10-20-2003, 01:53 PM
I looked everywhere in this forum, through all the posts in the last year and even though I KNOW this has probably been a topic before....I just really wanna know o.k.?

mine seems to change from week to week but currently it is nine! I love and worship Beatrix! She is my hero!

so...which one is your fav?

10-20-2003, 03:13 PM
Great story, great characters and it has the great Kefka :D

10-20-2003, 07:01 PM
I'll go with 7. You can't go far wrong with FF7. :) For pretty obvious reasons.

Evad D'Aragon
10-20-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Saber
Great story, great characters and it has the great Kefka :D

My feelings almost exactly...switch Kefka for Locke lol Although, yeah, Kefka was one great villain :)

10-21-2003, 12:14 AM
ff7 has my heart completely aerith
and red they were the two best character's
i have ever seen. aerith was the best by far
she was such a sweet character and the
scene's with her were alway's worth seeing
again and again.

but ffx was also one my fav as lulu and rikku
got my heart lulu her whole personality is
like me which i thought was funny she can
have fun be serious and sad all at the same
time and well rikku her funny nature and the
way she really cared for yuna touched me.

Final fantasy has to be the best series by far
and everything about it blows you away

The Joker
10-24-2003, 06:12 AM
I have to agree with the general consesus of millions of polls. There is something about Final Fantasy VII in storyline. If you read the credits it says "based on the story by . . ." FF7 is based off another story. Not sure what it is.

I'd give someone a gold star to find out the actual novel or whatever. ;)

10-24-2003, 06:41 AM
I can't remember exactly, but doesn't it say based on a story by Hironobu Sakaguchi?

I'm pretty sure he just penned it in-house, specifically for Final Fantsay VII.

And if you haven't guessed by my name, the avatar, the signature, or the fact I know that little bit of trivia...

FF7 is my favourite.

Darth Revan
10-24-2003, 05:23 PM
Initally, my fav FF, was FFVIII. I liked FFVII, it had a good story, but FFVIII had something a little... 'extra', at least to me it did. But, that was booted from the top by FFVI. Why? Edgar and his tools. Nuff said. Use Edgar's Drill, and it dishes out some damage, even if the enemy has a shield or barrier up!

But, FFIV holds a special place in my heart. I actually have that and VI as my two personal favs. Even though I've got most of the FF series, just missing FFIII, IV and VI are my favs. I don't consider Mystic Quest a FF, and X.... well, the less said about that the better, yes?

10-24-2003, 09:36 PM
FF8 is the best.

Everything about it is better than the others...
Characters, storyline, junctioning system, card game, world.... everything!

Most people just listen to what others say and go with ff7, but if you really think about it, there's nothing that makes it any better than the others.

10-24-2003, 11:20 PM
FF7 is the best - some quotes from that game rule!!!

10-25-2003, 06:59 PM
I agree, 7 all the way! Does anyone think 10 was a let down?

10-26-2003, 12:17 PM
That�s a tough question cause they are all very unique and great... (How could it be otherwise, eh? ;) )
But I must say, the greatest fun I had was with Final Fantasy 9. It was so much fun playing it. Cid was sooo nice and Blank was also a great thief and Zidane, our always joking monkey- guy was a good maincharacter cause I prefer the funny guys (Squall was okay... but he was too... er... he thought too much. (�-�))
And anyway FF9 had the cooool Kuja!! (^_^) and Eiko...
i should play all FFs again one day...
cause I didn�t play FF6--- :erm:

:cool: "Lady Auron"

11-13-2003, 09:46 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">FF8 used to be by far my favourite, it just seemed like such an excellent game to me. I liked the battle system, the more "realistic" look, the characters (especially Squall), the story... everything. However, this did lead me to replay the game many times, and I'm thinking that if I was to go back and replay it again sometime soon, I probably would get bored of it rather quickly. On the other hand since playing FF10 I think that's become my favourite now, it is yet another excellent game that I probably could replay at any time.

11-14-2003, 01:55 AM
My favorite= FF6!!!!

