01-25-2012, 05:44 AM

Track Listings:
01 βιοζ (bios) -feat. Mika Kobayashi
02 α (alpha)
03 Ω (omega)
04 Ready to Go -feat. David Whitaker
05 friends -feat. mpi
06 VOiD
07 gエ19 (ge19)
08 θεοι (theoi)
09 close your eyes -feat. Michiyo Honda
10 Βασιλευζ (Basileus)
11 π (phi)
12 Release My Soul -feat. Aimee
13 κrOnё (krone)
14 Hill Of Sorrow -feat. mpi
15 Αποκσλυψιζ (APOCALYPSE)
16 Home ~this corner~ -feat. Leina
17 Genesi�
18 βιοζ-δ (bios-delta) -feat. Mika Kobayashi
19 Rё∀L (Real) -feat. Cyua

EAC in WAV (560mb)

m4a@320k (195mb)

BK (26mb)

DVD/Blu-ray limited edition vol.1 Bonus CD -Theme Song Collections

Track Listings:
01 エウテルペ ~Silence~ (ep.2, 13 insert song)
02 Departures ~Blessing~ (ep.11 insert song)
03 Rё∀L (alternative vers.)
04 βios (alternative vers.)

EAC in WAV (132mb)

DVD/Blu-ray limited edition vol.2 Bonus CD -SOUNDTRACK ANOTHER SIDE 01

Track Listings:
01: kEっ1000 (決戦)
02: Miss手リAs (ミステリアス)
03: 刺U (集)
04: 血Con-儀 (血痕一儀)
05: 鎖スPen$ (サスペンス)
06: Oノ存ξ (王の存在)
07: gエ19 (GHQ) <FullSize>
08: Vぉ1℃→Ki母∪ (Void→希望)
09: 美♂-K+$タすpAd

mp3 @320k (67mb)
GC.bonusCD.2.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/?tpjlip9l937v4sx)

EAC in ape+cue (187mb)
GC.bonusCD.2.ape.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?eqb1hrjfac43gm7)

DVD/Blu-ray limited edition vol.4 Bonus CD -SOUNDTRACK ANOTHER SIDE 02

Track Listings:
01: pF-AdLibI
02: gT→pF
03: pF-AdLibII
04: fUE+p@D+hArP→pF
05: sT+hRN+tRB+tUba
06: pF-AdLibIII
07: 1616
08: pF-AdLibIV

EAC in ape+cue (151mb)
GC.bonus.ost.2.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?dn0fd67acv3du94)

findings on net, credits go to the original uploaders~:D

01-25-2012, 08:18 PM
Awesome! been waiting 2-3 months for this!

01-25-2012, 09:42 PM
Yeah finally it�s time for this :)

01-25-2012, 11:49 PM
Yep, had been waiting for this since I first heard Bios. Never knew about this guy Hiroyuki Sawano before, but than checked out his Blue Exorcist and Basara soundtracks, and they have some really awesome tracks on them.

Thanks a lot for mp3s, my CD copy should be arriving soon.

01-26-2012, 12:06 AM
Love the OST, but why has Bios to be in German? Seriously, German is my mothertounge and I couldn't understand a word when I first listened xD Makes it really strange to listen to D:

01-26-2012, 03:05 AM
Mika Kobayashi is always hard to understand when she's singing in any of our languages, I'm afraid. I'm still remembering how hard it was to understand her English when she sang "Call Me Later" for Blue Exorcist.

01-26-2012, 05:10 AM
booklet added~:D

01-26-2012, 06:50 AM
lossless in WAV added~:D

01-26-2012, 07:00 AM
Since you even provided the lossless EAC rip, micobear, I assume you already have the actual CD. How did you get it on the day of release?

01-26-2012, 08:02 AM
hey MiL�, I'm still waiting for my copy... hopefully, it should arrive early next week...

those i posted here ar found on the forums in Mainland China, im very curious too about how they got it that soon... that EAC folder was actually posted on the same day of release...

