piece that i made using FL STUDIO:

"3m2 The Hanging Of A Noble Man" (in 192 kbps, just because it's a preview XD)
Now, try not to be blown away by the Oscar Winning Material Here :P
zSHARE - 3M2 The Hanging of a Noble Man _Demo_.mp3 (http://www.zshare.net/audio/990169417bf1b672/)

But as I said above, i HIGHLY recommend this program, i use it everyday, it takes some practice, and very good use of the effects (almost every string instrument you use will require some sort of reverb to make it sound realistic) and mastering is also very effective, but here's a link, to try the demo of the program:
FL Studio (http://www.image-line.com/downloads/flstudiodownload.html)

and here is a site where you can get some soundfonts, some of them aren't the best but they're free, they gold ones cost a bit of money:
Free Soundfonts - SF2 Files (http://soundfonts.homemusician.net/)

Once you download these files, make sure they're .sf2 files, if not (for example .sfpack) then we'll have to download and unpack those, but if it's sf2 then simply drag these files into the path "C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 10\Data\Patches\Soundfonts" and once they're in there they're automatically appear in the soundfonts section of the program and you can begin using them.

The Dimensioner
02-07-2012, 05:46 PM
Wow...where do I begin? I've never seen a program this complicated before. Zeeky, would you say that I probably have to have some expertise in reading music or playing an instrument to be any sort of success at this? Because I don't have any of that...

02-07-2012, 07:28 PM
Wow...where do I begin? I've never seen a program this complicated before. Zeeky, would you say that I probably have to have some expertise in reading music or playing an instrument to be any sort of success at this? Because I don't have any of that...

Hmmm, well not NECESSARILY, But it certainly would be helpful. I started taking music theory last year and since then my composing skills have heavily increased, before they were just happy accidents :P And i also do know how to play piano, since the whole program is based on piano, that's very helpful. But yeah it would have ALOT, but it's not required i guess. However yes, at first site it is a very complicated program XD. But after you've been using it for a couple years like I have, it's not so bad XD. So yeah idk if this was even remotely what you're looking for, but it's an option, and the results aren't too shabby

The Dimensioner
02-07-2012, 09:13 PM
Zeeky, is that an original composition? It sounds absolutely amazing! It sounds real--like you said: a real orchestra on your own computer...and it just makes me wish even more that I could have chosen a musical career path. How long did it take you to create that (and what is it intended for?)?

Also, congrats on making your 100th post!

02-07-2012, 09:53 PM
...and it just makes me wish even more that I could have chosen a musical career path...

The tool doesnt make the skills, unlike they say (Skil - Power Tools (http://www.skileurope.com/fr/)).

Also, congrats on you 1252nd post !

The Dimensioner
02-08-2012, 12:47 AM
Uuhhhhhh...thanks Arial. Thanks for that. This is sort of a big deal for me and I don't wish to be mocked.

This is sort of a big deal for a lot of people. What if we could all just start recreating all the music we seek by using programs like these? The only hindrance is that most of us don't have the gift that FFDream10 has. I believe there wouldn't be such a drastic separation between the elitists and non-elitists if people just started recomposing what sought all on their own.

02-08-2012, 01:18 AM
Zeeky, is that an original composition? It sounds absolutely amazing! It sounds real--like you said: a real orchestra on your own computer...and it just makes me wish even more that I could have chosen a musical career path. How long did it take you to create that (and what is it intended for?)?

Also, congrats on making your 100th post!

Yes sir, that is an original composition im proud to say! :D Thanks for the complement! :D I actually have quite a few pieces that i've done using this program. And yeah it's pretty awesome. It takes time, because you're basically composing and orchestrating (since you're writing each individual instrument), I believe that i went through two versions of that piece (the first version was a demo, the 2nd which you hear is one of the final versions) and...I can actually check the hours i worked on it...let me see...I'll get back to you on that, but it was a couple days. As to what it's for, as i said originally it was a demo, but then one of the guys i work with heard it and he said that with some additions and tweaks he wanted it to be used for a scene in a film project we're working on. It's not titled for the movie yet, but yeah. I've also been asked to collaborate to work on the score to another short film that a friend of mine is working on so i wrote this sort of creepy simple piano theme, and also some ambient music so far. But yeah, it's so much easier now with the knowledge of music i starting learning last year.

And what do you know?! It WAS my hundreth post XD

02-08-2012, 01:28 AM
....In...credible, great work!

