09-29-2003, 04:22 PM
I guess we are all kind of waiting for FFXII. The question is, what do you expect FFXII to be like? Squenix staff did say - if I'm not mistaken - that they want this game to be different in some way or another.
It'll certainly be stunning as far as the graphics are concerned. I really don't think it'll look less awesome than FFX. The teaser poster looks promising, too.
Anyone wanna speculate about what may be?

If yes, do it now. On November 19 there will be facts, and we won't be able to properly speculate anymore. ;)

Is there any kind of main character we haven't had yet?
Any way to involve espers that we've not seen before?
What could Cid be/look like?

09-30-2003, 09:15 AM
Well, looking at the posters tells you it ain't gonna be like FFIX xD. It will be a FF8, FF10 alike FF I think. Futuristic, but yet full of fantasy ^_^
All the Espers making their return would be fun, but I don't think they would do that. Probaly give it a new name first and the graphics.

They should have a chocobo or a moogle for main character :B or no main character at all and all characters with their own storylines coming together in the game. ^^;
I want Cid to be like FF7 Cid and playable again o_o I think.

Tactical Error #5
10-01-2003, 08:48 PM

If you've played FFTA and you look at the "poster" on the site you'll know what I'm talking about. There have always been a few elements exsistant throughout the series such as Cid, Moogles, and Chocobo. Well if you look in the lower-left corner of the image on the site you will see a Bangaa, the "lizard-people" from Tactics Advance. Does this hint at some connection between the world of FFXII and Ivalice? Or is it a cross-over race such as the moogle. Maybe this is the game the kids talked about, or maybe tis is the world of Ivalice the kids are stuck in. Will the Viera and Nu Mao make appearances? Will there be a job system? Those guys at Square-Enix are crazy abut integration these days(Kingdom Hearts, FFVII:Advent Children, the company itself, etc.)so there is no telling what they might do.

Oh well that's just my speculation. Form your own opinions. Nov 19 we will know the truth... at least what they're willing to divulge that is.

10-09-2003, 07:00 PM
Didn't Square-Enix mention something about FFTA and FFXII being linked somehow? Then again it could be just a rumor...

And yeah, Moogles should get their respects and be a main character in FFXII... after what they did to the Moogles in FFTA. X_x

10-31-2003, 07:49 PM
I hope FF12 will be like FF7 or FF8

expecially like FF7,the dark style of the world,the questions,the not knowing wath it's al about,the mysterious main character,the overwelming godlike enemy(Sephiroth(the great!)),...

we'll see...


11-03-2003, 05:44 PM
i hope its similar to ff8 or ffx

anybody got any pictures or info on ffxii???
but im probably lookin more forward to xii than xi! dont really like the idea of it being online. i cant get my head round how the story will work

11-04-2003, 05:51 PM
100th post for me!

I hope it is more like FF7 and FF9. i hop it is in midevil times, and it's a FF6 type story. that's about all i can speculate on.

11-10-2003, 08:04 PM
hmm, i think it is going to be totally different from all of the others, and i am hearing a rumor about there being a remake of ff7 for the ps2, is this true, but anyways back to subject......i am not sure, but i have a feeling that it is going to be like ff1 and not match any of the other ff's, but still i know im going to buy it if it comes out :)

11-11-2003, 06:13 PM
Looks okay. Who cares how it looks? A good game is what I'm hoping for. :/ And I honestly don't know anything about it yet so... meh.

ultima weapon
11-13-2003, 06:47 PM
Hm...interesting, very interesting. Judging by the limited screenies i'm guessing its a big cloudy city with a struggle against some evil goverment. (*cough FF7-esqe cough*)

11-15-2003, 07:32 PM
You know what I want... It�s simple: Cute Characters! ^^

I don�t want to say: It must be like Final Fantasy 10 or 9 or 4... I just wanna see an absolutly different game! I want an Auron... but I know, there�ll be no such bishi--- :puppydog: I am sad... -_-
But whatever... as long as there are new characters I�ll be happy--- a bit.... well...
I never cared much about how the next FF will be or should be! I always was "satisfied"! I just want good dialoges, characters, music and videos! ^^ and chocobos! He-he-he--- :D

And I want dinosaurs... and a chaos theorist... okay I stop here.

