09-16-2003, 06:24 AM
Okay, I'm currently looking at a recently-posted FAQ at GameFAQs. It's an FAQ on how to get a "perfect" game in FFVII. Check out some of this stuff:

Max stats: Use power/guard/mind/magic/speed/luck sources to get these stats
up to 255.
I finally gave up on this. I did max out my characters' stats in FFX, but I just grew tired of it in this game.

Chocobos: Have 6 stabeled Gold Chocobos with maximum stats.
I think I do have several gold chocobos, but I don't know if they all have max stats.

Max Exp: 999,999,999 exp is the speculated max.

All Gold Saucer games completed: High Score in Motorcycle Game High Score in Submarine Game High Score in Snowboard Game Beat the Mog House High Speed Square score
No thanks!

Based on this guy's level of completeness meter, I'm a Level 2 out of 10, maybe close to a 3.

09-16-2003, 03:25 PM
well, at least you have something to do with your time ... xD

I never got interested into maxing everything. Just the level and the Hp/Mp
And maybe most mataria, not all the other stuff :B A game just can't swallow me up like that.

09-16-2003, 03:36 PM
Deary, deary me. How the heck to people find the time???

I've completed it about 57 times now. I still haven't done everything to perfection. That would take months.

I...uh...suppose I'll salute that poor soul. *salutes*

Good luck to you my dear Agent.

09-16-2003, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Riana
Deary, deary me. How the heck to people find the time???

I've completed it about 57 times now. I still haven't done everything to perfection. That would take months.

I...uh...suppose I'll salute that poor soul. *salutes*

Good luck to you my dear Agent.


And you're telling HIM that HE is a poor soul? How do YOU find the time??


09-16-2003, 09:46 PM
Lol, i have done the game about 10 times, well around that, think i did all the games in the G S but not high Score's and i didnt max the stats also, it would be cool if i had tho, but i didnt try

09-17-2003, 04:37 AM
Good luck to you my dear Agent.
Good luck? There's no way I'm trying any of this.

I...uh...suppose I'll salute that poor soul. *salutes*
He says he's been playing since 1997. Mmm, okay.

Alice Wonderbra
09-18-2003, 08:43 PM
who the hell would WANT to do this ON PURPOSE??!! yeah its one thing to max out things on accident (in ff8 i always get to level 100 and stuff like that--i dont try) or get high scores in games, but WHY would some1 purposely waste away in front of a game trying to "perfect" it???

y didnt he just play through the game a bunch...o say...57 times. at least he wouldn't be leveling up for days at a time and retarded shit like that. he would be progressing and having fun. i dont think that what he did would b much fun.

i dont salute him. he needs to make some friends. maybe try to "perfect" a two-player game. atleast he would have social interaction.

...fucking moron...

is that flaming? i mean...he duznt attend the shrine, does he?

The Joker
09-21-2003, 06:51 AM
*Puts his head down in shame*

I actually have everyone with max stats. Cloud was level 75 I think before leaving Disc 1, lol.

I've also had every materia mastered. I wanted everyone to have special materia like all-magic one, all-summons, and such.

Unfortunately, I had so much materia it started discarding itself with me knowing it. ><

I actually had over 500 hours stocked up in the game from playing, replaying, and such.

My philosophy is go always go prepared. However, I've played not leveling up too much and it wasn't too hard either. My ideas are probably better suited for harder games like FF4 and such.

09-21-2003, 03:32 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Stat-maxing in FF7 is so incredibly boring that I gave up on it after a few minutes of morphing; I realised it really wasn't worth it at all, especially as with the ultimate weapons most of the characters can do 9999 per hit anyway.

As for chocobos, I don't really see why anyone would need 6 gold ones. :erm: I always stopped after I got one of them, because I never saw the point of getting more. And again, the speed doesn't need to be maxed because gold chocobos should always win; and Teioh's stats will always be better than you no matter what yours are.