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
02-08-2012, 01:29 AM
It would seem if FFDream10 created this himself, that this should be available in any form anyone desires. I'd really like to know what kind of program or programs he uses to do his work in the case that I might be able to try it out myself. I wonder if he has a sample library...It looks like we won't ever find out though, as he has ignored several inquiries above as to how he does it all, as well as the past three PMs I've sent him concerning the whole matter.

There's a lot of sites dedicated to sound samples and sound banks.
A lot of premade samples where you can mix and match.
And then there's lots of programs that start out as a basic midi synthesizer for a keyboard.
Install instruments, input notes, export sound and repeat as desired.

Now mind you, that it's not exactly like Windows free midi synth.
There's some really advanced stuff out there with real sounding music in 16bit or even 24 bit depth.
Not Windows laughable 4bit :laugh:

Those would be good to get the backdrop notes for the themes. Say the low rhythmic bass of Bane.

Then there's other programs for adding in drum loops and other elements.
There are plenty of percussion packages out there.
All of them sounding different.
Some sound like a rock band drum kit, others sound like a high school marching band drum kit, Japanese taiko, "industrial" bangs, hip-hop, techno, etc.

FL Studios is a good one to play with.
Then there's about 4 other programs you can use.

You can use them all if you like. One may have the sound you're looking for.

And then don't forget whatever you mix, you can edit it to change the equalization settings or compress it to sound thin or make it sound "damp".

And then there's the matter of stereo panning or if you want to make it 5.1 surround sound.

I was going to start playing around and make random stuff.
But right now I'm sticking to mixing premade samples with pre-existing tracks.

I've not the slightest clue about composition.
I'd have to read a lot of "For Dummies" books :laugh:

"mashup" I think would be the ideal term of what I do in my spare time.
"suites", "fan edits".

But Arial is right, it's not just the tools that create the dream.
"It's not just about depth. If you're going to perform inception you need imagination." [sic] ~Eames

Finding the tools that work for you is the first part.
Finding what you want to do with it second part.
And third part. The third part is magic that only you alone can figure out.

The Dimensioner
02-08-2012, 02:15 AM
So, you are also just beginning to look into this sort of stuff, eh, Sparktank? Do you think it could be possible that at some point we could be doing what I've suggested we do? That we could become capable of mixing the tracks that we want so we would no longer have a deep, burning hatred toward those elitist folk?

Finding the tools that work for you is the first part.
Finding what you want to do with it second part.
And third part. The third part is magic that only you alone can figure out.

Corny as hell, I have to say, but be damned if these didn't sound like words to live by! I am almost moved enough to change my sig to include those words.

02-08-2012, 03:29 AM
Hi! Joining this discussion...Besides FL Studio, what software and VSTi synths and additional sample CD's are you guys using?
I've been working with Logic for the last 10 years and composing music and couldn't live without it.

Great work FFDream10 :)

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
02-08-2012, 03:34 AM
It would require much concentration and discipline.
But eventually yes.
Wouldn't be so bad to learn about the fundamentals of music composition.
remember in elementary school with those red or blue wooden sticks...
ticka ticka ticka ticka tee tee ta~

I think that once the basics are learned, then we can learn by trial and error about "playing by ear".
I imagine there's all sorts of forums where aspiring composers get together and talk about methods and provide resources for learning aids.

02-08-2012, 04:17 AM
I really enjoyed listening to this, thanks zeeky!!

02-08-2012, 11:12 PM
Uuhhhhhh...thanks Arial. Thanks for that. This is sort of a big deal for me and I don't wish to be mocked.

This is sort of a big deal for a lot of people. What if we could all just start recreating all the music we seek by using programs like these? The only hindrance is that most of us don't have the gift that FFDream10 has. I believe there wouldn't be such a drastic separation between the elitists and non-elitists if people just started recomposing what sought all on their own.

Hehe, I knew you'd love my post. :P

If you could recreate all the music you seek, we would call you Hans Zimmer, or more precisely I would call you "The Clone".

If you could create all the music you have in your head (let's suppose you still have space left in your brass head), we would call you a composer, or even maybe a good one. Let's put it that way: I would call you "Monsieur". For now I'm still thinking, in all sincerity and without the least sarcasm intented, that you are around 17 or 18 years old. If I'm right all is well though, and I'm sure your horizon will get wider with time.

