09-28-2003, 08:05 PM
This is my second time thru ff8 and I decided to complete all the sidequests this time (if possible) and I've been at this game for about a month. Now then.. I'm on the third disc. I have the Ragnarok. All I need to do now is ram the Lunatic Pandora. Here's the problems I am experiencing:

1) I did the quest in Winhill (you know, the vase pieces?) and when it comes to the piece u get by talking to the statue, nothing happens. The man ont he stairs still says "One piece left to go.." but.. nothing. The @ statue won't move. The strategy guide I'm using says that sometimes it will do this on the second disc, but it just says to come back on the third disc and complete it then. So I was wondering if since I did it all ont he third disc it's not letting me do it?

2) I lost my Quistis card to Ellone in outerspace and was too lazy to win it back since I got the Laguna card from her. Is there any way I can win it back? Like would the card queen have it on disc 4 or something cuz I'm kinda missing that sweet face of hers..

3) I beat Bahamut in the undersea research facility, but I can't climb down the hole. I think i did this before and there was some vine there.. Anyway, I got Bahamut and did the chocobo forest quest and got Doomtrain, but no dice, I still can't go any deeper in that deepsea research center. Is there something I need to do to let me go down? I'm GOING to kill Omega Weapon.. Also, I've noticed there's a card called "Ultima weapon." Is Ultioma Weapon someone you can kill? If so, I'd like to. I'm guessing he's probably somewhere in the deepsea research center as well.. I just never got very far into it before i gave up the first time I played.

Let me know if you have any advice because it would be much appreciated.


09-28-2003, 08:46 PM
2) The queen of cards has all of the rare cards in disc 4. But you have to get the ship (which is a huge pain). She is Located somewhere in South estar, near the A.plains I think. You have to get out of your ship and search the whole friggin place until you find her (not visible from the world map).

3) I'm not exactly sure. I know you need to enter the facility, exit the facility (go someplace different) and then come back. Like you said, there should be a vine.

BTW: Unless you want to make #3 a huge hassle, equip no random encounters before you desend to the Ultima weapon, trust me on this.:D

By the way, the OMEGA weapon is later in the game. The one in the lab is ultima. If you are looking for this card, you can win it from the Galdabian headmaster in FH.

If you want me to tell you about the Omega weapon and how to beat it, let me know.

09-28-2003, 10:32 PM
1) I think you have to have the three guys in your party for this bit to work

2) You need to complete the CC group quest on disc 2 or 3 then get the Ragnarok on disc 4 and the CC group Diamonds will have all the rare cards, even the ones you've changed into items (the CC group is on board the Ragnarok).

3) Go back on board the Ragnarok and talk to everyone then go back into the Deep Sea research centre and you chould be able to go own lower.

I found that enc-none made no difference going down towards Ultima weapon. You can't avoid all the Iron Giants etc.

And you can win an Ultima card from most of the better card players, not just Cid (as it's not a rare card).

Hope this helps!

Vivi FF
09-29-2003, 10:55 PM
1. You can also use Squall, Zell, and Quistis. Pretty hilarious scene. :)

2. Yeah, the CC Diamond has like every card on disk 4.

3. Yeah, you have to talk to everyone on the Ragnorak in order for those vines to appear.

09-29-2003, 11:11 PM
I found that enc-none made no difference going down towards Ultima weapon. You can't avoid all the Iron Giants etc.
There is a way to avoid those battles, but Enc-None isn't the way to do it. The caveat is that if you want to avoid those battles, you need to venture down there without Zell in your party. There's a way to do it which I posted in an older thread, but most people prefer the challenge of fighting all those monsters.

Regarding the Winhill quest, if I remember correctly, I think you're supposed to have Irvine in your party. I remember reading that somewhere.

Vivi FF
09-30-2003, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Regarding the Winhill quest, if I remember correctly, I think you're supposed to have Irvine in your party. I remember reading that somewhere.

I'm 100% sure that you can use Squall, Zell, and Quistis. I've done so before and it's an extremely hilarious scene, Quistis scares the hell out of Zell, so funny!

