01-20-2012, 03:30 AM
'Resident Evil 6' confirmed; watch the trailer (

This game is looking pretty bad ass so far.

01-20-2012, 04:44 AM
I hope it's co-op and that the PC port is a little better than 5's. I had a lot of fun playing RE5 with Skanky.

01-20-2012, 05:11 AM
From what I've heard, you play as Leon with RE4 controls, and Chris with RE5 controls. Just speculation though. Either way, it does look very promising.

Glad to hear you enjoyed RE5. I loved RE5 despite so many people bashing the game. And to whom it may concern, no, my statement is not an invitation to start a long winded thread about why RE5 is not a great game or not. Strictly my opinion. We've heard all of the pros and cons of the game, so let's just leave it at that.

Phil S
01-20-2012, 07:33 AM
I hope it somehow comes to Wii U because that platform needs all the third-party help it can get. hehe

01-20-2012, 02:48 PM
The graphics looks too refined for it to be on the Wii unfortunately.

01-21-2012, 03:08 AM
He said the Wii U, not the Wii. The Wii U is more powerful than the 360 and PS3.

01-21-2012, 06:23 AM
Oh my bad. Misread it.

01-22-2012, 04:19 PM
I haven't watched the trailer, but I am glad we're getting a 6th one in the series. Now I can't decide if I should get RE6 or RE: Operation: Raccoon City. :S

01-22-2012, 07:24 PM
I haven't watched the trailer, but I am glad we're getting a 6th one in the series. Now I can't decide if I should get RE6 or RE: Operation: Raccoon City. :S

Just get both, like I'm doing. :D

01-23-2012, 01:24 AM
knowing capcom, they will port it.

also, anyone got a view of the logo?

well, here you go.

you are now cursed

01-23-2012, 01:30 AM
Wth? Hahaha XD

Edit: Just watched the trailer. Looks amazing.

01-23-2012, 01:58 AM
if you dont believe me:

just took it from the trailer

01-23-2012, 02:38 AM
I can see the similarities now. For the edited one, take off the arms and there you go. :rofldata:

01-23-2012, 02:01 PM
Resident Evil 6 has 6 Player Co-op, 8 Player Multiplayer (

6 player co-op's a little weird. I am guessing that it will be a mode separate from the main campaign.

01-23-2012, 03:05 PM
Resident Evil 6 has 6 Player Co-op, 8 Player Multiplayer (

6 player co-op's a little weird. I am guessing that it will be a mode separate from the main campaign.

I imagine the multi-player co-op will be similar to what RE5 had with Mercenaries/Team Slayers/Team Survivor but on a slightly bigger scale. *shrug*

02-12-2012, 12:52 PM
I hope you guys don't see this as necroposting or anything, but with all the stuff happening in January (SOPA/PIPA, Megaupload, SOPA) I didn't notice the game's announcement until last week.

I only got into the series with RE4 (which may or may not be a good thing considering the controls of the older games.) but I love the series already. The only thing that troubles me is that it has a November release date. I mean seriously?
If there's one thing the industry should've learned, it is that releasing all big games in October and November is not healthy for costumers. Not to mention that since it has online multiplayer, it'll compete with yet another Call of Duty game.

What's more, Resident Evil has a history of avoiding the Christmas season as good as possible. All but three entries in the series came out anytime but November. One or two sources also said that RE5's big success came from being the only big action game release in March 2009.

See for yourself:
Resident Evil 1 - March 30, 1996

Resident Evil 2 - January 21, 1998

Resident Evil 3 - November 11, 1999

Resident Evil Code: Veronica - February 29, 2000

Resident Evil (Gamecube Remake) - April 30, 2002

Resident Evil Zero - November 12, 2002

Resident Evil 4 - January 11, 2005

Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles - November 13, 2007

Resident Evil 5 - March 13, 2009

Resident Evil: Revelations - February 7, 2012

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - March 20, 2012

I'm sure the game will sell alright, but they could do better in any other month.

03-28-2012, 06:12 AM
I'm just glad it will be during night time. RE5 killed the horror atmosphere with its broad daylight settings.
Also curious what kind of reason they are going to come up with to explain the return of T/G-Virus.

03-28-2012, 07:45 PM
I'm just glad it will be during night time. RE5 killed the horror atmosphere with its broad daylight settings.
Also curious what kind of reason they are going to come up with to explain the return of T/G-Virus.