This may sound condescending but I feel free to share my feelings mostly since we're on a public forum, and not everybody is interested in your completion hunt. I haven't heard the piece of music from the OP but at least it looks like there's some creative effort here, not just the reproduction of existing music... Am I right ?

The Dimensioner
02-09-2012, 01:05 AM
Hehe, I knew you'd love my post. :P

If you could recreate all the music you seek, we would call you Hans Zimmer, or more precisely I would call you "The Clone".

I don't want to do it to emulate Hans Zimmer; I want to do it so there isn't such a separation between us and those elitist jack-asses who like to lord over us all the spectacular music they have that is SFX-free. I am tired of hearing all my favorite music with SFX in it. As far as I can see, doing what I have proposed doing is the next best thing to that day that will never come when the elitists share all their gems with us lowly serfs.

If you could create all the music you have in your head (let's suppose you still have space left in your brass head), we would call you a composer, or even maybe a good one. Let's put it that way: I would call you "Monsieur". For now I'm still thinking, in all sincerity and without the least sarcasm intented, that you are around 17 or 18 years old. If I'm right all is well though, and I'm sure your horizon will get wider with time.

You would be wrong. I am 20 years old, in my fourth and last semester at community college. In the coming fall I will be heading off to Big Boy College to pursue a career in computer engineering (or computer science). However, I was just informed yesterday that, like my younger brother, I used to play around on a piano at a very young age. However, unlike him, I slowly stopped playing whereas he started taking lessons and is still playing a decade and some years later.

This may sound condescending but I feel free to share my feelings mostly since we're on a public forum, and not everybody is interested in your completion hunt.
This: I do not know how to respond to. I'm sorry that I am asking other people to do the things that I cannot.

I haven't heard the piece of music from the OP but at least it looks like there's some creative effort here, not just the reproduction of existing music... Am I right ?
As far as I am aware, there is not a creative effort here--but I could be wrong. What I took away from the OP's opening post is that he liked the music he heard in the prologue of TDKR, and didn't want to wait for HZ's OST for the film to come out, so he took the liberty in recreating the music himself. It includes samples from the "deshi, deshi, basara, basara" chant heard in multiple trailers, as well as one of the main Batman themes (I am assuming so; I am not so highly educated in the Batman scores and themes) at the very end. Talking with FFDream10, I've learned that he also likes to recreate music by John Williams and intends to recreate several cues that are missing from the official releases of the Titanic score, as he knows many people would greatly appreciate them.

02-09-2012, 01:40 AM
this is a fucking epic composition!!!
My wild guesses it's most likely FFDream10 used Cubase + EWQL Libraries (like Storm Drums, Hollywood Strings and Hollywood Brass) + couple of synthesyzers and effects (hail to the compression baby!) to create this track. EWQL Libraries are widely used by RCP members BTW. ;-)

02-09-2012, 02:13 AM
as well as one of the main Batman themes (I am assuming so; I am not so highly educated in the Batman scores and themes) at the very end.

Yes, Zimmer's Batman theme is heard at the end. It's mixed in quite well

---------- Post added at 08:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------

Talking with FFDream10, I've learned that he also likes to recreate music by John Williams and intends to recreate several cues that are missing from the official releases of the Titanic score, as he knows many people would greatly appreciate them.

Unless I missed something, James Horner composed Titanic. Something tells me you knew that, and you're just confusing FFdream with someone else

02-09-2012, 02:17 AM
Unless I missed something, James Horner composed Titanic. Something tells me you knew that, and you're just confusing FFdream with someone else


tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
02-09-2012, 02:22 AM
deshi, deshi, basara, basara, deshi, deshi, basara, basara, deshi, deshi, basara, basara, deshi, deshi, basara, basara, deshi deshi basara, deshi deshi basara, deshi deshi basara, basara, deshideshibasarabasara!

The Dimensioner
02-09-2012, 02:24 AM
Unless I missed something, James Horner composed Titanic. Something tells me you knew that, and you're just confusing FFdream with someone else

There are two separate statements there. Let's not let this deteriorate into an argument between a bunch of people who appear to be idiots. Let me try to rephrase it for you: "FFDream likes to recreate stuff by John Williams, and also, in the future, he hopes to recreate a few of the missing tracks from James Horner's Titanic score."

Idiots case in point: I fear now that the Shit-Shooters may be headed this way which is one thing I did not want to deal with right now.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
02-09-2012, 02:26 AM
Idiots case in point: I fear now that the Shit-Shooters may be headed this way which is one thing I did not want to deal with right now.