01-26-2012, 12:30 PM
Love the OST, but why has Bios to be in German? Seriously, German is my mothertounge and I couldn't understand a word when I first listened xD Makes it really strange to listen to D:

Same here :D I listened to it and thought "wait, that sounds like German" but I really couldn't understand anything at all. Just some random phrases.

Wow, this soundtrack is totally awesome! Plus it's not a DVD/Blu-Ray Bonus CD :shocked:
Hope we get a second one like with Blue Exorcist.

01-26-2012, 04:02 PM
Contributing a Re-tagged (to my standards, apologies in advance if you don't like 'em) and Split FLAC (with Scans) from the EAC Wav posted above:

Link (http://files.fuzetsu.net/sndtrcks/gcostflc.rar)

(Not sure how long I'll keep it available, but that's no different than the current state of filesharing sites, right? :) )

01-26-2012, 05:03 PM
Yep. Hiroyuki Sawano is officially my favorite composer. Guilty Crown, Gundam Unicorn, Sengoku Basara. Everything he does is just so damn glorious.

01-27-2012, 12:30 AM
I think he is definitely the greatest of Japan's newest composers. He has built his own distinct style in a shorter time than a lot of Japan's other great composers. He brings this modern touch to things that seems impossible for anyone else to find. There is nothing forced about his work at all. He can compose any kind of music, and compose it well. It just gives this feel of a composer who loves virtually all kinds of music and seeks to experiment on each new score he does.

Listening to his music just brings joy to me because there is so much drive in his work.

01-27-2012, 04:42 AM
I absolutely respect anybody who is sufficiently moved by something to make a statement like that; I also respectfully and wholeheartedly disagree. ;)

I have been waiting for a very long time for Sawano to impress; and he never does - he just keeps turning out this extremely loud and utterly superficial nonsense. Gundam Unicorn - a textbook example of how to squander a wonderful opportunity. Another in a long line of composers who get more chances than they deserve and blow every single one of them; whilst infinitely better musicians fight and struggle for every score. Kenji Kawai, Ko Otani, Taku Iwasaki, Hiroyuki Sawano - I'm lookin' at you all...

01-27-2012, 05:54 AM
I'm quite intrigued by what made you turn on Iwasaki so quickly, Tango. Not that I'd neccesarily disagree; he's gotten pretty samey as of late, with many tracks across recent scores easily matchable as copies or prototypes of others, and seems to only have a few different sounds in his repetoire. I guess that's just what happens when you write for a new show or two for each season for the past year and a half. Still, while his last couple scores weren't exactly distinguished, I still sorta like them for what they are. What pushed you over the edge?

I'm probably kinder to Sawano, too. He was incredibly interesting when I heard Unicorn, but the more of his work I snapped up, the more I noticed certain patterns crop up, to the point I can say that "He can compose any kind of music, and compose it well." is completely false. He definitely has a safe zone; a blisteringly loud, unsubtle safe zone. But some people can pull off loud and unsubtle, and so long as I don't go in expecting some NeoRomantic masterpiece, he usually does right by me despite this. That said, Guilty Crown really isn't his best work and in places, feels rather like a retread of old ideas.

01-27-2012, 07:15 PM
I actually thought carefully before putting Iwasaki in that list. I think Iwasaki has the ability to sweep the floor with almost any other composer you could name. The potential is there for him to become scarily good. And what do we get?

After hearing Read Or Die in 2004 (or was it 2005?), I finally found a composer who I thought did the orchestra/electronica hybrid really, really well. There was everything in that damn score; a killer theme, brassy action, laid back jazz, gritty electronica, dirty analogue sound design, heartbreaking romance, over-the-top James Bond heroics... and it worked SO WELL. Bincho-tan in 2006 allowed him to show more of his sensitive, impressionistic, melodic side - a gorgeous score for a gorgeous show. And then what? How the hell did he become typecast as the "white noise and electric guitars" guy?