I didn't even realise EXP keeps going up after you reach level 99. :erm: It sounds like it does, because sometimes I do remember hearing characters at level 99 "levelling up" from EXP after battle sometimes; but I didn't realise that the actual EXP in the status continues to increase. Maybe it does... but either way, I don't really consider that necessary for a "perfect" game. :p

As for the Gold Saucer, yes. :cool:

I really think that a perfect game would simply be stat-maxing, having one of every materia (perhaps mastered), as many items as possible to get in the game (considering some only exist thruogh GS/Debug; remember that equipment is listed as items in this game too), and all the sidequests completed (with ONE gold chocobo). Some of the stuff in there seems a bit obscene. :p

09-23-2003, 06:16 AM
i mean...he duznt attend the shrine, does he?
I don't think so. If he does, he certainly hasn't spoken up.

I actually had over 500 hours stocked up in the game from playing, replaying, and such.
Whoa. So I'm guessing you've probably tried lots of different character combinations and also pretty much have memorized a lot of the lines in the game?

I realised it really wasn't worth it at all, especially as with the ultimate weapons most of the characters can do 9999 per hit anyway.
It helps if you use Sneak Attack + Morph + Mega All + Yuffie's Conformer, but it's still incredibly boring.

I didn't even realise EXP keeps going up after you reach level 99
The game continues to record EXP, it just doesn't show it totaling up at the end of the battle and it doesn't increase your stats anymore.

Some of the stuff in there seems a bit obscene.
I think some of the mini-game stuff is kinda crazy. I was happy just get passing scores on all of the Snowboard courses. I don't think I could ever get some of the better scores on those. Same for the Torpedo game. I had a good time with that once I figured out better how it worked, but I would never try to go for some of that stuff on that.

09-23-2003, 06:25 AM
*loads his game with a complete game ^^;*

Actually, I'm not too far off...... it's just that getting max on all the items and stuff is killing me X-x

09-23-2003, 08:01 AM
As for the materia question:

That's really easy to do...I have 3 of every materia mastered and my game time is about 45 hours...if you keep double growth weapons from the moment you get them to the very end (unless replaced with triple growth) then it's fairly easy.

And if you put triple growth weapons during the WEAPON battles...well then it's a cakewalk...especially if you go to the N.Crater...

On my best game I'm lvl.99, 3 of each Materia mastered (as well as +1 of each Materia at lvl.1), and the ultimate weapons for my three party members, Cid, Red, and Cloud.

As for stat time.

This took about 45 hours, though I CAN get an exact time if anyone cares. It's on my laptop.


01-12-2008, 05:06 AM
Yeah, I have to say that I've done all of that save for the golden saucer minigames. Every character, every stat 255. Every single character has multiple mastered copies of all the master materia so that they may be linked with mega-alls and HP/Mp absorbs, final/sneak attacks, and the like. (obtain extra master materia by bringing a SET of mastered materia of correct type to he huge materia in Bugenhagen's observatory, IYDK)

This is of course, so my characters can go into the final part of the game naked and still regulate with a simple attack command. It's a beautiful thing.

As for Alice Wonderbra's ENTIRE post, yes I do think that is flaming, you flaming flamer. Maybe, just maybe, the world is big enough for different people to have different ideas about what is fun. I find stat maxing and leveling up for days fun. Just because you don't doesn't mean I feel the need to bash you. Opening up your big mouth and beating somebody up with your keystrokes for having a differing opinion, now that makes me feel the need to bash you. With a nailbat, no materia slots for growth.

And how do you mean, "perfect" a two-player game? Like when I get on to play RFOM (braces for PS3 hater flamage) and I have to deal with all the clans and skullies sniping me from afar from an unassailable ledge that they got to by jumping off their partner's head whilst I'm in the middle of a legitimate firefight with another player? That king of perfecting? My opinion may differ from yours, but that doesn't seem like fun to ME, let alone the inherent LACK of connection with others. But that's my opinion, and it doesn't stop me from playing the game the why I like to play it.

