09-25-2003, 05:03 PM
You might have come across this one today, it's basically everywhere.
Here, too:

*still eyes the thing suspiciously*

It all makes sense. The merchandise, the rumours. o.o" Wow.

Bahamut ZERO
09-25-2003, 05:34 PM
The scan doesn't work for me. o.o

Anyways, I said it in another thread in GD, I say it here too: Movies based on video games tend to suck. But then again, maybe I'm just a pessimist by heart.

Can you imagine it though: A game of the movie of the game. o_O

The Joker
09-25-2003, 08:06 PM
Well, again, it depends on the talent behind the director, producer, and the higher people (higher than the actors.)

Resident Evil and the first Tomb Raider had major problems in scipt and other areas. Final Fantasy was ok, but dishonest (as its not a sci-fi typically). Tomb Raider 2 was a major improvement. While not not yet great, it was good. They had an acomplished director and I believe the editing was done by someone who was an oscar for editing (forget the name and movie title.)

FF7 has the material, it all depends on the talent which would do it.

Personally, I'm hoping its false because I actually planned on being a director for an FF7 adaptation movie since I plan to go into screen writing and directing. Laugh if you will, but its been a dream of mine and I hate for it to be ruined by someone making it who didn't even read the game script or play the game. Should this be false, it'll be a life goal for me...

But if someone truly talented and dedicated decides to take up this heavy burden, by all means, they have my blessing.

09-25-2003, 08:49 PM
Looks like it's Square Enix doing it, are they qualified enough in your eyes...? :eye:

Uhm... I am not a fan of starting the complaints before we know anything, anything at all about this thing. I already hear people predict that it will suck, but that seems to be some kind of hobby of theirs. Or a tradition. So far every newly announced Final Fantasy part - be it game or what not - had been criticized before the release.
FF fans are cute. ;)

10-05-2003, 07:56 AM
im not so sure about this movie sequel.. i mean, you killed sephiroth in ff7.. right? so why is he back? i think it was bahamut zero who said something about how it might not actually be sephiroth.. maybe hes on to something there.

also, i can imagine the movie including a lot of action scenes and not enough plot development. that's basically how the final fantasy movie was done. there havent been any hints of the original ff7 team being included in the movie. i admit, there have hardly been any hints at all, but what we do have is a lot of cloud and sephiroth shots. wheres red xiii and cait sith??

another thing: how are the voices going to be done? unless the movie will be voice-silent (sound effects, but no1 ever talks), it might make it a little awkward.. it's like seeing the movie of your favorite book and being disappointed because thats not how you imagined his voice to sound. but i suppose its just something you have to deal with.

also, as my firend pointed out to me, all the reports say it will be out on dvd next summer. we assumed that means it will not be in theatres, and he, being the very heart and soul of all that hates final fantasy, said it was probably only on dvd because it wasnt good enough for theatres, just like (prepare yourself for this, its gruesome..) the little mermaid 2. now im worried abouyt the movie, because at first i was excited, and now im almost dreading its arrival.

10-05-2003, 10:28 AM
First, if it's not in theaters (which is about 99.9% likely, considering it's been marked as a DVD release already), it's almost certainly not because it's "not good enough." Squaresoft's movie production subdivision doesn't exist anymore, following the cataclysmic failure that was TSW, so Squenix doesn't have the tools required to make a theater release at this moment in time. Not only that, but AC is supposedly only 60 minutes, which is very short and not really worth putting in the theaters. A "short" movie is about 90 minutes, and 60 minutes is basically unheard of in the theaters.

Second, in terms of Sephiroth, note that you never see him doing anything other than standing in flames. This is, obviously, remeniscant of the Nibelheim sequence. If you compare the screens of him in AC and those in the game he is in the same positions and they are clearly meant to correspond. It could be part of a recap from the game for those who haven't played it, or it could be part of Cloud's memory, or any other number of things. The point is we are not sure Sephiroth will be alive and kicking in AC. The man Cloud fights, by the way, is almost certainly not Sephiroth himself. The hair is all wrong, just to name one of many reasons why it's not him. It may be a clone or something, but not the exact guy. Unless they pull some plot twist. Or unless they're really, REALLY stupid (which they are, but you never know).


10-05-2003, 12:23 PM
Right. The movie isn't even done yet, so how should anyone know whether it's good or bad? But the target audience is only the group of people who've played FFVII, so you cannot impossibly expect a cinema release. You cannot expect people to go see the movie although they have no idea what it's all about. The film seems to be made for fans.

The voices? Welcome to my world. ;) I sometimes watch an anime and think: I have read the manga, and the voice doesn't fit... Others disagree, that's the way things go.
Well, Japan has many many voice actors, so I don't think this is going to be a problem.

