01-13-2012, 06:41 AM
The very first game to be released by NStarStudios LTD is a children's game called, "Animal Spell'em All".

This is a self explanatory game for the I-pad, and I-phone.
This company is currently developing some VERY fun games.

Now, I know this sounds like Spam, but my brother and I are the composers to this company. :P

Please check out this game, and more games to come, from tis company, you won't be sorry. :D

You can purchase the game here for 1.99.
First game Release by (http://thesearethetwins.wordpress.com/2012/01/07/first-game-release-by-nstar-sudios-ltd-animal-spellem-all/)

Leave a review on I-Tunes, or on you purchase area, and VOTE! This company is truly gonna create some fun, fun games. :D
Trust me.

Happy composing! ~ Wynn