09-16-2003, 02:13 AM
Okay, this is an easy one - i've got this on preorder, but i'm having second thoughts after reading IGN's review. However, IGN has been wrong before...

The basic question is, I don't care how hard an RPG is to play, as long as the story is worthwhile, I'll love it. Is Unlimited SaGa's story worth buying the game for?

09-16-2003, 03:44 AM
Well Lee... it's supposed to be in RPG forum.... but to just answer your question.

From what I heard (which isn't much) the game lacks a lot of story and the gameplay is too old school (old turn based combat :O ). Though I haven't played it yet.... after all the Saga Frontiers I've played, I'm not rushing out to get buy this. O_O;

ultima weapon
09-16-2003, 04:04 AM
Well many magazines have said that the game is kinda old and dull. Try to reach higher, like the next FF.

09-16-2003, 05:46 AM
Pfft. The next FF isn't coming out for another few MONTHS...

...and moving this to RPGs now. I forgot about the place :p

09-18-2003, 04:52 PM
Well... I wouldn't buy it, anyways. Simply because the last SaGa game I got, it just ceased to work after a couple of days. Very irritating. And it doesn't look like anything special, either... Restrictive, even....

11-26-2003, 12:35 PM
I wasn't too fond of SaGa Fronter 2... However, SaGa Frontier is one of my favorite games for some odd reason, I just thuought it was really fun, especially since it's like 7 stories in one game (7 different main characters to choose from ^_^)

I tried playing the Romancing SaGa games, but they were in Japanese so I had no idea what was going on, but they seemed pretty okay game-play wise...

but as for Unlimited SaGa, I don't know =/

01-22-2004, 10:10 AM
Having played this and unfortunately found it to be shite, all I can say is that you have to be VERY VERY patient with this game. The instruction manual is crap and there is very little explaination of things within the game. That said, if you could manage to suss everything out then this might be a very rewarding.

Neo Xzhan
01-22-2004, 05:28 PM
I've been playing this game for a while now and I am loving it. It's quite refreshing the way the game works and I love the level up systems.

01-25-2004, 07:14 PM
Whatever you do, don't get it. I paid $13 dollars for the game and felt ripped off. The watercolor like movies are beautiful, I admit, and they sucked me in despite all the bad things I heard about the game's terrible. Hands down the worst game I ever played money for. It's not going to satisfy your rpg cravings, believe you me.

02-04-2004, 11:29 PM
NOPE, NADA, ZIP, NEVER. Unlimited Saga is the worst RPG ever and alomust the worst game ever.

02-13-2004, 09:47 PM
to Quote the Simpsons Comic Book guy


the battle system is retarded.

I played Saga Frontier 2 for the Playstation and hands down it was better.

i mean. why the heck would anybody want to play a game where any abilities you get are determined by the most random gambling form in existense.

the Slot machine.

anybody who likes this game has got to either be insane. or a massive fan of the Genre