Ark Mune
10-21-2003, 11:37 PM
Here they are. Tell me what you think please.
(may load a bit slow)
The face was intentionaly drawn squared off(Had to draw it that way for Art class.)'s sketch's.jpg
-----'s sketch's 001.jpg
The little container is a ink container*'s sketch's 002.jpg
--------'s sketch's 003.jpg

10-22-2003, 04:20 AM
Keep working at it, you'll get better.

10-22-2003, 11:27 PM
Either your scanner is a piece of shit or you draw really light! :D
My art professor in college was always on me to "draw darker". I think if you used darker more bold lines some of your stuff may look better! :)

I know when I really started concentrating and began to use more pressure on the pencil-marker-brush-whatever that my stuff really did begin to look a lot better!:)

Oh, and the pic she told me to draw darker....well, it won best of show at the State Fair so...maybe try that. It's the best advice I got for ya!;)

Good luck on future drawings!:D

Ark Mune
10-23-2003, 02:20 AM
Thanx for the advice man.
By the way my scanner doesn't suck, I just shrunk the pictures because they were the size of a full page and I first posted them on another forum and it actually showed the pictures in the reply without links so i made it smaller and never thought about it when posting here.