Well the other viruses and BOWs started being sold on the black market, so It would make sense if a group was using them in terrorists attacks.

03-29-2012, 12:29 AM
Just on that point about release dates, and being part of the christmas rush etc. Whilst I agree that the christmas rush is an absurd idea, the fact is that last year saw an absolute deluge of games released in the last few months, but basically all of them did well. People expected a couple of games to get lost in the shuffle (Saint's Row 3, Assassin's Creed whateter it was called etc etc), but that didn't really happen. All the titles from Gears 3, through Batman and Skyrim sold massively well.

It pretty much nuked the calls for the industry to end the christmas rush (which many review sites and independant critics and analyists have been calling for), and there's now no reason to think the industry won't continue in exactly the same vein as it always does. Summer games drought followed by Christmas rush. It sucks, but there it is.

On the subject of release dates though, I'm currently bemused by the release of 3 seperate Silent Hill games. As summertime approaches, in what has been (in Britain at least) a abnormally hot and endlessly dry and sunny start to the year, I can't think of a worse time to release a single Silent Hill game, let alone 3!

03-29-2012, 02:27 AM
As summertime approaches, in what has been (in Britain at least) a abnormally hot and endlessly dry and sunny start to the year, I can't think of a worse time to release a single Silent Hill game, let alone 3!

No kidding. It's been getting hot here in Wichita too.

Nostalgia gamer
03-29-2012, 09:34 AM
It looks interesting,but i'm not sure about it.

The gameplay looks good,but the question is:Will it be scary?
Also:Re5 many times didn't even feel like resident evil anymore,it felt like some sorta action sequence in the desert.

03-29-2012, 01:14 PM
The gameplay looks good,but the question is:Will it be scary?

Doubt it. Honestly, imo, I don't think Resident Evil was ever meant to be scary from the get go. Sure, it can be creepy and tense, but scary, I don't think so. Resident Evil 4 had a pretty creepy setting because of the dark, depressing locations, but it wasn't really scary overall.

In fact, I remember playing through Resident Evil: Director's Cut and Resident Evil 2 one or two years ago, and they weren't even remotely scary to me.

03-29-2012, 01:43 PM
Capcom recently made a statement that scary games aren't going to do Call of Duty numbers, so they're focusing on making more actiony games.

It was really dumb.

03-29-2012, 03:10 PM
Capcom recently made a statement that scary games aren't going to do Call of Duty numbers, so they're focusing on making more actiony games.

It was really dumb.

I can't really blame them though, they are a business.

Won't stop me from calling the whole thing idiotic though.

03-29-2012, 10:34 PM
It's stupid to aim for Call of Duty's numbers, though. Changing Resident Evil so it's more of an action game isn't going to suddenly boost the sales to that level. They're just going to abandon old fans of the game.

03-30-2012, 12:07 AM
Well the other viruses and BOWs started being sold on the black market, so It would make sense if a group was using them in terrorists attacks.
See that's my problem with how they expand the story and try to make it look all epic and on global scale. Yes I'm a fan of the originals, all the way up to Resident Evil Zero (Outbreak is also acceptable). Where the story, all those those crazy experiments, secret labs and viruses were actually believable, like they could exist somewhere out there. But with RE4 shit just hits the fan. Now we have some Illuminati cult that wants to destroy United States as the whole nation. In RE5 Wesker wants to "re-evolve" the entire world with his Uroboros virus... yada yada yada. It's like they are going the same road as the ridiculous RE live action movies. First it started off in the Hive, deep below the city - ok cool, but then the whole damn planet gets infected and they just keep dragging that shit on and on.
To me the real Resident Evil ended when they nuked the Raccon City.

They're just going to abandon old fans of the game.
I'd say they did it a while ago with the release of RE4.

03-30-2012, 12:45 AM
Although I don't like what Capcom are doing (about practically anything these days), I'd say that Resident Evil 4 proved that actioning up the series and abandoning the horror *did* win a lot of new fans. Which sucks, because I really hated the direction that RE4 took the series in. But to compare 4 and 5 and say 'which is scarier' is pretty pointless, as they're both utterly non scary and actioned up. Leon was given a James Bond style new personality, gadgets, his own moneypenny, cheesy quips, Ada's become a Bond girl, and he even had cringeworthy Bond Villains like Ramon Salazar (Meeester Kennedy...)