Sawano... Yeah, he has his comfort zone and if you're into that sort of thing I guess it would be very satisfying. There's just always this underlying feeling of cheap tackiness. Like a fluorescent pink Fiat driving down the street with "DEATH WAGON" written down the side of it.

01-27-2012, 07:30 PM
How the hell did he become typecast as the "white noise and electric guitars" guy?

Gurren Lagann. Soul Eater, too, probably.

01-28-2012, 06:34 AM
Gurren Lagann was when Iwasaki started getting typecast into the same type of score over and over again and Soul Eater probably didn't help. Katanagatari he got to shwo some serious range but for C - Possibility he was typecast for sure. He's tried to move back to his classic fare lately (Heaven's Memo Pad) but he hasn't been quite as good as he once was. I think, largely, he's a little tired and worn out.

I guess I just like Sawano's comfort zone right now. It hooks me even though it follows the same loudness war as Remote Control productions. HOWEVER, Sawano doesn't do things quite like RC composers, there's something different and better. I think it's the Yoko Kanno influence that shows up a lot. That's especially true of the Guilty Crown score that this thread is about. The sheer amount of collaborations with singers and rappers is reminiscent of Kanno's GITS work. Now, the people Sawano collaborated with aren't as sublimely skilled as Kanno's people but they get the job done okay.

Guilty Crown revels in the bombast but there's a couple of quieter instrumental pieces that have not been released. We will likely see them in OST 2, the same way most of Sawano's quiet Blue Exorcist pieces showed up for that series' second soundtrack.

Am I being a bit hyperbolic by leveling such praise on Sawano? Probably. But I just love this man's work. Maybe after all of the minimalist or tone-deaf scores being released in the West and seriously half-hearted work in Japan as of late, it's just nice to hear a composer fire on all cylinders and do it in a lot of ways.

If Sawano's work was being released 10 years ago he'd probably be just another decent but flawed composer to us. But the bar has fallen so much lately that Sawano seems like a godsend compared to yet another noise-filled Remote Control score or even more cutesy moe scores from Japan.

01-29-2012, 05:56 AM
DVD/Blu-ray limited edition vol.1 Bonus CD -Theme Song Collections added, featured 4 songs alternative vers. runs around 13mins.

01-29-2012, 06:42 AM
I LOVE YOUUU <333. I cannot wait for OST 2 as well <333

02-11-2012, 05:56 AM
First off, a translation of GC OST 1's inner booklet some may find interesting. (http://blog.animeinstrumentality.net/2012/01/liner-notes-guilty-crown-original-soundtrack/#more-3016)

I've been doing some thinking based on tango's comments about Sawano and I did some research into Sawano.

Hiroyuki Sawano came on the scene in 2006 and 2007 when he did the scores for three anime, the most famous of which is Zombie Loan (he also did Soul Link and Brighter than the Dawning Blue). If you take the opportunity to listen to these scores, you'll discover that they are done very differently from the Sawano we hear on Guilty Crown, Blue Exorcist, and Gundam UC. In that they lack anything distinctive or dramatic. They're not bad but they are surprisingly bland.

After these anime, Sawano seems to have vanished into the wilderness until Sengoku Basara which debuted his current style, where he's bombastic and proud of it, and that sound carried him into Gundam UC and Blue Exorcist and now this.

I don't think I'm qualified to psychoanalyze the man, but Sawano strikes me as someone who was struggling and he re-invented himself, and he started getting a lot more high-profile work (and work PERIOD) after he changed his style to the one we hear on his newest OSTs. I think anime directors like the in-your-face style Sawano employs, and that Sawano can change genres pretty readily as well, ranging from trance to rock to Remote Control to more classically-arranged orchestras. Sawano's music can take the necessary emotion and make it obvious to the most LCD-stereotypes in society today, and his tunes stick in your head whether you want them to or not. However, like a lot of young composers (Michael Giacchino was guilty of this in his early work too) Sawano seems to follow the philosophy that being loud is the only way to be remembered by the audience.

