10-24-2003, 02:01 PM
ok i've been through the "whats your favourite anime" thread, but it doesn't describe the anime's/manga's

i've watched a few (ghost in the shell, hellsing, onegai teacher, bastard and a couple others) but i dont know what else i would be into

so if someone could post their recommendation + a description of it i would be most appreciative!

10-27-2003, 03:33 AM
A little vague. First, you should think about what it is you liked about each the shows that you watched. You have a few different genres in your list, i.e. action, comedy, drama, gory action. Since I am assuming, and would think, that you liked each of the shows then you are probably like me and enjoy almost every genre. I would suggest looking for reviews of the anime you saw in the threads posted. Recommending and summarizing random shows Iliked would be very time consuming. Right now I have to write three response papers for tommorrow. So, maybe some other time.

Another suggestion. It is a website address and advertisement and wrong blah blah. But maybe you will see it before They delete it.:D It lets you perform a theme search. You select what you like, i.e. martial arts, romance, mech, etc
If they delete it, then PM me for it, if you care.

10-27-2003, 11:36 AM
got it !

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-31-2003, 08:11 PM
Well, for my part, here's a few suggestions.

Neon Genesis Evangelion - My favorite mech anime, although the Zone of the Enders anime is quickly coming up as my next favorite (I just wish they'd crank out some more episodes).

Macross/Macross Plus - One of the original greats in Mech anime, next to Mobile Suit Gundam. You would know this series as Robotech.

Cowboy Bebop - Mainly an action anime, from what I've gathered and heard from other people. Quite amusing for that, I think.

Trigun, Outlaw Star, and a few others fall into this category. But yeah, there's my two cents on this one, I think.

11-19-2003, 06:42 PM
Berserk - the bloodiest, gutiest medival fantasy ever devised (hey, even the main character's name is Guts!). I tell you, that guy weilds a 200+lbs, 7' long sword (with one hand) like most people wield baseball bats (with two hands).

11-24-2003, 02:58 PM
Hmm...Have you checked out any anime from Hayao Miyazaki? This man is the greatest anime director out there. He brought us some instant classic's like Princess Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away.

Go and dabble with some of his work and you will see what anime is all about.

12-03-2003, 08:27 AM
Love Hina - Romantic Comedy about a guy who has to live in a house full of girls, while studying for his entrance exams for Tokyo U. It sounds rather typical, but it's funny and well executed (IMO). So I say get it. (The manga, at any rate)

12-08-2003, 04:10 PM
watching anime you'll like in 3 easy steps.

1. choose a genre:

2. find an anime in that genre

3. watch it.

your done. easy as that.

heres an example of me choosing a new anime to get into.

1. i like dark evil anime's like hellsing or lain.

2. i heard vampire hunter d was pretty cool. i think i'll try that.

3. /me watches it. "wow it was awesome, is there a part two?"

there. now i'm a happy camper who just saw a new anime in my favorite genre. easy as pie.

want another example? ;)

1. i love hentai. :D

2. i think i'll watch my episodes of cool devices even though i've seen them all already like 3 times over.

3. oh yeah...this is some awesome stuff. (fapfapfap) woo hoo! boy am i happy. :D


12-25-2003, 04:00 AM
Hmmm..... Tombstone..... If you ask me, I'll totally recommend Love Hina, Trigun and gundam Wing. Those three were totally awesome. I love the part in gundam wing where the main character pops out with the ...... okay, I'll stop here. Don't want to spoil it for you when you watch it

if you want to find out about anime reviews, you can go to I find it a extremely good website as there will be 3 reviewers to a anime, so you get a blanced view about the show.

However, if you like reading the comics, you may sometimes find that the anime is not as good as the comic. A case in example would be Flame of Recca. The anime totally sucked!!!! It took many liberties with the storyline and the thing was too short to compress the whole comic into the series. You might want to check out the reviews at the above mentioned website before buying or watching any animes. The site is extremely comprehensive and you would save precious time that you can spent watching more anime :D

12-25-2003, 09:30 AM
However, if you like reading the comics, you may sometimes find that the anime is not as good as the comic. A case in example would be Flame of Recca. The anime totally sucked!!!! It took many liberties with the storyline and the thing was too short to compress the whole comic into the series. You might want to check out the reviews at the above mentioned website before buying or watching any animes. The site is extremely comprehensive and you would save precious time that you can spent watching more anime.
Yep, that's a common problem. It sometimes works the other way around, too. The Trigun anime is way better than the manga, for example, and don't even think about reading Escaflowne!!!
It's the other way around for Dragonball, for example, and I'd never recommend anyone to watch the Rurouni Kenshin anime, but trust me the manga is awesome.

As for the Tombstone, Tact is right: You should have an idea about what exactly you want to see n an anime. There are tons and tons of different genres...
Comedy, drama? Realistic art, deformed? Epic stories or rather short episodes? Intellectual background or pure entertainment? History, SF? Daily life or armageddon?

12-26-2003, 10:02 AM
An anime to recommend is hard... it's like recommending a TV show to watch out of everyday cable and TV. :O

But avoid watching the English/Dubbed versions of anime if possible.

12-29-2003, 10:04 AM
I totally agree with Mogknight. Watching a Manga that is dubbed can be dreadful on the ears. It's like having somebody stuffed a red hot poker down or up your ears! Do you know that the English dubbed version of Love Hina resulted in a Texan accent for the Character "Kit Fox", When she is supposed to have an osakan Accent?! Really Grating!!!!!!!

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
12-29-2003, 10:15 AM
Well I'm going to point out the most popular anim� ever and say 'Akira', it is perhaps the best anim� ever created, and one of my fave films ever.

My next suggestion is perhaps the very rare 'Devil Man', if you ever see episodes from this anim� you are indeed lucky (I have only seen 2 episodes, both being very awesome, and very bloody), but Devil Man is a very kewl anim�.

12-29-2003, 03:05 PM
Akira is the best movie ever known to man-kind. if u like dark mysteries, i recommend "Night Walker." It's about a vampire who hunts these demons called night breeds. I had never heard of it before, but a friend said i should watch it. It's surprisingly very good.

01-15-2004, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by ultima_trev
Berserk - the bloodiest, gutiest medival fantasy ever devised (hey, even the main character's name is Guts!). I tell you, that guy weilds a 200+lbs, 7' long sword (with one hand) like most people wield baseball bats (with two hands).

this is leet i just watched it after seeing u write this :)

01-26-2004, 09:51 PM
if you like comedy anime/manga then try Naruto...if you haven't heard about it then:
its an anime and a manga about a young ninja from the Leaf Village named Uzumaki Naruto who wants to become the village's Hokage...or leader
it mixes comedy, action, and ninjas into one kewl package :]