The white haired guy really doesn't have to be Sephiroth. A clone maybe, or something different. Well, I just noticed he is left-handed, and I am wondering: Was Sephiroth left-handed?

10-08-2003, 10:14 PM
well, i think it will be cool because its ff7, but i have news, it may be false though. just listen up. There is a channel called techtv, it has really cool shows. There is a game one called Xplay(formely extended play) and it showed a advent children. But my friend saw it, not me. He said nothing about a movie. I will talk to him again.

10-09-2003, 12:38 AM
That's most likely false... FFVII:AC was shown at TGS 2003. I know...I saw the (badly videotaped) footage. From all reports of those who were there, it is going to be a movie, approximately 1 hour long...

And damn, it looks good. I wrote a poem about it for crying out loud :p (Click on 'Child of Memories' in my sig)

Sephiroth Masamune
10-10-2003, 03:38 PM
Does anyone have any thoughts on plot for Advent Children by analysing the name?

Avent - Arrival or Coming Of
Adventitious - Accidental or inherent according to birth

Thoughts Anyone?

10-11-2003, 08:00 PM
Misao- about the left handed thing...

remember the scene where sephiroth has just killed tifa's father, and cloud rushes into where jenova is being stored, then theres the dialogue, and cloud draws his sword, and sephiroth raises his hands and then it flashes between cloud and sephiroth really fast... I believe Sephy's sword was in his right hand.

Not sure if anyone making the movie would have thought of that, but you bring up a good point.

10-13-2003, 08:09 PM
Ok, for those of you who have seen this, tell me what you think, and if you haven't. just read, you'll feel better

First you have cloud riding his bike through the leveled Midgar. And then Sephiroth launching 10 blue objects at him , the bike is destroyed, and cloud is launched high into the air and comes down into a slash.

This is the first part of my theory, This is not Sephiroth. For a couple reasons.
1. His hair.. It is really short, only goes down to his shoulders, whereas the Real Sephiroth, who I am guessing was killed has hair going down to his lower back.
2. Clothes - His clothes are black, but he lacks the armor on both of his shoulders that Sephiroth did.
3. Weapon. While he does weild a Masume. it has holes in it, and isn't nearly as long
I believe that this is one of the Clones that we saw in Nibelhiem, and in the wake of killing the real Sephiroth, and no longer having drive in his life, Cloud has commited his existance to hunting down every last reminant and all the sephiroth clones, excluding himself.

Alright, we cut to cloud walking through a church, but from examining the renders of the Sector 7 church, I do not beleive they are the same, this one is darker, although I could be wrong. Next we cut back to Cloud Fighting the Sephiroth Clone in the city, a lot of really cool attacks going on, then we cut outside of Midgar, where cloud jams the Buster into the dirt.
And then some more Japanese dialogue i wish I could understand.

Alright, creepy part number 2. It shows the sephiroth clone walking into a room that could be either Shinra headquaters or part of Junon. The Sephiroth clone approaches a figure clad in white sitting in a chair.
He bows to this figure and holds its hand,
I would really like to know whom this is.. I have two or three guesses
1. Jenova, Sephiroth did free her afterall
2. Rufus. This is suggested by the all white, but the question arises why he would have control over the Sephiroth clone
3. A re-animated Aerith, this is the most highly unlikely, but it would work
4. Gast, He is Sephiroths father, and all it said is that he parished,
5. The Real Sephiroth. He would have control over his clones, and the figure is residing in a wheelchair, which also could meant to convey Mako poisoning.

Then finially it cuts from a shot of the Seph clones face to the now infamous scene of Sephiroth destroying Nibelheim, I believe this is meant to show that it IS not sephiroth, but merely a reflection of him.
Open to thoughts,
if you haven't seen the trailer yet, you have no right to critize the quality of the movie

Also, I think the sephiroth clone theory, And cloud hunting them down makes a lot of sense out of the title, Advent Children

10-13-2003, 09:07 PM
@ MoonScar: It's already been (officially) confirmed that the shorter-haired guy in the trailer is not Sephiroth. ^_^

As for me.. I'm highly excited about it all. Who cares about spoiling open endings, Aeris, and the Cloud/Sephiroth thing. :B A movie/sequel means more FF7. MORE! :D

10-16-2003, 05:57 PM
What the hell? We're bad... well, you Square lovers just seem to adore *EVERY (over-priced) THING* they sell to us from their 'bad ideas' bin. If you're even half-objective, you'll admit TSA was utter rubbish (or at least not that great). And that Square have given us the odd stinker over the years. So, there's a not-insignificant chance that AC will be not-too-great. At least acknowledge that.

