10-23-2003, 01:42 AM
Anyone seen an anime called Furi Kuri or known as FLCL??? If so then what do you think about it?
Me i like it, some people might think that it's lame or pointless or something (dunno just guessing here) but i like it because it's different than alot of stuff on tv it's action packed and WHAM BAM!! type thing :) , one minute they're talking about one thing then a whole nother thing the next. I've been waiting for a show like this, the only other show even close to it that i know of was tokyo pig o.O

01-04-2004, 01:32 AM
i've seen all six or so episodes and i thought it was aight. it was...different...but i liked it, and i wouldn't mind buying the series on dvd. FLCL is pretty random, but if u've seen an anime called 'Cat's Soup' then i think u'd noe which one is more randomly insane. :erm:

01-11-2004, 01:34 AM
It's hilarious! Haruko-san is hot, too.:D

01-11-2004, 04:17 AM
very funny. if they packed all the episodes on one dvd and selling it for 20 bucks. i'd buy it. :p

01-13-2004, 03:19 AM



Not really, but it's damn close. Those folks at Gainax just can't do any wrong!

01-29-2004, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by ultima_trev



Not really, but it's damn close. Those folks at Gainax just can't do any wrong!

YEAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! How can someone THINK that FLCL is pointless. It IS the best anime ever. It isn not GAINAX's fault someone doesn't understand their animes. I repeat
And Mamimi is the greatest character ever!

01-30-2004, 12:40 AM
Calling it "Furi Kuri" gets on my nerves, but yes, it is pretty much the single greatest thing that has ever been created, ever.

01-30-2004, 07:40 AM
I am not calling it "fooly cooly" if you wanted that! It IS furikuri and hac no other name (except FLCL ^_^)

01-30-2004, 08:13 PM
well who knows wtf fooly cooly means. and unless you really can't pronounce the letter "L" then there's really no need to say "furi kuri" but we all know we do that for fun cause its fun to pretend to be japanese and saying things like "flied lice"...oh wait..tha'ts chinese. lol

i remember seeing this sailor moon picture, it said "small labbit" rofl

flcl is probably the most convinient though so all in all, who gives a freaging damn.

01-31-2004, 05:33 AM
Originally posted by TaKun
I am not calling it "fooly cooly" if you wanted that! It IS furikuri and hac no other name (except FLCL ^_^)

"Fooly Cooly" or FLCL is the English name. "Furi Kuri" is the Japanese name. You're not speaking Japanese. None of us are either. It's not like I really give a shit if you call it Furi Kuri, I just think it's stupid. Especially if you're willing to say "FLCL," which is obviously an abbreviation for "Fooly Cooly" rather than "Furi Kuri."

Lightning Mage
02-02-2004, 09:16 PM
I thought it was a hilarious series.:D

Although two episodes, in my opinion, were almost pointless.
My favorite episode was #5.