The increased focus on action, the generally silly OTT tone and abandonment of the series roots in terms of story and gameplay, killed the series for me. There's no doubt that RE4 and 5 are decent games, and 4 in particular is at times a truly great game. But it isn't Resident Evil anymore, and it pisses me off that they continue to use the name on what is now a completely different series. The story, controls, and even characters are totally different. With only a few exceptions, they change voice actors regularly between installments, change the look and sometimes the stories of the characters, so there really is very little left that is true to the original series now. Milo has it exactly right when he says that up until RE4, the situations were at least believeable. But those days are long gone now.

And come on, RE1 is still plenty scary at times. Its pretty much the only installment where the actual zombies can frighten you (they do a few nice sequences where zombies come through doors and ambush you, surround you etc, and there is the classic zombie in the closet of course). The V-ACTS are also genuinely scary, as they come racing after you, especially the first time you encounter one!

Scary games have never been that numerous. Even of the few that get mentioned regularly, hardly any actually were all that scary. Silent Hill 2 is still probably the only truly scary video game I have played. Other games have had their moments, but SH2 is near perfect IMO.

03-30-2012, 02:21 AM
RE1 was probably scary when I was a kid, but looking back it now that I'm 19, I just don't think it's remotely scary. Maybe I need to play it again to refresh my memory, but I can distinctly remember playing it 1 or 2 years ago and not being scared, as well as with the remake. I still think the survival aspect worked, but horror? Meh. The only reason it was a little scary for me were the jump-scares(like the dogs bursting through the windows, for example) But if anyone else finds RE1 scary, to each their own :). Besides, I don't mind the games being more action oriented now.

Its pretty much the only installment where the actual zombies can frighten you

Well, the only zombies that were kinda scary for me were the Crimson Heads in the remake, but that was about it.

03-30-2012, 05:23 AM
Jump scares may be the cheapest form of scares, but they don't even work in most games. They do work in RE1, so that's something at least. If you want actual scares, a genuinely menacing atmosphere and actual fear to go on etc, then you're asking a bit much. Because through Forbidden Siren, Fatal Frame, most of the Silent Hill games, Clock Tower etc etc etc, these games are good, but they're not very scary at all. They try, and they have their moments for sure, but again for my money, only Silent Hill 2 actually manages to be genuinely scary. Other than that, there's only really stuff like System Shock 2, and saying games aren't as good as the best examples there are, is a pretty high bar to set.

If you discount jump scares and you write off tank controls etc as a cheap way to make the player feel more vulnerable, then you've pretty much exhausted the arsenal of scare opportunities in most survival horror games. it simply isn't easy at all to make a game scary. AI in all games is a hard thing to get right, and if there is some kind of easy exploit that can be used to kill enemies or avoid them reliably, then the tension eases considerably. Jump Scares can be neutralised, by simply turning the volume down and running full speed through areas, letting the jumps happen so you know where they are etc etc (very unsporting indeed, and I never understood why people would do something like that, seeing as how its undermining a core principle of the genre).

Most scares are entirely artificial, being a combination of throwing lots of mobile and jerkily unpredictable enemies at your slow, flat footed characters and masterful use of sound effects (a crucial ingredient to any horror game, and if mishandled, completely undermines the tension - as in Fatal Frame 2 for example). So yeah, I don't think its fair to criticise RE for not being scary, when that applies to hardly any games. RE's toolbox of scares may seem old fashioned now, but that's only because every game that came after it copied them.

But instead of trying to be the instrument of innovation again, using the series' premier survival horror status to show the way and move things forward for the genre, the series abandoned those roots completely, becoming another action game series. We are already deluged with action games - I just don't see why survival horror fans should have to give up a beloved franchise to serve the needs of mainstream action fans? The exact same thing has happened in Silent Hill, and it makes even less sense with that series, seeing as how the whole point of Silent Hill was that your characters were rubbish at combat.

As for RE zombies scares:
Well, there's that bit where you go into the corridor near the room with the birds and the painting puzzle. You walk in, take a few steps in and see a zombie in front of you. As soon as you see him, you hear a door opening, and a zombie comes in right behind you, trapping you between them. There is a door to the right to escape, but this scene only unlocks after you've been through few times, and its very likely you broke the dodgy handle on that escape door. Its a great little scene, and the remake has lots of sequences like this, specifically designed to give the zombies a leg up.