No! I will see to it that this thread gets protected, lest the OP returns with another mix or a lossless one.

EDIT: This thread is not locked, except for OP if he did anymore touchups or longer versions or whatnot.

02-09-2012, 02:56 AM
deshi, deshi, basara, basara, deshi, deshi, basara, basara, deshi, deshi, basara, basara, deshi, deshi, basara, basara, deshi deshi basara, deshi deshi basara, deshi deshi basara, basara, deshideshibasarabasara!


Idiots case in point: I fear now that the Shit-Shooters may be headed this way which is one thing I did not want to deal with right now.

No! I will see to it that this thread gets protected, lest the OP returns with another mix or a lossless one.

EDIT: This thread is not locked, except for OP if he did anymore touchups or longer versions or whatnot.

Shit-shooters ?

Someone called ?

Should I rise from my slumber ?

Did someone mention Titanic ? We all know John Barry made a score for a movie about the titanic (hint...It wasn't made by James Cameron).

Is the answer 42 ?

Will I be banned for such an innocently stupid post ?

02-09-2012, 03:05 AM
Dimensioner, what is wrong with the shooters occasonally-occasionally-having a little fun? They have never done anything harmful, and I have seen you post in that thread a few times. I don't understand?

Both Sparky and I are regular contributors up there...

No, I would not personally care for Titanic recreations. I would not even give it a listen. Now, if he were to try Bionic Man...

?? also, why the acid towards "elitists"?. Everything I have or have seen on a few of the private blogs has been shared here. If you mean Inception and Pirates, they are nowhere to be found that i have seen. So we only have folk's statements that they have them. I know, some have been on youtube clips, and track lists. But I promise you, they are nowhere to be found. I don't see many people here holding goodies over our heads. Maybe on the Zimmer blog? I personally never read that, it seams a mean place...

The Dimensioner
02-09-2012, 03:16 AM
Yeah, you wouldn't understand. A long time ago, before I was up there, sometimes I would see them come down here and create utter chaos such as in Dak's Transformers for Inception trade thread. And then when they cause madness, the thread gets locked. I don't just mean Inception and Pirates. I mean the stuff that possibly nobody has; for example what's in the three request threads I've started recently. That and much more. Music that may not even exist in a clean form.

Bottom line: I hope I don't sound like a certain CaptainJackSparrow, but I wanna have the music! And with all these music-creating programs being discussed, that seems like a fantastic way to get the music I wanna have. But I DAMN WELL can't do it myself. Should I have just started a request that would have quickly fallen into obscurity never to be answered?! Dear Lord, please not you too: thinking that that blog had anything legitimate. You have visited Dakota's thread over it, have you not? Perhaps I am just babbling madness. James Horner a beautiful mind soundtrack http://www.urfaust.org/ - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9srIGajVjDg)

02-09-2012, 03:19 AM
There are two separate statements there. Let's not let this deteriorate into an argument between a bunch of people who appear to be idiots. Let me try to rephrase it for you: "FFDream likes to recreate stuff by John Williams, and also, in the future, he hopes to recreate a few of the missing tracks from James Horner's Titanic score."

Idiots case in point: I fear now that the Shit-Shooters may be headed this way which is one thing I did not want to deal with right now.

Ok, gotcha. It's been a reallllllllly loooooooong day. I went with my class down to Manhattan at 5:30 this morning and I'm still on the bus on the way home. "Goodburger" (yes, the movie based on the All That sketch) is playing and I wanna blow my head off.

02-09-2012, 03:28 AM
Yeah, you wouldn't understand. A long time ago, before I was up there, sometimes I would see them come down here and create utter chaos such as in Dak's Transformers for Inception trade thread. And then when they cause madness, the thread gets locked. I don't just mean Inception and Pirates. I mean the stuff that possibly nobody has; for example what's in the three request threads I've started recently. That and much more. Music that may not even exist in a clean form.

Bottom line: I hope I don't sound like a certain CaptainJackSparrow, but I wanna have the music! And with all these music-creating programs being discussed, that seems like a fantastic way to get the music I wanna have. But I DAMN WELL can't do it myself. Should I have just started a request that would have quickly fallen into obscurity never to be answered?! Dear Lord, please not you too: thinking that that blog had anything legitimate. You have visited Dakota's thread over it, have you not? Perhaps I am just babbling madness. James Horner a beautiful mind soundtrack http://www.urfaust.org/ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9srIGajVjDg) - YouTube

Ok, I did not mean that crappy blog, I meant the official site..