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
11-25-2003, 10:30 AM
Mine is easily FF7, the storyline cannot be beat (unless FF12 beats it), the characters (especially Sephiroth) were awesome. And the weapons and battle system, just rules, they should bring back the materia system.

11-25-2003, 11:18 AM
Wel I have tried and tried to come up witha favorite and I just don't think I can do it. FFVI I love for the story, FFVII I love for the characters, FFVIII I love because it was different and was really engrossing, FFIX I love because it was fresh and fun, FFX I love because it is beautiful.

There really isn't a way for me to choose... they are all great games... which is why I do not hesitate to buy every Final Fantasy game that comes out.

Bahamut ZERO
11-25-2003, 02:28 PM

Anyone got a ten sided dice?


Okay, we can eliminated Final Fantasy I, II, and III because I haven't played enough of them to fully appreciate and judge them.

We can eliminate Final Fantasy V, for the reason that I've had it for a year and a half and every time a battle begins I find myself throwing the joypad down in disgust. Plus I don't like the characters. At all.

We can eliminate Final Fantasy VIII because, although the game itself was okay, the story kinda took a weird U turn on disk 3 that I still don't really fully appreciate, even if I rate Squall as one of the better main characters in the series. (More on that later.)

This leaves us with IV, VI, VII, IX and X...

... I think I can eliminate VI and IX, because I've only played them through the once and I don't have the intention of picking up the joypad and playing them again, sadly. Sure, I liked them. I just don't have time to like them even more.

I was addicted to IV from start to finish. The characters really related to me. Cecil was a very good hero, and the story of Cecil, Rosa and Kain was recycled at other points in the series in different forms. The only thing IV lacked was an entirely convincing enemy to fight against. (The final boss just kinda crept up out of no where.)

X was another game I got addicted to through the characters. Auron's strength and knowledge, the kindness of Yuna, the determination of Tidus, the coolness of Lulu (in an icy way not a "cool" way) and the annoyance of Seymour.

VII was my first, and hence is my fondest. The characters took over my life for a long time. Cloud was a strong main character for the story he was in, but Aeris and the others complimented him and made him a great character through their participation in the story. Sephiroth's villain role was very good, and there were sub villains. The Turks, Shinra, etc.

I dunno. It's between those three. And possibly IX because of Kuja and his wish to destroy the existence of everything... A crazy goal but one well worth aspiring for...

Simply Bam
11-25-2003, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Lapiszero
I agree, 7 all the way! Does anyone think 10 was a let down?

Yeah i agree X was a bit of a let down its the only one i played and actually put the controller down!

My fav gota be 8

11-26-2003, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Gandalf
I have to agree with the general consesus of millions of polls. There is something about Final Fantasy VII in storyline. If you read the credits it says "based on the story by . . ." FF7 is based off another story. Not sure what it is.

I'd give someone a gold star to find out the actual novel or whatever. ;)

Something I've been wondering as well!!!

Anyway, I would give a tie between FF6, FF7, and FFT, all three are rich and deep in story, with memorable characters as well...

FF6 - An evil empire bent on utilizing magic to take over the world, with your own characters given magic to kick their asses, I just love it!

FF7 - An evil empire using mako to power weapons to take over the world (sounds familiar ^_^) and your own team using materia to stop them...

Basically, I saw FF7 as a repeat of FF6, empires are after the same thing, resistance groups against them, and even both the main villians of the two games (Kefka and Sephiroth) were once part of this empire before they betrayed it and became their own evil force... Not to mention that in the final battles, they both take the form of Angels, and they both are bent on becoming "God's" ^_^... So FF7 was basically the same story with different characters, at least in my opinion...

FFT - unlike any other FF!!! Set in medieval times (with ruins of technological advancements)... A king dies... 2 countries are fighting over the 3rd's throne, erupting in war... However, there is more then meets the eye, someone is using BOTH sides to gain power for themselves... Ramza, with noble blood, and comes from the trusted and reputable Beoulve line, is cast out as a disgrace to the noble blood line and as a heretic to the Galabados Church for trying to reveal the truth... He is now the only one who can stop this evil plot ~_^ BUY THIS GAME NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T!!!!