And, hey, where do you get the idea that *EVERY* FF fan complains about forthcoming FF game's gonna suck. I'm just as pissed off at the people who think everything they do will be great. And the video gaming press. Positive Square-loving morons. Hell, I'm forming an ANTI-SQUARE message board.

Even I'm not sure when I'm being sarcastic any more.

Actually, it could be okay, but I like to be objective. It could be bad, too, y'know? But there's a lot of scope for it going either way. If the thing is somewhat cleverly written, it could be really good. But if they just rely on the name to sell it and churn out some pile of rubbish... it could be a pile of rubbish. ^.~ Either is possible.. In fact, I'd say either is equally likely.

Ark Mune
11-08-2003, 08:51 PM
I found a trailer of FFVII:Advent Children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

Go to and scroll down to find Final Fantasy: Advent Children and click on it to get a trailer!!!!! SO CRAZY ASS COOL!!!

u can also get screens at then in the find game thing put in "Final Fantasy: Advent Children" and search and it will bring it up!!!!!

Finally, it f-ing rocks!!!

11-09-2003, 07:48 PM
Could the guy with the short hair be Zack?

11-09-2003, 07:51 PM
saw that trailer a long time ago, altho its one of those shit things from the cinema with people standing in front of the screen :E

best be good "!

12-10-2003, 05:48 PM
Ok heres my hypothesis...

The charecter in white is Aeris...she wasnt really dead when sephiroth had killed her(best i can think of right now)

The sephiroth look alike is a clone of sephiroth created by Hojo or Professor gast that was in the Jenova Project (Mako Reactor in Mt.Nibel)

In the movie its definatly Midgar because : #1 the streets are the same. #2 when cloud is on the motor cycle and he is in the air if u pause it when he just starts to go up you can see the Shinra Building in ruins.

The place Cloud is going to is the Church to see Aeris because he knows she is alive(somehow)...when Cloud and "Sephiroth" are fighting if u look in the background you see what looks to be a church...Then you saw cloud walking in the church earlier...You can tell its either the church because it has the same light as when cloud is walking through the church previously Aeris is in....OR it could be the shinra mansion and sephiroth could be the charecter in white...but im pretty sure its Aeris...

When "Sephiroth" is kneeling down nd touching the hand of the figure in white if you look over his shoulder you see a patch of could be the ground where Aeris planted her flowers...
and the picture in the theatre(the pic you click on to see that one) if u look below...theres the bottom of the church...\

One last thing remains unknown....Aeris' motive for being evil... can anyone help me here?

12-10-2003, 05:54 PM
How can anyone say the movie is going to be bad...its gunna reveal so many more thing u didnt know from the game plus what happens to them after the game...dont u ever wonder what the hero does after he saves the world...especially cloud and tifa ;) lol

Theres way more fighting than in the first final fantasy movie which might i add SUCKED SO BADLY!!!!!!!

FF7 advent children is going to be a very VERY good movie with lots of action,suspense,drama,and truths revealed...

My rating 10.0 (based on a 0.1 - 10.0 scale)

Ark Mune
12-10-2003, 07:22 PM
I completely agree, it looks so frickin good. U can't say it sucks until u see it or find a lot more info on it.

12-11-2003, 12:35 AM
exactly man. Read my theory of the movie on the other AC thread

12-11-2003, 08:03 AM
When I heard about the movie I went on a bit of a rampage. Because I was told it was a game, FFVII-2, like FFX-2 (which I disapprove of anyway). But when I found out it was a film I got to thinking. So many loose ends were left at FFVII it wouldn't hurt to clear some things up. As long as they don't focus on bringing back the problems they faced in the game (and ruin it) and they develop into a different situation, I'll be happy. :D Maybe they'll do something about that "Reviving Aeris" quest they left out of the game. I guess we'll just have to see.

12-11-2003, 02:01 PM
Couldn't you include this opinion in the other thread about FFVII: Ac? It seems kinda double right now, not to mention poitnless (It's like talking about the same thing to the same person and the same time twice...)

but since pointless is good now.. o_O I dunno.

Edit: nevermind, just continue from this post. If you wondered where this thread went... I merged it with the already existing one. So .. yay.. .go me or something.. or not. :)
(that explaining the double post.)

12-14-2003, 06:38 AM
moonscar - u hooked me. i like the way youre thinking.

i missed the second trailer where it shows the short-haired man kneeling down in front of the white-cloaked figure, but it certainly does help along the theories of it.

what i didnt like about what ppl have said (not convinced): :notgood:
1) thats rufus? please. he is so dead.
2) it definately IS the church. as u may recall, cloud first entered the church through the ceiling and landed on a bed of flowers that aeris had been tending to. anyway, there is a very convincing screenshot in which u can see these flowers and the broken wooden boards (from cloud's entrance) at

3) the aeris theory just doesnt appeal to me at all. even when we get close, we cant think of a reason why the man would kneel in front of her. unless, as has been stated, square is really REALLY stupid, im gonna guess its not aeris. :eye:

actually, im thinking now.. u kno how the japanese are all about hono and shit. maybe hes kneeling for the like.. suspense of before-killing-of-aeris. or maybe he respects her for saving the planet. eh. still not convinced.