:cool: "Lady Auron"

11-16-2003, 12:27 AM
i'm hoping most for an original and compelling story. that's what i love most about final fantasy games.

the characters...i mean, the girl's outfit looks a bit like yuna's from ffx-2. (why do most women in video games have to dress like sluts?)

anyway, there seem to be castles, which is promising. i love castles and fantasy-esque stories. ^_^

Haru Glory
11-20-2003, 11:33 AM
IMO it shouldn't be like any other ffs.
FFXII should be new in everything, so no more spikey haired boy with popeye's arms running around with a huge sword, no more scar face with a sword stuck in his gun, no more monkey boy and definitely no more whiney guy kicking balls underwater.
It should be a game with all new stuffs they never had before and nothing like the past games so that there's originality, so there you go.

btw, anyone knows the jap release date?

11-20-2003, 12:08 PM
Ick. I can't believe the only guy I've seen so far (presumably the main character) is another lame topless crappy blondey piece of crap. He looks like a girl. He had better not be another Tidus. I really hated him. -_- But hey, maybe he'll be completely different. Some of the other stuff I've heard sounds good. I'm praying there will be no voice acting (totally ruins it for me) and a world map this time. :) See, my main problem with X was no world map, and no great secrets. To get any of the cool stuff you just had to do boring leveling up. This was even worse because you had to break damage limits etc. and it would just go on for ages. So, where as there was a reasonable amount of leveling up, with exploration of the world map, town, dungeons, etc. before, in X you couldn't much go anywhere later on, without boring as hell Sphere Grid, continual fighting crap. It took the fun out of mastering it, so I just didn't bother. =/ Right. What am I talking about? So, yeah, if they sick to a world map, damage limits, and not having the same main character from the last game, and include some nice new stuff... then XII could be pretty good. ;)

11-20-2003, 12:14 PM
I agree with Duo about the Vaan looking like a pussy fuck... I really hated Tidus also, and it is kind of strange that at the Tokyo game show and such, the only people that you saw dressed as Tidus were girls... that kind of tells you something about the character. I really hope Vaan wont be the same also.

11-20-2003, 12:45 PM
Vaan's so cute, I already love him. Please, do share your opinion, but don't use such expressions as "pussy fuck", Loki... I really don't know what to imagine there, nor do I want to...
Well, back to Vaan... He does look like a girl, but in a cute way, and I'm certain I'll get along with him. I like this type of main characters more anyway. I just cannot relate to people like Squall...

If you can trust the trailer, there will be different-looking males, too. This guy with the white shirt seemed decent.

And swords! There were knights, and swords!

11-20-2003, 06:08 PM
As long as there is an Auron-like guy holding the swords I�m happy!
No, really! What I need is another cool character (just to look at him all the time and running around with him etc.)

And I agree with Duo... I want a world map! And a golden chocobo... (what am I talking here? :eye: )

Whatsoever.... I�m waiting until it�s released. I won�t say anything like "He looks like Tidus!" - "She looks like Yuna!" before I played it.
And the Misao-sister is right: Tidus-guys muuuuch better than Squall-guys!!! :D

:cool: "Lady Auron"

Life finds a way!

11-20-2003, 06:18 PM
Well at least Ashe is kinda hot.. *becomes suddenly attracted to Misao*

Tactical Error #5
11-21-2003, 01:50 AM
I was right, it is Ivalice. More modernized than in Tactics but thats all good. I definately suggest checking out the Famitsu scans. The Bangaa and Viera are much edgier and the chocobo riders look awesome. Ashe is a cutie(man those clothes are revealing) and Vaan seems like a metro-sexual. It seems they are playing to both sides of the field with these two. Anyways, the setting is gorgeous, the story is kinda typical, the music(Nobuo Uematsu is in charge) I can only guess will be superb, and it probably wont see the light of day over here until 2005(I gather from that the japanese will get their hands on it in '04). so thats what I gather thus far. No doubt in my mind it will be one of the best loved, and hated in the series history.

11-21-2003, 06:07 AM
And note that Ashe is two years older than Vaan... and from the sound of their background stories, she could well be the stronger one, the more determined one, the ... well, she is leading a rebellion...

Or maybe... an Empire, a princess leading a rebellion, a guy dreaming of becoming a pilot and going away? ;) A masked enemy? Star Wars!

Wanna bet that there'll be the famous "Take off my mask"-scene?

Tactical Error #5
11-21-2003, 11:32 AM
You know, I couldn't quite place it last night but Misao is right, it seems a hell of a lot like starwars, only not in space. Who knows, maybe Vaan and Ashe are... brother and sister! They have never met eachother before and have no idea so they start to fall in love but towards the end the secret is revealed and sexual tension just dissapears. Nah.

