Bahamut ZERO
08-31-2003, 12:34 PM

Yeah, wrote this in about an hour or so. Thought it was good, so posted it in my LJ. People there thought it was good, so I thought I'd post it here.

Nexadam�s blood boiled. His anger flowed through his body, an elixir that set aflame every single strand of power that he could find in his body. He had never felt this angry before. He had never felt this power flowing through his body. His mind burned with only the desire to rescue the one he loved. The one whom the evil God Mortrex had spirited away and caused pain to.

Anger lashed out around him, the aura and eminence of power almost visible about Nexadam�s body. He held fiery Excalibur aloft in his right hand, the sure dark form of Xirator close to hand at his left side. The great steed Nuan�den rode, the urgency of Nexadam�s anger making the horse ride faster than he had ever done before. The tower of the mad God of Destruction loomed large in Nexadam�s vision.

The drawbridge to the tower was rising, but Nexadam wasn�t going to be defeated by a simple drawbridge. He rose Excalibur and uttered a single word of power. The windlass to the drawbridge shattered with a bolt of energy, sending the door slamming to the ground. Nexadam and Nuan�den rushed across the open ground, the enemy minions in a panic at the vision of death headed for them.

Nexadam rolled off his great warhorse and swept three of the Darkspawn dead with one overhand blow. Another feebly rose his weapon to block the blow, but Nexadam deliberately dropped his sword low and ran the Darkspawn through. Nexadam sent his thought forward and kept the Darkspawn alive indefinitely, the pain of the mortal blow still etched upon its face.

�Where is she?� Nexadam demanded, his teeth gritted.
The Darkspawn remained silent, it�s eyes dimming but the pain still evident across it�s flawless face. Nexadam twisted the sword further into the heart.
�WHERE IS SHE???� He demanded, the anger flaring anew and stronger.
The Darkspawn did not answer. Could not answer. Even in death, his master Mortrex utterly controlled his mind.

Nexadam kicked the corpse off his sword and marched towards the entrance of the tower. He did not even pause to consider the huge fifty foot monstrosity that stood guard in front of the door, did not even hear that monstrosity issue its challenge and tell him to back off. Never before in 100000 years had this beast been defeated in combat. And many had tried for each year of it�s life.

Nexadam casually swiped aside the overhand blow of the guardsman, and drove Excalibur into its groin. Running up the beast�s chest, Nexadam drove Excalibur deep into the place where its heart resided. Then, uttering another word, Nexadam set the sword of life aflame. The creature howled in agony as the pain of a thousand deaths flowed through its blood stream. Then the heart finished cooking and it fell to the ground, stone cold dead.

Nexadam retrieved Excalibur with a gesture, and didn�t even stop as he destroyed the door to enter the tower.

The climb was filled with other Darkspawn, faceless enemies that Nexadam brushed aside as if they were flies. The dead were gathering behind him, but Nexadam was not thinking of the dead or how he was fighting. He thought only of the face of his loved one, the face of the girl who had flipped his life upside down and whose sweet disposition, sunny remarks and open smile made his heart flutter in a way he did not think could�ve been possible.

The stairs were littered with dead, and Nexadam commanded his anger to new heights as he reached the long corridor leading to Mortrex�s chamber. The girl he loved made him feel complete. Always before there was something missing in his life, and then she had appeared. With her words, her mannerisms, her constant support and her constant affection, Nexadam had been able to be stronger than before and could lead his army to face even this evil.

The fact that it was a God who held her didn�t even cross Nexadam�s mind. Just the simple fact that she was in danger was all that kept on echoing in his head. Even if he faced the combined forces of the Universe, he would find her and he would free her, for the love he held for her, and for the simple, uncomplicated feeling that he knew she held for him back.

Nexadam didn�t even bother using his power to destroy the door to the corridor, he shattered it with his fist.

The elite guard took one look at the terrifying figure of pure energy walking towards them, and ran toward the exit behind Nexadam. He didn�t bother to kill them all, he just annihilated those who strayed too close with blade or bat. Nexadam wasn�t a murderer, his anger even as it was. For him to murder would be something that would taint the love he had for her. And he could never forgive himself for doing that. Those who did try to fight him were justly slain.

One last guardian did remain, Mortrex�s faithful hound Cerberus. The three headed dog stood up and roared. The heads stood taller than Nexadam himself stood, four inches above six feet. He did not allow that to bother him, even as the windows leading to that back chamber shattered with the sound of Cerberus� voice.

The fire came soon after. One of the three heads belched fire, the flame scorching the very air about it. Nexadam rose his hand and gestured smoothly, his eyes locked in concentration. The flame stilled, turning into an icicle in front of him. Nexadam shattered it with his mailed fist, his eyes gleaming at the hound of hell.

Another of the heads attacked, a sheet of ice enveloping Nexadam�s skin. He did not feel the chill in his anger, merely swirling his hand around in another complex gesture and then intoning another command. The ice shattered as if struck with a hammer, thousands of tiny fragments tinkering against the floor.

Cerberus howled its frustration and all three heads rose to strike at Nexadam. That was its only error in life, and the fatal mistake. Nexadam abandoned all magical defence and lunged forward, Excalibur and Xirator both drawn. With two quick strikes, the throats of two of the heads were cut. The third howled its anger as the other two whimpered in indescribable agony. Nexadam ended the pain of the hound of hell by running it through with both blades.

