crazy joe
09-23-2003, 01:37 PM
does anyone know any decent online manga comics, as i have difficulty finding them.
i used to go on, cos that was good, but u have 2 pay 4 it now which is a bit of a bummer.

09-23-2003, 04:12 PM
<<this infamous scanlations page>> is pretty good for manga... However, I do have my doubts concering it's legality... ^.~

Misao says: If you disagee with my editing, drop me a PM~

09-24-2003, 09:07 AM
Basically, scanlations are absolutely illegal, that's why I'm going to edit the link away. Although some people argue that it's not illegal as long as no American company has bought the rights. But that doesn't change anything about its illegality...

Besides, these are no real online manga, but merely normal manga put online... The example crazy joe posted seems that he wants something else... and I'm afraif I cannot help him there. ._.

09-24-2003, 10:39 AM
I thought as much... uhhh... *looks seedy*o_o

how about I mean, it's an online comic... and it's... manga-esque... =o

crazy joe
09-24-2003, 07:35 PM
i just meant something like a normal person whose drawn their own stuff, and built their own website to put it on, merely for other peoples interest or to promote their skills. If you check out this is the sort of thing i mean. Its pretty good.

09-27-2003, 11:29 AM
Yep, I thought so. I guess Megatokyo more or less applies to this sort of comic.
I'm afraid I don't know any other online comics or online manga... in English. Do you speak German? O_o

09-27-2003, 10:45 PM
Well a web comic is a web comic really. There are different ways of doing them. There are manga looking comics such as Mega Tokyo and Exploitation Now and not so manga looking comics, such as Sluggy Freelance and El Goonish Shive. There are also sprite comics such as 8 Bit theater and Save Point.

Heck I've even written stick figure comics. I am the author of a stick figure comic series called Kill Bob... Although I'm yet to get it onto the net so it officially doesn't exist yet... Shit I'm gonna copyright it and make it public domain... or at least have a fan fic policy... but that is all in the future. And who knows what that might hold.

Well I don't remember all the urls for all the webcomics I mentioned, but I do remember some.

I'm not completely sure this thread belongs in the Anime and Manga forum, but it could probably justly stay there by the merit that most of these web comics have a heavy manga influence, even though they aren't done in a true "manga" style. Japanese comics are departing from what we generally think of a manga anyway.

Well, I'm done babbling for now.

With lotsa love,


P.S. Jello!