I think that Sawano will grow out of this as he gets older and as he continues to evolve his style (like Giacchino did). He's showing some experimentation here on Guilty Crown with all of his collaborations with various songwriters and performers, nearly all of the performances being in English (and the remainder being in German). And some of GC's quieter numbers are very nicely done (same with Blue Exorcist's quieter numbers).

We just need to see whether he'll keep evolving as he gets older and wiser or if he'll stagnate. He seems to be equal parts Hans Zimmer and Yoko Kanno, he has Zimmer's oppressive aggression but Kanno's eye towards melody, but he hasn't made all of that click 100%. I don't think Guilty Crown will be the project where he clicks but that project where he makes his magnum opus, if it ever comes, will probably be very soon. If it doesn't happen soon, though, we may be looking at someone stagnating and reprising what he's already done, which would be unfortunate. He IS the best of Japan's newest and youngest composers . . . it would be a shame if he never lives up to that distinction.

02-11-2012, 09:59 AM
Sawano didn't vanish between Zombie Loan and Sengoku Basara. He actually composed a good amount of TV drama/movie scores (and still does).
His "live action" style is a bit different from his anime style in that it is much more orchestral and/or experimental.

02-11-2012, 08:14 PM
He IS the best of Japan's newest and youngest composers . . . it would be a shame if he never lives up to that distinction.

Fascinating stuff in your post above, but I must take exception to that sentence - the emphassis implies a fact whereas what you have presented is an opinion; one which is impossible for me to agree with and impossible for you to back up with evidence. ;)

The best, we haven't even seen yet - they're in conservatoires, they're toiling away as arrangers, session players, etc.

If Sawano genuinely were THE MOST PROMISING "young" composer (he's 31) I would sell my CD collection and find a new hobby.

Food for thought; Kousuke Yamashita wrote Garasu No Kantai at 32 - and had only a handful of scores behind him at the time, all of which were excellent. (And one of his very first scores - Nobunaga's Ambition, written at 25, was astounding.)

Sawano has a dozen (apparently made his anime debut at the age of 26 with Soul Link) at the time of writing and the best he can come up with is Guilty Crown?

Nah, sorry mate... do not agree one iota. :)

02-12-2012, 01:57 AM
It is a fact that Sawano is the best composer.

02-12-2012, 04:09 AM
If his only competition/comparison is a gaggle of musically-illiterate chickens. And Hans Zimmer.

I like the guy, but he isn't the "best composer" anywhere, in any hemisphere. And that's ok.

02-12-2012, 01:12 PM
It is a fact that Sawano is the best composer.

"I say it is, therefore it is." ;)

---------- Post added at 12:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 PM ----------

If his only competition/comparison is a gaggle of musically-illiterate chickens. And Hans Zimmer.

I like the guy, but he isn't the "best composer" anywhere, in any hemisphere. And that's ok.

Exunctly. I don't doubt that he will continue to develop and he will get better than he is; that's true of any young(ish) artist. :)

02-13-2012, 09:07 PM
Thanks, can't wait to hear to other "bonus CD"'s later this year.

02-24-2012, 05:42 AM
DVD/Blu-ray limited edition vol.2 Bonus CD -Soundtrack Another Side 01 added, featured 9 unreleased tracks, runs around 38mins~!!

02-24-2012, 11:48 PM

1 .Decisive Battle
2. Mysterious
3. Shu
4. Wedding
5. Suspense
6. King's Existence
7. GHQ (FullSize)
8. Void->Hope
9. Bios K + S + Pad

[ANZX-3804] [MP3 320k CBR] Guilty Crown SOUNDTRACK ANOTHER SIDE 01.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?9us2uucr7y7a13d)

02-25-2012, 10:12 AM
Thanks micobear & Smack for the new Bonus CD.
Looks like we're getting OST 2 bit by bit :D

02-27-2012, 06:17 AM
u ar very welcome boogiepop.phantom~:D still hope OST 2 can get an official release.

btw, just added link of bonus CD 2 in EAC, enjoy~:D

02-27-2012, 10:07 AM
Is it just me or this OST (Another Side 01) sounds very weird? It's @320 but it sounds like very low bitrate...

