01-21-2012, 11:57 AM
As i 'm waiting to receive the "box" from lalaland ,i realized i'm missing that one !(I was pretty sure to have it but all i could find on my hd is the covers.....)
A big thanks in advance.

01-21-2012, 03:03 PM
I have a 54 track version. It's only 54 since the other tracks were songs I had no interest in hearing so I deleted them. The sound quality isn't very good though. I'll upload it tonight.

01-21-2012, 10:37 PM
Wow,thank you very much codyap09 !

01-22-2012, 01:17 AM
Wow,thank you very much codyap09 !

It's no problem at all. It's a good thing I decided to hang onto it. Like I said though, the sound quality while it isn't unlistenable is rather unpleasant since the mix in this bootleg is a lot flatter than LLLR's but it does include a few extra cues that were left off of LLLR's (mostly unused cues from what I've gathered) and the constant hiss did test my nerves after awhile. And as a note the songs I deleted were heavy metal tunes that didn't even play in the movie I don't believe. I'll have the link ASAP but Multiupload wants to play games today so it's delaying the process.