Another good one is right at the start when you walk down that corridor leading to the art supplies shelf. You encounter the first zombie, and it comes shuffling towards you. Your character is so alarmed to see it, that all you can do is shuffle back slowly and the zombie is so close, it is likely to get a grab on you. Along with the classic 'head turning slowly' scene, its a great way to introduce the zombies and let you know that the game isn't playing them for laughs. Because this isn't a game where you can use improvised weapons and rudimentary chainsaws etc to inflict comedy dismemberments. RE was in the olden days, a proper horror game. There was none of this nonsense about giant walking statues and jumping monks with rocket launchers, firing siege catapults and snarling 'MATALO!' in extremely deep spanish accents.

RE4 has such a ridiculous tone, I lost all hope when I played it. RE5 was at least more sensible, but the prospect of having Leon back for RE6 is too much to bear. I just can't go another game of his stupid James Bond quips...

03-30-2012, 09:49 AM
Aww, come on, Leon's awesome. :3

Nostalgia gamer
03-30-2012, 09:00 PM
RE1 was probably scary when I was a kid, but looking back it now that I'm 19, I just don't think it's remotely scary. Maybe I need to play it again to refresh my memory, but I can distinctly remember playing it 1 or 2 years ago and not being scared, as well as with the remake. I still think the survival aspect worked, but horror? Meh. The only reason it was a little scary for me were the jump-scares(like the dogs bursting through the windows, for example) But if anyone else finds RE1 scary, to each their own :). Besides, I don't mind the games being more action oriented now.

Well, the only zombies that were kinda scary for me were the Crimson Heads in the remake, but that was about it.

You are also kind of jaded.You have over exposed yourself to the same game and others in the same franchise,so the only way to go is to go further.Still:The direction that capcom is taking that series,is disgusting.I may not be a huge horror fan,but i did have fun.The series used to be scary,and at least have tension.Nowadays,every new resident evil wants to just cash in on the fps franchise,which frankly:Is being over cashed in.

Call of duty is massively overrated,along with halo and gears of war.

Maybe i ought to try out some of the horror games on xbox 360,or that psx version of clock tower.

03-30-2012, 09:07 PM
I don't really get what you mean by "over exposed myself to the same game and others in the same franchise".

And I'm sorry if you find me to be jaded. I don't know, I just don't find the older ones scary. I found Silent Hill to be scary, but not the old resident evil games.

03-31-2012, 02:30 AM
So you didn't hit the roof when those dogs came leaping through the window? If so, you're the only person on the planet who didn't!

The games presented an experience that you just don't get now. Ammo was genuinely scarce, instead of you just being able to buy it in the recent ones. The inventory was very small, meaning you had to plan your route carefully, getting quest items where they needed to go, but taking enough weapons, ammo and health to survive the journey. This, along with the deliberately sticky controls, enemies that would ambush you in previously safe areas, and the fact that there were generally far too many enemies to safely kill them all without screwing yourself for ammo later, made for a very tense atmosphere.

The fact that you only had limited saves (and could only do it if you had the items on you and found a typewriter), meant that there was also a certain level of 'You can get it wrong - but not too many times'. These kinds of restrictions are all lifted these days. Ammo is everywhere, movement is more free and the areas more open. The inventory is huge and can get even bigger, health is easy to come by, saves are infinite. There's no fear factor, because the game is bending over backwards to make things easy for you. You even have a knife that takes up no space in the inventory and is a surprisingly great weapon...

Your comments about Leon and the games being better as action just show your (and Capcom's) disregard for the feelings of survival horror fans. Leon changed completely from the character he was in RE2. And even if you think its better, series fans didn't appreciate such retcon. He was not some ex-army James Bond type - they've just plucked that out of nowhere! They torpedoed the main story by getting rid of Umbrella and the zombies, changed the genre of the whole series (!) and basically just gave us the shaft in every conceivable way.

You wouldn't like it if a game you loved, got changed completely to cater to a different audience, would you? I'm not trying to pick a fight on this, and I do have some sympathy (because despite being a RE game in name only, RE4 is a fabulous game on its own terms). But the recent RE games have shown that unless the games are inspired masterpieces like RE4 often was, this new direction is a poor one. RE5 and RE: Revelations etc have been received poorly because they're not scary, don't feel like RE anymore etc etc. Well, neither did RE4, but it had the redeeming feature of being a great game anyway.