11-21-2003, 11:49 AM
Yeah IGN also mentioned that the game was very Star Wars-y. I think the ships and stuff make it look kinda like the newest Star Wars movies, but thats about it. Maybe there will be wookies though... yay for wookies!

Bahamut ZERO
11-21-2003, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by Loki
Yeah IGN also mentioned that the game was very Star Wars-y. I think the ships and stuff make it look kinda like the newest Star Wars movies, but thats about it. Maybe there will be wookies though... yay for wookies!

Wookies in a Final Fantasy game? Can you imagine a Moogle arguing with a Wookie? That would be one of the most comic moments ever.

Anyways, the screenshots look pretty awesome, and the video trailer has tweaked my interest unlike any game since FFX. So... I await more pictures with interest.

11-21-2003, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO

Wookies in a Final Fantasy game? Can you imagine a Moogle arguing with a Wookie? That would be one of the most comic moments ever.

Anyways, the screenshots look pretty awesome, and the video trailer has tweaked my interest unlike any game since FFX. So... I await more pictures with interest.

I agree, I seem to be more anxious to for this game to be released then any other FF since FF9 (I only discovered the series when FF7 was released, otherwise it WOULD have been FF7 ^_^)...

11-21-2003, 12:41 PM
originally posted by Bahamut ZERO:
Wookies in a Final Fantasy game? Can you imagine a Moogle arguing with a Wookie? That would be one of the most comic moments ever.

Moogle: Kupo Kupo!
Wookie: Warrrrrrrrrrrgh!
Moogle: Kupo-po Kupo!
Wookie: Arrrrrrrgh!! Warrrrrgh!!

Vann: The moogle should just quit arguing, he's going to make the Wookie mad.

Ashe: Why does nobody care about making moogles mad though?

Vann: Well a moogle doesn't pull your arms off when he's mad.

...... Sorry.... Had a star wars moment there.

11-21-2003, 08:16 PM
i...wish...that the girl could be the main character!! she has a sword, she's leading a could happen!

'twould be awesome....especially if she wore more clothing. ;_;

11-23-2003, 07:55 PM
Moogles are ewoks... and have always been. :)

The possibility of Vaan and Ashe being siblings has crossed my mind... yesterday evening... but it isn't totally necessary... Let's face it, all we want is find a way to prevent the love story between female and male lead character, and the easiest way is making them related. But... well, there are other ways. Maybe they're in love with other people already. *shrugs*

11-26-2003, 05:35 AM
Originally posted by saturn
'twould be awesome....especially if she wore more clothing. ;_;

More?!?!?!? Are you crazy???? Less is better!

Just kidding

Lacuna End
12-01-2003, 08:40 PM
I want the world map back too!
and the controlable airships! it made the whole game seem so much more complete...

and FFX had hidden stuff. o.o
the magus sisters... errr...ok, I cant think of anything else...
oh, all the ultimate weapons and the big rock thingie in that sparkly place to upgrade them...woo...secret...

and erm...what else do I want...I think thats it - other than that Im sure it will be cool...oh, the voice actors could be better than X...

I for one arnt TOO anxious though....there is SO MUCH I dont have thats out now....FFTA, FFX-2, FFXI....not to mention all the cool movies (completely unrelated) that are coming out...and music. and GEEZE thee artisan gods are freaking in heat! >.<

....::ahem::....excuse me...

12-21-2003, 12:43 AM
tekno says that each character should have their own plot and meet up in the end.. my frined have u played unlimited saga...honestly the werst game i have ever played and sadly made by squareenix. a game with multi plot is nogood period, it cant be made good. not even the greatest pruducers(ff) could do it. it just purely sux. what i want to see is a game like ehrgeiz, but more like super smash bros, but for playstation. with cloud with ifrit and sh*t, that woiuld be cool. of course, i wouldnt deserve roman numerals after a common phrase we all love.

12-21-2003, 04:05 PM
My friend, have you played Rudra no Hihou? You're playing three scenarios and only at the end the characters team up - and it's a great game. I don't know about Unlimited Saga, maybe it sucks, but that does not mean all games with seperate scenarios have to suck, it's not correct in my view. Period. :P
Besides, that's pointless discussing it here anyway. FFXII seems to be a normal game with one normal team... let's see...

12-30-2003, 03:20 AM
I'm hoping that it will sum up to be something worth my money -.-, but it doesn't matter because I'm buying it anyway. We'll see how Square Enix plays their cards this time. It looks definitely interesting. But, Vaan has already lowered my expectations with another girly man bishounen as the main. But, I look forward to this game. I thought Tidus looked gay, but FFX turned out great haha.

