01-05-2012, 06:43 PM
Hi everyone,

All is in the title, i'd like to know if an album is going to be released in a near future about the score/soundtrack from the TV show Terra Nova?

If not, do you know if it's possible to find some score tracks?

The music is pretty good though

Thanks in advance!!!

01-06-2012, 09:58 AM
I have found no score samples on the Composer's web sites. As for an official release, I have no clue. I do not have a warm and fuzzy feeling about it though. Only a handful of episodes made, and no word yet of a second season.....

01-15-2012, 03:13 PM

02-08-2012, 11:52 AM

02-08-2012, 11:55 AM
No need to up. There IS no score available. I highly doubt there will be anytime soon. It is a lost cause for now.

10-09-2012, 01:22 PM
A score is coming

10-09-2012, 04:43 PM
Oooooooooooh Myyyyyyyyyyyyy Goooooooooood! This is going to ROCK!

10-10-2012, 03:24 PM
**sigh** I always get sad, looking at their "dinosaurs" which are larger than life, and/or made up...:(

No disrespect to the composer, but I never really got much from the score? Never once was I sitting watching this and thought, I really wanna hear this on disc..?

---------- Post added at 07:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 AM ----------

So this was released yesterday????

10-10-2012, 05:27 PM
This looked promising, but ended up being quite bad... When you see the "A Steven Spielberg Production" propaganda on a dinosaur science-fiction series, the first thing that pops into your mind is Jurassic Park. Expectations were really high regarding visual effects, and in the end, the CGI on this one was so lame and unrealistic that I couldn't stand watching past the first episode.
As of Tyler's score, I have absolutely no interest or expectation, since his music has become dull and unoriginal in the recent years. I not even remember when did I say: 'Wow, Tyler has really made it with this one..." I think the last time was, probably, 'Constantine'... That's 2005!!

10-10-2012, 05:46 PM
Well, I am a pretty large paleo-nut. So I am always disappointed by some of the very basic mistakes made in this day and age. They went with a Carnotaurus, and that's cool. The fx were not horrible to me, but the thing was over twice the known size. The feathered arms are unlikely on this animal, the "arms" were way too long. This thing had arms so stubby it's laughable. And, theropod dinos -any meat eater- did not have their arms held with palms facing down. They faced in. It is believed that raptors, for example, could not rotate their hands to face down without breaking their wrists. A minor nitpick. Except that means that raptors at the door, could NOT use door handles..... :rolleyes:

I know, serve the plot. But these things are in a position, this show, to make a huge dent in the way the public percieves these animals. NOT giant killing machines rampaging around for no reason, expending precious energy. Animals. If they're hungry, they eat. But like a lion, they probably did not chase down prey on a full tummy. Exaggerating the ferociousness and size make for good monsters, but the things are so bizarre and terrifying as they really were, I just don't see that they need anything else.

AAAnnnnd. That primeval forrest is the emptiest damn forrest ever. It should be TEEMING with life forms. Early birds, dinos, reptiles, bugs, worms....much like any rain forrest, cept with some much more interesting critters.

As for the rest of it....the biggest question I ask every damn time it is on is this. HOW do you travel back in time, and "rebuild" humanity, when you have gone back so far that the Earth's greatest extinction event so far has not happened yet...? And, what about after? Are they going to co-exist with early humans? What? What's the long term strategy here?

10-10-2012, 10:07 PM
i've ordered the 2CD set. But as im in France i'll will have it in some days or weeks :p

10-12-2012, 04:00 AM
I think the score was very good, 'cause it was ambitious for a tv score, with a very recognisable theme for orchestra and choir. The action cues are typical Tyler, with heavy percussion and cello riffs, giving the score his take on ethnicism. I think older fans of Tyler are finding that he is conforming to a more palatable sound, with almost RCP school leitmotifs, which is what i like, personally, not to emulate RCP, but to give audiences something to hold on to. He doesn't totally compromise, as he still goes over the top with his action cues, with audio peaks rushing past the 100% mark.

Blue Mountain
10-12-2012, 04:50 AM
Great show too bad they cancelled it. Can't wait for the score.

10-12-2012, 08:37 PM

there is a soundtrack of the Fox series terra nova true, now my question is, can me someone help me a download link, because I would like to have music but I can not buy from la la land records, can someone help me