10-01-2003, 03:14 AM
Okay, thanks. Maybe I'll have to try that sometime, just to see that.

10-04-2003, 12:06 AM
where there's smoke there's fire..

anyway, im having trouble getting squalls lionheart. i read ikn a strat guide that you can find adamantoises at "a beach near dollet," and i found a beach to the north of dollet that isnt too far away. anyway, ive encountered nothing but those fishthings(fasticoclon or w/e) so i was curious as to whether there is another place i can find an adamantoise.

along with that, i need 2 freaking pulse ammo, and those elnoyles in esthar aint droppin anymore crystals (i forget exactly what theyre called but it's some crystal that will refine into 10 pulse ammo). i read in the same strat guide that you can get more of those by killing blue dragons in the forests near trabia. i've ventured into like seven forests in that area and walked around in each of them for a few minutes and i'm only encountering snow lions, bite bugs, and gaylas. i wish id spent more time killing elastoids.. that laser cannon would be dang useful right about now, but i used it on quistis (wow, that really really sucked).

then theres dragon fangs. i read (in the same strat guide lol) that red dragons will drop those but i've been unsuccessful in finding any. any advice there?

any help, as before, would be appreciated. i beat ultima weapon btw (after speaking with everyone on the ragnarok- thanks guys) and i'm on my way to winhil right now with zell and quistis in my party. As for the quistis card, i guess ill wait for the fourth disc... but someone said something about winning a lot of cards from one of the cc members on disc 3, so i was wondering if thats possible as well? :confused:


10-04-2003, 02:27 AM
Edit to what I just said about the Quistis card. I forgot that you had lost it. Anyway, no, I don't think there's any way to get it back before Disc 4.

Okay, now let's see about the Lionheart:

- Energy Crystals - That's the crystal you're thinking of. If you're not getting it from the Elnoyle in Esthar, then you may be at too low a level. He should drop Energy Crystals or you should be able to mug them on a fairly regular basis if you're at a high enough level. Another option might be to try Tonberry's "Level Up" ability if you have it. Ruby Dragons also sometimes drop them if you want to try your chances with them on the Island Closest to Hell, or in the forests around Edea's orphange (rarer.) As a last ditch resort, 10 Elnoyle cards refine into one Energy Crystal.

Then, of course, you use the Ammo-RF to get the Pulse Ammo

- Adamantoises - Look for a stretch of island surrounded by coastline just off of the south end of the continent that has Dollet. Go into the map and check your location. You're in the right place if your map says "Dollet - Long Horn Island." Then just start running up and down the shoreline of that island. If you're still encountering the fish things, then try a different part of the shoreline, head up or down a ways until you find them.

There's also an area actually on the Dollet continent where you can find them, but that one's a bit more complicated to explain and they don't show up as often. One other option is that you can refine either Sacred or Minotuar's card (I forget which) for Adamantine.

Ah, and finally, Dragon Fangs. I don't think Red Dragons drop these. Go to the Island Closest to Hell and look for Blue Dragons. You should be able to get some off of those. I think some other enemies here drop them as well. As usual, patience is a virtue with this game, if it doesn't work the first time, try again. Tonberry's Level Up may also be an asset.

Edit again - Long Horn Island is to the north and slightly to the west of Dollet. I don't know why I said south. Sorry about that.

10-05-2003, 07:08 AM
first of all, what i've discovered is that u can't mug enemies for energy crystals, u just have to win 'em after battle. so.. that sucks. also i spent about half an hour on the island closest to hell and i've been at a very high level, now i'm at a hundred with zell irvine and squall, and no dragon fangs OR energy crystals have been dropped or mugged (also, i used a gameshark to give squall 255 everything, that includes luck, so he'll always draw 9 magics of anything cuz thats the maximum, and he manages to steal 99% of the time, so i never have problems stealing). anyway, it was a great way to levle up my characters. blue dragons dont give me @ so w/e lol.