But it served to cover up the fact that the changes to the series and the story were disastrous, and its now that we're paying for that terrible set of decisions that were taken for RE4. To the fans, this series is basically dead now - we keep hoping it'll get better, but the magic went a long, long time ago.

03-31-2012, 02:42 AM
Your comments about Leon and the games being better as action just show your (and Capcom's) disregard for the feelings of survival horror fans.

It's because I'm not a huge fan and I don't really care what changes are made, because I just want to play and enjoy whatever game it is, especially Resident Evil. As for Leon, I don't really see what's there to dislike about Leon's current personality.

And when did I say the games were better being action oriented?
Besides, I don't mind the games being more action oriented now. I didn't say "the games were better being action oriented". I was saying I don't mind if it's action oriented.

03-31-2012, 03:17 AM
Leon went from a decent guy who was a rookie (i.e he wasn't some musclebound action hero type, he was just a regular guy in a really bad situation), to being a guy who can sniper rifle the bonds holding Ashley in place, engage in a knife fight like something out of the Matrix etc etc. It was tiresome in the extreme that that they just turned him into a 'He's so amazing, he can do everything, the girls all love him - and you get to be him!' character. Dumbing down at its utter worst. Its pure wish fulfillment 'Be James Bond' and it has no relevance to RE *at all*. (Which fits in perfectly with the story, which also had absolutely nothing at all to do with RE).

He went from a decent, believable character, who was doing his best despite being completely out of his league, to something utterly generic. The series didn't need more action titans. Practically all the other male characters were musclebound action heroes (Chris, Barry, Carlos, Billy etc etc). His transformation into this running, jumping, quipping, flirting, gadgeting, smouldering piece of focus group approved ticked boxes, was just disgraceful.

My point through all of this is that your needs would have been served just as well if the name on the box was something other than Resident Evil. You admit you are not a fan and don't care about the series, but like the newer games. So if Capcom had just released these games with a different name, and made them their own series, everyone would have been happy. The games would still exist, people could still play them and enjoy them and Resident Evil wouldn't have to be dumbed down, retconned and turned into a square peg being pushed into a round hole.

But doing it like this, shafts the fans and kills the series (because its already dead to the core fans, and make no mistake, if RE6 is received like RE5 and Revelations were, its game over).

As for the action... look, I can deal with the focus on action. I don't like that the series changed from survival horror, but I've made my peace with that. Its changed and its never going back. So I was able to get some enjoyment out of RE5 and even ORC, because they at least have some connection to the RE story. RE4 had none, so it was just too much (changing the genre and completely changing the entire story and characters).

And RE5 finished the story, so I just don't see what the point is of going on. All the villains are dead, Umbrella is gone, the STARS story has been resolved... so what's left? Its just a cash cow now, and that always sucks.

03-31-2012, 03:31 AM
And RE5 finished the story, so I just don't see what the point is of going on. All the villains are dead, Umbrella is gone, the STARS story has been resolved... so what's left?

My guess is that someone else is trying to carry on Umbrella's legacy with whatever this new virus it is that's turning people into zombies and monsters once again. But that's just a guess, so we'll just have to wait and see until it comes out.

03-31-2012, 09:08 PM
Pretty much everything that Vrykolas said about the situation with RE franchise is very true and I feel the same way about it.

After the story of the original cast and outbreak events came to a logical conclusion there is no need to create new "big scale adventures" for the same characters. I'm not saying to end the series is the right thing to do, no by far no, but when continuing you have to do so in respect to the originally created world and character personalities. Vrykolas made a perfect comparison - James Bond. This is not the true way of the samurai if you go for the money. No matter what form of media you use to express your work: whether it is live action cinema, books & novels, animated films, music or games... if you just making your work more appealing to a wider audience by throwing in more hot chicks, bigger guns, bigger muscles and bigger explosions... then it's just straight up money making business. So that the audience can quickly jump in for a ride and have an instant thrill.

04-01-2012, 06:11 PM
My guess is that someone else is trying to carry on Umbrella's legacy with whatever this new virus it is that's turning people into zombies and monsters once again. But that's just a guess, so we'll just have to wait and see until it comes out.

It seems they opened a new can of worms with the Wesker children. Based on a file you find towards the end of RE5, there is reason to believe there is another Wesker child that is alive.