4) zack?? u are nuts! he was pummeled with about 7 rounds of machine-gun bullets in the head.

5) are we really in any position to rule out entirely that the gray-haired man is sephiroth? i havent seen any evidence that officially stated that he wasnt sephiroth.. could u show me, cuz if there is, ive prolly missed some other crap too. i did read this interview on with some asian dude about AC and when they asked who the gray-haired man was, he said it was "an enemy."

some stuff i do like: :D
1) Jenova theory. i love it to pieces because it would make sense for him to be kneeling, plus, u never get a real sense of jenova dying in ff7. what was the last jenova you foughts name again? i think i remember a friend of mine saying that the name of the last jenova could lead you to believe that it wasnt actually her. plus the fact that it didnt look like any of the other jenovas you had previously fought.

2) the theory on the naming of advent children. cloud is hunting down all the other clones.. it fits with the definition of "adventitious" (thanks seph masamune) which is "Accidental or inherent according to birth." that sounds too technical.. but i guess you could say that they are like sephiroth.. so theyre "inherent" of sephiroth-related stuff. like the whole puppet thing.. theyre all puppets. also, the clones are "accidental" because they were not supposed to have minds of their own like cloud did, right?

3) i really like the idea of the reflected image of sephiroth in that guy u see fighting cloud. it helps along the idea of the clone a lot. therefore i guess the fact that hes using a sword like sephiroth would just be symbolism of how he is like sephiroth in his features, clothes, accessories etc (minus the shoulder armor). unless hes like some crazy wannabe sephiroth who has devoted himself to looking and dressing like sephiroth as much as possible.

im a little undecided on whether the white-cloaked figure could be sephiroth or gast. i definitely thing hojo is not an option (no1 has mentioned that here, but just in case) cuz you killed him like 7 effing times by the mako cannon.

12-15-2003, 04:11 PM
We like JUMP Magazine. Some 'new' scans containing already seen pictures and not some seen pictures.

credit for these pictures go to which is a dutch site and you can't read unless you are dutch :)

Sephiroth Masamune
12-15-2003, 04:17 PM
that last pic looks like its in the forest of the ancients at dusk, and those guys with guns, does anyone else think that thing cloud is riding in pic 4 look like a bike?

Cloud with shades is so cool, thanks tekno for postin em.

12-16-2003, 10:50 AM
I wonder if Square-enix know the number of FF7 fans because lots of people buy pirated version especially in asia, also I think they should know about this site too to get some very useful viewpoints. Do you people know when the it is out in europe?

12-16-2003, 05:12 PM
yeah a long time after the rest of the world get it1 :confused:

12-16-2003, 06:11 PM
id say it looks more like some kind of techno-sleigh lol.

what makes u think that its the forest of the ancients? my first thought was "what an ugly little forest." huh.

yeah guns.. weird. they dont look like shinra warriors. I KNOW- SEPHIROTH CLONES!!!11111111

WITH GUNS!!@!!@!!1!@!

cuz i can make that assertion based on nothing.

OMGZ! :p

Kinomi Onoshiira
12-17-2003, 11:48 AM Heres the trailer its a good one to. I cant wait to see this.

12-17-2003, 02:54 PM
this is a movie right? if so it is looking good, very intriguing indeed.

Sephiroth Masamune
12-17-2003, 04:16 PM
what makes u think that its the forest of the ancients? my first thought was "what an ugly little forest." huh.

look carefully at the background, that scenery appears in the game, north continent, at the forest of ancients & City of Ancients

12-17-2003, 04:55 PM
o right.. u get the kjatl materia there dont u.

how the fuck do you say that anyway.

Originally posted by MoonScar
...then we cut outside of Midgar, where cloud jams the Buster into the dirt.
And then some more Japanese dialogue i wish I could understand.

what IS he saying there? dont any bilengual japanese ppl post on this message board.

Ultima Fire
12-20-2003, 06:33 PM
So, I'm probably right by saying that every final fantasy VII fan is eager to see Advent children. But until then we wonder about the mystery characters.

In my opinion the 'mystery man' is one of the sephiroth clones. If ya think about it, if sephiroth was 1 and the people hodded in black in nibelheim, had numbers numers up to 12 and Red/nanaki was 13. When ya talk to the hooded guys and got their numbers, were all the numbers from 2-12 there. Were there 12 hodded guys if not then maybe one of them was this mystery man.