01-12-2008, 05:06 AM
In other words, short ones that you might better understand, fuck you. Fuck YOU, you fucking moron. You're so full of shit the toilet is jealous. I mean, I'd LIKE to see your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up your ass. In fact, you should shut your ass and give your mouth a chance, before I have the unenviable task of toefucking your nostril. You're like a cunt sandwich without the sourdough, and if you don't get that, then you shouldn't let your mind wander, sweetie, it's too small to be out on its own.

Speaking of wandering, where did your mother run off too? She still owes my dog fuck money. Not to dishonor that wonderful blowjob machine of a woman, but she did have two cunts, after all. And one of them was you. Anyway, say hi to her and my kids for me, would you?

And lastly, suck the cheese from the grooves of my purple-helmeted custard chucker, you overstuffed monkey-shit bat-fowling canker-blossom! Fie upon you and your house, you goat-licking inbred limp-dicked low-down rotten fore-flushing toejam-eating spoony beslubbering addlepated wart off of a retarded koala's yeast-infected labia minora! The Mennonites have more bite than you!

Oh, I'm sorry, was that flaming?

01-12-2008, 05:46 AM

01-12-2008, 06:31 AM
I must admit that I am so shocked and stunned by your blindingly intelligent and amazingly worded retort that I must hang my head in shame and never show myself in public again.

01-12-2008, 06:47 AM
I have a penis.

01-12-2008, 06:57 AM
Mailbox has a vagina.

hb smokey
01-12-2008, 06:58 AM
I must admit that I am so shocked and stunned by your blindingly intelligent and amazingly worded retort that I must hang my head in shame and never show myself in public again.
I don't blame her one-word retort. Considering the fact that you revived a thread over four years old shows that you are obviously an idiot. If she used some big insult words, you might not have understood them. Faggot gets the job done nicely.

01-12-2008, 07:49 AM
Oh, poo-poo! I just am so dumb to not be able to read a post date! Damn I feel so numb to everything! (Especially considering that 2008-2003=5, not 4)

I didn't know that thread necromancy was not allowed in these forums.

I also never expected anyone of the original posters to respond to it. I did notice that no one stood up for the poor bastard who got flamed, and that irked my chain. So, regardless of who may or may not read, original poster or no, I responded. If I'm an idiot for commenting on a four year old post, what does that make you for commenting on my comment? And with such mature slanders as "faggot." There are far more enlightened ways to insult. Really, peoples.

But, I don't expect my logic to stand for anything here, on this internet of dimwitted teeny-boppers and sex-deprived (at least not including auto-fellatio and masturbation) pimple-popping sycophants exhibiting the classic symptoms of M�nchhausen's on a post-for-post basis, so I guess I'll just sit back and wait for the next remarkably asinine comeback to take any future readers further and further away from the point of the thread and exacerbate the translucence of your own stupidity. I wonder what interesting one-word insults await.

Ooo, I shiver with antici.....pation.

hb smokey
01-12-2008, 08:19 AM
Oh, poo-poo! I just am so dumb to not be able to read a post date! Damn I feel so numb to everything! (Especially considering that 2008-2003=5, not 4)
Thread was made 9/16/03, roughly 52 months ago. That's 4 and 1/3 years, which the last time I checked rounds closer to 4 years than 5. If you go back and closely read what I said, it states the thread is 'over' 4 years old.

Might want to go back and work on your basic math. Heck, it's just common sense.

01-12-2008, 08:47 AM god...oh, my god! You're right! You honed your inner asshole and actually managed to make a semantic argument that even Napoleon wouldn't have made. As you place your hand, half covered, majestically into your jacket pocket and simultaneously convince yourself you are the god-given emperor of the known world, lament on how short you are, and secretly yearn for your long-lost second testicle, I bow my head in defeat.

Any gentleman knows when he has been bested, and you, my fine Professor, hath verily slain the hideous Monster of Internet Justice. The web is safe once more for trollers and weenies alike. I now see that, much as Juliet to Romeo, you are both at once the sickness and the cure.


01-12-2008, 01:52 PM
Don't post in really old threads. Don't be a dick.