08-20-2003, 11:15 AM
You guys are smart and good with news so you guys probably already know this but since I was making a (semi) return here I thought I'd update some news for those who might not. If this is redundant and you want to post "PTM YOU IDIOT THIS IS OLD NEWS" then you can go die in a corner because I don't want flame, I'm just trying to help. Feel free to close it though if you think it is just taking up space.


IGN, my second arch-nemesis (after EGM) because of a deal that fell through with them related to my site, Halo Online (, posted some crap recently. What did this crap say?

Well it was one of IGN's "let's screw with everybody's minds for the purposes of increasing our hit counts and therefore revenue" plans. What they did was make a composite of the top ten rumors (or rather things they probably pulled out of their asses because it's IGN and they are just inherently bad).

Why do you care? FF7-2 was on there. They said that it might go to PSP.

Wait? PSP? Huh?

PSP is (supposedly) Sony's answer to Pretendo's Gameboy (Advanced). It's going to kick Gameboy ass in terms of power (supposedly) and be able to support "3D graphics."

When I did research on what they meant by that they just said "3D Graphics, you know, like polygons and NURBs." OH YEAH GO IGN AND GO SONY YOU GUYS ARE SO INFORMATIVE!

Anyway, I suspect this means at the very least primitive PS1 (NOT PSX, PSX IS [rumored] TO BE A SPECIAL EDITION PS1 THINGY [yes it is also the unofficial name for PS1, and Sony, like IGN, enjoys ruining the minds of children]) graphics without cinematics. At best it can support high-end things like FF9 style stuff. Ohh pretty.

It's supposed to use special discs, not quite "mini-discs" but really small discs. Like pretendo's lamecube. I mean gamecube.

So will FF7-2 come out on PSP? Well, PSP would OWN THE CRAP out of GB(A) if they did. TALK ABOUT A LAUNCH TITLE!!! But we know Square(-Enix), and they are historically bad at giving fans what they want (who the hell said "give me yuna's ass in short shorts!?" Not me). But hell you never know.

And the article I'm citing can be found here ( It's from June 19th, which is more recent than the last "no we're not making FF7-2" article. It also has some stuff on MGS3 about Big Boss. Oh yeah we didn't know that one, thanks IGN I can't do addition or anything. I need clearing up on obvious facts.


08-21-2003, 12:20 PM
There is only one way i would belive that FF7-2 is being made, and that would be if Square announced it on their own website. The PSP sounds pretty good though.

The Wandering Knight
08-23-2003, 06:29 AM
Well.... You're right about not giving the fans what they wanted thing... And I'm with you...IGM and EGM both aren't reliable...

FF7-2, huh?....well I think it's better to leave the legend of FF7 as it is.... and What? They're releasing it on such a console? No... I doubt that.... Square isn't going to ruin the title FF7 on such a thing.... NO WAY....

That's it....


08-25-2003, 01:30 AM
i agree with T.W.K

what on earth it is going to be on the PSP

& this Legend I think it will not be remade

'cause it will lose a lot of its FANTASY...

that 's it.

Kingdom hearts
08-25-2003, 01:35 AM
The Wandering Knight
do you think so ?:confused:

08-25-2003, 04:32 AM
IRT Kingdom Heart's posts

Yeah it would be nice to have it on PS2 but that idea currently has NOTHING backing it. Sure it might happen, but the only thing that's even being hinted to (according to IGN anyway so take it with a pinch of salt) is FF7-2 being on PSP.