Or even more possible. the mystery man was merely a crazy fan of sephiroth. that found him washed up from the lifestream like cloud after the final battle. And cared for him and praised him like a god. Knowing final fantasy he probably thought that to impress seph he'd need to kill cloud so he set out to do so.

This leads to my next point, the man in the wheelchair is sephiroth, or whats left of him, mentally and physically. which is why on the trailer it had the flames pic after the scene with the mystery man bowing to the wheelchair man.

So what do ya think of me first post

12-21-2003, 05:06 AM
did you guys realise that Masamune(sephiroth's sword) is alot shorter than in the game. only in the fight scene then it looks long.

i think the old man on the wheelchair is actually JENOVA .lol. and the mystery man might be a guy who brought sephiroth to life. and sephiroth is just sephiroth

12-22-2003, 12:38 AM
Is the movie coming out only in Jap or is there an english version comming out too?

12-22-2003, 03:58 PM
itll be in english as well.. the jap one is out in summer 04 but im betting the english one will be here around christmas (kind of like how ffx-2 was out by august in japan).

12-22-2003, 04:33 PM
man, i'm so excited about this movie. i'm just going to treat this as an extra sequence to the ending of the game.

it should be good. i think aeris' resurrection would probably be in the movie, and heck, if aeris could be revived, what's to stop sephy right? I think that's one of the ways you can explain sephiroth for being in the movie. as for the clone, it's probably just another villain.. probably will be the one who tries to revive sephy. so basically cloud wants to revive aeris, clone wants to revive sephy, so they fight... something like that..:p

anywayz, it'll be good. i can't believe they buffed cloud up though.. and they look so real. i was hoping they'd keep the anime look.

12-22-2003, 04:48 PM
no Ultima fire thats not ur opinion as i told you that today and you were sayin they were a gang of bike dudes STOP STEALIN MY IDEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-22-2003, 04:55 PM
guys, leave the problems between you two, between you two and rather not make them a board aware problem.

Also, since this perfectly covers all the speculation about FF7:AC I'm going to merge it with the thread already being there. Discuss it from there, but leave the rest of idea stealing and such out of it.. hmmkay?

12-23-2003, 12:27 AM's my two cents:

What I say is go to and dowload the trailer for advent children. I've only got the japanese one with subtitles...but from that I think that it is very very likley that sephiroth is back, or at least kinda back. I'm quite sure that the shorthaired whitehaired guy thingy is not sephiroth...but in the trailer you see that dude bow down to some weird guy in a wheelchair. I say THAt is sephiroth. I mean come on, Sephiroth was to cool to die.

And I'm prety sure that at least one of the guys from the origional ff7 is in on this.

Oh and i've heard that a revamped version of the Game FF7 is released with Advent Children. That true? Oh man *drool* ff7 in ffx graphics. ooooooh!

12-23-2003, 04:06 PM
im having a problem downloading this trailer because it seems the website doesnt have enough money for bandwidth. they ask you to please visit their sponsor. i did it and made them maybe a lil fraction of a cent.

anyway. u said it has SUBTITLES!? now thats what ive been wanting to hear all week! wtf are they saying. can anyone that already downloaded it before it became unavailable tell us what cloud was saying etc.

also, was there something else in that trailer to lead you to believe another ff7 cast member (besides cloud and sephy) is gonna be in ac?

i like ultimas (or makoblades?) comment about the sephiroth found in the lifestream. its just as plausable as any other idea weve had so far.

also, i kind of doubt aeris' resurrection will be in the movie. if u could resurrect aeris in the japanese version of ff7, and ff7-AC is directed toward a japanese audience, why would they bring aeris back to life? ..again?

keep the ideas coming.

12-23-2003, 04:15 PM
anybody know how can i get a ff7 movie trailer?

12-23-2003, 11:32 PM
Here are what they are saying...just for you sephy:D

The opening is just a bunch of words flashing across the screen.
the opening lines go...

That day strength was used

even now, the star is living

but that person, alot of persons became a star...

many hearts became a star

The first line while the screen is still black is:

"I thought that nothing else would happen..."

then there is the motorcycle scene then you see his feet as he is walking throught the church and he says:

"I think I want to be forgiven..."

Then as is gives you a closeup on his upper body in the church he says:

"Yeah i want to be forgiven."

Then you see the fight scene a little then he is standing looking at his sword on the beach and says:

"I decided to live for your sake. Yes, It was my decision, however..."

then you see freaky wheechair dude, then sephiroth runs off into flames.

Now for all of you i've confused I'll give you the timing for each line.