02-27-2012, 06:11 PM
Is it just me or this OST (Another Side 01) sounds very weird? It's @320 but it sounds like very low bitrate...

That's the impression I'm getting to. Sounds like a bad rip.

02-27-2012, 06:18 PM
Without a doubt, a transcode. From 22khz, 64kbps MP3, no less...

02-29-2012, 10:47 AM
I downloaded ape + cue version of this ANOTHER SIDE 01 and ripped it myself to mp3 @320. It sounds very good now! Tagged and cover included.

Guilty Crown SOUNDTRACK ANOTHER SIDE 01.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?7fix6rj5r86azzt)

03-18-2012, 03:16 PM
I downloaded ape + cue version of this ANOTHER SIDE 01 and ripped it myself to mp3 @320. It sounds very good now! Tagged and cover included.

Guilty Crown SOUNDTRACK ANOTHER SIDE 01.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?7fix6rj5r86azzt)

A very belated thank you.

"Decisive Battle" kicks ass.

03-18-2012, 09:24 PM
For those who like this thing, a "Guilty Crown Music Collection" torrent has just turned up at BakaBT - everything thus far released, in FLAC. :)

Download Guilty Crown Music Collection torrent - BakaBT (http://bakabt.com/165361-guilty-crown-music-collection.html)

03-20-2012, 10:25 PM
Thanks for the last Guilty Crown Music ;)

04-28-2012, 01:24 PM
DVD/Blu-ray limited edition vol.4 Bonus CD -Soundtrack Another Side 02 added, featured 9 unreleased tracks, runs around 35mins~!!

04-29-2012, 08:53 PM
DVD/Blu-ray limited edition vol.4 Bonus CD -Soundtrack Another Side 02 added, featured 9 unreleased tracks, runs around 35mins~!!

Ah here's where all of Sawano's lighter and softer compositions wound up! They're absolutely lovely and show something a lot of Western composers have forgotten: honest, genuine emotions. Yeah compared to the greatest emotional tracks ever these songs don't hold a candle but they are lovely pieces and crafted meticulously.

I'm going to cut up the instrumental tracks from all over Guilty Crown into little bite-sized chunks so they can be better appreciated. As they are the tracks are way too damn long, especially on the "Another Side" sets.

04-30-2012, 08:05 AM
Thanks for the links and the info, everyone! I recommend all three Iryu - Team Medical Dragon OSTs by him.

Can someone convert SIDE 02 to mp3 @320?

04-30-2012, 06:27 PM
Thanks for the links and the info, everyone! I recommend all three Iryu - Team Medical Dragon OSTs by him.

Can someone convert SIDE 02 to mp3 @320?

I've already done so but I don't have time to upload right now. Maybe tonight or tomorrow, Wednesday for sure.

09-14-2013, 02:28 PM
I've been looking for Another Side 01, thanks for uploading!

05-31-2014, 08:50 PM
Yep. Hiroyuki Sawano is officially my favorite composer. Guilty Crown, Gundam Unicorn, Sengoku Basara. Everything he does is just so damn glorious.
Yes. Add Attack on Titan to this list and he has just become a god.

09-08-2014, 02:20 PM
Thank You So Much!!!! The First Two Links Were Broken

11-02-2014, 02:31 AM
Reupload the actual soundtrack possibly? Pretty please?

04-02-2016, 09:06 PM

04-03-2016, 01:17 AM
Alot of valid links here.


04-21-2016, 02:41 AM
Alot of valid links here.


thank you.