The hound lay dead in a puddle of blood as Nexadam sheathed Xirator. Nexadam did not even look at his misguided opponent. He had reached the door to his ultimate adversary�s chamber. Nexadam saw her innocent eyes looking pleadingly to him in the image of her he had in his mind. She needed him now, more than ever, and he was coming for her. Mortrex, the immortal God of Destruction, awaited on the other side of this door, completely unguarded and vulnerable to Nexadam�s power.

Sweeping Excalibur in a broad arc, Nexadam not only destroyed the door, but took out the entire wall leading into the chamber. He stepped through the rubble and his eyes soaked in the events occurring in the room.

Mortrex stood there, his eyes outraged. She was there too. Bound and gagged, but otherwise injury free. The God was holding a dagger that sparked with an unholy amount of life energy. Nexadam knew then that his life was in danger. Fear should�ve gripped him there, but his mind locked upon another fact that held his sanity in check. If his life was in danger, then for sure her life was too, and he would not let her die. Not ever.

Face set in a grim, stony expression, Nexadam approached the God with Excalibur at the ready. Mortrex turned from her, his attention entirely upon his nemesis.
�You should not have come Nexadam. Your death here will end the one flaw in my plan. You shall fall to my wrath, and then I shall slay her here even as the last of your life�s blood drains from your body. You will know then that you have utterly failed,� Mortrex sneered.

If there was anything that Mortrex shouldn�t have said, it was those final words. Nexadam yelled out, a primeval yell of rage and power. The energy that his body held sizzled and the air around him became alive with wave upon wave of un-natural force. Mortrex rose his dagger ready to fight.
�Yield, boy, lest I slay thee!� He commanded.

Nexadam did not listen. He leapt into battle. Mortrex�s dagger flicked through the air, whistling, but the aura caught the blow. Nexadam slammed his sword hilt into Mortrex�s face and then Xirator snaked out, removing Mortrex�s hand with one crisp, clean blow. The God of Destruction screamed as Excalibur followed, removing the God�s second hand. Tears in his eyes, Mortrex staggered back.

Nexadam held back his sword blows. He focused his mind and uttered one word, shattering one of Mortrex�s knee caps with the sizzling energy in the air. Another uttered word and Mortrex�s other knee cap burst like an egg that had been heated for too long. The God looked up at Nexadam, totally defenceless.

�How? How can a mortal man strike down a God?� He whispered.
�I am Nexadam. I have the power to achieve anything to repair the Universe. Even the power to end your life,� Nexadam replied softly, the anger slowly leaving his body, �I am sorry for what must be done.�

With a swift blow, Mortrex�s skull caved in under the flame of Excalibur. He crumpled to the floor, twitched for a couple of seconds, and then died.

The anger now gone completely, Nexadam felt exhausted. The twin swords fell to the floor as he crumpled to his knees, panting. The danger was over, and she was safe. Nexadam stood and walked falteringly over to the woman he loved. He tenderly untied the bonds that secured her and removed her gag.

�Adam! You came for me!� She breathed, her arms going instantly about his neck as he fell to the floor once again. She was the only one who still called him by his real name. The only one who saw him for the lost child he had been before fate had changed him to Nexadam. It was the mortal man Adam she loved, not the immortal, unstoppable Warrior of Light known as Nexadam.

�Of course I came for you,� Nexadam replied, his own hands embracing her as tears flowed down his cheeks, �you are the only one who makes me feel complete. You are the only one who makes me feel real. You are the one who will keep me free from fate and destiny. Just as the Universe relies upon me, so do I rely upon you.�

The pair sat there for a long time, the togetherness and love all they needed to sustain one another. A love that would eventually heal the Universe around them.

So yeah, sorry if it's long (although 4 pages to me isn't long.) Opinions, comments, suggestions, anything is appreciated, to be honest.

08-31-2003, 01:11 PM
DUDE! Goddamn. You just won the first fic review of the library! It'll be reviewd by moi professionally mid september. :D

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-01-2003, 09:25 PM
It reads like one of those cheesy romance novels that Hollywood makes fun of (which ought to give you a clue as to how bad that really is).

Hey, someone has to take you down a notch.

09-02-2003, 03:07 AM
Ouch. That was harsh Odin, so very harsh.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-02-2003, 05:09 PM

Well, Faramir, we can't have him getting too proud of his stuff, can we?

Besides, there isn't a smilie to denote sarcasm, as far as I know.

09-04-2003, 02:20 AM
I knew you were being sarcastic. You can either go :D :p ;) or if you're realy feeling silly :haha: now that's sarcasm.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-04-2003, 05:21 PM
:lol, then.

... :ddr

09-05-2003, 11:55 PM
Wow! O_O

That's what I'm talkin about! Where's my guy to be that determinted and slay gods for me!!!


lol ^___^ Great lil story

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-07-2003, 09:41 PM
Well, if a guy were to do that for you, today. Then as soon as he rescued you the police would throw him in jail for murdering your kidnapper. lol It's a screwed up society we live in.

09-12-2003, 02:49 PM
That is so true Odin. But then again he could say it was in self-defence.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-19-2003, 07:27 PM
Well, what about in countries like England where it's pretty much illegal for you to defend yourself?

I'll never forget the news story I read where three punks tried to mug an old man and he used a blade that he had concealed in the handle of his cane to fend the would-be-criminals off. The cops locked him up for having a concealed weapon, and let the muggers go.

Y'know, never mind the fact that the thieves were going to rob him and likely kill him. Nevermind the fact that we should have the right to defend our lives, liberty and property. Lock the guy up that was defending himself and let the people that were trying to rob him go free.

Ah, n/m. Don't want to turn this into a debate topic. Especially since this is the fiction/poetry forum.


09-21-2003, 11:13 AM
Well I know where you're coming from, so no debate there!