12-30-2003, 05:21 AM
the fact tt its an FF game speaks a lot for itself....someone by the name of Cid, an airship, chocobos, moogles, someone using a blade of some kind, a love story, a god-like villian or a god-wannabe....the list goes on....

i think Vaan and Ashe will probably fall in love wif each other....that's usually the case when they are the first characters to be decided...

maybe the game will allow players to choose their own mates.....:p

darkness of eternity
01-07-2004, 09:12 AM
not likely, it's true that it's an FF game speaks for itself, but all that i would expect of it is a world map with a player controllable airship, about 7 or 8 playable characters, an enthralling storyline, amazing FMV sequences and brilliant music (with Nobuo Uematsu as the lead music developer it probably will do), but mostly if it has a good storyline it's worth playing and what i've read so far shows that it does.

01-20-2004, 10:35 PM
It better be good than FFX and X-2 lol

01-22-2004, 01:16 PM
The Star Wars thing is weird, though. Because I do think the Knights of Terror in the title look a little liek Darth Vader. :B

darkness of eternity
03-04-2004, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by ud�
The Star Wars thing is weird, though. Because I do think the Knights of Terror in the title look a little liek Darth Vader. :B

they're not called "knights of Terror" , they're called Judges

03-04-2004, 08:38 AM
I hope FF XII was more worth the wait than FF X....

"Yippeeee its got cool graphics", little did i know that was its only good points.. :notgood:

So maybe this time sqaure-enix could release a game that actually has a storyline?


FF XII, for me, is exciting, ive seen videos, and reviews/previews...
and decided that the storyline wil be cool, WITH good graphics..

see with most PS2 games, its either graphics or a storyline, the only game thats proved me wrong is thre new games being released from Jan 2004...

03-04-2004, 09:30 AM
"It's either graphics or storyline with PS2 games."

I pity you, Alpott.

03-04-2004, 04:03 PM
Well, i wont say anything bad too ps2 games, its just some games ive played on my ps2 have pathetic storylines...


03-06-2004, 12:37 AM
I agree that ps2 is a great system i just think that xbox is better. The only reason i keep ps2 is for ff, and its sad to say but ffX-2 wasnt one of the greatest.

03-06-2004, 02:02 AM
i personaly think that ffxii will be better then x....not that x was bad or anything its just they left so much out of it that they had in the others.....for 1 the airships and not being able to control them....2 the fighting system was turn based and not time based...although x2 made up for that but i would'v preford it in x and a bunch of other stuff that i wont bother getting into right now...

sqaure know they have to make xii better than x or they gonna loose alot of fans (my brothers beggining to despise them)so thats y there gonna try really hard to make this 1 of the best....

p.s. who thinks ff games have been going down hill since they went to sony?

03-06-2004, 06:53 PM
I can't wait for it to come out. All I know is that the charecter design is just so awsome some of the best work in the ff series as whole. Im not sure if its done by tetsuya nomura but it looks like it I dont see why he wouldnt do it. I've seen four charecters so far. I heard that its a cast of three with a supporting cast of seven or something. If thats true then I'm dying to see the rest. And the background work is the shit!

I heard that square is not going to rely on cg driven charecters but rather make them look the same in real time situations.
so my expectations are if they do away with alot or the cg that the real time scenes kick ass as far as graphics in the layouts.

:) :) :)

And no I wouldnt say ff went down hill since sony. But I can see were someone would say that.
personally I started with 7 through 10 then I went back and played 6,5,4 and 2. Now Im working on the latest stuff like ffcc and the gba tactics. And I think most ff fans now sort of started the same way specially the younger fans. But thats just me. Who knows maybe they are going "down hill" I'm still a fan.

03-06-2004, 11:42 PM
i heard that they halfed the polygon count in this game but i personally dont see it.....i be fair....i does look better then 10!!!! but hey...that's just me!!!

03-07-2004, 08:44 AM
Yeah, less polygons, better textures. We'll see what the final outcome will be... last thing I heard was they'd work some more on the graphics. Let's wait~

03-16-2004, 10:12 PM
anyone know if we get summons??? FFX-2 was alright without them but i like big monsters that re on my side blasting my enemies into nothingness, It's fun if nothing else.

03-16-2004, 10:17 PM
do you know any final fantasy (apart from x-2) that doesn't have summons?
my guess is that there will be summons!!!

03-18-2004, 12:51 AM
the graphics remind me of vagrant story. I guess a lot of people from VS is working on FF12.