now i went to winhil with quistis and zell and when u talk to the statue, a voice says "my feet.. i cant find my feet!!" and zell gets in this weird freaked out stance and starts looking wildly around and says what th-? stop it quistis!! then quistis turns to him and she says, "oh, you knew?" then when u walk away the arm falls off, etc.

yea i found adamantoises on the north.. i figured thats what u meant. u cant mug adamantine tho (only that item that teaches quistis white wind, and another item that is obtained more rarely that will refine into one adamantine if u get 10 of them). thanks for ur help.

anymore advice on energy crystals and dragon fangs would be much appreciated cuz it looks like the island closest to hell isnt working. you have no idea how many red dragons, blue dragons, and grendels i have killed.

10-05-2003, 07:34 AM
first of all, what i've discovered is that u can't mug enemies for energy crystals, u just have to win 'em after battle. so.. that sucks. also i spent about half an hour on the island closest to hell and i've been at a very high level, now i'm at a hundred with zell irvine and squall, and no dragon fangs OR energy crystals have been dropped or mugged (also, i used a gameshark to give squall 255 everything, that includes luck, so he'll always draw 9 magics of anything cuz thats the maximum, and he manages to steal 99% of the time, so i never have problems stealing). anyway, it was a great way to levle up my characters. blue dragons dont give me @ so w/e lol.
Have you found the Elnoyle guy in Esthar that you can talk to fight an Elnoyle? If so, I don't understand why you shouldn't be getting loads of Energy Crystals off of him. Ruby Dragons also sometimes drop them. Blue Dragons do drop Dragon Fangs sometimes, but don't mug them first, or you won't be getting any. Remember that if you succesfully Mug an enemy, they won't drop anything after battle.

yea i found adamantoises on the north.. i figured thats what u meant. u cant mug adamantine tho (only that item that teaches quistis white wind, and another item that is obtained more rarely that will refine into one adamantine if u get 10 of them). thanks for ur help.
No, you don't mug them. Just fight them normally and they should drop them.

anymore advice on energy crystals and dragon fangs would be much appreciated cuz it looks like the island closest to hell isnt working. you have no idea how many red dragons, blue dragons, and grendels i have killed.
Nope, all I can say is make sure you're not using Mug and just try and get them to drop stuff instead. Again, patience really is a virtue with this game.

10-05-2003, 09:47 PM
lol dude that would explain a lot cuz i mug every enemy for for i renzokuken his ass.

10-05-2003, 10:50 PM
:) There you go. Lay off the Mug and just let the enemy drop whatever it would drop if you didn't mug it and you should be good to go. Might still take more than one try (because sometimes they won't drop anything at all, or might drop something else) but it should work eventually.

10-07-2003, 02:04 AM
yay! i do love that flashy look of the lionheart :p. i have yet to witness the limitbreak special that comes with it though.. does it only appear during bosses?

also, im almost positive that ive finished every sidequest possible except for the things you can do on disc four, and im skipping card queen cuz that just takes way too much effort. plus i forgot where she last was headed. three cheers for me!

so i was wondering.. are there any super-rare items in the game that are near impossible to obtain? if so, id like to get them :cool: .

10-07-2003, 02:19 AM
Yay! i do love that flashy look of the lionheart . i have yet to witness the limitbreak special that comes with it though.. does it only appear during bosses?
No, you can get it when fighting any enemy. It's just sort of a luck thing like anything else in this game. You might have to do Renzokuken quite a few times before you'll get to see it and there's also still a chance that Blasting Zone or something else might activate. One thing that might help though is having Squall both in Aura status and at a very low HP. That sometimes increases the chances.

also, im almost positive that ive finished every sidequest possible except for the things you can do on disc four, and im skipping card queen cuz that just takes way too much effort. plus i forgot where she last was headed. three cheers for me!
Hip hip hooray!

so i was wondering.. are there any super-rare items in the game that are near impossible to obtain? if so, id like to get them
Have you gotten all of Quistis's Blue Magic yet? That's really the only other major thing. There's also Chocobo World, but you really can't play that unless you have the PC version and that game stinks anyway.