And, the shit shooters did not get the threads locked, the attitude, language, and over all crappiness of responding members did.

I don't know what this means, or the tone involved. It feels personal, as do many of your comments to me lately, which I also do not understand. Perhaps better to put you on the ignore list..

**is done**

The Dimensioner
02-09-2012, 03:34 AM
Wow, that was rough, and I am sorry to make it sound like I was personally attacking you. I have nothing against you whatsoever, babydoll. I have had a frustrating day today, but I would not be able to say what has caused you to feel like I was attacking you in the past. I am deeply sorry. Perhaps my time in this forum is done.

02-09-2012, 03:42 AM
this thread continually pops out every now and then and it even wasn't about the particular score DK Rises anymore but already sailed on to other matters best fit discussed on the general thread and suited for it's own purpose...it's just me saying my opinion and observation (only for that purpose).

02-09-2012, 03:44 AM
Wow, that was rough, and I am sorry to make it sound like I was personally attacking you. I have nothing against you whatsoever, babydoll. I have had a frustrating day today, but I would not be able to say what has caused you to feel like I was attacking you in the past. I am deeply sorry. Perhaps my time in this forum is done.

Not done, just stressful perhaps. I know you are frustrated, and I get that. Me too at times, but that is why I participate in shenanigans up-stairs, to relieve the tension occasionally. The fact is, some of this will never see the light of day, especially RCP stuff, it seems, Do we even have FYC albums from them, and if so, do they contain unreleased stuff?

---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ----------

Anyhoo....the recreation stuff is way beyond me. Is this only effective with sampling? RCP does that, but what about a more original score from say Williams. How does it work then? (tech-babble no speaky..)

02-09-2012, 03:48 AM
Off the top of my head, I have the Bolt & Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron FYCs. Idk about Bolt, but I think Spirit contains a little. I'm also in the process of getting the Frost/Nixon FYC

02-09-2012, 03:49 AM
i know the Spirit promo I have contains unreleased. Curious to compare track lists..

02-09-2012, 03:57 AM
i know the Spirit promo I have contains unreleased. Curious to compare track lists..

1.) Homeland (Opening) (3:53)
2.) Swimming (2:34)
3.) Investigating (2:21)
4.) Iron Horse Camp / Pulling (3:22)
5.) Fallen Rain (3:08)
6.) Canyon Chase (2:49)
7.) Reunion (Love Found Us) (2:49)

---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------

Our Spirit FYCs are identical, I know this for a fact

02-09-2012, 03:59 AM
Our Spirits are identical, I know this for a fact


tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
02-09-2012, 04:06 AM
:erm: going off topic also gets threads closed, as per derailment terms... :erm:

---------- Post added at 07:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 PM ----------

let's go back to the software used for this prologue mix...

the software some of the people mentioned here earlier, do they work with wav files? or lossy .OGG files?
I played with a techno program where I could mix for custom tracks but they were all sampled in OGG formats.

02-09-2012, 04:14 AM
Yes, back on topic. Thanks Sparky.

Regarding your new avatar, is that cat supposed to be Hunter S. Thompson? It's just a guess, I've haven't seen Fear & Loathing yet.....

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
02-09-2012, 04:19 AM
yes, it is. :P

I've been looking at a lot of programs lately and sample packs, but not entirely sure of the different formats.
While some use WAV, that's cool by me.
But some like to use proprietary formats like KONTAKT. :erm: I've no idea if that's lossless, lossy or hybrid.
Then there's other programs with their own formats.
Acid, Rex, Midi, etc.

And then some are exclusive to MAC only :sad:

02-09-2012, 04:39 AM
1.) Homeland (Opening) (3:53)
2.) Swimming (2:34)
3.) Investigating (2:21)
4.) Iron Horse Camp / Pulling (3:22)
5.) Fallen Rain (3:08)
6.) Canyon Chase (2:49)
7.) Reunion (Love Found Us) (2:49)

---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------

Our Spirit FYCs are identical, I know this for a fact

NOT a fact.