03-18-2004, 08:35 PM
I wouldn't be hard for this game to better than 10. I hope it's the best yet and I'm starting to think it could be.

The FF series hasn't been going down since they went to sony, I think they hit the series peek with the trifecta of FF6, FF7, and FFT. After those three the rest have been let downs in comparison, but still better than 90% of the rest of the games out there.

03-18-2004, 10:22 PM
In my opinion ff12 has already topped X just in backround and charecters alone! And yeah 12 does look really VS but not too much there is still the whole ff style through out everything Ive seen so far. The one thing I think is gonna rock are the bunny chicks from ffta! ;) ;)

Tactical Error #5
03-19-2004, 01:16 AM
Half poly count is due to a new game engine that is also giving the players control of the camera for the first time in a fully 3-D setting. It's gonna be awesome people and don't you doubt it.

03-19-2004, 01:42 AM
This is going to be my official last post in this thread. I just don't want to hear too much about this game before I play it, I'd rather be completely awed by what squenix gives us next year.

But the point of this post is I just saw for the first time screens for FFXII in the new issue of game informer. I don't know how they did it, but they have half the poly count but the characters look twice as amazing as they did in ten. The level of detain in the character design is simply amazing, I'm officially impressed. I can't wait for this game to come out, but I must.

As said this is my official last post in this thread, I hope you all enjoyed it. I'm officially resigning from this thread, officially.

03-19-2004, 01:57 AM
Aw yes even though I dont believe this is your last post I will agree once again that the charecter design is completly kick ass!! you got ta give it to my Idol tetsuya!;) ;)

03-19-2004, 03:35 AM
correct me if im wrong , but didnt Akihiko Yoshida is the character designer instead of Tetsuya Nomura? i mean look at the Ashe and Vaan?Did you see any metal chain or weird symbols?

03-19-2004, 12:06 PM
Yeah I said that like four post ago that I wasnt sure tetsuya nomura was on the ff12 charecters and my post above I left out a BUT. I was just sayin that even if nomura isnt responcible for vaan and ashe he still is a expert designer!;) ;)
where did you find out it was yoshida?

03-21-2004, 03:48 AM
head on to

and click 'interview'

no advertising - duo.

03-25-2004, 12:39 PM
So, there are apparently multiple stones and stuff that have something to do with gameplay, but we don't know what yet.

Do you think it's a possibility that XII might use something similar to materia?

03-25-2004, 10:53 PM
then again , almost all FF's gameplay includes the usage of something that resembles a crystal.FFVII - materia
FFIX- crystal , FFX- sphere

03-28-2004, 06:43 AM
The only thing I hope for in a Final Fantasy game is that it is nothing like FFIX. FFVII was the greatest game I've ever played, FFVIII was almost as good, then they ruined my life by making me play through FFIX. God Damnit! I wish it weren't a FF game so I could have quit after five minutes. That game was shit.

03-28-2004, 09:34 PM
I checked out some of the preview stuff on the main site and must say, it all looks really cool, like the battle chocobos and the things they're doing with airships and such. I too don't really want to be spoiled that much, so I probably won't be reading that much more info.

05-09-2004, 04:59 AM
Sorry if this didnt need to be revived i just needed to write all this in.

well, i already know that they are drawing ceiling art. So i guess you are able to look upwars.. which would be rather kewl, there is also a Social sructure within the game.. so there must be different classes. yes there FFXII is in the world of Ivalice. The Mediterranean Sea and Turkey have also cited as influences for FFXII so im guessing a western influence of the game instead of FFX Japanese one. And also New York and India have been mentioned.

The big guy on the logo has only been named as "Judge" so far but judging(sorry bout the pun" he has an important role in the story line. the setting of FFXII has alot of different races, beliefs and areas where countries meet. in a sense, there may be warfare. (Note: war is the predominent theme).

Well thats about all i can say for now.

05-11-2004, 05:22 PM
i hope it have summons..... a lot of them......... at least 100 cities or locations... 100 billions of peoles.. all with voices (...... dont laugh.. maybe ... some day....... ) i hope you can equip your characters with a weapon,armor,3 or maybe 4 accesories, than you can equip something in the armor and weapon, gloves, boots, belts, etc............ lots of enemies..... especially the optionals ones... like the weapons... but at least 20 of them...!!!!
A very very very good history (like all ff's) , a lot of characters.... moves, magics, items..........

...I NEED IT !!!!!!!!!!................ HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! !!! !!......

ok.... bye.....