10-19-2003, 08:09 AM
I am curious about how this all started and why. I can list a handfull of anime that have mechs in them. Evangelion, Gundam Wing, Vultron (an oldie but a goodie), and the classic Transformers respectively.

There is a reason why this all started I just want to know what.

10-19-2003, 01:55 PM
A robot is a boy's best friend!

Mecha anime/manga is one of many genres (and one of those I probably like least). I don't think there is a reason much different from: Wouldn't it be cool to control a big kick-ass fighting machine, roboter, mecha, whatever?

10-19-2003, 07:46 PM
Yeah, it's just a style of sci-fi robot stuff. We have it too... but we have a different take on it. There are way cooler kinds of manga. Like cooking ones (O_o), boxing ones, one about a guy who gets a girl he likes as his left hand (o_O), romantic comedies (yay). All kinds of weird crap. And that's what makes manga so much fun. :) And anime, too. But not as much. Says the guy with a nick taken from a mecha anime. o_O

Lunch box
12-31-2003, 08:46 AM
The giant fighting robots kinda piss me off...there's wayy too many of them...there was only one good original giant fighting robot series...VOLTRON!!
Thas all i gotta say!

12-31-2003, 04:58 PM
It's just a genre of anime called Mecha. If you don't like it then just avoid it. I was never a big fan of Mecha, and I don't call myself a fan, but I can't help but like a couple Mecha series.

It's not just in anime. I'm sure most ppl watched the "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" some time in their lives.

01-02-2004, 12:05 AM
damn! a lot of mecha haters! curse you all then! lol

/me big hardcore mecha fan. i love it only because robotech is considered a part of it and robotech is my most fav anime ever. and all the macross series completely. its so damn epic.

anyway. as for the original question that no one has botherd answering. how it all started. i have no clue. lol but i think the war and the arms race back in the day had something to do with it. i don't know why. i just think so. lol

06-23-2007, 03:50 AM
I have always had a craving for Jets and robots and mecha animes satisfies that hunger in me. Macross is the best example I can think of cause it has beautiful jets that transform into robots. I mean what else can a guy ask for? ^_^

06-23-2007, 04:41 AM
Stop reviving ancient threads. No one has posted in this one in three and a half fucking years.