04-01-2012, 07:01 PM
Another Wesker child? Son of a gun, I never read that. Guess we gotta kill some of Albert's offspring. xD

Nostalgia gamer
04-02-2012, 06:22 PM
I'm in with fight smack in the orphanage.Keep resident evil in the survival horror section.Besides:Buying into the fps area will only buy you a little time,but people will call you on the bullshit.

04-10-2012, 09:12 PM
Resident Evil 6 Captivate Trailer - 2012 [HD] - YouTube (

New RE6 Trailer released.

It contains pretty big spoilers into the identity of the mystery character mentioned in the thread, so if you want to remain surprised, do not watch.

More great news is they are releasing the game a month and a half earlier than expected. New release date is October 2nd.

04-10-2012, 09:13 PM
I like the way it looks so far. Thats all I am going to say about that because I would prefer not to start an argument.

04-10-2012, 10:03 PM
Yeah, the game seems to be coming together nicely.

06-25-2012, 05:09 AM
Resident Evil 6 - Chris and Piers Bar Scene (What was REALLY said!) - YouTube (

06-25-2012, 02:13 PM
That was so funny.

06-28-2012, 06:10 PM
Pretty much this:

07-31-2012, 03:27 PM
Resident Evil 6 Collector�s Edition announced for Europe! (

Very similar to the Sonic Generations Collector's Edition, the US is getting screwed on this collector's edition as well. It seems like the tide is turning these days and Europe is getting the better stuff these days. I really wish these gaming companies would make these awesome collector's editions available to all countries it sells to.

Why in the world would I want an "Anthology" collection of older RE games that I already own?

08-27-2012, 07:55 AM
im going to buy this for the ps3, who esle is? wanbting to play with people i technically know.
also, gonna be buying the anthology so i would like to play re5 with someo9ne too

08-27-2012, 04:17 PM
I'll probably buy it on PS3. I would get it on PC but god only knows how fucking awful that port will be.

08-28-2012, 02:44 PM
A zombie dog swallows a key, and you have to chase it all the level you just went through, in order to get it back...

What - the - F**k?! Are they joking with this crap?! And they have the audacity to say that Leon's campaign is like old school RE?! And just to add insult to injury, the dog is invulnerable until you get to the proscribed area for dealing with it. I'm sorry - I wanted to give this game a chance, but its not making things easy. Unless the game is *seriously* better than the demos, this is looking like an absolute howler.

08-28-2012, 03:37 PM
Thats not that bad of an idea imo. The only bad part about it is it being invulnerable till a certain point.

08-28-2012, 04:00 PM
I gotta admit the idea doesn't look good on paper but I'm sure it's a bit more creative than that.

08-28-2012, 04:24 PM
All I will say is that, in games(and movies as well), there are going to be things that will not abide by logic or things that won't make any sense 80% of the time, if not 70%. Me, I just try and look past all that because I don't see the sense in dwelling over stuff like that.

That's just how I see it.

08-28-2012, 04:29 PM
All I will say is that, in games(and movies as well), there are going to be things that will not abide by logic or things that won't make any sense 80% of the time, if not 70%. Me, I just look past all that because I don't see the sense in dwelling over stuff like that.

That's just how I see it.

For example, STARS would have run a lot more heavily armed if they are SWAT equivalent. I'm talking body armor, helmets, M16s, and sidearms for everyone (plus a metric shit ton of ammo). They were armed like amateurs when they had to actually deal with the zombies (only a few people with anything above pistols, subpar protection, very little ammo).

08-28-2012, 04:38 PM
For example, STARS would have run a lot more heavily armed if they are SWAT equivalent. I'm talking body armor, helmets, M16s, and sidearms for everyone (plus a metric shit ton of ammo). They were armed like amateurs when they had to actually deal with the zombies (only a few people with anything above pistols, subpar protection, very little ammo).

Exactly. Plus, one person can't take down a fast moving creature, like the Hunter or Licker, that can decapitate you in one second.

But that's the beauty of video games and movies, you don't have to apply real world logic or rules all the time to make games fun or movies enjoyable to watch, imo.

08-28-2012, 06:02 PM
The Batman movies come to mind when it comes to defying common sense and logic. Hahaha It really rustles my friends jimmies when movies/games defy logic or common sense and I just giggle because they take it so seriously. He doesn't take RE seriously though. I don't think anyone does or should.

