10-07-2003, 02:13 AM
these three card rules i have found to be incredibly cheap. the problem is that if the open rule isnt being used, they still seem to know what cards you have. for instance. if i have a situation where the comp places a card diagonally to another card that doesnt take anything itself, i can guss that hes probably gonna use some kind of same/plus rule to take one of my cards. so here i am in a situation in which i have no good card that i can put there without being taken (I HATE RANDOM). you lost me a LONG time ago but bear with me.

so now i have two choices. put my one remaining good card somewhere where it cant be taken, or use it or some other worthless card to keep the enemy from putting a card in that spot and taking a lot of other cards. if u choose not to put a card there at all, 100% of the time they use same/plus to take ur cards. if u choose to put a card there, it will be taken by an enemy card that cant be taken back. THEY KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE AND YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THEY HAVE.

if you dont believe me, notice that if ur ever in this situation and you dont put a card in their spot to thwart them, they will surely use the same/plus, and if u DO put a card there, you will be in a bad position. its like.. the nature of random rule/same/plus. i dunno if u got any of that, but geez! i refuse to playu anyone with those rules anymore if they dont use open.

10-07-2003, 05:39 PM
So, you want to start a discussion about the card rules and what 'you' think about them? Or just felt to share this with everybody from the shrine? o_o;; :)

Random is the most annoying rule there is. The first game I stopped playing cards cause I didn't want the random rule to spread to other regions. Then I found out that @ balamb you can reset your rules and start clean again and hope that the balamb region rules aren't changed by earlier card battles of you ^_^;;;

Plus and same are teh combo :E Elemantal is also nice, but doesn't do much good, unlike plus and same and their combo xD

It's fun plotting your next plus and same move :B when the cards are open. When the cards are closed it's more realistic, but also more annoying cause you can't see ;____; but if you have good cards like the minotaurus brothers you can 'corner' the enemy easily.

10-07-2003, 11:36 PM
:)actually, i was just upset because its @ing impossible to win the edea card lol. she uses all those rules including random. actually, i did it once before a long time ago, but only because i got extremely lucky. ive decided to leave that card to cc diamond or card queen on disc 4.

ive discovered that the computer doesnt really like the random rule either, unless its a good card player cuz they always get good cards anyway . like one time on disc four i lost 2 cards to the card queen, and since she was already carrying the chubby chocobo, irvine, phoenix, and kiros, and she got to use them about every game, she ended up with 5 rares, and i only had one rare plus 4 other worthless cards. sucks. anyway, that just really ticked me off because it isn't fair without the open rule, and the open rule is kinda lame cuz it makes it too easy sometimes if the same and plus rule arent present.

10-09-2003, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by bewareofkow

Agreed completely there. They ALWAYS throw down some card that SOMEHOW pluses with yours and makes you lose the game. The bitchiest card to get is the Laguna one in Lunar Base, after about 40 tries (literally) I won it. The PS was almost out the window. I have deep seething hatred towards the Plus rule. Random is ok for me because I can handle any cards and the smaller cards you get in random are easier to plus opponents with.

Darth Revan
11-02-2003, 03:55 PM

The plus/same/wall rules annoyed me a bit, but the only one I disliked was the random rule. As Kie said, I found trying to get Laguna's card to be the most annoying.

However, on a side topic though, I've found that after Time Compression, on the Ragnarok, you can challenge the card group from Balamb Garden. Nothing new there, right? However, if you use the Card-Mod ability on the Gilgamesh card, you get 5 holy wars, which are great on their own. After you've modified it, run around and challenge the members to cards (I found the two girls in the cargo bay, to be the ones to play against.) and either in the first or second game, they'll play the Gilgamesh card again. Win it, and modify it again. Now you've got ten holy wars. Challenge the girls again, and they'll play the Gilgamesh card again! Play, win the card, modify it, play, etc, etc, and you can easily build up a hundred holy wars, which make completeing the game a real breeze. I suppose it is cheating in a sense, but the game allows it, so people can exploit it.

I have a feeling, that the 'bug' so to speak, may've been ironed out of later versions of FFVIII, so it may not be available to do if you have a Platinum copy of the game. Platinum means best selling, sold so many copies in Australia. In the U.S, it'd be under the Greatest Hits range.

11-13-2003, 09:18 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I've heard that too, I just never really went there to try it. They all play to a different region's rules though, which gets really annoying when trying to get certain cards, because then rules just end up all over the place. >_<

As for the topic at hand, I actually like Same and Same Wall, particularly because I can always use them to my advantage. :D However without Open, I don't really like it because then, as said, the computer seems to know what you have.

My least favourite rule used to be Random, but after playing a bit more, it quickly became Plus. Plus is the worst rule to have when there is no Open; I can remember 2-3 times where I was 8-2 up and I ended up losing 9-1 after a simple combo with the last card too. :mad: The Alexander card was the hardest to get for me in that case, because of everything that's used in the Lunar region. When I finally got it, I had to keep going to get back the other two rare cards that I'd lost, and that took a while. :p

11-18-2003, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Kie

Agreed completely there. They ALWAYS throw down some card that SOMEHOW pluses with yours and makes you lose the game. The bitchiest card to get is the Laguna one in Lunar Base, after about 40 tries (literally) I won it. The PS was almost out the window. I have deep seething hatred towards the Plus rule. Random is ok for me because I can handle any cards and the smaller cards you get in random are easier to plus opponents with.

It's always the best to start getting the rare cards as soon as posible.. For instance ,on eyou have the ifrit card, challenge that kid that runns around in the main-hall of Balamb Garden to get the Mini-Mog card, then challenge the guy in the cafateria to get the quistis card, then headmaster cid ASAP to get teh Seifer card, then use the magical lamp to get the diablos card... Voila, you have a 5 rare cards before leaving for Timber... After that, get challenge everyone, especially NPC's to card games until you either ar esure they have no rare cards, or you win their rare cards... After that, getting any rare card from anyone is cake, it should take no more then 5 games, and if you lose a rare card, just reset ^_^

EDIT: and ALWAYS, ALWAYS modify any non-rare card, so in the random rule, you have the highest chance of getting rare cards only... (note: be sure not to modify the PuPu if you like to keep rare-cards, it's only lvl. , but it is one of a kind...)