Evad D'Aragon
11-26-2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by AdemA

FFT - unlike any other FF!!! Set in medieval times (with ruins of technological advancements)... A king dies... 2 countries are fighting over the 3rd's throne, erupting in war... However, there is more then meets the eye, someone is using BOTH sides to gain power for themselves... Ramza, with noble blood, and comes from the trusted and reputable Beoulve line, is cast out as a disgrace to the noble blood line and as a heretic to the Galabados Church for trying to reveal the truth... He is now the only one who can stop this evil plot ~_^ BUY THIS GAME NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T!!!!

Tactics is merely a spin-off...Don't get me wrong, it's a good game, but seeing as this is not a "real" FF but a rehash of Tactics Ogre with Final Fantasy elements you can't put it on the FF series. It's just a different game.

11-29-2003, 02:54 PM
My Favorite Final Fantasy is X. X has the best graphics the best battle system and great characters. My favs go in this order

1. FFX
2. FFX-2
3. FF8
4. FF9
5. FF7
6. FF1
7. FF2

and thats all ive played

One dreamers path
12-01-2003, 02:09 AM

12-09-2003, 02:51 PM

in that order :P

liked all shitloads though

Safer Sephiroth
12-09-2003, 07:10 PM
Mine is tied between Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VI. They are both wonderful games and I love both of them lol.

12-22-2003, 12:37 AM
8-zell is the man, and the story is just crazy good
10-allaround great, long, good story, and great minigames
7-fort condor! and u cant go wrong with sephiroth
4(2)-didnt beet the whole thing, but what i played was great
9-good, but i just gave up because of the boringness at disc 4
1-yet to be played
3(6)-in my eyes, horrible. i know a lot of people really liked it, and the story was good, but this is a game that i would never play twice, due to the terrible start
x-2- a total let down, i cried when i first got it, and then puted at it as i played, it was so UNgood
fft-spinoff, doesnt really count i guess
ffmq- pretty damn boring, no story and no fun really

i left out ff adventure and legends 1-3.
this is because they are kind os non ff, if u no what i mean, but they were nonetheless very good

12-23-2003, 01:47 AM
I think Squaresoft hit the trifecta with FF6, FF7, and FFT. I simply can't decide which one of those I like more, they are among my all time favorite games in any genre.

And I don't care if FFT is a spinoff, I've spent more hours on that game than any other FF and had emmense amounts of fun in the Tactics universe.

I also agree that FFX was more than a little bit of a letdown (blitzball was my favorite part of that game, which is sad), and as such I have no intention of ever playing FFX-2.

12-24-2003, 10:14 AM
I think that every FF is great, first ff is a legend, second is O.k. third ff...hm...I never saw it;o), ff4 is a great game with remarkable characters, ff5 has a great adventure spirit, ff6 well "that is the game" , ff7....hmmm.... I think this ff is cool but, and I mean big BUT, it is the same thing as ff6 just in new graphic and some other characters... aeris was great character just like red and vincet, other characters were more or less fine, but total mistakes were cait sith, yuffie and for god sake that stupid cloud, i hate that character... he was everything else but not the main character... sephirot was cool but same as kefka he wants to be god or something like that...bla that sux.. i hope that ffac will be original not some stupid copy..., ff8 is the first realistic game and it was nice playing it for the first time but second or third time was painfoly boring, ff9 is "something special" it has so much references and yet original story, ff10 is fantastic but linear and without adventuring spirit and...THERE IS NO MAP!!!!, that was total mistake...and that love story is realy powerfoul you can feel it within you (i mean if you were ever in love), ff11....well i will probably never play that game because i live in bosnia and herzegovina and in here you can"t buy a game without paying a whole fortun, all i can do is dream about ff11, fft is great game with so good story and gameplay and plus it"s hard.... ff12..... i don"t know about this game... but maby this will be the best ff evermade.... strong name are behind it.. don"t you agree... and finaly... if i had to pick one of all it would be........EVERY SINGLE ONE...realy every single is magnificent:o)))

darkness of eternity
01-09-2004, 01:12 PM
out of the FF's that i have played my favorites are in this order

1- FF7
2- FF9
3- FF4
4- FF8
5- FF10
6- FF6
7- FF2
8- FF1
9- FF5

(on a side note i have never played final fantasy 3 that is why it's unrated, and X-2 and XI have not come out where i live yet.)