That day strength was used

even now, the star is living...

but that person, a lot of persons became a star

many hearts became a star

I thought that nothing else would happen

I think I want to be forgiven

Yeah, I want to be forgiven

I decided to live for your sake

Yes, it was my decision, however...

there you go. Have fun with it. I hope it helps.

12-24-2003, 10:32 AM
Misao, about the left hand thing.
sephiroth was left handed you can see it in the sequense when he burns down nibelheim,(when he stands in the flames and wlks through them).

Sephiroth Masamune
12-24-2003, 11:24 AM
actually i'm pretty sure Sephiroth was ambidextrous, because in those pics seph is holding masamune in left hand,at the reactor and when he wounds tifa he uses his right hand for the sword, but in the battles in the flashback his primary hand on the masamune is his left hand... even though he's holding it with both, you can see the primary is left by its placement on the hilt... So there you have it

Ultima Fire
12-24-2003, 01:21 PM
Boooooooooo when i posted this you weren't even talking to me "today". You were at home in Clondalkin So shad AP.

SO there what do ya say to that. oh ppl check this site out they have the trailer that has the thing with vincent and the 3 white haired men. its ok but the top right corner is missing and i mean alot is site aswell.


12-26-2003, 12:54 AM
official FF:AC SITE!!!!!!!!!

Katayoku no Tenshi
12-27-2003, 02:27 PM
Neat page...

I wish I could read it >_< I'm just starting to learn Japanese so... most of it is gibbersih to me...

But I am quite sure the Mystery Guy with the short white hair is /not/ Seph. Though one cannot deny a similarity. So I am very much into the 'clone' theory. And to that Seph has a son... I don't think so...
~.~ Would be intriguing but I can't imagine Seph to have kids... >_<

And to the wheelchair guy... I have absolutely no clue. I thing once I imagined a litt�e pink spot somewhere what would point that it is Aeris... but that leads to the question: Why is Short-White-Hair-Guy worshiping her... or at least asking for something....

Anyway... I am curious about it and since I was probably one of the five people on this palnet who have enjoyed TSW I am not that pessimistic... (Okay, I watched TSW /before/ playing /any/ of the FF-games... after that never again...)

And to make one thing clear since it popped up in this thread: Square /never/ intended in bringing back Aeris. There is noc 'Underater Materia' which you can use with the giant fish in the City of the Ancients. This thing was brought up as a joke and as that it remains...
So... Aeris is dead and is supposed to stay dead... even in the Japanese original...

Ultima Fire
12-27-2003, 02:35 PM
What if there's a wierd twist that makes aeris the enemy. that she's commanding the white haired guys and that she's out for revenge on cloud for some reason???????

It could ruin the entire film and even worse there'll be no massive swordfight bettween sephiroth and cloud!!!!( well we can only hope for one )

They can't do that to the sweet lady she's just too cool and she'd never do that, unless jenova does sumthin:mad:

12-29-2003, 12:02 AM
I still say the white haired guy may be Sephy. Clone idea has merit.. .but the Son idea Is BS. Squaresoft was smarter than that...but then again we are dealing with SquarEnix. *shudders* Poor FFX series.

Anyway there are two big problems about the son idea.
Who's the mommy?
Why would he just surface now and look like he has been buried for several thousand years...then again sephy was what he was.

Anyway...If the Clone/son idea is right then there is absolutley no doubt the dude in the chair is sephy.

12-30-2003, 06:38 AM
When the mystery man was fighting with Cloud, the music played was One Winged Angel....and thus plus the appearance, we know that the mystery man might be Sephiroth or someone realated to him...

My first impression was that he was the son of Sephiroth. This may sound ridiculous until you see him kneel in front of the wheel chair man, and even touches his hand...It's obvious the mystery man respects the person in the wheelchair.....

Presuming the person in the wheelchair is Sephy, then the mystery man must be Sephiroth's son....

The true Sephiroth would not respect anyone at all, and thus would NEVER kneel in front of anybody! Thus, he cannot be Sephiroth himself....

A clone, I think is most unlikely. The trailer shows the 2 of them fighting in a classic one-on-one duel, like Squall vs Seifer....A clone would be such a flat character to be put on par with Cloud...The battle itself won't even feel epic....

Something to note too: when the mystery character kneels and the man in the wheelchair is seen, the scene where Sephy stands in the flames is shown one of them must be Sephiroth....since the mystery character cannot be Sephiroth, it must be the man in the wheelchair....

Aeris being revived has always been a great dream of us fans....but since there are so many flashbacks, I'm quite sure we'll see an AC Aeris....

And where the hell is Tifa?

12-31-2003, 12:20 AM
You missed one major link between sephy and shorthairedguy. When that flashback with sephy and the flames starts...look at it closely.
The transition is what is important. They place the short haired guys face right where sephiroth's face materializes for the flashback.