08-28-2012, 06:30 PM
The Batman movies come to mind when it comes to defying common sense and logic. Hahaha It really rustles my friends jimmies when movies/games defy logic or common sense and I just giggle because they take it so seriously. He doesn't take RE seriously though. I don't think anyone does or should.

Exactly, its a game about a Zombie outbreak. Logic and realism hit the bloody curb immediately.

08-29-2012, 02:37 AM
This notion that RE has always been silly, or not realistic and so everything should be fine, is utterly wrong. Its hard to believe people have even played the early games when they take such a notion. The early games never had anything so daft as chasing after a zombie dog that has swallowed a vital key. Its farcical, and its not the tone that original RE had *at all*.

Which is the root of the issue I have here - Capcom have been trying to get us old school RE fans on board for RE6, by saying that Leon's campaign at least, is getting back to RE's roots. That's just a blatant lie, having played and watched those demos. Original RE went for a magical realism approach. You knew it was a fantastical situation, and you were playing as a squad of heroes, rather some everyman characters. But it still felt real enough that you could buy into that atmosphere and be put on edge on it.

As with any game, there is a fine line between something that is bizarre but still cool, and something that is just farcical and breaks the illusion (the snake in RE1 for example, was outlandish and far beyond anything you'd seen thus far, but it still felt 'right' - you were just thinking 'Holy crap - SNAKE! Look at the size of that thing!). Same with Pyramid Head in Silent Hill - it was extremely odd, but it worked and felt upsetting and dangerous. But when it comes down to giant walking statues rampaging after you (RE4) and chasing zombie dogs because 'that blasted dawg's gone swallowed up ma key' antics, then its just rubbish.

Its just not the tone I was hoping for. RE was never this silly, and trying to get old time fans back, by pretending the game has recaptured that old intensity of tone, is a pretty low thing to do. Plus, the whole Ada and Carla thing is just idiocy, as is Jake being the son of Wesker. Its just too cringe inducing for words - its like every bad attempt to drag out a series in stupid and far fetched ways.

08-29-2012, 06:15 AM
I guess we don't take the franchise as seriously as you or some of the other people do, I don't know.(not trying to say anything bad about you or other people taking the franchise seriously, I'm just saying) I just don't let stuff like that bother me.

08-29-2012, 07:18 AM
Hey Vry, I dunno about you but chasing a zombie dog through a level sounds just about as much RE Classic as running through a mansion looking for a fucking crank or emblem.God I hated that crank. :P

08-29-2012, 11:52 PM
Dodo - evolving a series is fine, developing a series is fine. Changing it completely into something else isn't something I support - but I do respect that others may like it. For the most part, I just agree to disagree on this stuff (I hate FF10 for example, but I don't go on the FF10 board and start trashing it all the time). For me, it always been a sad thing that RE has gone this way, but that's just the way it is. I'll vent now and then, but I've made my peace with it. What I don't like though, is that they made such a big song and dance about RE6 going back to the series' roots, directly appealing to the fans of the older games. Its a lie, and I don't appreciate being lied to. I'm just glad the truth came out before release day. If they hadn't done that, I'd just be ambivalent as I have been for years now. Their statements gave me hope, and then stomped me back down - that's why this sucks so much for me. The dog and key show was just the most obvious example I saw, of how they'd lied about this. Well, that and regenerating health anyway...

Happy - looking for items to solve puzzles and keys to doors is fine. RE always made a point of incorporating these puzzles into the lore (i.e Spencer's mansion was deliberately set in that 'crazy house of terror' way, because it was guarding one of the main labs, and it amused Spencer to make his home defences into works of Art etc). Its not the having to get the key from the dog that bugs me, its how hokey an idea it is. The games have always included a sense of lurid, insanity to show how mentally unstable the executives are. But you have to be Zen about this stuff - because if it doesn't work, then it just looks ridiculous. Case in point: RE0, when they applied the cool giant snake idea to a variety of other animals, and they all looked lame and hokey. Same with the leeches that could meld together and assume human form. It was awful.

So yeah, its not the game so much as Capcom's continued ill use of its fans. The game looks like its going to be pretty bad (the consensus seems to be that the game is certainly no classic, from the demos), but exactly how bad a third person action game it is, isn't what I care about. The fact that it is one, and not a survival horror - again - however, is.