01-09-2004, 10:52 PM
seems most of the people go for FF7... umm.. It is great but since FF8 is my 1st FF game then I go for 8!
1. 8 (1st game)
2. 10 (Great CGs and New stuffs)
3. 7 (Could is cool)

01-14-2004, 07:35 PM
FFVII: Best characters, storyline, battle system and mini-games. Just brilliant.

01-14-2004, 07:37 PM

Inspirational music, scenes where i laughed, scenes where i wanted to cry, scenes where i hated Sephy from the bottom of my soul, got more emotionally into this game than any book or film or other FF game so this wins hands down for me, great characters, great enemy

01-23-2004, 12:15 AM
I think that FF7 is the best because I still enjoy going back and playing it over again and i can not imagine how many times i have played that game over again. But Tactics is the same way I love that game too. :eye:

01-23-2004, 09:31 PM
You people make me sick its all about 8.
The junction was great dont have to worry bout mp and u upgrade ur weps not find them in chests.
Plus lionheart owns all.(Limit and wep)

01-23-2004, 09:35 PM
ahem!! materia is simply thee best system hands down. there is way more possibilites and not to mention that 8 had cheesy characters.

01-23-2004, 09:59 PM
Ok 8 did have some cheesy chars but i men materia decreased your stats plus cloud had a sword 10 times his size and STILL they couldnt come up with a better limit for him.

Only ppl cool where barret with his bg ass mini gun.
and cid he was cooler in 7.

01-23-2004, 10:28 PM

I have yet to play FF9 and soon getting FF10-2

01-25-2004, 12:09 AM
Final Fantasy VI is the game that made me a gamer. Before all I did was play games sometimes- it was the one that immersed me, grabbed my heart, my attention and....oh. It's just such a masterpiece. I estimate I've played the game the full way through at least 20 times, and I've gotten every character up to level 99. And the Colleseum! We needs another colleseum!

01-25-2004, 12:35 AM
Final Fantasy 7 for sure, Cloud is the man. Gripping storyline, the love triangle makes it seem more realistic and great humour in it aswell. My personal favourite.

Lt. Lady Nyru
02-02-2004, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by One dreamers path
The music to FF7 really moved me and was magical. Does anyone have a piano, and could you tell me what this song is?

C D E G F C Aflat G E D

F G A C Bflat F C# C A G

And yes that's why FF7 is my favourite, and the gameplay was nice, simple and fun and addictive. Although I haven't played any of the others, although Greg has shown me some, and I thought they were a bit weird.

The very end theme right? The one with the stars? Its been a long time since I even looked at music notes so correct me if I'm mistaken.

Tears in Heaven
02-03-2004, 02:14 PM
i think the majority of us think ff7 is the best.....i'm part of that majority, storyline, materia and the weapons (monster kind) ff7 is the best. :cool:

02-03-2004, 03:06 PM
A majority of people say that FFVII is the best because it was the first one they played, or they are too fucking picky about graphics to think that a 2d game can be good. Well, I've played every single FF. I've beaten nearly every single FF at one time or another. And I still say that FFVI is the best. A wide, sweeping story, that is both plausible and comprehensible. An array of characters, all with different play styles so that a player could make their team how they wanted it based on the unique skills of the characters. And of course, it had the single best FF villain. Some of you people refer to Kefka being similar to Sephiroth. Really? How so? Sephiroth was a whiny bitch with womanly hair and delusions of greatness. He burned down ONE VILLAGE in his entire rampage. He wanted to be a god. So? Kefka killed thousands BEFORE he went entirely insane. And then he actually became a god and razed the surface of the world, killing untold millions and ushering a new era of terror and pain. Kefka was evil. Sephiroth was a bitch.