For your question about tifa...They haven't finished many of the characters yet. They have been taking a while...but hopefully that means high quality. Man...I wish they would make it High Definition TV capable. That would be awesome.

01-03-2004, 12:30 AM
oh...dude I just thought of something...What if aeris is alive the short whitehaired guy is sephiroths son and Aeris is the mommy. Hard to work the timeline to fit...but then again just exactly how much do we know...nah. Just a stupid idea but it would be awesome.

01-03-2004, 02:48 AM
btw, did anyone see the trailer with vincent(the guy who jumped into the sky wif moon in the bg) in it? Was he fighting against cloud or with cloud?

Maybe we've thought too far and the short-haired guy is acherli means the guy in the wheelchair is...Jenova...or mebbe Lucrecia!

01-09-2004, 02:15 AM
This is an off the wall theory that I thought about while reading these messages, which I might ad had some very good theories. Anyway, remember the sick man from sector 5 slums, he had the tattoo of the number two (as in the numbers for Sephiroth's clones).

This may or may not be the one fighting with Cloud in the Advent Children trailer (probably not). If anyone has any thoughts on this let me know.

Also, I have played the game before, and thought i gave him a cure. I have started playing again (since it is such an awesome game), and I need to know if there was a way to cure him.

Merlin Pendragon
01-10-2004, 08:19 AM
Umm, hi. I was just wondering if anyone stop to consider this, even though I do believe the Sephiroth/ son thing is a good idea.

1) It's been two years. In one of the previews it shows the lifestream. What if the life stream was to go haywire and somehow some people escape, hence Aris and then Sephiroth.

2) I believe that even if Sephiroth was awufully drunk not that he does get drunk, that he would ever mate with Aris, or sleep with her. He killed her, he was jealous of her because he was an ancient. So no son of Sephiroth and Aeris in my POV.

3) The other guy looks about the same age Cloud does or a little bit older, Aries is the same age Cloud is, hence, no Son of Sephiroth and Aeris. Maybe a son of Sephiroth, but not Aeris.

4.) Like I said in point 1, it's been two years. Sephiroth could have escaped the lifestream, slice his hair off so it would be harded for Cloud to find him untill he was strong enough to face Cloud again. And Masamune mights have broke (yeah, right) or Masamune was destroyed when he "died" and he is carrying a Muramune. He has new clothes, because yeah, he was "shirtless" when he "died" so if he came back he mustv'e gotten new cloths.

5) However, since I have not seen the full preview (stupid computers) I have no clue who the wheelchair person would be. For all we know it could be Rufus, or Hojo, or anybody really. However, since I heard or person in question show affection for the Wheelchair person it could be maybe......Lucrezia (spelling is off, she is Sephiroth's Mother) In the game she was stuck in the waterfall between life and death. Then the lifestream goes weird, Aeris and Sephy leave, and Lucrezia can leave the waterfall. It's very unlikly, but it works. Sephiroth I imagine would love and take care of his real mother after he found out who she was.

I like the Sephiroth's son idea, but it might not work, Sephiroth is older than Cloud, but not that much older. Unless he breeded at a very young age, but who is the mother? Can't be Aeris, because if you look and the other silver haried man he is about the same exact age as Cloud.

6) Isn't it true all of the Clones besides Cloud and Red, throw themselves off cliffs at the endish of disk 2? And if the clones were really sick like the one in the slums, isn't it true that they could not even hope to beat Cloud. Training for 2 years is not going to help you beat CLOUD to easily, knowing Cloud he trained after he beat Sephiroth, so wouldn't he be to strong for an "ill" clone to handle?

I know some of these theories sound outragous, I apoligize for that ^^. All I know is that it is IMPOSSIBLE for him to be Aerius son.

Looking at some pictures now, it could very well be Sephiroth just for the age factor. ::shurgs:: I'm including some pics (hope you can see them) to help compare. Thank you for hearing me out.

Merlin Pendragon
01-10-2004, 08:30 AM
Umm, hi. I was just wondering if anyone stop to consider this, even though I do believe the Sephiroth/ son thing is a good idea.

1) It's been two years. In one of the previews it shows the lifestream. What if the life stream was to go haywire and somehow some people escape, hence Aris and then Sephiroth.

2) I believe that even if Sephiroth was (awufully drunk not that he does get drunk), that he would ever mate with Aeris, or sleep with her. He killed her, he was jealous of her because he was an ancient. So no son of Sephiroth and Aeris in my POV.

3) The other guy looks about the same age Cloud does or a little bit older, Aries is the same age group Cloud is, hence, no Son of Sephiroth and Aeris. Maybe a son of Sephiroth, but not Aeris.

