Bahamut ZERO
09-27-2003, 09:41 PM
I owe a lot to this series of games. It was Shining Force 2 that got me into RPGs in general, and that sent me spiralling down my path to playing the Final Fantasy series and then finally joining this place. So, if you want the ultimate cause for why I'm around here, it's that game. However, I decided to sample the first game of the series too, and I wasn't disappointed.

Shall we take a stroll down memory lane?


Shining Force 2.

I know this game rather well. You start off as the student of an Astral on the island of Granseal. A seal is broken, and your king is possessed by a demon spirit, that is exorcised. You lead your friends on a mission to work out what the seal was sealing. And then war breaks out between you and your neighbouring nation. And then there's an earthquake that destroys your home town and forces you to flee to the mainland.

The storyline was what had me hooked here, along with the battles of moving your characters around the map and attacking the computer characters, who also moved around and cast magic on your poor, defenceless Tort character with low HP rating. ._.

The music was beautiful in places, like in Mitula's Shrine. And it was a simple storyline, without any really complicated plot twists to keep track of, but with a major storyline that kept you hooked.

Shining Force.

I remember less about this game, but I do recall liking it. A lot more battle orientated than it's sequel, it still had a nice plotline and a cool ending.

So, any other opinions on this series?

09-28-2003, 01:37 AM
The first Shining Force was my personal favourite. I loved SF2, but for some reason, the first one just grabbed me by the balls and made me say "wow".


In SF2, the inhabitants of Parmecia originate from the inhabitants of Rune, the continent from SF1. Also, the robot character in SF2 (I forget the name) is believed to be the same robot from SF1.

On the game gear, 3 other SF's were released, but only one saw an English translation. These tell the events of what happened between SF1 and 2. A playable character in one these games is the mentor of Kazin in SF2.

In the game gear installments, battles are the big thing. No exploring towns, all treasures are found during battle. Towns consist of your command centre and a store if available. Similar to how the town was in Shining in the Darkness, one of the earliest Mega Drive RPG's, but it was more like a cross between FF and Dungens and Dragons.

I got all this from

lone wolf
10-01-2003, 12:08 AM
I so have to agree. i actully owe my addiction to rpg's to my older brother, because it was him in the beginning when he bought me shining force 1 for the genesis. i played it forever, and i actully have it on an emulator now and play it from time to time. the story line was so amazing, and i also loved how if you put the time and effort into crapy characters like lowe and gong, when they get leveled up in class and rank, they become some of your best characters. my hero was always the strongest because i never wanted him to lose. BTW, the name of the robot that carried over, his name was adam, he was powered on in shining force 1 to help you beat the dragon lord, as well as the dark knights. he was then powered down in the game gear sequal because he was damaged so much. then in shining force 2, they actully make refrence to the fact that your mastered had used some of his old parts(including his personailty) from the old robot which came from a far off time.

shining force 2 was also a fun game, because there was just so much to do, and there was also so many different character who you could have. i loved that also about both games, that you could have like 60 people sitting in your base ready to go, and some would be better for some battles and usefull more then others, and then there was power hitters like Luke and Gort, man, i wish they would do a new one for ps2.

lone wolf

01-22-2004, 10:25 AM
I love SF in its many forms. ive completed sf1,2,3 part 1, Shining the Holy Ark, but not wisdom (which was crap). I think FFT owes a lot to this game, and Advance Wars for that matter. Shame SF3 parts 2 and 3 didnt come out in English. What you did in one game affects the others. That would have been good. The last battle on 3 ruled.

02-08-2004, 09:41 PM
Shining in the Darkness is the only one i own, there was a time when i was pretty into it, mapping out the dungeo etcn.

It got boring though does the dungeon ever change from the green bricks? i think i kept getting killed by the Kaiser Crab.

02-09-2004, 06:56 AM
Isn't Shining Force 2 (or Shining Soul or Shining something) coming out for the GBA? It's multiplayer I think.

02-10-2004, 07:42 AM
Ive seen a "shining" game for gba. I cant remember what it was called exactly. It was not a conversion of an old game. It looked more like Shining Wisdom than any of the Forces, which is crappy. A conversion of Shining Force 2 would be wicked. Cant wait.

03-09-2004, 06:28 AM
I KNOW WHAT THE GAME IS CALLED! Its called Shining Soul and as i said, it looks crappy. Shame really.