10-20-2003, 01:05 PM
Has anyone here ever watched Outlaw Star?:confused:

I was talking to someone the other day who had never even HEARD of it.....now that's a scary thought...Outlaw Star is one of my fav's!

So...just wanted to know if it was just 1 weirdo or if I'm the only one who watches and likes it....:D

10-20-2003, 07:56 PM
I've only seen fanart and stuff of outlaw star. What exactly is it about and where could I possibly see it. The pics look cool so i'm thinking the story is cool to eh?

10-20-2003, 08:09 PM
It's about this guy named Gene and his friend Jim and they have a space ship kinda and Gene has this cool car. Anyways...their ship is powered by this living breathing semi-human female, Melfina.

It's just really awesome. I saw all the episodes they would play on cartoon network. They used to play it at night. But it hasn't been on for a long ass time.:(

Perhaps they have the series on dvd somewhere maybe? If they do, I'm buying it! :D

10-21-2003, 03:06 AM
Yeah, Outlaw Star rules, I was just thinking of watching it again. I was listining to it on my walkman and I let my friend listen to the into, she gave me a realy strange look...I think I scaired her.

I have them all on cd, if you want them youll have to have somthing to trade...muahahahaha....yeah.

10-23-2003, 01:32 AM
:D heh outlaw star rox but unfortunately the only source of anime i have doesn't play the show nemore >.<

10-23-2003, 01:58 PM
I know! Sucks doesn't it?
I used to watch it on tv all the time but then I moved six months ago and never got cable in my new apartment. :(
The other day I went to visit my bro and lo and behold....they don't play it anymore.
Oh well I guess....

10-24-2003, 05:35 PM
Yup yup, seen the whole series. Quite liked it, too.

10-24-2003, 11:59 PM
ya, that's too bad they took outlaw star off, i really liked it. i've seen the whole series though

11-08-2003, 03:38 AM
I really liked that show. (Even though I was like 9, 10, or 11?) I wish they would show it, but it doesn't seem like Cartoon Network will be showing it anytime soon.

11-08-2003, 10:02 AM
OMG! I love Outlaw Star!

I have the whole series on DVD, go ahead ask me absolutely anything about it, you could say I'm a huge fan.

PM me sometime. ^^

I got my DVDs through Ebay. Why don't you try that too? I paid �9 for it, however, there was a catch...it was shipped from Singapore!! (I'm from the UK) XD
So I had to pay an extra �12 for shipping costs. Do be very careful on that.

Tactical Error #5
11-13-2003, 01:08 PM
I remember watching it on Cartoon networK but I never did catch the beginning few and I kind of lost it after the space race(homework, etc. took my time). Once things settled down they had stopped showing it but then they started Cowboy Bebop(another bounty hunter anime) and I got into that.
I've seen Outlaw at Suncoast(video place) so check there if you've got one nearby. If not you could check a local comic/hobby shops, they usually have that kind of stuff or at least know where you can get it. Hope that helped you out.

12-06-2003, 08:31 AM
Well, I love Outlaw Star. I think I saw nearly all the episodes, but it wasn't really easy considering my schoool schedule, so I'm sure I missed a lot more than I would've liked.
Andyway, I love Outlaw Star. It had great music for one thing. I memorized the english version of Hiro No Tskusai (Er...forgot how to spell it...but I still remember nearly all of it.) It had a lot of good action sequences, interesting (and weird) plot.
Yup yup, all good.