4.) Like I said in point 1, it's been two years. Sephiroth could have escaped the lifestream, slice his hair off so it would be harder for Cloud to find him untill he was strong enough to face Cloud again. And Masamune might of have broke (yeah, right) or Masamune was destroyed when he "died" and he is carrying a Muramune (a blade that is much like Masamune but shorter). He has new clothes, because yeah, he was "shirtless" when he "died" so if he came back he mustv'e gotten new clothes.

5) However, since I have not seen the full preview (stupid computers) I have no clue who the wheelchair person would be. For all we know it could be Rufus, or Hojo, or anybody really. However, since I heard or person in question show affection for the Wheelchair person it could be maybe......Lucrezia (spelling is off, she is Sephiroth's Mother) In the game she was stuck in the waterfall between life and death. Then the lifestream goes weird, Aeris and Sephy leave, and Lucrezia can leave the waterfall. It's very unlikly, but it works. Sephiroth I imagine would love and take care of his real mother after he found out who she was.

I like the Sephiroth's son idea, but it might not work, Sephiroth is older than Cloud, but not that much older. Unless he breeded at a very young age, but who is the mother? Can't be Aeris, because if you look and the other silver haried man he is about the same exact age as Cloud and Aeris.

6) Isn't it true all of the Clones besides Cloud and Red, threw themselves off cliffs at the endish of disk 2? And if the clones were really sick like the one in the slums, isn't it true that they could not even hope to beat Cloud or die within those 2 years. Training for 2 years is not going to help you beat CLOUD to easily, knowing Cloud he trained after he beat Sephiroth, so wouldn't he be to strong for an "ill" clone to handle?

I know some of these theories sound outragous, I apoligize for that ^^. All I know is that it is IMPOSSIBLE for him to be Aeris son.

Looking at some pictures now, it could very well be Sephiroth just for the age factor. ::shurgs:: Thank you for hearing me out.

Ultima Fire
01-10-2004, 09:28 PM
hey in my other post the 'Did you fall for any Rumours' one(it mighta been another thread) a guy said that the dude in the pipe in the sector 5 slums, that aeris/aerith said was sick and wanted to help had a 2 tattooed on his arm

cue twilight zone music,

Oh and who would like to wait till christmas this year for advent children to come out in japan, provided that its over 2 hours long??????? I would. Imagine THE GREATEST X-MAS PRESSIE EVER

01-11-2004, 09:55 PM
This is what I've been waiting for since well i beat FFVII!!! I can't wait till summer!!!! wait does it go out into the theaters first or does it just go strait to being a DVD?

01-12-2004, 12:54 AM
Straight to DVD, i'm afraid... Square Pictures learnt its lesson after The Spirits Within nearly sent Squaresoft into debt, and most of the board of directors did the new age version of Japanese kamikaze - demoting themselves.

FF is still too much of a niche market... one day it will hit the big time. One day.

01-14-2004, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by Merlin Pendragon
Sephiroth I imagine would love and take care of his real mother after he found out who she was.

really? it seems to me that he would be embarassed to have any mother but jenova. remember, hes scornful of anyone that isnt a cetra.

01-14-2004, 08:55 PM
Agreed, after all he believed himself to be godlike and better than even the ancients, a simple human being his mother? Dont think he'd believe it even if he was told :D

Merlin Pendragon
01-22-2004, 09:50 PM
But you have to remember, Sephiroth "died" and he was freed from Jenova's clutches. Being lost, defeated and unaware, a person needs some stabiltiy. Sephiroth seems like a person who doesn't take to kindly to lies and probably wants to hear the full truth for once.

And also, he would be very scornful of Jenova because she failed him, she was weak, she died. If you are making Sephiroth out to be this way, he probably wouldn't think Jenova was his mother because she was too weak to be. He would believe some other female was his mother and she would be strong.

If Sephiroth was told, I honestly think he would believe, because after his defeat with Cloud, what else is there for him to really believe? He is wounded wolf and must lick his wounds before he starts over, what better way than for him than to be with his real mother?

((Please oh please do not yell at me! Just my opinion on him))

01-22-2004, 11:23 PM
well I don't really fall to far from the Lucrecia (that's how it's spelled) idea... it sounds like it would totally work, but yet I believe that she is dead and it's just her body... you know, the body inside the nibelheim reactor, the same one that was moved to midgar after she lost her head.... and then disappeared, taken by Sephiroth. Maybe she became whole again, I mean that was what the point of summoning Meteor was right? To bring back his mother, JENOVA!

So I think it's just JENOVA inside of Lucrecia's body, the same as it was in the game, just not put that way. And that could give very good reason why that Vincent is in the movie (I believe that it is him) and remember he wasn't in the end scene because Square said that he was a hidden, an optional character that wasn't needed to progress the story line. So this can really go anywhere really...