1) homeland/opening 6:22
2) swimming 3:54
3) young hearts 7:03
4) investigating 3:41
5) the long road 4:10
6) rain 2:50
7) iron horse camp/pulling 3:22
8) triumph over the colonel 0:53
9) fallen rain 3:08
10) train escape 2:23
11) canyon chase 2:49
12) the long road back 7:11
13) reunion 2:45
14) run free 6:25

No VA songs, no fx. But, only mp3 192..

02-09-2012, 06:28 AM
Aaaand I was wrong. My source calls this set as a fake. Looped and remixed score..

So, DK was right after all.

02-09-2012, 06:37 AM
GoldenEye "I am Invincible" - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKO0RrM7LvI)

It's all good, babydoll =)

02-09-2012, 10:28 AM
yes, it is. :P

I've been looking at a lot of programs lately and sample packs, but not entirely sure of the different formats.
While some use WAV, that's cool by me.
But some like to use proprietary formats like KONTAKT. :erm: I've no idea if that's lossless, lossy or hybrid.
Then there's other programs with their own formats.
Acid, Rex, Midi, etc.

And then some are exclusive to MAC only :sad:

KONTAKT is a sampler and it uses WAV's :-P

02-09-2012, 11:55 AM
Ok... And thanks for clarifications Dimensioner, but I'm really thinking you could sweep the big "elitist" deal away from your brass head: just forget it. It doesn't exist if you don't feed it ! Some having quoted or agreed with that idea that elitism sucks are in a way elitists themselves. Exemple: Remember that Batman Begins covers affair I mentionned in a thread one day to someone who pissed me off because he thought I was making covers for his ass only ?... How did my covers with the definitive tracklists privately requested by him and shared by e-mail came with the complete score Cheeseparty bought before it leaked anywhere on the internet ?..................................... I only gave clues publicly but not my own conclusions as I wasn't attacking the guy, only just clarifying things down. Thing is only one guy shared the BB set first over here (the one who bought it !), and that wasn't the guy who received the covers from me while this one was actually working at it (I know, as he changed the tracklist 3 times while I was working "secretely" on the covers, and him on editing "secretely" too all the separate/splited original material from the original set wich never leaked (http://www.hans-zimmer.com/index.php?rub=disco&id=1032), wich even I didn't know he was doing). Who sold an edited set with my covers then, matching exactly all cues & timing ?... And this same guy kept spiting about elitism himself ?!! Who's sleeping with who ?... Make your head work (and watch your friendlist !), and let this stupid matter go. ;-)

Plus: considering the average mentality and the lack of care for quality, details or feedbacks over FFS, I must say I find this elistist thing TOTALLY fair. This site is mostly for leechers unfortunately and they only manifest themselves when links are dead, and the current MU event shows it better again.

Anyway: what about at last, since the time I'm saying it, to make a technical sticky thread... Or maybe a technical section ? It would attract people who can help and add their hints into those software matters ? Would be much more convenient to read and learn about.

The Dimensioner
02-10-2012, 03:09 AM
You talk a lot.

Well, it looks like this has all gone down the crapper. Good job, me! Clearly the big picture I am envisioning cannot be achieved by my talents or anyone else's (why isn't "else's" a word?). There appears to be some kind of impenetrable barrier blocking several aspects of this whole situation. Oh well...guess I'll just go back to doing...whatever I usually do.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
02-10-2012, 07:08 AM
You talk a lot.

Well, it looks like this has all gone down the crapper. Good job, me! Clearly the big picture I am envisioning cannot be achieved by my talents or anyone else's (why isn't "else's" a word?). There appears to be some kind of impenetrable barrier blocking several aspects of this whole situation. Oh well...guess I'll just go back to doing...whatever I usually do.

"else's" is a word. if your spell checker is saying otherwise, it's wrong.
dead wrong.

02-10-2012, 11:27 AM
You talk a lot...

Just my bold typo that makes you feel that, and nothing if we gather all your posts on making a complete Zimmer's Pirate score. ;)

To sum it up I meant here that you have one of the biggest elitist over here /and on your friendlist, though he likes to claim the contrary. Yesterday someone (wich is someone I really trust over here) read my above post and pm'd me about having been proposed to buy score out from this guy at the time he registered, and knows for sure after the discussion he had with him when that happened he's selling some complete scores on E-BAY (he may actually have bought from him). He shared some gems on FFS though, but those are a very very small selection among his interests (I followed the whole Lossless score thread in 2008/2009 and I have a damn good memory when someone attracts my attention saying he's an "english score composer" - an not an american as he seems to present himself now, my mistake if not -, even when posts have been edited since then). This guy really has a bunch of sides and most of all likes to be taken as a hero ;-).