02-03-2004, 04:50 PM
FF7 was the best buster brown.

02-04-2004, 01:34 AM
I have also played and beaten every game at one point or another and FF7 is still the best. Not only that but Sephiroth was the best villian "coolest" out of all the games and then you had the turks and shinra to keep you busy. Overall the game just keeps you more involved then that of any other.

02-04-2004, 07:06 PM
i'm with u lapiszero: ffX shows the spark is gone. hopefully ffXII will save us, cause ffXI looks like a sage frontier or unlimited saga remake...ffIII started it all with me, but it's true, ffVII is topnotch

02-04-2004, 08:25 PM
Umm, FFXI is an online only game and I'm pretty sure has absolutely nothing to do with the Saga games

Lightning Mage
02-05-2004, 07:02 PM
FF7 is my favorite. FF8 a close second. Though I haven't beaten it but i'm on the 3rd disk. FF8 had great music. My favorite is the Balamb Garden theam or Ami which ever one it is.

02-06-2004, 01:02 AM
Toss up between VIII, X, and IX for me. I mean, I've liked all the FF's but these ones grabbed my attention more than the others. I'll admit that the story in VII is amazing, but the characters are rather annoying sometimes, that or forgettable. VIII was far more story-like than VII to me, a lot more like a good fantasy novel or something. IX was lighthearted and gutwrenching at the same time (watching all the black mages being killed, and finding out that they have an expiry date was awful!). X, well it's all about the characters in that one, and the fact that Tidus doesn't know why he's in Spira for most of the game, I like that, reminds me of a lot of Fantasy novels I like.

I think X in the end, just the epitome of what's good about Final Fantasy.:)

02-06-2004, 08:50 PM
I really think that IX and X are squares downfall those two games sucked and then after that they go ahead and make a sequel to a game that does not deserve one by any means. I am a huge ff7 fan and I would love a sequel but I also think that at the rate square is going now!? coming out with games like IX,X,XI PLEASE dont make a sequel to seven I mean it will probally destroy the legacy of the game. 'Might as well let er' rest in peace eh''. And o ya someone needs to go into squares office building and kick the shit outa every one of them punks for messin up the whole trilogy by comin out with IX-X-XI.:mad:

02-10-2004, 05:59 PM
All about Final Fantasy 8, great garpics, great characters, and okay story line!:cool:

03-11-2004, 01:54 PM
final fantasy 7 hands down. vincent, cid, barret, dyne, biggs, wedge, jessie, tifa (mmmmmmmmm tifa), sephiroth, red 13, zack, cloud, its all gd!

final fantasy 7 hands down. vincent, cid, barret, dyne, biggs, wedge, jessie, tifa (mmmmmmmmm tifa), sephiroth, red 13, zack, cloud, its all gd!

final fantasy 7 hands down. vincent, cid, barret, dyne, biggs, wedge, jessie, tifa (mmmmmmmmm tifa), sephiroth, red 13, zack, cloud, its all gd!

04-08-2004, 11:30 PM
yeah I agree Final Fantasy VII is AWESOME but I can't seem to find which is my favorite, I kinda like them all actually. They all have their strength and weaknesses. Since I own Final Fantasy IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and Tactics Im glad I own them all.
but I have to say FF VII is one of the BEST! :angel: :love:

04-11-2004, 04:00 PM
So far I've only played FF VII, VIII, IX, and X but out of those, I thought VII was the best.

04-12-2004, 04:06 PM
I have played 6,7,8,9,10,10-2, and 11. Out of ALL of them I like final fantasy 10 the best becuase of the story line between Tidus and Yuna.

07-29-2004, 01:03 PM


07-29-2004, 10:06 PM
Fave's are definitely 8 and 7. :)

07-29-2004, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by ARAGORN2381


I know I don't always mention Tactics when stuff like this comes up because I don't think of it as part of the main FF series.

It is a great game though.

Also, stop with the caps, please. ; ;

07-29-2004, 11:40 PM

on another note