... He also likes to PM all his friendlist when things go down for him, playing the victim telling them he's about to leave the forum - wich points the guy being at the cause of that move like a "threat" toward the goose that lays the golden eggs such as he is to them. Just adding FYI.

So not only he is some kind of elitist/or sleeping with elitists, but a twisted guy who likes to make some benefits while he appears like everybody's friend here. And MY personal conclusion about the clues I gave from my personal story with him is that: either he sold the Batman Begins set with the covers I made "for him" before I show them anywhere on the net (and before the score leaks out), or he's working with those sellers. We strongly (the fellow who pm'd me about it and I) suspect him to be Visualent (http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/visualent/m.html?hash=item35b918ebba&item=230738684858&pt=UK_CDsDVDs_CDs_CDs_GL&_trksid=p4340.l2562) on E-Bay, and justly this guy sells the Batman Begins 3-CD with the 3-CD case covers I've been requested from who you know. . (Nota: this seller is the only guy over the planet selling it on Ebay and maybe CheeseParty bought it from him... From Ebay or another media at that time).

... That's pretty "clever"... he knows there are two worlds: 1) the Internet forums, with people hunting the downloadable rare stuff for free. 2) The outside world, with "honnest" people who will buy the stuff cause they are unaware of downloads, or maybe won't dare doing it. I bought a couple of bootlegs myself when I wasn't in the know, back in 2008.

That is the big picture.

Sorry for the off topic. Showing you how na�ve you are about that "elitists" thing, and that cheat is even worse than "elitism". I'm settling some scores in the same stroke.

Edit & PS: not so much off-topic though, as the thread is called "the fire rises!". ;-)

The Dimensioner
02-10-2012, 02:16 PM
You think I am naive about how elitists are, HAHA. Have you ever considered that I know as much as you or even more, but because of how the elitism system works I know it would be a horrible idea to just go around like an idiot and blurt everything out? Did you consider that you might be exposing someone who would rather have not attracted the attention you're giving him/her?

I'm glad you recognized this as being off-topic, because this is not at all the Big Picture I am referring to. I know enough about the elitists and I know precisely who you're talking about (on second thought, I don't because the guy I figured you were hinting at un-friended me--but I choose my friends for special reasons so I think I'd know what's going on).

Just my bold typo that makes you feel that, and nothing if we gather all your posts on making a complete Zimmer's Pirate score.

I know your style of posting has always been aimed at pissing me off (troll!) but what the hell does this mean?

In conclusion, I did not need a lecture about elitists and elitism as that is not the big picture at stake here. What's at stake here is the root of this thread: music creating programs and the highly talented people who can use them. I guess I wasn't being very direct and have just caused more unintentional "drama".

02-10-2012, 02:56 PM
Did I read wrong ? I thought your point was to fight the elitism thing with your new programs ! That's how you present it through those pages, and that's what I find ridiculous. So your laugh at me sounds wrong here my friend.

Did you consider that you might be exposing someone who would rather have not attracted the attention you're giving him/her?

That's the nature of the attraction that counts. I don't think I'm giving him attention as to spread some news or drama, just what such behaviour deserves over here. This is mostly done for he stops taking people for dumb asses once for all.

---------- Post added at 07:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 AM ----------

I know your style of posting has always been aimed at pissing me off (troll!) but what the hell does this mean?

btw, that means more than half of the readings I had from you were about those "Pirate" scores... You forgot to quote the smiley.

---------- Post added at 07:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 AM ----------

In conclusion, I did not need a lecture about elitists and elitism as that is not the big picture at stake here. What's at stake here is the root of this thread: music creating programs and the highly talented people who can use them. I guess I wasn't being very direct and have just caused more unintentional "drama".

... And no. That's what YOU want it to be, the OP says:

Hey Guys!

After watching the prologue, i thought how cool it would be if someone made a re-orchestration of the cue. So I decided to take the matter into my own hands, and well this was no quick achievement (not as I initially thought!).
I basically had to use different sources from CAM versions found on the web to make it as identical rythmically & of course musically as I possibly could.
Anyway, I genuinely hope you'll like it, 'cause this is the version i would have liked to hear on the internet!
Time to get your ears RAPED!!! :)

https://rapidshare.com/files/1088461028/Hans_Zimmer_-_The_Fire_Rises___Prologue___The_Dark_Knight_Rises _.mp3

Thanks for listening!

It seems FFDream10 flew away since you and some others highjacked the discussion on the program. That's WHY I PROPOSED TO CREATE a new, perhaps sticky thread. Just post it and contact the mods for that happens, I'm sure it will be fine. I'll read with much more interest as I won't have to browse about the discussion between feedbacks.

02-10-2012, 04:46 PM
I really find it hard to read your posts A.B.C...

02-10-2012, 05:11 PM
My french way of tiping with English words. Still, I'm sure some understood the big story now.

02-10-2012, 05:43 PM
It seems FFDream10 flew away since you and some others highjacked the discussion on the program. That's WHY I PROPOSED TO CREATE a new, perhaps sticky thread. Just post it and contact the mods for that happens, I'm sure it will be fine. I'll read with much more interest as I won't have to browse about the discussion between feedbacks.

though i haven't particularly pay attention to this thread the first time it was posted, over time i got curious as it keeps on receiving new hits each time while the score was not yet "officially released as of this writing" (pardon for lack of better term to used) yet it continually garnered so much attention and so i made read the last few posts and find out it wasn't even about the score anymore and now it has somewhat gone into technical matters with some garnishments of personal "accusations" about somebody or someone in connection with person having this elitist(s) behavior. (good thing though not a particular name had been drop but of course some might get the hints if they do know the guy being talked about)...back to the topic again making a topic for the off topic (meaning not the one related to this thread would be a better idea so you can shoot all you want without people unnecessarily bumping into what ever issue your are talking that they don't even care at all)...

just an opinion.

The Dimensioner
02-10-2012, 06:01 PM
First, Bugz, you should read the whole thread. It recounts the tale of a sadly misunderstood person who still feels he isn't getting his message through the thick skull of the person he is currently arguing with. But it goes back before that--before arguments started.

It seems FFDream10 flew away since you and some others highjacked the discussion on the program. That's WHY I PROPOSED TO CREATE a new, perhaps sticky thread. Just post it and contact the mods for that happens, I'm sure it will be fine. I'll read with much more interest as I won't have to browse about the discussion between feedbacks.

Read the early posts in this thread: I was eager to learn what it would take to do the thing that FFDream10 has done. It seems it takes quite a lot of time to do it which is wholly understandable. I took to private messaging him to see if he could work on something for me and he seemed eager to work with me. Days went by and I haven't heard back from him. It's been a whole week since I sent him the audio to work with. Despite the fact that he is on here fairly consistently he has become unresponsive to both me and this whole thread--which is a real shame. Threads get hijacked all the time--since nobody can understand what I am trying to get through, it is pointless to get a separate thread about the whole matter, let alone a sticky.

Arguing more and more with you just seems to be making this shit hole even deeper. I don't think I've ever had a productive exchange with you, Arial. Everything you say seems to counter-intuitive to what I am trying to say--and I'd like to believe that it isn't due to a language or translational barrier. It's pointless to continue arguing on with you and anyone else as I guess my mastery of words has failed me this time in that I am unable to provide a clean and clear description of the real issues at hand here!

02-10-2012, 06:18 PM
worry not i already read the entire thread and (even re read it so to say) and id say the same thing nevertheless...

i think i'll just leave it at that. i'd rather not add another flare to make the "fire rise" again. :)

02-10-2012, 06:43 PM
thank you FFDREAM10.. :) nice upload :) i'm crosiing my fingers and chanting and waiting for the full OST !!!

02-10-2012, 08:10 PM
Finally managed to listen to this, with so much positive feedbacks and likes I was curious.

Very well done indeed. I must say neither the brass nor the xylophone sounds Batman/TDK related to me, even if it may still be Zimmer related. I really dig the xylophone though, maybe because it reminds me some Elfman touch for the Batman Returns score.

I understand it excites rather the fans who are waiting for concrete material to be released in the wait. Thanks for the trip, very interesting.

06-04-2012, 01:24 AM
This is sick! I love it. I'm making a Dark Knight sketch right now and would love to use this is in it if you'd be down. I'm looking for music for a climactic fight sequence and really want it to be as close to the score of the upcoming film as possible. This is as good as it gets!

06-04-2012, 02:19 AM

06-07-2012, 02:26 PM

06-07-2012, 08:13 PM
good cover, quite original I must say.

04-20-2013, 11:55 AM
Wow guys, this is fantastic!